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    <p> This tool allows you to load GIS and GPS data as markup on the map. Supported formats are <b>CSV</b>, <b>KML</b>, <b>GPX</b>, <b>ESRI Shapefile (SHP)</b> and <b>MapInfo TAB</b>. </p>
      <b>SHP</b> and <b>TAB</b> files must be inside a <b>ZIP</b> file along with their other project files.
    <p> There is a file size limit of <b>200Kb</b>. </p>
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      <option value="EPSG:4283" selected="selected">Lat/Lon GDA94</option>
      <option value="EPSG:28355">MGA Zone 55 GDA94</option>
      <option value="EPSG:3857">WGS 84 Web Mercator (Aux. Sphere)</option>
  <input type="button" class="copDialogLabel" style="align:center;" value="OK" onclick="importSpatialData();">


<form id="exportMarkupForm" method="post" action="" target="_blank">
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    <p> This tool allows you to choose export format from the <b>KML</b>, <b>CSV</b>, <b>SHP</b> and <b>GPX</b> for your current markup. </p>
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    <option value="kml" selected="selected">KML</option>
    <option value="csv">CSV</option>
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    <option value="gpx">GPX</option>
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    <label for="exportMarkupDstEPSG">Coordinate System</label>
  <select name="exportMarkupDstEPSG" id="exportMarkupDstEPSG" style="width: 50%; display: none;">
    <option value="EPSG:4283" selected="selected">Lat/Lon GDA94</option>
    <option value="EPSG:28355">MGA Zone 55 GDA94</option>
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    <input type="checkbox" name="export_option" onchange=" 
	   		$('#exportMarkupFilename').css('color', 'grey');
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    <label for="exportMarkupGPXData">GPX</label>
    <textarea id="gpxMarkupInfo" style="width: 96%; height: 220px; display: none;" name="gpxMarkupInfo" readonly="">Some text</textarea><!--96%-->
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    <textarea id="kmlMarkupInfo" style="width: 96%; height: 220px; display: inline-block;" name="kmlMarkupInfo" readonly="">Some text</textarea><!--96%-->
  <input type="button" class="copDialogLabel" style="align:center;" value="OK" onclick="exportMarkupAsFormat();">

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 * Land Parcel and Property  (5 minor categories)
    * Cadastre  (10 layers)
       * Aboriginal Land (1336)
         Aboriginal Land is a subset of Authority Land, which is a subset of the
         LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. Authority Land portrays parcels of land
         owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government
         Authority. Categories include Housing Tasmania, HEC, Councils,
         Education, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority Land attributes are the
         same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include the authority name,
         title reference and property identifier (PID).
         More Information
         Aboriginal Land Authority Land government federal government state
         government owned tasmanian crown unallocated Local Government Authority
       * Aboriginal and Dual Names (3425)
         Aboriginal and Dual Names is a subset of data, which indicated the
         Aboriginal naming of geographic features and places
         More Information
         Aboriginal Dual Names Policy Naming geographic feature place
       * Authority Land (148)
         Authority Land is a subset of the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. It
         portrays parcels of land owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth,
         State or Local Government Authority. Categories include Housing
         Tasmania, HEC, Councils, Education, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority
         Land attributes are the same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include
         the authority name, title reference and property identifier (PID).
         More Information
         Authority Land government federal government state government owned
         tasmanian crown unallocated department local government Aurora Energy
         Pty Ltd Commonwealth of Australia Dept of Health and Human Services
         Dept of Education Dept of Infrastructure Energy and Resources Dept of
         Police and Public Safety Dept of Primary Industries Parks Water and
         Environment Dept of Justice and Indust. Rel. Dept of Premier and
         Cabinet Dept of Economic Development Dept of Treasury and Finance
         Housing Tasmania Forestry Tasmania Hydro Electric Corporation Inland
         Fisheries Comm Local Government Authority Private Forests Tasmania
         State Fire Commission Tasmanian Ambulance Service Tasmanian Irrigation
         Pty Ltd Tas Dairy Industry Authority Transend Networks Pty Ltd Marine
         and Safety Tasmania ABT Railway Ministerial Corp Parks and Wildlife
         Service University of Tasmania Aboriginal Land Dept of Defence Port
         Arthur HS Management Authority Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd TAFE
         Tasmania TasWater tfs
       * Boundary Lines with Accuracy (209)
         Boundary Lines with Accuracy are straight lines, arcs, topographic
         features, meridians or parallels that are used to build the various
         polygon datasets derived from the LIST CadArea (Cadastral Area) table
         within The LIST Cadastral Datamodel. This dataset is not intended to be
         used independently of LIST Cadastral datasets but may be of use in
         conjunction with these to ascertain the origin of a line or lines of a
         high order of accuracy.
         More Information
         Boundary Segments Lines Accuracy property properties ownership survey
         dcdb cad boundaries Accurate Replot COGO tied to 1 Coord Acres Data
         Contour Coordinated Survey Data Coordinated Upgrade Foreign Data
         Hydrographic Feature MHWM MLWM Railway centre line Road centre line
         Survey Plan Data TMP Foreign Data TMP Parcel Original TMP Parcel Update
       * Cadastral Parcels (117)
         The LIST Cadastral Parcels is a spatial index of polygons forming
         Tasmania's Cadastral framework. These polygons have been formed from
         The LIST Boundary Segments and the layers of Authority Parcel,
         Casement, Water areas and Private Parcel from The LIST Cadastral Area
         spatial table within the Cadastral Data Model.
         More Information
         property properties owner ownership cadastre cadastral survey dcdb cad
         boundaries boundary pid
       * Cadastral Plan Points (919)
         Cadastral Plan Points holds points representing the location of plans
         lodged in the Land Titles Office, Deeds Office, Office of the Surveyor
         General (Survey Office) and Central Plan Register.
         More Information
         Cadastral Plan Points Cadastre Planning survey deed cpo osg Central
         Plan Register Deeds Office Lands Titles Office Office of Surveyor
       * Crown Leases (152)
         Crown Leases - The Crown Leases data set holds primarily spatial areas
         of land under a current lease from the Crown within the State of
         Tasmania. These Crown Leases are administered by the Property Services
         Branch of the Department of Primary Industries Parks, Water and
         Environment. Crown Leases are for a fixed term and provide exclusive
         possession of Crown Land.
         More Information
         Crown Leases tenaments
       * Crown Licences (153)
         Crown Licences - The LIST Crown Licences data set holds spatial areas
         of land under a current licence from the Crown within the State of
         Tasmania. Crown Licences are administered by the Property Services
         Branch of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks Water and
         Environment. Licences are normally renewed annually but access licences
         may be for a fixed term. Licences do not give exclusive possession of
         Crown Land.
         More Information
         Crown Licences License Licence tenaments
       * Easements (1250)
         The Easement data set holds spatial areas of land registered as
         easements on the Second Schedule of the Folio of The Register and
         described in the Schedule of Easements. Easements include Right of
         Ways, Drainage Easements, Pipeline Easements, Wayleave Easements and
         Telegraph Line Reserve Easements. Easements are depicted in a manner to
         portray only the extent to which a title is burdened by a specific type
         of easement or easements. LIST Easements are a layer of The LIST
         Cadastral Area.
         More Information
       * Land Tenure (125)
         Land Tenure data set contains a representation of the commonly accepted
         tenure classifications for Tasmania. Tenure Classifications include
         Crown Land, Private Land, Reserved Land, Conservation Covenants,
         Private Reserves, State Forest.
         More Information
         Land Tenure Administration ils cadastre property act Private Freehold
         Private Sanctuary Private Nature Reserve Conservation Covenant National
         Park State Reserve Nature Reserve Game Reserve Conservation Area Nature
         Recreation Area Regional Reserve Historic Site Permanent Timber
         Production Zone PTPZ Land Forest Reserve State Forest Public Reserve
         Unreserved Crown Land Future Potential Production Forest FPPF HEC Hydro
         Electric Corporation Hydro-Electric Corporation Authority Crown
         Authority Freehold Other Statutory Authorities Wellington Park Local
         Government Commonwealth Casement Hydro Electric Corporation HEC
         Conservation Area Local Government Authority LGA Conservation Area
         Local Government Act Reserve TasIrrigation Tas Irrigation TasWater Tas
         Water Inland Water
    * Location  (2 layers)
       * Survey Control (135)
         Survey Control points are UTM coordinates and height of survey control
         marks. The coordinates are expressed in terms of both the Australian
         Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66) and the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994
         (GDA94). Accuracy information is expressed in terms of Class and Order.
         More Information
         Survey Control surcom spm state permanent mark trig station Horizontal
         Hor Order 1st & 2nd Hor Order 3rd & 4th & Prv Height Only
       * Tasmanian Heritage Register (3609)
         Registered Heritage Tasmania sites as derived from HT's Heritage
         Management System Heritage Register historic history register place tas
         Tasmania culture architect conservation council planning OSRA
    * Planning  (10 layers)
       * Greater Hobart Urban Growth Boundary (3396)
         The Greater Hobart Urban Growth Boundary forms part of the declared
         Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy (STRLUS). This map layer
         shows the Urban Growth Boundary in Map 10 of the STRLUS.
         More Information
         planning cadastre hobart tpc tps boundaries boundary urban growth
       * Sullivans Cove Planning Zones (834)
         Sullivans Cove Planning Zones displaying the principal nature of the
         land such as rural, residential or industrial. Sullivans Cove Planning
         Zones Wapping Local Area Plan Inner City Residential Wapping Sullivans
         Cove Mixed Use Domain Open Space Sullivans Cove Gateway & Trans.
         Macquarie Point Wharf Regatta Point Sullivans Cove Working Port
       * Sullivans Cove Special Areas (796)
         Sullivans Cove Special Areas including buffer zones or road categories
         that coincide or overlay the corresponding planning zone layer.
         Sullivans Cove Special Areas Planning
       * Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Overlay (965)
         The Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Overlays dataset is an online
         mapping resource incorporating all planning overlays accross the state,
         and is linked to online supporting documentation.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Overlay Tasmanian Planning TPC
         Bushfire Prone Areas
       * Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zone Boundaries (966)
         The Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zone Boundaries dataset is an
         online mapping resource incorporating all zones boundary mapping across
         the state. The boundaries of the majority of planning scheme zones are
         aligned with land parcel boundaries or road centrelines. Where they
         deviate, boundaries are represented by polylines attributed with a
         description of the features that define their location.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zone Boundaries Tasmanian Planning
       * Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zoning (967)
         The Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zoning dataset is an online
         mapping resource incorporating all planning zones accross the state,
         and is linked to online supporting documentation
         More Information
         Tasmanian Interim Planning Scheme Zoning Tasmanian Planning TPC
       * Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Code Overlay (3161)
         The Tasmanian Planning Scheme overlays data comprises the overlays maps
         for those parts of the State where the Tasmanian Planning Scheme is in
         effect. The data is linked to the planning scheme text published
         online. The electronic planning map in LISTmap, together with the
         electronic planning instrument, is the authorised version of the
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme under section 80M of the Land Use Planning
         and Approvals Act 1993.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme Overlay Tasmanian Planning TPC Bushfire Prone
         Areas tps
       * Tasmanian Planning Scheme - General Overlay (3162)
         The Tasmanian Planning Scheme overlays data comprises the overlays maps
         for those parts of the State where the Tasmanian Planning Scheme is in
         effect. The data is linked to the planning scheme text published
         online. The electronic planning map in LISTmap, together with the
         electronic planning instrument, is the authorised version of the
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme under section 80M of the Land Use Planning
         and Approvals Act 1993.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme Overlay Tasmanian Planning TPC Bushfire Prone
         Areas tps
       * Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Zone Boundaries (3163)
         The Tasmanian Planning Scheme zone boundary data comprises the zoning
         boundary maps for those parts of the State where the Tasmanian Planning
         Scheme is in effect. The data is linked to the planning scheme text
         published online. The electronic planning map in LISTmap, together with
         the electronic planning instrument, is the authorised version of the
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme under section 80M of the Land Use Planning
         and Approvals Act 1993.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme Overlay Tasmanian Planning TPC Bushfire Prone
         Areas tps
       * Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Zones (3164)
         The Tasmanian Planning Scheme Zoning data comprises the zoning maps for
         those parts of the State where the Tasmanian Planning Scheme is in
         effect. The data is linked to the planning scheme text published
         online. The electronic planning map in LISTmap, together with the
         electronic planning instrument, is the authorised version of the
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme under section 80M of the Land Use Planning
         and Approvals Act 1993.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme Overlay Tasmanian Planning TPC Bushfire Prone
         Areas tps
    * Crown ASSIST  (3 layers)
       * Historic Land Surveys - Grants (127)
         Automated Survey Search and Index System Tasmania (ASSIST) Grants for
         Historic Land Surveys. ASSIST Grants Commonwealth Grant HEC Crown Land
         Proclaimed Crown Land Reserved Crown Land State Forest To Be
         Completeted Town Area Unalienated Crown Land Water
       * Historic Land Surveys - Land Districts (848)
         Land District Boundaries data set contains those 20 Land Districts that
         divide Tasmania into administrative areas used when defining the
         granting and derivation of land. Land Districts were formerly known as
         Counties. A Land district may contain a number of Parishes with those
         Parish boundaries forming the Land District boundary.
         More Information
         ASSIST Land Districts
       * Historic Land Surveys - Parishes (1327)
         The LIST Land Parish Boundaries data set contains those 480
         administrative divisions of Land Districts (formerly known as
         Counties). A number of Parishes combine to form a Land District.
         Parishes have historically, and are still, being used together in
         conjunction with Land Districts when describing the location of a
         Grant. This dataset has been compiled from historic sources and has not
         been verified. It is not authoritative.
         More Information
         ASSIST Parishes
    * Addressing  (1 layer)
       * Address Geocodes (1084)
         Address Geocodes
         More Information
         Address Geocodes property properties cadastre cadastral dcdb cad pid

 * Reserves and Administrative Boundaries  (2 minor categories)
    * Reserves  (12 layers)
       * Commonwealth Marine Parks (3245)
         Consistent with the Australian Government's commitment to develop a
         National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs),
         networks of Commonwealth Marine Reserves have been proclaimed for
         Commonwealth waters across the South-west, North-west, North, Coral Sea
         and Temperate East Marine Regions.
         More Information
         Commonwealth marine parks Australian marine reserves
       * Conservation Covenants (163)
         Conservation Covenants - The Private Land Conservation Programme (PLCP)
         encompasses a number of programs to promote and facilitate conservation
         agreements between private landowners and the Government. These
         programmes establish a covenant on the Folio of the Register and a
         management agreement with the landowner to establish a system of forest
         reserves on private land.
         More Information
         Conservation Covenants reserve covenant Conservation Covenant
         Conservation Covenant Domestic Conservation Covenant Miscellaneous
       * Future Potential Production Forest (1135)
         The Future Potential Production Forest (FPPF) dataset is the
         authoritative source of the boundaries of land classified as Future
         Potential Production Forest Land under the Forestry (Rebuilding the
         Forest Industry) Act 2014.
         More Information
         Future Potential Production Forest FPPF product potent timber wood
       * Local Government Area Reserves (1088)
         Local Government Area Reserves includes areas of Public Open Space set
         apart on a plan of subdivision under the Local Government Act for the
         following purposes: public open space, public recreation space, set
         apart for drainage purposes, set apart for the public to enter..., set
         aside as a public garden.
         More Information
         Local Government Area Reserve LGA council administrative administration
         city shire OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Private Reserves (146)
         Private Reserves includes Private Nature Reserves, Private Sancturies
         and Conservation Covenants proclaimed and/or registered pursuant to the
         Nature Conservation Act 2002. The Private Land Conservation Programme
         (PLCP) encompasses a number of programs to promote and facilitate
         conservation agreements between private landowners and the Government.
