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Text Content

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 * Start here
   * What Is Narcissistic Abuse?
   * Who Are These Narcissists
   * Stages of Narcissistic Abuse
   * Narc Speak
   * What is NPD
   * How It Feels To A Victim
   * Early Warning Signs of Abuse
   * Traits of Supply
   * Stages of Recovery
   * Types of Abuse
   * Why do people stay
   * Symptoms of PTSD
 * Red Flags
    * Personality Traits
      * Fantasies of Unlimited Power
      * Believe They Should Associate with Special People
      * Sense of Entitlement
      * Lacks Empathy
      * Arrogant/Patronizing
      * Charming
      * Chronic Lying
    * Idealize
      * Love Bombing
      * Rushing Intimacy
      * Soul Mate Scam
      * Mirroring
      * Friends Love/Hate Them
      * Narcissists Are Actors
      * Narcissist Masks
      * Inappropriate Emotions
      * Use Guilt & Pity Ploys
    * Devalue
      * Have Feeling Something is Off
      * Crazy People in Their Past
      * Reckless Impulsive Behavior
      * No Regard for Rules or Laws
      * Pattern of Instability
      * Control vacations/parties?
      * Triangulation
      * Gaslighting
      * No Accountability
      * Degrade/Humiliate You
      * Behavior Never Changes
      * Poor Financial Management
      * Fragmented Relationships
    * Discard
      * Cheating
      * Never Apologizes
      * Hoovering
      * Smear Campaigns
      * Stalking
      * What are Flying Monkeys?
      * You Feel You Might Be in Danger
      * No Contact
      * The Grand Finale
    * What Are Green Flags
      * Why You?
      * Why You Were Targeted
      * Learn Your Vulnerabilities
      * What Type Of Supply Are You

 * Who Is Your Narcissist
   * How To Help A Friend
   * Divorcing a Narcissist
   * Co-parenting with a narcissist
   * Narcissistic Relationship
   * Narcissistic In-Laws
   * Narcissistic Parent
   * Narcissistic Brother or Sister
   * Is your child a narcissist?
   * Narcissistic Friend
   * Narcissistic Co-Worker
 * Coaching
   * Coaching
   * Online Groups
 * Resources
   * Narcissistic Abuse Resources
   * Divorcing A Narcissist Resources
   * Get Help – surTHRIVER™ Store
 * Learn More
   * Blog
   * YouTube Channel
   * Free Narcissist Abuse Quotes
   * Podcast
   * Newsletter Signup
   * Who are we?
   * Contact




You might have been in a relationship with a narcissist or another type of
emotional abuser. For now, forget trying to learn what ‘label’ they were
‘narcissist or sociopath’, because many of the behaviors overlap. Focus on
learning these behaviors, and the red flags and then move on to understanding
your vulnerabilities, so that this never happens again.

My name is Tracy Malone I am a surTHRIVER of narcissistic abuse. I created this
website in 2015, when I learned I had been a victim of narcissistic abuse my
whole life. I thought my family was just crazy!

I had a narcissistic mother, siblings, aunt, husband, in-laws, friends, and a
boyfriend. My healing journey has been intense and life changing and now I help
others by coaching men and women from all walks of life understand what
happened. I guide them like a narc-Sherpa to the help they need. Perhaps you
have seen me on YouTube or listened to my Podcasts, or maybe you are a member of
my facebook group. However, you got here welcome.

No matter who your narcissist is we have the answers. No matter where you are on
the spectrum of recovery, we have resources. Remember to live out of love
instead of fear. I know how painful this can be, but I promise you, if you do
the work you will go on to have the best life ever, free from abusive people.
Sending Light and love!
Tracy Malone

Narcissist Abuse Support

| Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
 * Start here
   * What Is Narcissistic Abuse?
   * Who Are These Narcissists
   * Stages of Narcissistic Abuse
   * Narc Speak
   * What is NPD
   * How It Feels To A Victim
   * Early Warning Signs of Abuse
   * Traits of Supply
   * Stages of Recovery
   * Types of Abuse
   * Why do people stay
   * Symptoms of PTSD
 * Red Flags
    * Personality Traits
      * Fantasies of Unlimited Power
      * Believe They Should Associate with Special People
      * Sense of Entitlement
      * Lacks Empathy
      * Arrogant/Patronizing
      * Charming
      * Chronic Lying
    * Idealize
      * Love Bombing
      * Rushing Intimacy
      * Soul Mate Scam
      * Mirroring
      * Friends Love/Hate Them
      * Narcissists Are Actors
      * Narcissist Masks
      * Inappropriate Emotions
      * Use Guilt & Pity Ploys
    * Devalue
      * Have Feeling Something is Off
      * Crazy People in Their Past
      * Reckless Impulsive Behavior
      * No Regard for Rules or Laws
      * Pattern of Instability
      * Control vacations/parties?
      * Triangulation
      * Gaslighting
      * No Accountability
      * Degrade/Humiliate You
      * Behavior Never Changes
      * Poor Financial Management
      * Fragmented Relationships
    * Discard
      * Cheating
      * Never Apologizes
      * Hoovering
      * Smear Campaigns
      * Stalking
      * What are Flying Monkeys?
      * You Feel You Might Be in Danger
      * No Contact
      * The Grand Finale
    * What Are Green Flags
      * Why You?
      * Why You Were Targeted
      * Learn Your Vulnerabilities
      * What Type Of Supply Are You

 * Who Is Your Narcissist
   * How To Help A Friend
   * Divorcing a Narcissist
   * Co-parenting with a narcissist
   * Narcissistic Relationship
   * Narcissistic In-Laws
   * Narcissistic Parent
   * Narcissistic Brother or Sister
   * Is your child a narcissist?
   * Narcissistic Friend
   * Narcissistic Co-Worker
 * Coaching
   * Coaching
   * Online Groups
 * Resources
   * Narcissistic Abuse Resources
   * Divorcing A Narcissist Resources
   * Get Help – surTHRIVER™ Store
 * Learn More
   * Blog
   * YouTube Channel
   * Free Narcissist Abuse Quotes
   * Podcast
   * Newsletter Signup
   * Who are we?
   * Contact

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