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Submission: On October 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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The next generation of
Lighted Ear Curettes™

For Medical Professional Use ONLY.

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The next generation of
Lighted Ear Curettes™

For Medical Professional Use ONLY.

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Order the Introductory Offer

Watch the video to see for yourself how ClearLook, the next generation Lighted
Ear Curette™ from Bionix, makes it faster, easier and safer to remove cerumen,
thanks to its innovative design and features.

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 * Accurate visualization of the ear canal
 * Improves patient comfort and satisfaction
 * Eliminates need for “three hands”
 * Enhances visualization and efficiency
 * Can dramatically shorten procedure time
 * Download product overview


 * Designed for less obstructed view
 * Secure finger placement is outside the line of sight
 * Unique handle design promotes natural, comfortable grip
 * Reference markers
 * Uses both light and magnification
 * Single-use to prevent cross-contamination
 * Download product overview

Request a SampleOrder the Introductory Offer

"The advancements in the ClearLook handle provides more control and user
confidence." Audiologist, 2022 American Academy of Audiology Conference

Want to learn more? Download this product overview.

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