         More Information
         Private Reserves reserve conservation covenant covenants Private
         Sanctuary Private Nature Reserve OSRA osra human resources osra
         resources osra human osra
       * Private Timber Reserves (141)
         Private Timber Reserves are declared under the Tasmanian Forest
         Practices Act 1985. As a Private Timber Reserve the land is to be used
         only for the establishing, or growing or harvesting of timber in
         accordance with the Forest Practices Code and such activities as the
         Forest Practices Board considers compatible with establishing forest,
         or growing or harvesting timber.
         More Information
         Private Timber Reserves ptr priv forest tasmania
       * Public Land Classification (160)
         Public Land Classification is Tasmania's authoritative spatial reserve
         dataset and includes reserves proclaimed under the Nature Conservation
         Act (formerly National Parks and Wildlife Act), the Forestry Act and
         the Crown Lands Act.
         More Information
         Public Land Classification reserves conservation national parks areas
         reservation government protected state forest Conservation Area Game
         Reserve Historic Site National Park Nature Recreation Area Nature
         Reserve Regional Reserve State Reserve Public Reserve Forest Reserve
         State Forest OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
         pluc plc
       * Public Land Classification - Revoked (3091)
         Public Land Classification - Revoked provides reserve revocation
         information for areas of Reserves revoked under the Nature Conservation
         Act 2002, the Forest Management Act 2013 and the Crown Lands Act 1976
         since around 2000.
         More Information
         Public Land Classification Revoked reserves conservation national parks
         areas reservation government protected state forest Conservation Area
         Game Reserve Historic Site National Park Nature Recreation Area Nature
         Reserve Regional Reserve State Reserve Public Reserve Forest Reserve
         State Forest OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
         pluc revoked plc
       * Ramsar Wetlands (161)
         The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an
         intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national
         action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use
         of wetlands and their resources. For more information on the reserves
         under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands refer to "".
         More Information
         Ramsar Wetlands OSRA osra wetlands estuaries osra wetlands osra
         estuaries osra
       * Tasmanian Marine Reserves (124)
         The Tasmanian Marine Nature Reserve dataset includes areas of Tasmanian
         State Waters that have been defined as Marine Nature Reserves by the
         Tasmanian Fisheries Rules 1999. Where part of the Reserve allows
         restricted fishing, a separate region is created for that part with a
         note in the Comment field of "Restricted Take". All other Marine Nature
         Reserves prohibit fishing.
         More Information
         Marine Nature Reserves Coastal reserve conservation national parks
         areas reservation government protected OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas
         Oilspill osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Tasmanian Reserve Estate (162)
         Tasmanian Reserve Estate (formerly CAR Reserves) as-at 30th June 2023.
         Note: Macquarie Island is not included in this layer. The Tasmanian
         Reserve Estate spatial layer is a digital map of the Reserve System for
         Tasmania. It represents land reserved to be managed for biodiversity
         conservation under Tasmania?s Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) and other
         instruments. The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer is compiled
         annually from the best available information 'as at' 30th June. The
         data is suited for use as a statewide overview, for reporting purposes
         and for determining reservation status. Tasks requiring a more current
         layer or precise boundaries should use the live input datasets that are
         available on LISTMap such as the Public Land Classification and Private
         Reserves layers.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Reserve Estate car biodivers conserv indig park plcp clac
         compre adeq rfa regional forest agree mdc Conservation Area
         Conservation Area and Conservation Covenant NCA Forest Reserve Game
         Reserve Historic Site Indigenous Protected Area National Park Nature
         Reserve Nature Recreation Area Regional Reserve State Reserve
         Wellington Park Public authority land within WHA Informal Reserve on
         State Forest or Forestry Tas managed land Informal Reserve on other
         public land Conservation Covenant NCA Private Nature Reserve and
         Conservation Covenant NCA Private Sanctuary and Conservation Covenant
         NCA Private Sanctuary Private land within WHA Management Agreement Part
         5 Agreement Meander Dam Offset Other Private Reserve
       * World Heritage Area (126)
         The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area is a dataset supplied by
         the Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Government Department of the
         Environment. Please contact the Department of the Environment for
         further details.
         More Information
         World Heritage WHA OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human
         osra department of Environment commonwealth twwha
    * Administrative Boundaries  (29 layers)
       * Break O'Day Dog Exercise and Restricted Areas (3728)
         Dog access zones are in accordance with the Break O'Day Council Dog
         Management Policy
         More Information
         dog exercise zone break o'day oday council lga policy restrict
       * Break O'Day Dog Zones (3727)
         Dog access zones are in accordance with the Break O'Day Council Dog
         Management Policy
         More Information
         dog exercise zone break o'day oday council lga policy restrict
       * Commonwealth Electoral Divisions 2017 (2097)
         2017 Commonwealth electoral division boundaries. Supplied by the AEC
         Commonwealth Electoral Divisions redistribution house of
         representatives tasmania aec
       * Deer Management Zone Boundaries (3635)
         This data set spatially depicts deer hunting zones that will be
         introduced to guide deer management at the landscape level and provide
         options at the local level to enable key stakeholders to meet their
         specific objectives.
         More Information
         Deer Management Zones Hunting Fallow
       * Deer Management Zones (3629)
         This data set spatially depicts deer hunting zones that will be
         introduced to guide deer management at the landscape level and provide
         options at the local level to enable key stakeholders to meet their
         specific objectives.
         More Information
         Deer Management Zones Hunting Fallow
       * Dog Control Act 2000 - Sensitive Areas (3111)
         Dog Control Act 2000 - Sensitive Areas are areas of land declared by
         Ministerial Order as sensitive in relation to similarly declared
         sensitive species, pursuant to s19AB of the Dog Control Act 2000.
         More Information
         dog control sensitive environment endanger conserv vulnerable penguin
         leash lead wildlife legislation law penalty minister act fauna
       * EPA disinfected sewage discharge - vessels LT 16 people (2593)
         Vessels carrying less than 16 people may discharge disinfected sewage
         in waters other than those described here and those described for
         summer, provided there are no floating solids or prolonged
         discoloration of the receiving environment.
         More Information
         epa sewage boat vessel sail ship pollution environment boundary infect
       * EPA monitored recreational waters and beaches - summer (2596)
         From November 1 to April 30 any discharge must be more than 500 metres
         from commonly acknowledged swimming beaches, including but not limited
         to those monitored in accordance with the Recreational Water Quality
         Guidelines 2007.
         More Information
         epa sewage boat vessel sail ship pollution environment boundary infect
         discharge swim beach summer monitor quality
       * EPA non-disinfected sewage discharge - vessels LT 16 people (2594)
         Vessels carrying less than 16 people may discharge non-disinfected
         sewage in waters other than those described here, provided there are no
         floating solids or prolonged discoloration of the receiving
         More Information
         epa sewage boat vessel sail ship pollution environment boundary infect
       * EPA sewage discharge - vessels GTEQ 16 people (2595)
         Vessels carrying 16 or more people may discharge sewage in waters other
         than those described here, provided there are no floating solids or
         prolonged discoloration of the receiving environment.
         More Information
         epa sewage boat vessel sail ship pollution environment boundary infect
       * Electoral Boundaries (142)
         State and Commonwealth electoral boundaries data set contains
         boundaries of the 5 Commonwealth (House of Representatives) and State
         (House of Assembly) Electorates (Bass, Braddon, Denison, Franklin and
         Lyons) within the State of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Electoral boundaries lower house election
       * FMAC Boundaries (950)
         Fire Management Area Committee Boundaries
         More Information
         FMAC Boundaries Fire Management Area Committee
       * Legislative Council Areas (143)
         Legislative Council Areas data set contains boundaries of the 15
         Electoral Divisions for the Legislative Council (Upper House) within
         the State of Tasmania. The boundaries of the current divisions were
         determined by the Legislative Council Redistribution Tribunal on 20 May
         More Information
         Legislative Council upper house election
       * Local Government Areas (123)
         Local Government or Municipality Areas data set contains gazetted Local
         Government Boundaries for Municipalities in the State of Tasmania.
         Attributes include Local Government Area name, three-digit Municipal
         code and Central Plan Register number (CPR number).
         More Information
         Local Government LGA council administrative administration city shire
         OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Locality Boundaries (149)
         Locality Boundaries and Postcode Area data set contains approved
         boundaries for Localities and Suburbs, which are attributed with
         Locality names and Postcodes. Postcode Boundaries can be derived from
         this data set as they share a common boundary.
         More Information
         Localities Locality Boundaries suburb suburbs
       * Maritime Boundaries - Coastal Waters Area (1827)
         Polygons depicting the limit and extent of Section 3 of the Coastal
         Waters (State Powers) Act 1980 and Coastal Waters (Northern Territories
         Powers) Act 1980. NOTE: the Polygon depicting the area of the coastal
         waters is not constrained on thelandward side. The polygon includes
         areas that fall within the constitutional limits of the States. When
         information depicting the landward constitutional limit of the States
         becomes available, the polygon will be constrained.
         More Information
         Coastal Waters area legislation Earth Sciences ambis amsis Geoscience
         Australia Coastal Water Zone OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime
         Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra base map ambis amsis
       * Maritime Boundaries - Coastal Waters Limit (1826)
         Lines depicting the limit and extent of Section 3 of the Coastal Waters
         (State Powers) Act 1980 and Coastal Waters (Northern Territories
         Powers) Act 1980. NOTE: the Polygon depicting the area of the coastal
         waters is not constrained on thelandward side. The polygon includes
         areas that fall within the constitutional limits of the States. When
         information depicting the landward constitutional limit of the States
         becomes available, the polygon will be constrained.
         More Information
         Coastal Waters limit legislation Earth Sciences ambis amsis Geoscience
         Australia Coastal Water line OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime
         Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra base map ambis amsis
       * Maritime Boundaries- Contiguous Zone Area (1828)
         Polygons depicting the limit and extent of the Contiguous Zone. Seas
         and Submerged Lands (Limits of Contiguous Zone) Proclamation 1999.
         More Information
         contiguous area legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis Earth
         Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone OSRA Oil
         Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Maritime Boundaries- Contiguous Zone Limit (1829)
         Lines depicting the limit and extent of the Contiguous Zone. Seas and
         Submerged Lands (Limits of Contiguous Zone) Proclamation 1999.
         More Information
         contiguous zone limit legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis
         Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map
       * Maritime Boundaries- Continental Shelf Limit (1837)
         Lines depicting the limit of the continental shelf made under the Seas
         and Submerged Lands (Limits of Continental Shelf) Proclamation 2012.
         More Information
         continental shelf limit maritime boundar web mapping Australia ambis
         amsis Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia
         Zone OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap
         osra base map
       * Maritime Boundaries- Exclusive Economic Zone Area (1830)
         Polygons depicting the Australian EEZ as modified by the application of
         the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of
         the Republic of Indonesia establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone
         Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (Perth, 14 march 1997) [1997]
         ATNIF 9 - (not yet in force). NOTE: This is the standard depiction of
         the Australian EEZ.
         More Information
         exclusive economic area legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis
         Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map eez
       * Maritime Boundaries- Exclusive Economic Zone Limit (1831)
         Lines depicting the Australian EEZ as modified by the application of
         the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of
         the Republic of Indonesia establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone
         Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (Perth, 14 march 1997) [1997]
         ATNIF 9 - (not yet in force). NOTE: This is the standard depiction of
         the Australian EEZ.
         More Information
         exclusive economic limit legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis
         Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map eez
       * Maritime Boundaries- Normal Baseline Limit (1832)
         Normal Baseline defined under the Seas and Submerged Lands (Territorial
         Sea Baseline) Proclamation 2006. This service should be used in
         conjunction with the layer
         More Information
         Normal baseline limit Geoscience Australia Territorial Sea Baseline
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map ambis amsis
       * Maritime Boundaries- Normal Baseline Point (1833)
         Normal Baseline defined under the Seas and Submerged Lands (Territorial
         Sea Baseline) Proclamation 2006. This service should be used in
         conjunction with the layer
         More Information
         Normal baseline limit Geoscience Australia Territorial Sea Baseline
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map ambis amsis point
       * Maritime Boundaries- Straight Baseline Limit (1834)
         Straight Baselines defined under the Seas and Submerged Lands
         (Territorial Sea Baseline) Proclamation 2006. This service should be
         used in conjunction with the layer
         More Information
         normal straight baselines limit legislation web mapping Australia ambis
         amsis Earth Sciences service proclaimed Geoscience Australia
         Territorial Sea Baseline OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety
         AMSA OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Maritime Boundaries- Territorial Sea Area (1835)
         Polygons depicting the outer limit and extent of the territorial sea -
         Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 - Proclamation under section 7
         More Information
         territorial sea area legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis
         Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map
       * Maritime Boundaries- Territorial Sea Limit (1836)
         Lines depicting the outer limit and extent of the territorial sea -
         Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 - Proclamation under section 7
         More Information
         territorial sea limit legislation web mapping Australia ambis amsis
         Earth Sciences service proclaimed polygon Geoscience Australia Zone
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas Maritime Safety AMSA OSRA basemap osra
         base map
       * NRM Region Boundaries (394)
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region Boundaries NRM Region
       * SES Regional Boundaries (220)
         State Emergency Services (SES) - Regional Boundaries contain
         information on the boundaries and names of their operational areas.
         More Information
         SES Regional Boundaries ses

 * Imagery and Maps  (8 minor categories)
    * Imagery  (10 layers)
       * Aerial Photo 2019-2020 Season (3195)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2019-2020 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2019 2020 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2020-2021 Season (3376)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2020-2021 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2021 2020 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2021-2022 Season (3603)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2021-2022 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2021 2022 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2022-2023 Season (3755)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2022-2023 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2022 2023 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2023-2024 Season (3988)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2023-2024 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas and individual
         projects captured during the summer season from October through to the
         following March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many
         urban areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2023 2024 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * ESRI World Imagery (869)
         ESRI World Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial
         imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite
         imagery worldwide.
         More Information
         esri world imagery basemap
       * ESRI World Imagery Metadata (2534)
         ESRI World Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial
         imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite
         imagery worldwide.
         More Information
         esri world imagery basemap
       * Landsat (Bathymetric) (1397)
         Underwater features are more visible. Pan-sharpened Landsat GLS image
         service covering the landmass of the World. This service includes
         Panchromatic (Band 8) scenes at 15 meter resolution pan-sharpened with
         Natural Color bands (Red, Green, Blue) at 30 meter resolution from
         Landsat 8, Landsat 7 ETM, Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 4, as well as Global
         Land Survey (GLS) data from years 2000, 2005 & 2010. Using on-the-fly
         processing, the raw DN values are transformed to scaled (5000 - 55000)
         apparent reflectance values and then different enhancement renderings
         are applied. The band names are in line with Landsat 8 bands and the
         GLS data band names are also mapped along the same lines.
         More Information
         Landsat Bathymetric
       * Landsat (NDVI) (1769)
         Landsat (Normalised Dryness Vegetation Index). Darker = greater
         chlorophyll. Pan-sharpened Landsat GLS image service covering the
         landmass of the World. This service includes Panchromatic (Band 8)
         scenes at 15 meter resolution pan-sharpened with Natural Color bands
         (Red, Green, Blue) at 30 meter resolution from Landsat 8, Landsat 7
         ETM, Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 4, as well as Global Land Survey (GLS) data
         from years 2000, 2005 & 2010. Using on-the-fly processing, the raw DN
         values are transformed to scaled (5000 - 55000) apparent reflectance
         values and then different enhancement renderings are applied. The band
         names are in line with Landsat 8 bands and the GLS data band names are
         also mapped along the same lines.
         More Information
         Landsat Vegetation Index NDVI Normalised Dryness Vegetation Index
         Normalized Dryness Vegetation Index
       * State Aerial Photo Basemap (920)
         State Aerial Photo Basemap is aerial photographs geometrically
         corrected ("orthorectified") such that the scale is uniform. To get a
         state wide coverage, photos with varying quality and at numerous
         different points in time are stitched together. Where available, the
         best quality photography is used, (meaning that older, more accurate
         imagery may be used in preference to more recent, less accurate and
         poor quality imagery).
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery OSRA
    * Scanned Maps  (7 layers)
       * Groundwater Prospectivity (1941)
         Scanned map showing potential for groundwater based on the properties
         of broad rock groups.
         More Information
         Groundwater prospectivity bore mrt water
       * TASMAP 1:100000 Maps (877)
         TASMAP 1:100 000 Images have been generated from the 1:100 000 Tasmap
         printed map series which have been georeferenced and mosaiced into a
         state-wide ECW file.
         More Information
         OSRA, TASMAP, 100000, topographic, 100k, map, maps, scanned
       * TASMAP 1:25000 Maps (228)
         TASMAP 1:25000 Images have been generated from the 1:25000 TASMAP
         printed map series which have been georeferenced and mosaiced into a
         state-wide ECW file.
         More Information
         OSRA, TASMAP, 25000, topographic, 25k, map, maps, scanned
       * TASMAP 1:250000 Maps (878)
         TASMAP 1:250,000 Maps is the state coverage of the 1:250,000 series
         maps produced by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and
         the Environment (DPIPWE).
         More Information
         OSRA, TASMAP, 250000, topographic, 250k, map, maps, scanned
       * TASMAP 1:500000 Maps (879)
         TASMAP 1:500,000 Maps is the state coverage of the 1:500,000 series
         maps produced by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and
         the Environment (DPIPWE). OSRA, TASMAP, 500000, topographic, 500k, map,
         maps, scanned
       * TASMAP Basemap (963)
         Scanned Maps are the combined map products produced by the Department
         of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment (DPIPWE)
         including the 1:500,000, 1:250,000, 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 series maps.
         Scanned Maps OSRA
       * Tasmanian Towns Street Atlas (2999)
         Tasmanian Street Atlas current printed edition.
    * Topographic Map Imagery  (3 layers)
       * Simplified Basemap (2297)
         The Simplified Basemap is generated from regularly updated,
         authoritative data.
         More Information
         basemap, simple, topographic, map
       * Topographic Basemap (905)
         A colour topographic basemap generated from regularly updated,
         authoritative data.
         More Information
         topographic, basemap, base map
       * Topographic Grey Basemap (3387)
         A grey topographic basemap generated from regularly updated,
         authoritative data.
         More Information
         topographic, basemap, base map, grey, gray
    * Historic Maps and Charts  (4 layers)
       * Land District Chart (904)
         Land District Charts are the Land District (County) working charts used
         in the former Lands Department to record the granting and alienation of
         land. Land Grant information is depicted on these together with
         additional references relating to the gazettal, reservation granting,
         acquisition and leasing of Crown Land. These charts have been
         georeferenced and mosaiced into a single statewide ECW file.
         More Information
         Land District Chart History Historic
       * Sprent's Book Mosaic (880)
         This is a seamless mosaic of the 76 pages of "Sprents Book" which was a
         survey of Hobart Town undertaken between 1833 and 1837.
         More Information
         Sprent Book Mosaic survey james sprent chart book historic history scan
       * Town Grant Charts (1722)
         Town Grant Charts are the Town charts used in the former Lands
         Department to record the granting and alienation of land within
         original town areas in Tasmania. Land Grant information is depicted on
         these together with additional references relating to the gazettal,
         reservation granting, acquisition and leasing of Crown Land.
         More Information
         Town Chart History Historic Chart Town Grant Grant Chart Town
       * Town and Land District Chart Index (941)
         Town and Land District Chart historic index. Town and Land District
         Chart Index
    * Historic Imagery  (10 layers)
       * Aerial Photo 1941 - 1950 Historic (3857)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1941 - 1950.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1941 1950 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 1951 - 1960 Historic (3858)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1951 - 1960.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1951 1960 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 1961 - 1970 Historic (3859)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1961 - 1970.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1961 1970 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 1971 - 1980 Historic (3860)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1971 - 1980.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1971 1980 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 1981 - 1990 Historic (3861)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1981 - 1990.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1981 1990 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 1991 - 2000 Historic (3862)
         Historic Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 1991 - 2000.
         Coverage compiled from aerial photos sourced from NRE Tas. The
         resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban areas at a
         higher resolution. aerial photos photography imagery 1991 2000 historic
         ortho orthographic state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2015-2016 Season (3604)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2015-2016 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2015 2016 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2016-2017 Season (3606)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2016-2017 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2016 2017 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Aerial Photo 2018-2019 Season (3605)
         Tasmania State Orthophoto compilation for 2018-2019 season. Coverage
         compiled from aerial photos sourced from DPIPWE and individual projects
         captured during the summer season from October through to the following
         March. The resolution of the raster capture varies, with many urban
         areas at a higher resolution.
         More Information
         aerial photos photography imagery 2018 2019 season ortho orthographic
         state photo
       * Historic Aerial Photos (1142)
         Historic aerial photos from as early as 1946 that have been
         geo-rectified over specific areas. Historical Aerial Photos
    * Aerial Photo Indexes  (56 layers)
       * State Aerial Photo Index (279)
         The State Aerial Photo Index shows the extents of the aerial imagery
         used to create the statewide aerial photo basemap. Orthophoto Mosaic
         Index State Aerial Photo Index OSRA
       * 1930 - 1939 Aerial Photo Coverage (1519)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1930 - 1939.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 30-39 1930-1939 1930 1939 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1940 - 1949 Aerial Photo Coverage (1520)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1940 - 1949.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 40-49 1940-1949 1940 1949 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1950 - 1959 Aerial Photo Coverage (1521)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1950 - 1959.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 50-59 1950-1959 1950 1959 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1960 - 1969 Aerial Photo Coverage (1522)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1960 - 1969.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 60-69 1960-1969 1960 1969 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1969 - 1970 Aerial Photo Coverage (1523)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1969 - 1970.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 69-70 1969-1970 1969 1970 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1970 - 1971 Aerial Photo Coverage (1524)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1970 - 1971.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 70-71 1970-1971 1970 1971 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1971 - 1972 Aerial Photo Coverage (1525)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1971 - 1972.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 71-72 1971-1972 1971 1972 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1972 - 1973 Aerial Photo Coverage (1526)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1972 - 1973.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 72-73 1972-1973 1972 1973 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1973 - 1974 Aerial Photo Coverage (1527)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1973 - 1974.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 73-74 1973-1974 1973 1974 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1974 - 1975 Aerial Photo Coverage (1528)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1974 - 1975.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 74-75 1974-1975 1974 1975 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1975 - 1976 Aerial Photo Coverage (1529)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1975 - 1976.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 75-76 1975-1976 1975 1976 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1976 - 1977 Aerial Photo Coverage (1530)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1976 - 1977.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 76-77 1976-1977 1976 1977 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1977 - 1978 Aerial Photo Coverage (1531)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1977 - 1978.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 77-78 1977-1978 1977 1978 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1978 - 1979 Aerial Photo Coverage (1532)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1978 - 1979.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 78-79 1978-1979 1978 1979 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1979 - 1980 Aerial Photo Coverage (1533)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1979 - 1980.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 79-80 1979-1980 1979 1980 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1980 - 1981 Aerial Photo Coverage (1534)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1980 - 1981.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 80-81 1980-1981 1980 1981 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1981 - 1982 Aerial Photo Coverage (1535)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1981 - 1982.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 81-82 1981-1982 1981 1982 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1982 - 1983 Aerial Photo Coverage (1536)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1982 - 1983.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 82-83 1982-1983 1982 1983 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1983 - 1984 Aerial Photo Coverage (280)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1983 - 1984.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 83-84 1983-1984 1983 1984 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1984 - 1985 Aerial Photo Coverage (281)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1984 - 1985.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 84-85 1984-1985 1984 1985 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1985 - 1986 Aerial Photo Coverage (283)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1985 - 1986.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 85-86 1985-1986 1985 1986 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1986 - 1987 Aerial Photo Coverage (284)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1986 - 1987.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 86-87 1986-1987 1986 1987 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1987 - 1988 Aerial Photo Coverage (285)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1987 - 1988.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 87-88 1987-1988 1987 1988 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1988 - 1989 Aerial Photo Coverage (286)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1988 - 1989.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 88-89 1988-1989 1988 1989 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1989 - 1990 Aerial Photo Coverage (287)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1989 - 1990.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 89-90 1989-1990 1989 - 1990 photography survey
         imagery camera photographs
       * 1990 - 1991 Aerial Photo Coverage (288)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1990 - 1991.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 90-91 1990-1991 1990 1991 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1991 - 1992 Aerial Photo Coverage (289)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1991 - 1992.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 91-92 1991-1992 1991 1992 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1992 - 1993 Aerial Photo Coverage (290)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1992 - 1993.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 92-93 1992-1993 1992 - 1993 photography survey
         imagery camera photographs
       * 1993 - 1994 Aerial Photo Coverage (291)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1993 - 1994.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 93-94 1993-1994 1993 1994 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1994 - 1995 Aerial Photo Coverage (292)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1994 - 1995.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 94-95 1994-1995 1994 1995 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1995 - 1996 Aerial Photo Coverage (293)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1995 - 1996.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 95-96 1995-1996 1995 1996 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1996 - 1997 Aerial Photo Coverage (294)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1996 - 1997.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 96-97 1996-1997 1996 1997 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1997 - 1998 Aerial Photo Coverage (295)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1997 - 1998.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 97-98 1997-1998 1997 - 1998 photography survey
         imagery camera photographs
       * 1998 - 1999 Aerial Photo Coverage (296)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1998 - 1999.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 98-99 1998-1999 1998 1999 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 1999 - 2000 Aerial Photo Coverage (297)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         1999 - 2000.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 99-00 1999-2000 1999 2000 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2000 - 2001 Aerial Photo Coverage (298)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2000 - 2001.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 00-01 2000-2001 2000 2001 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2001 - 2002 Aerial Photo Coverage (299)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2001 - 2002.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 01-02 2001-2002 2001 2002 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2002 - 2003 Aerial Photo Coverage (300)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2002 - 2003.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 02-03 2002-2003 2002 2003 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2003 - 2004 Aerial Photo Coverage (301)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2003 - 2004.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 03-04 2003-2004 2003 2004 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2004 - 2005 Aerial Photo Coverage (302)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2004 - 2005.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 04-05 2004-2005 2004 2005 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2005 - 2006 Aerial Photo Coverage (303)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2005 - 2006.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 05-06 2005-2006 2005 2006 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2006 - 2007 Aerial Photo Coverage (304)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2006 - 2007.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 06-07 2006-2007 2006 2007 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2007 - 2008 Aerial Photo Coverage (305)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2007 - 2008.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 07-08 2007-2008 2007 2008 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2008 - 2009 Aerial Photo Coverage (306)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2008 - 2009.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 08-09 2008-2009 2008 2009 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2009 - 2010 Aerial Photo Coverage (307)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2009 - 2010.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 09-10 2009-2010 2009 2010 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2010 - 2011 Aerial Photo Coverage (913)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2010 - 2011.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 10-11 2010-2011 2010 2011 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2011 - 2012 Aerial Photo Coverage (914)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2011 - 2012.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 11-12 2011-2012 2011 2012 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2012 - 2013 Aerial Photo Coverage (1537)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2012 - 2013.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 12-13 2012-2013 2012 2013 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2013 - 2014 Aerial Photo Coverage (1538)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2013 - 2014.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 13-14 2013-2014 2013 2014 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2014 - 2015 Aerial Photo Coverage (1539)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2014 - 2015.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 14-15 2014-2015 2014 2015 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2015 - 2016 Aerial Photo Coverage (1540)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2015 - 2016.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 15-16 2015-2016 2015 2016 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2016 - 2017 Aerial Photo Coverage (1541)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2016 - 2017.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 16-17 2016-2017 2016 2017 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * 2018 - 2019 Aerial Photo Coverage (3081)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE) from
         2018 - 2019.
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Index 18-19 2018-2019 2018 2019 photography survey imagery
         camera photographs
       * All Years - Aerial Photo Centres (1256)
         A data set depicting aerial photography photo centres for photography
         flown by the Division of Information and Land Services (DPIPWE).
         More Information
         Aerial Photo Centres Index photography survey imagery camera
       * Digital Imagery Mosaic Index (3989)
         The Digital Imagery Mosaic Index illustrates the extents of digital
         aerial imagery available for Tasmania
         More Information
         aerial coverage index tile All Projects mosaic ortho image flight fly
         photo tip
    * Map Indexes  (12 layers)
       * 1:100000 Topographic Index (268)
         1:100,000 digital Index Map. Shows the boundaries of the 1:100,000
         Topographical Maps and contains attributes relating to the current
         printed edition.
         More Information
         100000 Topographic Index OSRA 100k
       * 1:25000 Topographic Index (267)
         1:25,000 digital Index Map. Shows the boundaries of the 1:25,000
         Topographical Maps and contains attributes relating to the current
         printed edition.
         More Information
         25000 Topographic Index OSRA 25k
       * 1:250000 Topographic Index (269)
         1:250,000 digital Index Map. Shows the boundaries of the printed
         1:250,000 Topographical Maps, with attributes of the current printed
         More Information
         250000 Topographic Index 250k
       * 1:50000 Topographic Index (1317)
         1:50,000 digital Index Map. Shows the boundaries of the 1:50,000
         Topographical Maps and contains attributes relating to the current
         printed edition.
         More Information
         50000 Topographic Index OSRA 50k 50K
       * Forestry Field Book Index (3001)
         Forestry Field Book index.
         More Information
         Forestry Field Book Index
       * Gridlines 1km and 10km (944)
         Gridlines at 1km switching to 10km spacing after 1:200k in WGS84 Web
         Mercator EPSG:3857 Gridlines 1km 10km graticule grid
       * LTO Plan Index (309)
         Land Titles Office (LTO) Plan Index LTO Plan Index
       * National Park Map Index (270)
         National Park Map Index shows the boundaries of the National Parks Maps
         and contains attributes relating to the current printed edition.
         More Information
         National Parks Map Index
       * Orthophoto 1:5000 Map Index (1251)
         The TASMAP 1:5000 Orthophoto Map Index shows the boundaries of the
         1:5000 Cadastral/Orthophoto map series which was discontinued in 1998.
         Attributes include the map name and number, edition number and date.
         Maps of this series are no longer available.
         More Information
         Orthophoto 1:5000 Map Index
       * Street Atlas Page Index (271)
         Tasmanian Street Atlas Page Index shows the boundaries of the Tasmanian
         Street Atlas pages and contains attributes relating to the current
         printed edition.
         More Information
         Town Atlas Page Index OSRA street
       * TFS Map Book - Grid Index (507)
         The Tasmanian Fire Services (TFS) Map Book - Grid Index dataset was
         created as a part of the Tasmanian Map Book (1st Edition) series. It
         describes the area over the state that each grid square (as referenced
         in the Map Book) covers
         More Information
         TFS Map Book - Grid Index
       * TFS Map Book - Page Index (508)
         The Tasmanian Fire Services (TFS) Map Book - Page Indexdataset was
         created as a part of the Tasmanian Map Book (1st Edition) series. It
         describes the area over the state that each page covers and contains
         the page number to refernce back to the books.
         More Information
         TFS Map Book - Page Index fire
    * LiDAR Indexes  (2 layers)
       * LiDAR Coverage Index - All Projects (3093)
         The LiDAR Index (All Projects) illustrates the extents of all LiDAR
         projects currently Completed, In Progress, or Planned for the
         Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
         More Information
         LiDAR coverage index tile lidar LIght Detection And Ranging All
       * LiDAR Coverage Index - Latest (3094)
         The LiDAR Index (Latest) illustrates the extents of the most current
         LiDAR data available for Tasmania.
         More Information
         LiDAR coverage index tile lidar LIght Detection And Ranging Latest

 * Coasts and Oceans and Estuaries  (3 minor categories)
    * Oceans  (11 layers)
       * Feral Oyster Survey (TAFI) (344)
         Feral Oyster Survey developed by the Tasmanian Aquaculture and
         Fisheries Institute (TAFI). A survey was undertaken during
         spring-summer 1999/2000 around mainland Tasmania to record baseline
         data on the distribution and abundance of feral Pacific oysters
         (Crassostrea gigas) and to describe the environmental conditions that
         they inhabit. Feral Oyster Survey TAFI OSRA Biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Giant Kelp Aerial Survey 2019 (3154)
         An aerial survey of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), was carried out
         on the east coast of Tasmania from Musselroe Bay to Southeast Cape.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 2019 kelp sea care seacare aca
       * Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Aus (319)
         Interim Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Aus. V4 Interim Marine
         Coastal Regionalisation
       * Macrocystis Survey 1954 (324)
         Macrocystis Survey 1954. Surveys were conducted as part of an
         assessment of the Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820 beds
         on the east coast of Tasmania by the Commonwealth Scientific and
         Industry Research Organization (CSIRO) Division of Fisheries seaweed
         program in the early 1950's. Surveys were conducted because of interest
         in the Macrocystis beds as a source of alginates. Surveys were done
         between 1950 and mid 1953. The paper was published in 1954.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 1954
       * Macrocystis Survey 1965 (325)
         Macrocystis Survey 1965. A research program jointly conducted by
         Alginates (Australia) P/L and C.S.I.R.O. Division of Fisheries and
         Oceanography was set up to investigate the relationship between kelp:
         Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820 and crayfish larvae.
         Alginates (Australia) P/L, based at Louisville in the Mercury Passage,
         were harvesting kelp at this time. This study was initiated to address
         concerns regarding the effect of harvesting on crayfish stocks.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 1965
       * Macrocystis Survey 1986 (326)
         Macrocystis Survey 1986. A survey of the east Tasmanian coastline from
         Musselroe Bay to South East Cape revealed a total of 10 km2 of
         Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820 kelp forest. Average
         harvestable quantities based on Alginates (Australia) Company records
         (1965-72) show that cropping can expect to yield 5 ton/acre or 1.23
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 1986
       * Macrocystis Survey 1988 (327)
         Macrocystis Survey 1988. The results of this survey are based primarily
         on the first hand experience of Craig Sanderson who was doing his
         masters thesis at the time on aspects of the biology of Macrocystis
         pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820. In need of significant beds of M.
         pyrifera for research much of the east coast was searched by boat.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 1988
       * Macrocystis Survey 1999 (328)
         Macrocystis Survey 1999. A survey was conducted for Macrocystis
         pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820 from Eddystone Point to South East
         Cape. The survey was conducted from light aeroplane. Areas of
         Macrocystis pyrifera beds were marked on 1:100,000 topographical land
         tenure maps using landmarks as references.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Survey 1999
       * Macrocystis Tonnages 1970 - 1971 (343)
         Macrocystis Tonnages 1970 - 1971. As a condition of licence for
         harvesting Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh 1820, Alginates
         (Australia) P/L lodged harvest returns to the Tasmanian Lands
         Department. The harvest returns consisted of what tonnage was harvested
         from where, when and the length of trip. While Alginates (Australia)
         P/L harvested from 1964-1973, harvest data for individual sites is only
         available for the years 1970-71.
         More Information
         Macrocystis Tonnages
       * Submerged Reef (853)
         Submerged Reef is derived from Hydarea that depicts all polygon
         features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer of the
         Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed for the
         management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area features to
         be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Submerged Reef Hydrology Hydrological
       * Tasmania Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic NISB Habitat Map (3607)
         The National ECM Key Habitat Distribution Map Series were derived from
         the NISB Habitat Map created by the University of Tasmania for a
         partnership between the Department of Climate Change and the National
         Land and Water Resources Audit. It supports the DCC/Audit partnership
         by providing a nationally consistent set of the available mapping data
         that show the distribution of habitats that occur between the
         approximate position of the highest astronomical tide mark (HAT) and
         the location of the outer limit of the photic benthic zone
         (approximately at the 50-70 m depth contour).
         More Information
         Intertidal-Subtidal Benthic NISB Habitat ECM
    * Coasts  (9 layers)
       * Coastal Flat and Salt Pan (854)
         Coastal Flat and Salt Pan is derived from Hydarea that depicts all
         polygon features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer
         of the Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed
         for the management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area
         features to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Coastal Flat Salt Pan Hydrology Hydrological
       * Coastal Saline and Salt Flats (332)
         Coastal Saline and Salt Flats is derived from Hydarea that depicts all
         polygon features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer
         of the Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed
         for the management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area
         features to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Coastal Saline Salt Flats
       * Coastline (766)
         Coastline depicts Mean High Water Mark for the State of Tasmania and
         offshore islands excluding Macquarie Island. This dataset is a subset
         of the Hydline dataset. Data has been complied from a number of sources
         and has its origins from conversion of Mean HWM depicted on the
         1:25,000 TASMAP series.
         More Information
         Coastline OSRA osra basemap osra base map
       * Coastline of Australia (AUSLIG 1:1M) (311)
         Coastline of Australia developed by Geoscience Australia - National
         Mapping Division (formerly AUSLIG) at a scale of 1:1,000,000. Coastline
       * Future Coastal Refugia Area Guidance Map (1870)
         The Future Coastal Refugia Area Guidance Map has been prepared to
         provide guidance for local government in preparing the future coastal
         refugia area overlay for the application of the Natural Assets Code as
         part of the Local Provisions Schedules in the Tasmanian Planning
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme TPC coastal refugia coast TPS natural assets
       * Marine Habitat Mapping 1:25K (TAFI) - Derwent (314)
         Derwent Habitat Mapping at a scale of 1:25,000 developed by the
         Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI). The Derwent
         Estuary habitat project 1:25,000 depicts marine habitats from Piersons
         Point [147 02, -43 03] to New Norfolk [147 02 , -42 42 ] from the
         coastline to the 40m depth contour. The habitat types depicted in the
         dataset include reef, sand, seagrass, silt, silty sand and aquatic
         macrophytes. The data was collected through intensive field sampling
         from June to December 2000 by marine researchers at the Tasmanian
         Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute.
         More Information
         Derwent Habitat Mapping 25K TAFI Caulerpa Sparse Seagrass High profile
         reef Slitty sand Silt Seagrass Sand Reef Aquatic marcophytes OSRA
         basemap osra base map osra biological resources osra biological osra
       * Marine Habitat Mapping 1:25K (TAFI) - Southeast (313)
         Marine Habitat Mapping at a scale of 1:25,000 collected by Tasmanian
         Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) through intensive field
         sampling from June to December 2000 by marine researchers. The
         southeastern Tasmania marine habitat project 1:25000 depicts marine
         habitats from Marion Bay [147 57, -42 44] to Second Lookout Point [146
         52, -43 40] from the coastline to the 40metre depth contour. The
         habitat types depicted in the dataset include High profile reef, Medium
         profile reef, Low profile Reef, Patchy Reef, Sand, Hard Sand, Silty
         Sand, Silt, Seagrass, Patchy Seagrass, Sparse Seagrass and Caulerpa.
         More Information
         Marine Habitat Mapping 25K TAFI Caulerpa High profile reef Hard Sand
         Low profile reef Medium profile reef Patchy reef Patchy seagrass Sand
         Seagrass Silt Sparse Seagrass Silty Sand OSRA basemap osra base map
         osra biological resources osra biological osra
       * Port Waters (2465)
         Port waters are those defined by the Marine and Safety (Pilotage and
         Navigation) Regulations 2017
         More Information
         port water epa mast marine coastal
       * Seamap Tasmania Habitat (3079)
         Marine benthic habitat data for Tasmanian coastal waters from the LWM
         (Low water mark) to 40 metres in depth or 1.5 kms from shore.
         More Information
         Seamap Tasmania IMAS Seabed TAFI metre meter m depth OSRA bathymetry
         osra bathimetric osra osra basemap osra base map habitat seagrass reef
         profile sea grass ocean sand
    * Coastal Vulnerability  (70 layers)
       * Anthropogenic modification pressure NRM South (363)
         This dataset is part of the assessment and mapping of foreshore value,
         condition and pressure in the Southern Natural Resource Management
         (NRM) Region of Tasmania. The 17 line maps produced in this study are
         intended to be used as a tool to assist managers and stakeholders in
         the identification of management issues with regards to foreshore
         planning, development, and natural resources. This digital line map is
         a representation of the anthropogenic modifications of foreshores in
         the southern NRM region and is an attribute layer supporting the
         Pressure Index.
         More Information
         Anthropogenic modification pressure NRM South No anthropogenic
         modification Slight anthropogenic modification Moderate anthropogenic
         modification High anthropogenic modification Extreme anthropogenic
       * Coastal Erosion Component 20161201 (1579)
         Hazard Planning Maps produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (this map being such a map) are produced and released for the purpose
         of informing actions taken and decisions made by local or state
         government under relevant provisions of the Land Use Planning and
         Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2000.
         Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, the Government of
         Tasmania makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy,
         reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose
         other than its intended purpose.
         Hazard bands as depicted in this map may not accurately represent the
         existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area. Independent
         expert advice should be sought if action is to be taken that may be
         impacted by the existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area.
         More Information
         DPAC Coastal Erosion Hazard Bands
       * Coastal Erosion Hazard Bands 20161201 (1578)
         Hazard Planning Maps produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (this map being such a map) are produced and released for the purpose
         of informing actions taken and decisions made by local or state
         government under relevant provisions of the Land Use Planning and
         Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2000.
         Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, the Government of
         Tasmania makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy,
         reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose
         other than its intended purpose.
         Hazard bands as depicted in this map may not accurately represent the
         existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area. Independent
         expert advice should be sought if action is to be taken that may be
         impacted by the existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area.
         More Information
         DPAC Coastal Erosion Hazard Bands
       * Coastal Fauna Significance (348)
         Coastal Fauna Significance within the coastal strip (100m inland of the
         coastline) and is a part of the NRM Coastal Values Project, 2006.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Significance Endangered Rare Sensitive Vulnerable
       * Coastal Inundation Hazard Bands 20161201 (1551)
         Hazard Planning Maps produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (this map being such a map) are produced and released for the purpose
         of informing actions taken and decisions made by local or state
         government under relevant provisions of the Land Use Planning and
         Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2000.
         Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, the Government of
         Tasmania makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy,
         reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose
         other than its intended purpose.
         Hazard bands as depicted in this map may not accurately represent the
         existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area. Independent
         expert advice should be sought if action is to be taken that may be
         impacted by the existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area.
         More Information
         DPAC Coastal Inundation Hazard Bands V2
       * Coastal Native Vegetation Condition (347)
         Coastal Native Vegetation Condition dataset records the condition
         (classified 1-4) of native vegetation occurring within the cells of a
         1ha grid placed along the coastal strip of the Northern and Southern
         National Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania. This dataset is
         part of the NRM Coastal Values Project. The Project maps vegetation,
         fauna habitat and geomorphology from High Water mark to 100 metres
         inland for part of the coastline of the Southern and Northern NRM
         Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Native Vegetation Condition Intact Altered Largely Altered
         Grossly Altered
       * Coastal Native Vegetation Condition - Clarence Derwent (382)
         Coastal Native Vegetation Condition - Clarence Derwent dataset records
         the condition (classified 1-4) of native vegetation occurring within
         the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal strip along the
         Clarence municipality section of the Derwent Estuary. The coastal strip
         is extended to include the entire saltmarsh and wetlands at Risdon
         Cove, Rokeby Beach and Lauderdale.
         More Information
         Coastal - Native Vegetation Condition - Clarence Derwent Grossly
         Altered Vegetation Intact Altered Largely Altered Not Applicable
       * Coastal Native Vegetation Viability (346)
         Coastal Native Vegetation Viability ataset records the long term
         viability of native vegetation communities occurring within the cells
         of a 1ha grid placed along the coastal strip of the Northern and
         Southern National Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania. This
         dataset is part of the NRM Coastal Values Project. The Project maps
         vegetation, fauna habitat and geomorphology from High Water mark to 100
         metres inland for part of the coastline of the Southern and Northern
         NRM Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Native Vegetation Viability Viable and Self Sustaining Viable
         but at Risk Management Required Not Viable
       * Coastal Native Vegetation Viability - Clarence Derwent (383)
         Coastal Native Vegetation Viability - Clarence Derwent dataset was
         created for the Derwent Estuary Program and has been developed as a
         management tool from other layers within the program. It records the
         long term viability of native vegetation communities occurring within
         the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal strip along the
         Clarence municipality section of the Derwent Estuary. The coastal strip
         is extended to include the entire saltmarsh and wetlands at Risdon
         Cove, Rokeby Beach and Lauderdale.
         More Information
         Coastal - Native Vegetation Viability - Clarence Derwent Not applicable
         Viable and self sustaining Viable but at risk Management required and
         or high risk Not viable
       * Coastal Observed Fauna Habitat (351)
         Coastal Observed Fauna Habitat dataset records threatened fauna habitat
         identified during field surveys where it is not obvious by the
         vegetation community. The habit is recorded within the cells of a 1ha
         grid placed along the coastal strip of the Northern and Southern
         National Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania. This dataset is
         part of the NRM Coastal Values Project. The Project maps vegetation,
         fauna habitat and geomorphology from High Water mark to 100 metres
         inland for part of the coastline of the Southern and Northern NRM
         Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Observed Fauna Habitat
       * Coastal Potential Fauna Habitat (350)
         Coastal Potential Fauna Habitat dataset is a polygon representation of
         potential habitat for threatened fauna within the coastal strip of the
         Northern and Southern National Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Each polygon represents a single vegetation community for a
         single fauna species therefore some records are coincident (vegetation
         is habitat for several species) and the layer is not continuous. This
         dataset is part of the NRM Coastal Values Project. The Project maps
         vegetation, fauna habitat and geomorphology from High Water mark to 100
         metres inland for part of the coastline of the Southern and Northern
         NRM Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Potential Fauna Habitat
       * Coastal Projected Sea Level Rise 20161201 (1565)
         Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) Projected Sea Level Rise
         More Information
         DPAC Projected Sea Level Rise V2 hazard landuse planning Sea Level Rise
         by 2050 0.2 m Sea Level Rise by 2075 0.4 m Sea Level Rise by 2100 0.8 m
         Tamar Valey Further Research Area
       * Coastal Projected Storm Tide 20161201 (1566)
         Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) Projected Storm Tide
         More Information
         DPAC Projected Storm Tide V2 hazard landuse planning Stormtide 1% AEP
         by 2010 Stormtide 1% AEP by 2050 Stormtide 1% AEP by 2100 Tamar Valley
         Further Research Area
       * Coastal Vegetation (349)
         Coastal Vegetation dataset is a polygon representation of vegetation
         communities within the coastal strip of the Northern and Southern
         National Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania. Each polygon
         represents a single vegetation community; mapping units conform to
         TASVEG 1.0 mapping unit specifications and data format. The Project
         maps vegetation, fauna habitat and geomorphology from High Water mark
         to 100 metres inland for part of the coastline of the Southern and
         Northern NRM Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation floristic structural
       * Coastal Vegetation - Clarance Derwent (384)
         Coastal Vegetation - Clarance Derwent dataset is a polygon
         representation of vegetation communities occurring within a 100m wide
         coastal strip along the Clarence municipality section of the Derwent
         Estuary. The coastal strip is extended to include the entire saltmarsh
         and wetlands at Risdon Cove, Rokeby Beach and Lauderdale.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Clarance Derwent floristic structural
       * Coastal Vegetation - Upper Derwent (387)
         Coastal Vegetation - Upper Derwent dataset is a polygon representation
         of vegetation communities within the upper Derwent Estuary wetlands of
         Tasmania. Each polygon represents a single vegetation community;
         mapping units conform to TASVEG 1.0 mapping unit specifications.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Upper Derwent floristic structural
       * Coastal Vegetation Significance (857)
         Coastal Vegetation Significance dataset is a polygon representation of
         the significance of the vegetation communities within the coastal strip
         of the Northern and Southern National Resource Management (NRM) Regions
         of Tasmania. This dataset is part of the NRM Coastal Values Project.
         The Project maps vegetation, fauna habitat and geomorphology from High
         Water mark to 100 metres inland for part of the coastline of the
         Southern and Northern NRM Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Significance floristic structural Endangered
         Vulnerable Non Threatened Non Native
       * Coastal Vegetation Significance - Clarence Derwent (385)
         Coastal Vegetation Significance - Clarence Derwent dataset is a polygon
         representation of the significance of the vegetation communities
         occurring within a 100m wide coastal strip along the Clarence
         municipality section of the Derwent Estuary. The coastal strip is
         extended to include the entire saltmarsh and wetlands at Risdon Cove,
         Rokeby Beach and Lauderdale.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Significance Clarence Derwent floristic structural
         Endangered and or rare Vulnerable Not threatened Non native
       * Coastal Vegetation Significance - Upper Derwent (388)
         Coastal Vegetation Significance - Upper Derwent dataset is a polygon
         representation of the significance of vegetation communities within the
         upper Derwent Estuary wetlands of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Vegetation Significance Upper Derwent floristic structural
         Endangered and or rare Vulnerable Not threatened Non native
       * Coastal Vulnerability - Clayey shores (201)
         Coastal Vulnerability - Clayey shores depict geomorphic descriptions of
         the shoreline type around Tasmanias coast, together with an indicative
         (first pass) assessment of the vulnerability of each coastal segment to
         erosion and recession due to sea level rise.
         More Information
         Coastal Vulnerability Clayey shores Low profile clayey gravelly shores
         prone to progressive erosion Sloping clayey gravelly shores prone to
         slumping and or progressive erosion OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Coastal Vulnerability - Rocky Shores (202)
         Coastal Vulnerability - Rocky Shores depict geomorphic descriptions of
         the shoreline type around Tasmanias coast, together with an indicative
         (first pass) assessment of the vulnerability of each coastal segment to
         erosion and recession due to sea level rise.
         More Information
         Coastal Vulnerability Rocky Shores Exposed cliffs potential for rock
         falls collapse or slumping of rock faces Sheltered cliffs lesser
         potential for rock-falls collapse or slumping of rock faces Sloping
         hard rock shores minimal vulnerability to flooding or erosion OSRA
         basemap osra base map
       * Coastal Vulnerability - Soft Shores (200)
         Coastal Vulnerability - Soft Shores depict geomorphic descriptions of
         the shoreline type around Tasmanias coast, together with an indicative
         (first pass) assessment of the vulnerability of each coastal segment to
         erosion and recession due to sea level rise.
         More Information
         Coastal Vulnerability Soft Shores Muddy shore backed by sediment plain
         potential vulnerability to change including erosional recession Muddy
         shores backed by harder bedrock limited potential vulnerability to
         erosion depending on backshore bedrock type Open sandy shore backed by
         soft sediment plain potential erosion and shoreline recession
         vulnerability Open sandy shores backed by bedrock potential beach
         erosion lesser recession vulnerability Re-entrant sandy shore backed by
         bedrock potential beach erosion lesser recession vulnerability
         Re-entrant sandy shore backed by soft sediment plain potential erosion
         and shoreline recession vulnerability Undifferentiated sandy shore
         potential erosion vulnerability type unclassified OSRA basemap osra
         base map
       * Coastal Vulnerability - Unclassified shores (203)
         Coastal Vulnerability - Unclassified shores depict geomorphic
         descriptions of the shoreline type around Tasmanias coast, together
         with an indicative (first pass) assessment of the vulnerability of each
         coastal segment to erosion and recession due to sea level rise.
         More Information
         Coastal Vulnerability Unclassified shores OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Coastal Weeds (345)
         Coastal Weeds dataset records the predominant weeds (declared and
         environmental) observed within the cells of a 1ha grid placed along the
         coastal strip of the Northern and Southern National Resource Management
         (NRM) Regions of Tasmania. The occurrence of each weed in each cell is
         recorded as a separate record. This dataset is part of the NRM Coastal
         Values Project. The Project maps vegetation, fauna habitat and
         geomorphology from High Water mark to 100 metres inland for part of the
         coastline of the Southern and Northern NRM Regions of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Coastal Weeds flora exotic no weeds present no weeds present OR not
         surveyed for weeds not surveyed for weeds
       * Coastal Weeds - Clarence (386)
         Coastal Weeds - Clarence dataset records the predominant weeds
         (declared and environmental) observed within the cells of a 1ha grid
         covering a 100m wide coastal strip along the Clarence municipality
         section of the Derwent Estuary. The coastal strip is extended to
         include the entire saltmarsh and wetlands at Risdon Cove, Rokeby Beach
         and Lauderdale. The occurrence of each weed in each cell is recorded as
         a separate record.
         More Information
         Coastal Weeds Clarence flora exotic no weeds present not surveyed for
         weeds Other
       * Coastal Weeds - Upper Derwent (389)
         Coastal Weeds - Upper Derwent dataset is a point/line/polygon
         representation of weed infestations within the upper Derwent Estuary
         wetlands of Tasmania. Locations of declared and environmental weeds
         occurring within or directly adjacent to the wetlands are recorded.
         Density of infestation is not recorded.
         More Information
         Coastal Weeds Upper Derwent flora exotic
       * Derwent Estuary Agricultural Values (3742)
         This dataset supports five LISTmap layers that display various values
         occurring within the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal
         strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent eastuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority value
         agriculture agricultural dep
       * Derwent Estuary Combined Values Score (3744)
         This dataset supports five LISTmap layers that display various values
         occurring within the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal
         strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent eastuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority value
         recreation cultur aborigin combined dep
       * Derwent Estuary Cultural Values (3743)
         This dataset supports five LISTmap layers that display various values
         occurring within the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal
         strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent eastuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority value
         cultural culture dep
       * Derwent Estuary Natural Values (3746)
         This dataset supports five LISTmap layers that display various values
         occurring within the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal
         strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent eastuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority value
         cultural culture dep natural vegetation
       * Derwent Estuary Recreational Values (3741)
         This dataset supports five LISTmap layers that display various values
         occurring within the cells of a 1ha grid covering a 100m wide coastal
         strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent estuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority value
         recreation dep
       * Derwent Estuary Weeds (3745)
         This dataset supports the Derwent Estuary Weeds LISTmap layer that
         displays the location of various weeds occurring within a 100m wide
         coastal strip along the Derwent Estuary.
         More Information
         derwent estuary weed wons hobart clarence glenorchy priority coast dep
       * Ecological Disturb. and Foreshore Cond. NRM South (352)
         Ecological Disturbance and Foreshore Condition NRM South dataset is
         part of the assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and
         pressure in the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of
         Tasmania. The 17 line maps produced in this study are intended to be
         used as a tool to assist managers and stakeholders in the
         identification of management issues with regards to foreshore planning,
         development, and natural resources. Assessment of the foreshore is
         based on the division of the high water line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Ecological Disturb Foreshore Cond NRM South No ecological disturbance
         Minimal ecological disturbance Moderate ecological disturbance High
         ecological disturbance Extreme ecological disturbance OSRA
       * Foreshore Aquatic Sediments Risk NRM North-NW (369)
         Foreshore Aquatic Sediments Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Aquatic Sediments Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
       * Foreshore Bacteria Pathogen Risk NRM North-NW (370)
         Foreshore Bacteria Pathogen Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Bacteria Pathogen Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
       * Foreshore Biota Removal Risk NRM North-NW (371)
         Foreshore Biota Removal Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Biota Removal Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
       * Foreshore Habitat Removal Risk NRM North-NW (372)
         Foreshore Habitat Removal Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Habitat Removal Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
       * Foreshore Human Use Value NRM North-NW (380)
         Foreshore Human Use Value NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Human Value NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast risk
         Very high Value High Value Moderate Value Unknown Value OSRA osra human
         resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Foreshore Hydrodynamics Risk NRM North-NW (373)
         Foreshore Hydrodynamics Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Hydrodynamics Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
         Risk OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Foreshore Introduced Species Risk NRM North-NW (374)
         Foreshore Introduced Species Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in
         the North and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         mean high water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment
         framework, each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Introduced Species Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure
         coast risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme
       * Foreshore Litter Risk NRM North-NW (375)
         Foreshore Litter Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North
         and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Litter Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast risk
         Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme Risk
       * Foreshore Natural Value NRM North-NW (379)
         Foreshore Natural Value NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North
         and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Natural Value NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast
         risk Very high Value High Value Moderate Value Low Value Very Low Value
         Unknown Value OSRA
       * Foreshore Nutrient Risk NRM North-NW (376)
         Foreshore Nutrient Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North
         and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Nutrient Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast
         risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme Risk
       * Foreshore Overall Risk NRM North-NW (381)
         Foreshore Overall Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North
         and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Overall Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast risk
       * Foreshore Toxicant Risk NRM North-NW (378)
         Foreshore Toxicant Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North
         and Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore Toxicant Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast
         risk Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme Risk
       * Foreshore amenities value NRM South (356)
         Foreshore amenities value NRM South dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore amenities value NRM South Very high recreation and tourism
         value Moderate recreation and tourism value Minimal recreation and
         tourism value No amenities value
       * Foreshore biological value NRM South (353)
         Foreshore biological value NRM South dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore biological value NRM South Very high biological value High
         biological value Moderate biological value Minimal biological value
       * Foreshore climate change vulnerability NRM South (366)
         Vulnerablility of foreshores to climate change NRM South dataset is
         part of the assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and
         pressure in the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of
         Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the
         high water line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Foreshore climate change vulnerability NRM South Least vulnerable to
         climate change Slightly vulnerable to climate change Moderately
         vulnerable to climate change Vulnerable to climate change Most
         vulnerable to climate change No data
       * Foreshore condition NRM South (362)
         Condition of foreshores NRM South dataset is part of the assessment and
         mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore condition NRM South Near pristine condition Very good
         condition Moderate condition Poor condition Very poor condition
       * Foreshore european heritage value NRM South (358)
         Foreshore european heritage value NRM South dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in
         the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the high water
         line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Foreshore european heritage value NRM South Very high European heritage
         value No listed European heritage OSRA osra human resources osra
         resources osra human osra
       * Foreshore geomorphic value NRM South (354)
         Foreshore geomorphic value NRM South dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore geomorphic value NRM South Very high geomorphic value High
         geomorphic value Moderate geomorphic value Minimal geomorphic value No
         geomorphic value No data
       * Foreshore human use NRM South (359)
         Human use value of foreshores NRM South dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in
         the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the high water
         line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Foreshore human NRM South Very high human use value High human use
         value Moderate human use value Minimal human use value No human use
         value OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Foreshore natural value NRM South (355)
         Foreshore natural value NRM South dataset is part of the assessment and
         mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore natural value NRM South Very high natural value High natural
         value Moderate natural value Minimal natural value OSRA
       * Foreshore pH Risk NRM North-NW (377)
         Foreshore pH Risk NRM North-NW dataset is part of the assessment and
         mapping of foreshore values, condition and pressure in the North and
         Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the mean high
         water mark into 100 m line segments. Using an assessment framework,
         each foreshore segment is assigned a score for a series of
         environmental stressors and values.
         More Information
         Foreshore pH Risk NRM North-NW condition value pressure coast risk
         Negligible Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Extreme Risk
       * Foreshore pollution pressure NRM South (365)
         dataset is part of the assessment and mapping of foreshore value,
         condition and pressure in the Southern Natural Resource Management
         (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the
         division of the high water line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Foreshore pollution pressure NRM South No pressure from pollution
         Slight pressure from pollution Moderate pressure from pollution High
         pressure from pollution Extreme pressure from pollution
       * Foreshore pressures NRM South (368)
         Pressures on the foreshore NRM South dataset is part of the assessment
         and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in the Southern
         Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the
         foreshore is based on the division of the high water line into 100m
         More Information
         Foreshore pressures NRM South No pressure Slight pressure Moderate
         pressure High pressure Extreme pressure
       * Foreshore recreation - tourism value NRM South (357)
         Foreshore recreation - tourism value NRM South dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in
         the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania.
         Assessment of the foreshore is based on the division of the high water
         line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Foreshore recreation tourism value NRM South Very high recreation and
         tourism value High recreation and tourism value Moderate recreation and
         tourism value Minimal recreation and tourism value No recreation and
         tourism value OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra human osra
       * Geomorphic Lines - Backshore Landforms (427)
         Geomorphic Lines - Backshore Landforms was derived from the Tasmanian
         Shoreline Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map encoding a
         range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the landform
         types comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands including
         the Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than about 1
         hectare. The original (version 1) of the map was compiled between July
         1999 and July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount, for the Oil
         Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Backshore Landforms Cliffs Bedrock Dunes and windblown
         Well drained sediment flats Marshy sediment flats Lagoon only eg
         usually where impounded by low sand spit without dune Reclaimed land
         Artificial structures Slopes of deeply weathered bedrock
       * Geomorphic Lines - Condition (428)
         Geomorphic Lines - Condition was derived from the Tasmanian Shoreline
         Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map encoding a range of
         geomorphic and related attributes describing the landform types
         comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands including the
         Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than about 1 hectare.
         The original (version 1) of the map was compiled between July 1999 and
         July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount, for the Oil Spill
         Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Condition Unknown Highly natural Slightly modified
         Significantly modified Highly modified OSRA shoreline osra
       * Geomorphic Lines - Geoconservation Values (429)
         Geomorphic Lines - Geoconservation Values was derived from the
         Tasmanian Shoreline Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         landform types comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands
         including the Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than
         about 1 hectare. The original (version 1) of the map was compiled
         between July 1999 and July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount,
         for the Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal
         Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Geoconservation Values Unclassified Highest indicative
         Moderately indicative Slightly indicative Lowest indicative OSRA
         shoreline osra
       * Geomorphic Lines - Lower Intertidal Landforms (430)
         Geomorphic Lines - Lower Intertidal Landforms was derived from the
         Tasmanian Shoreline Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         landform types comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands
         including the Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than
         about 1 hectare. The original (version 1) of the map was compiled
         between July 1999 and July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount,
         for the Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal
         Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Lower Intertidal Landforms Rocky Sloping sandy bottom
         Intertidal sediment Artificial structures Same as upper Intertidal OSRA
         osra shoreline osra
       * Geomorphic Lines - Sensitivity (431)
         Geomorphic Lines - Sensitivity was derived from the Tasmanian Shoreline
         Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map encoding a range of
         geomorphic and related attributes describing the landform types
         comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands including the
         Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than about 1 hectare.
         The original (version 1) of the map was compiled between July 1999 and
         July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount, for the Oil Spill
         Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Sensitivity Unclassified High Sensitivity Mixed
         Sensitivity Moderate Sensitivity Low Sensitivity
       * Geomorphic Lines - Upper Intertidal Landforms (432)
         Geomorphic Lines - Upper Intertidal Landforms was derived from the
         Tasmanian Shoreline Geomorphic Types Line Map is a digital line map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         landform types comprising the coast of Tasmania and its major islands
         including the Bass Strait islands and most minor islands larger than
         about 1 hectare. The original (version 1) of the map was compiled
         between July 1999 and July 2000 by Chris Sharples and Richard Mount,
         for the Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) and the Australian Coastal
         Atlas (ACA).
         More Information
         Geomorphic Lines Upper Intertidal Landforms Pending mapping Cliffs
         Rocky sloping shoreline Shell pebble cobble shingle or boulder
         undifferentiated beach or shoreline Mixed sandy shell cobble shingle or
         boulder beach Sandy Beach or shoreline Muddy or silty shoreline
         Permeable artificial shoreline OSRA osra shoreline osra
       * Geomorphic Polygons - Historic Dune Mobility (424)
         Geomorphic Polygons - Historic Dune Mobility was derived from the
         Tasmanian Quaternary Coastal Sediments polygon map is a digital map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         soft Quaternary-age coastal sediment and landform types on the coastal
         areas of Tasmania and its major islands including the Bass Strait
         islands, but not Macquarie Island.
         More Information
         Geomorphic Polygons Historic Dune Mobility Unclassified Fixed 100% Veg
         cover 70 100% Veg cover 50 70% Veg cover 30 50% Veg cover 10 30% Veg
         cover Mobile <10% Veg cover
       * Geomorphic Polygons - Present Dune Mobility (425)
         Geomorphic Polygons - Present Dune Mobility was derived from the
         Tasmanian Quaternary Coastal Sediments polygon map is a digital map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         soft Quaternary-age coastal sediment and landform types on the coastal
         areas of Tasmania and its major islands including the Bass Strait
         islands, but not Macquarie Island.
         More Information
         Geomorphic Polygons Present Dune MobilityUnclassified Fixed 100% Veg
         cover 70 100% Veg cover 50 70% Veg cover 30 50% Veg cover 10 30% Veg
         cover Mobile <10% Veg cover
       * Geomorphic Polygons - Soft Sediment Landforms (426)
         Geomorphic Polygons - Soft Sediment Landforms was derived from the
         Tasmanian Quaternary Coastal Sediments polygon map is a digital map
         encoding a range of geomorphic and related attributes describing the
         soft Quaternary-age coastal sediment and landform types on the coastal
         areas of Tasmania and its major islands including the Bass Strait
         islands, but not Macquarie Island.
         More Information
         Geomorphic Polygons Soft Sediment Landforms Beaches sandsheets or
         cobble Windblown sands Dunes undifferentiated Foredunes Foredunes
         subtidal sediment bodies undifferentiated Notable colluvial deposits
       * Geomorphic foreshore condition NRM South (360)
         Geomorphic condition of foreshores NRM South dataset is part of the
         assessment and mapping of foreshore value, condition and pressure in
         the Southern Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region of Tasmania. The
         17 line maps produced in this study are intended to be used as a tool
         to assist managers and stakeholders in the identification of management
         issues with regards to foreshore planning, development, and natural
         More Information
         Geomorphic foreshore condition NRM South Highly natural Partly
         disturbed Significantly disturbed Highly modified No data
       * Introduced species foreshore condition NRM South (361)
         Introduced species and foreshore condition Natural Resource Management
         (NRM) South. This digital line map is a representation of the foreshore
         condition with regards to the presence/absence of introduced marine
         species and beach weeds on foreshores in the southern NRM region and is
         an attribute layer supporting the Condition Index.
         More Information
         Introduced species foreshore condition NRM South Condition not affected
         by introduced species Condition slightly affected by introduced species
         Condition moderately affected by introduced species Condition hightly
         affected by introduced species
       * Introduced species foreshore pressure NRM South (367)
         Pressure from introduced species on foreshores Natural Resource
         Management (NRM) South. This digital line map is a representation of
         the foreshore condition with regards to the presence/absence of
         introduced marine species and beach weeds on foreshores in the southern
         NRM region and is an attribute layer supporting the Condition Index.
         More Information
         Introduced species foreshore pressure NRM South No pressure from
         introduced species Slight pressure from introduced species Moderate
         pressure from introduced species High pressure from introduced species
       * Recreation - tourism foreshore pressure NRM South (364)
         Pressure from recreation and tourism use of foreshores NRM South
         dataset is part of the assessment and mapping of foreshore value,
         condition and pressure in the Southern Natural Resource Management
         (NRM) Region of Tasmania. Assessment of the foreshore is based on the
         division of the high water line into 100m segments.
         More Information
         Recreation - tourism foreshore pressure NRM South No pressure from
         recreation and tourism use Moderate pressure from recreation and
         tourism use High pressure from recreation and tourism use Extreme
         pressure from recreation and tourism use

 * Infrastructure and Utilities  (4 minor categories)
    * Transportation  (16 layers)
       * General Access Bus Routes (1851)
         General Access Bus Routes is a dataset sourced from Metro Tasmania of
         know bus routes within Tasmania. Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd does not
         warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. By
         using this information, or providing it to a third party for use, you
         agree to release and indemnify Metro for any loss, liability, claim or
         costs arising out of the use of this information. For more detailed
         information visit
         More Information
         Metro Tasmania Tassielink Bus Routes Transportation Public Transport
         metro tas General Access
       * General Access Bus Stops (1948)
         Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of
         the information provided. By using this information, or providing it to
         a third party for use, you agree to release and indemnify Metro for any
         loss, liability, claim or costs arising out of the use of this
         information. For more detailed information visit
         More Information
         Metro Tasmania Tassielink Bus Routes Transportation Public Transport
         metro tas Bus Stops
       * Limited Access Roads (129)
         Limited Access Roads for describing the roads proclaimed for Limited
         More Information
         Road Roads Centrelines Transport roads trails highways arterial tracks
         routes arterials feeders vehicles motorways streets lanes freeway
         Vehicular Track National State Highway Major Arterial Road Feeder
         Arterial Road Access Road OSRA limited
       * Railway Crossings (2043)
         Railway crossings are derived from Transport Node data, which comprises
         of junctions of two or more Transport Segments (non significant),
         places where the value of an attribute changes, bridges or tunnels with
         a length of less than 25 metres, roundabouts, cul-de-sacs,turning
         circles, railway stations, weighbridges, gates and boomgate, level
         crossings, barriers (immovable, removable, fence, bollard), cattle
         grids etc
         More Information
         Rail Train Crossing Roads Transport
       * Railway Distance Markers (1089)
         Railway distance markers along the Tasmanian Railway network Railway
         Distance Markers Railways TasRail
       * Railways (133)
         Railway lines are derived from Transport Segment data, which comprises
         of transport routes (from those with highway status through to rough
         bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking tracks, and derived from Transport Segment data, which comprises of
         transport routes (from those with highway status through to rough bush
         tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking tracks, and
         More Information
         Railways OSRA
       * Road Centrelines (1947)
         Road Centrelines are derived from Transport Segment data, which
         comprises of transport routes (from those with highway status through
         to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking
         tracks, and derived from Transport Segment data, which
         comprises of transport routes (from those with highway status through
         to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking
         tracks, and railways.
         More Information
         Road Centrelines Transport roads trails highways arterial tracks routes
         arterials feeders vehicles motorways streets lanes freeway Vehicular
         Track National State Highway Major Arterial Road Feeder Arterial Road
         Access Road OSRA
       * Roads - Road Name Annotation (964)
         Annotation or labelling depicting the road name for the road centreline
         layer where the road lines are not visible and not selectable. Roads -
         Road Name Annotation
       * Roads - Route Number Annotation (955)
         Annotation or labelling depicting the route name for the road
         centreline layer where the road lines are not visible and not
         More Information
         Roads - Route Number Annotation
       * Roadside Stops (State Owned) (2228)
         Roadside Stops shows the spatial location of Roadside Stops including
         Rest Areas, Heavy Vehicle Parking Areas and Roadside Lookouts on the
         State Government Road network.
         More Information
         road stops transportation state growth rest parking state lookout heavy
       * Speed Limits on State Roads (2304)
         The Road Speed Limits dataset contains posted speed zone data relating
         to 'State Government Proclaimed' roads.
         More Information
         speed limit transportation state growth road traffic
       * State Growth Bridges (3722)
         Department of State Growth statewide bridge data. department of state
         growth transport routes SG wooden bridges
       * State Highways and Subsidiary Roads (1263)
         Road Centrelines (where the Authority is State Growth) data comprises
         transport routes and vehicular routes. Transport Segments are those
         portions of the above routes which fall between two Transport Nodes.
         The data will also include those segments which make up larger
         roundabouts (ie. with diameter > 25 metres), forks (ramps) with a
         length exceeding 20 metres, and road connectors which are pseudo
         features that create artificial continuity through roundabouts.
         Metadata for each line is linked to the Transport Segment layer through
         the Feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) attribute.
         More Information
         Road Centrelines Transport roads highways arterial routes arterials
         feeders vehicles motorways streets lanes freeway National State Highway
         Major Arterial Road Feeder Arterial Road Access Road Road State Growth
       * State Road Casement (2253)
         The State Road Casement has been produced by the Department of State
         Growth to assist local government in applying the Utilities Zone to
         State roads in the Local Provisions Schedules as part of the Tasmanian
         Planning Scheme.
         More Information
         planning cadastre road casement state growth zone scheme utilities
       * TasPorts - Vessel Traffic Service areas (3837)
         TasPorts' Vessel Traffic Service areas TasPorts Tasmanian Ports
         Corporation NPW VTS
       * Tracks/ Ferry Routes (132)
         Tracks and ferry routes are derived from Transport Segment data, which
         comprises of transport routes (from those with highway status through
         to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking
         tracks, and derived from Transport Segment data, which
         comprises of transport routes (from those with highway status through
         to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking
         tracks, and railways.
         More Information
         Walking Tracks OSRA ferry parks pws bike horse equestrian cycl
    * Structures  (13 layers)
       * Boat Ramps (1139)
         Boat Ramps that are used on the Tasmanian 1:25,000 map series.
         More Information
         Boat Ramps Marine boats slip way
       * Building Footprints (1077)
         Building Footprints are those man-made structures used for occupation,
         commercial, service or storage purposes. The Building Footprints layer
         is a combined view of the LISTmap Building Areas and Building Points
         layers. Building types include: Residence, Feature (those shown in red
         on the Tasmanian Towns Street Atlas), Shed, Ruin, Hothouse, Silo,
         Commercial, Industrial.
         More Information
         Building Footprints footprint built houses structures OSRA logistical
         osra infrastructure resources osra resources buildings
       * Built Infrastructure Area (3725)
         LIST Infrastructure datasets contain spatial point, line or polygon
         locations of non-building, man-made features within Tasmania. Data is
         categorised into a main category (INFRA_TYPE1) and sub-category
         More Information
         Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA
         OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources fire tfs
         built build community marine aeronautical sport utilities mining
         disposal transport communication
       * Built Infrastructure Line (3723)
         LIST Infrastructure datasets contain spatial point, line or polygon
         locations of non-building, man-made features within Tasmania. Data is
         categorised into a main category (INFRA_TYPE1) and sub-category
         More Information
         Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA
         OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources fire tfs
         built build community marine aeronautical sport utilities mining
         disposal transport communication
       * Built Infrastructure Point (3724)
         LIST Infrastructure datasets contain spatial point, line or polygon
         locations of non-building, man-made features within Tasmania. Data is
         categorised into a main category (INFRA_TYPE1) and sub-category
         More Information
         Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA
         OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources fire tfs
         built build community marine aeronautical sport utilities mining
         disposal transport communication
       * Campground/site (1712)
         Campgrounds/sites in Tasmania Camp camping campsite campground area
         ground site Facilities Facility Points of Interest Point Camping
         Campsite Campground Hut Huts
       * Community, Sports and Recreation Facilities (1498)
         A subset of points (sporting grounds, clubs, community facilities) from
         LIST Points of Interest (Facility Points) dataset that contains spatial
         point locations of cultural, community and Government organisations and
         service providers within Tasmania. Data is categorised into a main
         category (COM_TYPE1) and sub-category (COM_TYPE2). Facilities in the
         main category include accommodation, church, club, Commonwealth, State
         and local government, community care, education and training, financial
         institution, fire stations, hospitals, medical service, sports complex,
         police and emergency service, tourist feature, transport, cultural
         grounds, halls and community centres. Features are defined as a spatial
         point and hold the name of the feature. Most are attributed with a
         Property Identification Number (PID) which provides a link to other
         property attributes recorded in the Valuation Information System for
         Tasmania (VISTAS) property data base.
         More Information
         Community Sports Clubs and DPAC recreation Community Sport Recreation
         Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA
         OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources fire tfs
         golf club horse gun rifle soccer football cricket oval ground rowing
         surf life saving equestrian croquet bowls squash rugby tennis yacht
         sail sailing complex sportsground indoor
       * Facilities (134)
         Facilities, or Points of Interest, contain spatial point locations of
         organisations, public buildings, institutions and Government service
         providers within Tasmania. Data is categorised into a main and
         sub-category, and the name of the feature is held. Facilities in the
         main category include accommodation, church, club, Commonwealth, State
         and local government, community care, education and training, financial
         institution, fire stations, hospitals, medical service, sports complex,
         police and emergency service, tourist feature, transport, cultural
         grounds, halls and community centres. Features are defined as a spatial
         point and hold the name of the feature.
         More Information
         Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA
         OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources fire tfs
       * Gates and Barriers (2587)
         This layer is a subset of the Transport Node dataset, which shows the
         location of gates and barriers which may limit or restrict access along
         Transport Segments.
         More Information
         Gates Barriers Transport Structures Bollard Stock Cattle Grid
       * MAST Mooring Points (2050)
         Moorings in Tasmania managed by Marine & Safety Tasmania (MAST) MAST
         Mooring marine safety OSRA
       * MAST Navigation Aids (2051)
         MAST navigation aid marine safety OSRA
       * Public Toilet (1713)
         Public toilets in Tasmania Toilet toilets public Facilities Facility
         Points of Interest Point
       * Wind Turbines (2997)
         Statewide layer showing locations of Wind Turbines Wind Turbines wind
         farm turbines windfarm
    * Utilities and Communication  (7 layers)
       * Communication Sites (ACMA) (1097)
         Australian Communication Media Authority Sites
         More Information
         ACMA sites towers repeaters communication media antenna radio microwave
         aerial retardant fire
       * Declared Gas Pipeline Planning Corridor (1212)
         The pipeline planning corridor (PPC) dataset shows the extents of the
         planning corridor defined within the Gas Pipelines Act 2000 and Gas Act
         More Information
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas AMSA Australian Safety Authority Gas
         Pipeline Alinta TGP palisade enwave tas gas utility tgp ppc
       * Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code Overlay (1869)
         The Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code Overlays
         have been produced by TasNetworks as statewide overlays for the
         Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code in the
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme TPC Electricity Transmission Infrastructure
         Protection TPS ETIP
       * Tas Gas Declared Gas Pipeline Planning Corridor (3113)
         Tas Gas Networks (TGN) Pipeline Corridor contains the spatial location
         of the Declared Pipeline Corridor
         More Information
         TasGas Distribution Network natural gas distribution network
         infrastructure pipeline pipe corridor planning
       * TasGas Distribution Pipe (2517)
         More Information
         TasGas Distribution Network natural gas distribution network
         infrastructure pipeline pipe enwave
       * Tasmanian Gas Pipeline Easement (3115)
         The easement dataset shows the extents of the gazetted easement granted
         to Tasmanian Gas Pipeline (TGP) Pty Ltd within which the high pressure
         TGP and associated utilities and facilities are located.
         More Information
         OSRA Oil Spill Response Atlas AMSA Australian Safety Authority Gas
         Pipeline Alinta TGP palisade enwave tas gas utility tgp ppc ease
       * Transmission Lines (137)
         Transmission Lines shows the locations for the transmition lines that
         Trasend owns and maintains within Tasmania. Transmission Lines
    * Water and Sewer  (29 layers)
       * Sewer Serviced Land (1283)
         Serviced Land is the land which TasWater will permit to be connected to
         its water and sewerage infrastructure. The identification of Serviced
         Land is important as it determines TasWater's obligation to connect and
         supply customers. TasWater has identified Serviced Land based on
         individual land titles. Each title has been assessed for a single
         tenement connection. In the event that multiple tenements are required,
         additional development assessments will need to be undertaken. See for further
         More Information
         TasWater Sewer Serviced Land SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Drinking Water Catchments (1174)
         More Information
         taswater TasWater Taswater Tas Water drinking water catchments
         retardant aerial suppression supression surpression foam water
         catchment area
       * TasWater - Drinking Water Intakes (1173)
         More Information
         taswater TasWater Taswater Tas Water drinking water intakes retardant
         aerial suppression supression surpression foam water offtakes
       * TasWater - Flood Inundation Summary (1392)
         TasWater's flood inundation summary.
         More Information
         TasWater Flood Inundation Summary SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Recycled Water Main (1500)
         TasWater's recycled water mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Recycled Water Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Recycled Water Network Structures (1501)
         TasWater's recycled water network structures.
         More Information
         TasWater Recycle Water Network Structure Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Sewer Lateral Line (1998)
         Sewer laterals are short sewer pipes owned and operated by TasWater
         which generally connect the main sewer and the customer sanitary drain.
         More Information
         Infrastructure Sewer Lines Taswater lateral
       * TasWater - Sewer Main (1388)
         TasWater's sewer mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Sewer Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Sewer Maintenance Hole (1389)
         TasWater's sewer maintenance holes.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Sewer Maintenance Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Sewer Network Structures (1502)
         TasWater's sewer network structures.
         More Information
         TasWater Sewer Network Structure Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Sewer Pressurised Main (1503)
         TasWater's sewer pressurised mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Sewer Pressurised Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Sewer Systems (3240)
         TasWater operational Sewer areas.
         More Information
         TasWater Sewer areas operational epa spill pollution
       * TasWater - Stormwater Main (1504)
         TasWater's stormwater mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Stormwater Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Stormwater Maintenance Hole (1505)
         TasWater's stormwater maintenance holes.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Sewer Maintenance Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Stormwater Network Structures (1506)
         TasWater's stormwater network structures.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Network Structure Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Stormwater Pressurised Main (1507)
         TasWater's stormwater pressurised mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Stormwater Pressurised Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Water Customer Connection Point (2998)
         TasWater's water customers connection points
         More Information
         TasWater Water Main Connections Customers Infrastructure underground
       * TasWater - Water Hydrant (1390)
         TasWater's water hydrants.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Hydrant SW BLW CMW Fire Hydrants Statewide water tfs
         tasmania fire service taswater
       * TasWater - Water Lateral Line (1999)
         Water laterals are short water pipes owned and operated by TasWater
         which generally connect the customer water meter to the water main
         More Information
         Infrastructure water Lines Taswater lateral
       * TasWater - Water Main (1391)
         TasWater's water mains.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Main Hole SW BLW CMW
       * TasWater - Water Network Structures (1508)
         TasWater's water network structures.
         More Information
         TasWater Water Network Structure Hole SW BLW CMW
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Dam (2290)
         Area under water at dam full service level
         More Information
         Dam Locations Tas Tasmania Irrigation dam existing water farm
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Hydro Power Station (2295)
         Hydro electric power station.
         More Information
         hydro power electric Tas Tasmania Irrigation water
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Irrigation District (2291)
         Area gazetted as being included in an irrigation scheme.
         More Information
         Tas Tasmania Irrigation district scheme farm water
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Pipeline (2293)
         Water transfer pipeline
         More Information
         Tas Tasmania Irrigation water pipe transfer farm
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Pump Station (2294)
         Water pumping station
         More Information
         pump station Tas Tasmania Irrigation water
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Tradezone (2289)
         Area within which irrigation water may be traded.
         More Information
         Tas Tasmania Irrigation water trade buy sell farm
       * Tasmanian Irrigation - Transmission Line (2292)
         Electrical power transmission lines
         More Information
         power electric Tasmania Irrigation transfer
       * Water Serviced Land (1284)
         Serviced Land is the land which TasWater will permit to be connected to
         its water and sewerage infrastructure. The identification of Serviced
         Land is important as it determines TasWater's obligation to connect and
         supply customers. TasWater has identified Serviced Land based on
         individual land titles. Each title has been assessed for a single
         tenement connection. In the event that multiple tenements are required,
         additional development assessments will need to be undertaken. See for further
         More Information
         TasWater Water Serviced Land SW BLW CMW

 * Emergency Management  (5 minor categories)
    * Incident Feeds  (4 layers)
       * Fire Boundaries from TasAlert (1069)
         Fire Boundary AGOL feed from the TFS depicting current active fire
         boundaries around the state.
         More Information
         feeds cop fire boundaries boundary tfs tas fire service tasfire fire
         incidents fire area fire burnt area
       * Fire Incidents from TFS (1068)
         Fire Incident AGOL feed from the TFS
         More Information
         feeds cop fire incidents tfs tas fire service tasfire alerttas tas
         alert tasalert
       * Fire Permits from TasAlert Website (1171)
         Fire Permits KML feed from the Alert.tas website
         More Information
         feeds cop fire incidents fire permits tfs tas fire service tasfire
       * State-wide Road Closures (1152)
         The state-wide road closures layer identifies roads where access has
         been restricted to authorised personnel, essential services or
         emergency services.
         More Information
         tasmania state road closure restricted access statewide state-wide
         taspol police feeds incident
    * Hazard Data  (1 layer)
       * DEA Public Hotspots (Sentinel with Info) (3856)
         The Digital Earth Australia Hotspots web service has been developed as
         part of the Sentinel national bushfire monitoring system. The service
         delivers hotspots point data from (a growing number of) satellite-born
         instruments that detect light in the thermal wavelengths. Typically,
         the satellite data are processed with a specific algorithm that
         highlights areas with an unusually high temperature. In principle,
         however, hotspots may be sourced from non-satellite sources. sentinel
         hot spots current geoscience australia ga Sentinel digital earth
         australia hotspot hotspots dea
    * Incident Data  (3 layers)
       * Bee Movement Restriction Area (3835)
         Biosecurity Tasmania Small Hive Beetle SHB bee bees apiary apiarist
       * Fruit Fly Control Areas (2227)
         fruit fly biosecurity devonport flinders spreyton
       * Fruit Fly Infected Declaration Areas (2452)
         fruit fly biosecurity devonport flinders spreyton
    * General  (22 layers)
       * ABC Local Radio Coverage (1156)
         This coverage is indicative only. Reception can be affected by multiple
         external factors; including local terrain, atmospheric conditions and
         most importantly the quality of receiving equipment and antennas used.
         Reception quality will be affected by obstructions between your
         location and the transmitter site; including terrain, high rise
         buildings, trees and water towers. abc ABC local radio coverage
         emergency broadcast frequency
       * Activated Evacuation Centres (3092)
         Evacuation centres that are currently activated. TFS Community Fire
         Refuges refuge communities service Primary Contingency cfr CFR
         Evacuation Centres EC evac
       * Ambulance Stations (1320)
         Ambulance Stations managed by the Department of Health and Human
         Services Tasmania. Ambulance Stations DHHS Emergency Facilities
         Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA OSRA
         logistical osra infrastructure resources osra resources Ambulance
         Station stations TAS ambo
       * Ambulance Tasmania Regions (1332)
         Ambulance Tasmania Regions Ambulance Tasmania Regions AT
       * Ambulance Tasmania Station Primary Response Area (1331)
         Ambulance Tasmania Station Primary Response Area Ambulance Tasmania
         Station Primary Response Area AT
       * Automatic Defibrillator Locations (AED) (1119)
         Automated External Defibrillator Location KML Feed from the Tasmanian
         Ambulance Service feeds cop aed public ambulance automated external
         defribulator Defibrillator
       * Catholic School Closure Status (3010)
         Catholic School Closures, non editable version school skool school
         closure status dpac doe education department of education closure
         closed doe catholic closure catholic schools
       * DoE Facility Closure Status (1864)
         Closure status of government schools, lincs, and childcare centres as
         managed by DoE school skool school closure status dpac doe education
         department of education closure closed childcare child care family
         centre linc library libraries lincs doe facility closure status
       * Emergency Meeting Points (216)
         Emergency Meeting Points developed by Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT)
         for remote areas. The points serve as an easily identified location for
         emergency services to access should the need arise.
         More Information
         Emergency Meeting Points EMP Sustainable Timber Tasmania STT
       * Fire History (938)
         The fire history dataset is a historical record of mapped bushfires
         that have occurred throughout Tasmania.
         More Information
         Fire History tfs tasfire tas fire service
       * Fire History - Impacted last 10 seasons (1682)
         Areas of fire activity within the last 10 fire seasons
         More Information
         Fire History Last impacted tfs tasfire tas fire service
       * Fire History - Impacted last 5 seasons (1681)
         Areas of fire activity within the last 5 fire seasons
         More Information
         Fire History Last impacted tfs tasfire tas fire service
       * Fire History - Last Impacted (939)
         Areas of most recent fire activity
         More Information
         Fire History Last impacted tfs tasfire tas fire service
       * Fire Stations (1093)
         Locations of Tasmania Fire Service fire stations
         More Information
         Fire Station stations tfs brigade
       * Fire Suppression Agency (1993)
         MAC Group agency responsible for fire suppression activities
         More Information
         Fire suppression agency responsible charge forestry sustainable timber
         tasmania parks wildlife service cost costs tas fire response agency
         fire authority fire agency
       * Fuel Reduction Burn Areas (3333)
         Areas that have been and are proposed to be managed as part of the
         State fire fuel reduction program TFS PWS fuel reduction program
         planning whats burning now burn blocks fire
       * Fuel Reduction Burn Points (3334)
         Areas that have been and are proposed to be managed as part of the
         State fire fuel reduction program TFS PWS fuel reduction program
         planning whats burning now burn blocks fire
       * Independent School Closure Status (3011)
         Independent School Closures, non editable version school skool school
         closure status dpac doe education department of education closure
         closed doe independent closure independent schools
       * June 2016 Flood HWM Flood Extent (2621)
         June 2016 Flood HWM Flood Extent
         More Information
         June 2016 Flood HWM Flood Extent
       * Police Stations (1091)
         Police Station Locations
         More Information
         Police Station stations taspol
       * State Emergency Service Offices (951)
         More Information
         SES ses unit state emergency service offices ses units ses stations
       * TFS Nearby Safer Places (Published) (937)
         Tasmanian Fire Services (TFS) Nearby Safer Places from Community Fire
         Protection Planning
         More Information
         TFS NSP Nearby Safer Place CPP Fire community protection planning
    * Bushfire Risk Management  (4 layers)
       * BRMP Risk Register - Assets Human Settlement Area (3307)
         More Information
         TFS BRMP Bushfire Risk Management Plan Risk Register Assets brmp risk
         register Human Settlement Area HSA fire
       * BRMP Risk Register - Assets Natural Value (3308)
         More Information
         TFS BRMP Bushfire Risk Management Plan Risk Register Assets brmp risk
         register Natural Value Natrual natural value fire
       * BRMP Risk Register - Assets Other (3309)
         More Information
         TFS BRMP Bushfire Risk Management Plan Risk Register Assets brmp risk
         register Other other fire
       * BRMP Risk Register - Assets Production Forest (3310)
         More Information
         TFS BRMP Bushfire Risk Management Plan Risk Register Assets brmp risk
         register Production Forest production forest fire

 * Primary Industries  (5 minor categories)
    * Farming  (51 layers)
       * Dam Permit Locations - Existing (225)
         Dam Permit Locations are created by Water Resources Water Management
         (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that
         dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit
         (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed,
         contains pertainent information about that dam.
         More Information
         Dam Permit Locations Retardant aerial suppression fire dam dams permit
       * Dam Permit Locations - Other (1383)
         Dam Permit Locations are created by Water Resources Water Management
         (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that
         dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit
         (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed,
         contains pertainent information about that dam.
         More Information
         Dam Permit Locations Retardant aerial suppression fire dam dams permit
       * Dam Permit Locations - Proposed (1382)
         Dam Permit Locations are created by Water Resources Water Management
         (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that
         dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit
         (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed,
         contains pertainent information about that dam.
         More Information
         Dam Permit Locations Retardant aerial suppression fire dam dams permit
       * ESM - Barley (440)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Barley with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Barley wealth from water agriculture soil barley
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Blueberries Northern Highbush (2561)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability blueberries blueberry north high bush wealth
         from water agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri
         suitab farm map meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc
         Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable draft
       * ESM - Blueberries Southern Highbush (2562)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability blueberries blueberry south high bush wealth
         from water agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri
         suitab farm map meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc
         Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable draft
       * ESM - Carrot Seed (442)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Carrot Seed with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Carrot Seed wealth from water agriculture soil
         carrot land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Carrots (443)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Carrots with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Carrots wealth from water agriculture soil
         carrot land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Cherries (444)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cherries with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cherries wealth from water agriculture soil
         cherr land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Continental (3497)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Continental with the assumption water availability is not a constraint.
         Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters
         guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well
         suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Continental wealth from water
         agriculture land use conservation farm map natural Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Mediterranean (3498)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Mediterranean with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture land use conservation farm map natural Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Globulus (3035)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus
         globulus with the assumption water availability is not a constraint.
         Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters
         guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well
         suited, Suitable, Moderately suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability eucalypt gum wealth from water agriculture soil
         forest wood timber land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm
         map meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Nitens (3036)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus nitens
         with the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability
         is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Moderately suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability eucalypt gum wealth from water agriculture soil
         forest wood timber land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm
         map meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Hazelnuts (445)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Hazelnuts with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Hazelnuts wealth from water agriculture soil
         hazel land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Industrial Hemp (446)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Industrial Hemp
         with the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability
         is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Indian Hemp wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Linseed (447)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Linseed with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Linseed wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Lucerne (448)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Lucerne with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Lucerne wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Olives (449)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Olives with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Olives wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Onions (450)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Onions with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Onions wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Phalaris (3499)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Phalaris with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Phalaris wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Pinus Radiata (451)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Pinus Radiata
         with the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability
         is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pinus Radiata wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Poppies (3500)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Poppies with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Poppies wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Potatoes (452)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Potatoes with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Potatoes wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Pyrethrum (453)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Pyrethrum with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pyrethrum wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Raspberries (454)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Raspberries with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Raspberries wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Red Clover (3501)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Red Clover with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Red Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Rye Grass (455)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Rye Grass with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Rye Grass wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Soil Sample Sites (439)
         The Soil Sample sites used to classify land depicting the suitability
         for various agricultural enterprises developed through a 2 year Wealth
         from Water Pilot Program that commenced in Nov. 2010 in 2 case studies
         areas (One is the 45,000 Ha Meander Valley Irrigation Scheme and the
         other is 27,000 Ha of the Midlands Irrigation Scheme around Tunbridge,
         Woodbury, York Plains, Nala and Andover). Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Soil Sample Sites wealth from water agriculture
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc
       * ESM - Sparkling Wine Grapes (456)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Sparkling Wine
         Grapes with the assumption water availability is not a constraint.
         Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters
         guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well
         suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Sparkling Wine Grapes wealth from water
         agriculture soil hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable
         farm map meander valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well
         suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Strawberries (457)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberries with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberries wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Strawberry Clover (3502)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberry Clover
         with the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability
         is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberry Clover wealth from water agriculture
         soil hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map
         meander valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Table Wine Grapes (2255)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Table Wine Grapes
         with the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability
         is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Table Wine Grapes wealth from water agriculture
         soil hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map
         meander valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Continental (3503)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Continental with the assumption water availability is not a constraint.
         Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters
         guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well
         suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tallfescue Continental wealth from water
         agriculture soil hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable
         farm map meander valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well
         suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Mediterranean (3504)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Mediterranean with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tallfescue Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture soil hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable
         farm map meander valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well
         suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - Versatility Index (3239)
         An index depicting enterprise crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 24 state-wide
         enterprise suitability datasets was undertaken to identify specific
         areas of the State that were suited to more enterprises than other
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility index wealth from water agriculture
         farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Versatility Index Pastures (3506)
         An index depicting pasture crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 10 state-wide
         enterprise suitability pasture datasets was undertaken to identify
         specific areas of the State that were suited to more pasture species
         than other areas.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility index pastures wealth from water
         agriculture farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Wheat (459)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Wheat with the
         assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Wheat wealth from water agriculture soil hemp
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander valley
         irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * ESM - White Clover (3505)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing White Clover with
         the assumption water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is
         determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by
         established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited,
         Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability White Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         hemp land use conservation enterprise agri suitable farm map meander
         valley irrigation wealth water natural resource Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable
       * Groundwater Bore Holes and Features (3160)
         This dataset provides summary information on over 11,000 drill holes
         that were drilled for groundwater investigations and groundwater
         extraction by various Tasmanian State Departments (Mines Department,
         Mineral Resources Tasmania and Department of Natural Resources and
         Environment Tasmania), private consultants and groundwater drilling
         companies. It also provides basic information for a small number of
         other natural groundwater features (springs, seepages etc.). For the
         layer's fields description and access to more detailed groundwater
         information follow the link provided under "More Information".
         More Information
         Water ground spring wrm agriculture farm aquifer
       * Land Capability (392)
         Land Capability classification is an internationally accepted method of
         ranking the ability of the land to support a range of broadacre
         agricultural activities on a sustainable basis. In Tasmania the system
         comprises seven classes ranked in order of agricutltural veratility.
         Class 1 land is the best and Class 7 the poorest.
         More Information
         Land Capability
       * Soil Coarse Fragments [>60mm diameter] (3507)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Soil
         Coarse Fragments >60mm diameter reported as a percentage (%) of total
         soil material within soil depth 0-15cm. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water soil course fragments stone
         abundance diameter farm
       * Soil Drainage (1913)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating soil
         drainage classes (Very poor, Poor, Imperfect, Moderate, Well, Rapid).
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water soil drainage farm
       * Soil Permeability (1914)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Soil
         Permeability classes (Very slow, Slow, Moderate, High). Specific to
         crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water soil permeability farm
       * Soil Rooting Depth (1915)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Soil
         Depth (cm) down to 2 metres. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water soil root depth farm
       * Soil Vulnerability - Hillslope Erosivity Hazard (2555)
         Hillslope water erosion hazard shows areas where a water erosion hazard
         might exist if sufficient groundcover is not maintained, which could
         lead to soil resource degradation through soil, organic matter and
         nutrient loss, resulting in sedimentation and contamination of drainage
         lines and waterways after significant rainfall and runoff events. Refer
         to link for additional information Managing Vulnerable Soils under
         Irrigation in Tasmania
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability soil wealth from water agriculture land use
         conservation enterprise natural erosion hazard hill
       * Soil Vulnerability - Salinity Hazard (2556)
         Shows areas where a salinity hazard might exist if sufficient
         management is not applied, which could lead to soil resource
         degradation. Refer to link for additional information Managing
         Vulnerable Soils under Irrigation in Tasmania
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability soil wealth from water agriculture land use
         conservation enterprise natural erosion hazard salinity salt
       * Soil Vulnerability - Sodicity Hazard (2557)
         The Sodicity hazard identifies areas of Tasmania where soil sodicity is
         predicted to be an issue and will require implementation of appropriate
         management techniques to minimize the risk of soil degradation. Soil
         sodicity occurs where the sodium (Na) ions make up 6% or more of all
         cations attached to soil particles. Refer to link for additional
         information Managing Vulnerable Soils under Irrigation in Tasmania
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability soil wealth from water agriculture land use
         conservation enterprise natural erosion hazard sodicity salt
       * Soil Vulnerability - Waterlogging Hazard (2558)
         Shows areas where a waterlogging hazard might exist if sufficient
         management is not applied. Waterlogging occurs when excess water
         saturates the soil, filling pore spaces and reducing the oxygen content
         of the soil. Reducing waterlogging can increase productivity and the
         general health of the crop. Refer to link for additional information
         Managing Vulnerable Soils under Irrigation in Tasmania
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability soil wealth from water agriculture land use
         conservation enterprise natural erosion hazard water logging
       * Soil Vulnerability - Wind Erosion Hazard (2559)
         Shows areas where a wind erosion hazard might exist if sufficient
         groundcover is not maintained. Wind erosion is the detachment,
         transportation and redepositing of soil particles by wind. Refer to
         link for additional information Managing Vulnerable Soils under
         Irrigation in Tasmania
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability soil wealth from water agriculture land use
         conservation enterprise natural wind erosion hazard
       * Soil pH (0 to 15cm) (1916)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Soil pH
         (within 0-15cm depth). Specific to crop growing requirements that form
         part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be
         accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water soil ph farm
       * Water Licence Information (2585)
         Water Licence Information shows the location and licence attributes of
         offtake points for surface water extraction.
         More Information
         V Offtakes WRM WIMS offtake points surface water extraction retardant
         aerial suppression water bombing foam Licence
    * Forestry  (15 layers)
       * FPA Forest Practices Plan Locations (3698)
         Shows the location of submitted Forest Practices Plans (FPP) as
         recorded by the Forest Practices Authority (FPA - FPA Forest Practices Authority FPP Plans
       * FPA IBRA4 Bioregions (3699)
         Forestry FPA IBRA4 Bioregions
       * FPA Land Tenure (3700)
         Land Tenure data set contains a representation of the commonly accepted
         tenure classifications for Tasmania. Tenure Classifications include
         Crown Land, Private Land, Reserved Land, Conservation Covenants,
         Private Reserves, State Forest. This version of the layer has a custom
         symbology developed for FPA mapping purposes and may not align with the
         official Land Tenure layer. Forestry FPA Land Tenure Administration ils
         cadastre property act Private Freehold Private Sanctuary Private Nature
         Reserve Conservation Covenant National Park State Reserve Nature
         Reserve Game Reserve Conservation Area Nature Recreation Area Regional
         Reserve Historic Site Permanent Timber Production Zone PTPZ Land Forest
         Reserve State Forest Public Reserve Unreserved Crown Land Future
         Potential Production Forest FPPF HEC Hydro Electric Corporation
         Hydro-Electric Corporation Authority Crown Authority Freehold Other
         Statutory Authorities Wellington Park Local Government Commonwealth
         Casement Hydro Electric Corporation HEC Conservation Area Local
         Government Authority LGA Conservation Area Local Government Act Reserve
         TasIrrigation Tas Irrigation TasWater Tas Water Inland Water
       * FPA Mature Habitat (3701)
         FPA Forest Practices Authority Mature Habitat
       * FPA PIDs (3702)
         FPA Forest Practices Authority PID Property Cadastre
       * STT Australian Forest Standard - Defined Forest Area (3262)
         The Australian Forest Standard (AFS) refers to the defined forest area
         as follows: An area of forest (including land and water) to which the
         requirements of the Standard are applied. It includes productive and
         non-productive forest areas, streamside reserves, conservation areas,
         and roads, etc. The defined forest area is described by survey plans,
         legal title(s), gazettal notices or GIS shapefiles, whether as
         freehold, joint venture, agreement, lease or crown land
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood stt
         standard legal plan gazett afs
       * STT FMU - Forest Management and Controlled Wood (3253)
         The component of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) on Permanent Timber
         Production Zone for which Forestry Tasmania is seeking FSC (Forest
         Management) certification.
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood stt
       * STT Informal Reserves (3254)
         "Informal Reserves" is a layer determined by using Sustainable Timber
         Tasmania's MDC to distinguishes areas to be protected from wood
         production purposes ( such as wildlife habitat strips, wedge-tailed
         eagle reserves, threatened flora reserves and landscape reserves etc.)
         as protection from those areas managed as production or non-production.
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood
         reserve eagle threat flora fauna conservation protection plan stt
       * STT Non Production Forest (3256)
         "Non-Production Forest" is a layer determined by using Sustainable
         Timber Tasmania's MDC to distinguishes areas not suitable for wood
         production purposes (such as steep slopes, non-forest vegetation,
         unharvestable etc.) from those areas managed as production or informal
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood stt
       * STT Permanent Timber Production Zone (3257)
         This layer "Permanent Timber Production Zone" is a derived layer where
         tenure class = 'Permanent Timber Production Zone Land' from Land
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood ptpz
         tenure plan stt
       * STT Potential Chemical Application (3258)
         Each year Sustainable Timber Tasmania publishes Insect Monitoring and
         Insecticide & Herbicide Application information relating to operations
         on Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land.
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood
         insect monitor bug pesticide herbicide weed insecticide ptpz stt
       * STT Production Forest (3259)
         "Production Forest" is a layer determined by using Sustainable Timber
         Tasmania's MDC to distinguishes areas suitable for wood production
         purposes from those areas managed as non-production or informal
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood ptpz
         plan stt
       * STT Recreational Hunting Areas (3418)
         This layer defines the areas of Permanent Timber Production Zone land
         set aside by Sustainable Timber Tasmania for recreational hunting by
         the public. These areas are available for recreational hunting for
         members of the public who hold a current firearms licence, Permission
         to Shoot from Sustainable Timber Tasmania and any relevant Game
         Licence/s from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and
         the Environment. stt hunting recreational sustainable timber tas
         production zone game licence forests human environment economics
       * STT Tasmanian Reserve Estate (CAR) (3260)
         The Tasmanian Reserve Estate dataset is a digital map of the Reserve
         System for Tasmania. It represents land reserved to be managed for
         biodiversity conservation under Tasmania's Regional Forest Agreement
         (RFA) and other instruments.
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainabl timber tas production timber wood
         biodiversity conservation stt plan flora fauna species protect
       * STT Three Year Plan (3261)
         "Informal Reserves" is a layer determined by using Sustainable Timber
         Tasmania's MDC to distinguishes areas to be protected from wood
         production purposes ( such as wildlife habitat strips, wedge-tailed
         eagle reserves, threatened flora reserves and landscape reserves etc.)
         as protection from those areas managed as production or non-production.
         More Information
         forest management fsc sustainable timber tas production timber wood stt
         coupe harvest crop three year plan 3yp
    * Mining  (17 layers)
       * Borehole Points of Tasmania (Mineral Resources Tasmania) (1940)
         This dataset provides information about drill holes of all types,
         drilled by MRT and commercial companies. The dataset contains
         information on over 23,000 drill holes.
         More Information
         bore hole mining mineral water ground mrt
       * Category 1 Exploration Licence (255)
         Category 1 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 1 comprises any metallic mineral or atomic substance.
         More Information
         Category1 Cat1 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Category 2 Exploration Licence (256)
         Category 2 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 2 comprises coal, peat, lignite, oil shale and coal
         seam gas.
         More Information
         Category2 Cat2 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Category 3 Exploration Licence (257)
         Category 3 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 3 comprises any rock, stone, gravel, sand and clay
         used in construction, bricks and ceramics.
         More Information
         Category3 Cat3 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Category 4 Exploration Licence (258)
         Category 4 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 4 comprises petroleum products except oil shale.
         More Information
         Category4 Cat4 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Category 5 Exploration Licence (259)
         Category 5 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 5 comprises, industrial minerals, prescribed precious
         stones, and prescribed semi-precious stone.
         More Information
         Category5 Cat5 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Category 6 Exploration Licence (260)
         Category 6 Exploration Licence polygons and Exploration Release Areas
         across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the Tasmanian
         Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER) system;
         administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of State
         Growth. Category 6 is any geothermal substance.
         More Information
         Category6 Cat6 Exploration Licence License Category mrt mining mine
         mines mineral resources
       * Historic 15840 Charts Index (998) (3884)
         Mining mine chart historic district land 15840 998 MRT
       * Historic 20000 Charts Index (999) (3885)
         Mining mine chart historic district land 20000 999 MRT
       * Historic 25000 Charts Index (1000) (3886)
         Mining mine chart historic district land 25000 1000 MRT
       * MRT Historic Land District Charts (3359)
         Mining mine chart historic district land
       * MRT Historic Mineral Charts Index (3358)
         Mining mine chart historic district
       * MRT Strategic Resources (3297)
         Areas available for resource extraction under the Statewide planning
         scheme, which are also considered to be highly prospective for all
         Categories of Mineral as defined in the Mineral Resources Development
         Act 1996
         More Information
         mrt mining mine mines mineral resources strategic geoscience
       * Mineral Occurrences (2036)
         MRT mineral occurences
         More Information
         mining MRT resources tasmanian mineral occurences mines open-cut
       * Mining Leases (253)
         Mining Lease polygons and production licence polygons for all mineral
         categories across Tasmania, with tenement information derived from the
         Tasmanian Information on Geoscience and Exploration Resources (TIGER)
         system; administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Department of
         State Growth.
         More Information
         Mining Leases
       * Strategic Prospectivity Zones (254)
         Areas defined by the Mining (Strategic Prospectivity Zones) Act 1993.
         More Information
         Strategic Prospectivity Zones mrt
       * Unavailable Areas (1218)
         Areas Unavailable for Mining or Exploration.
         More Information
         Unavailable Areas mining mrt
    * Aquaculture  (6 layers)
       * Aquaculture - Marine lease (159)
         Marine Farm Leases are issued under the Marine Farming Planning Act
         1995 for a period of 30 years. The lease describes the area in which
         marine farming activities are permitted to take place in accordance
         with the Act. The lease boundary is described on a survey plan
         registered in the Central Plan Register, as determined by the the
         Minister and added as an attachment to the lease document.
         More Information
         Marine Leases OSRA
       * Marine Farming Development Plan Areas (2627)
         More Information
         boundar marine farm aquaculture lease planning act develop mfdp
       * Marine Farming Licences (3034)
         Marine Farming Licences are issued under the Living Marine Resources
         Management Act 1995. These licences authorise the farming of nominated
         species and provide certain conditions and restrictions that the
         licence holder must comply with whilst undertaking their authorised
         aquaculture activities.
         More Information
         marine farm license aquaculture fish finfish
       * Marine Farming Zones (2513)
         Marine Farming Zones are areas that have been identified, in accordance
         with the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995, after extensive public
         consultation, as areas suitable for marine farming. A marine farm lease
         may be issued within a marine farming zone.
         More Information
         marine farm aquaculture fish
       * ShellMAP Harvest Area Boundaries (3046)
         The Tasmanian Shellfish Harvest Area dataset depicts the areas managed
         by the Shellfish Market Access Program Regulatory Services. The
         Tasmanian Shellfish Harvest Area dataset is not intended to supersede
         or replace any lease area or marine farming zone boundaries designated
         in the relevant marine farming development plan or otherwise by the
         Marine Farming Branch of the Water and Marine Resources Division of the
         Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. The
         LIST Tasmanian Shellfish Harvest Area dataset is provided for
         convenience of reference only. The shellfish harvest area boundaries
         described are indicative of the approved or restricted area for the
         taking of the class or species of regulated fish as described in
         Tasmanian Shellfish Harvest Boundaries 2018.
         More Information
         ShellMAP Harvest Area Boundaries Aquaculture
       * ShellMAP Water Quality Sample Sites (3641)
         The ShellMAP Water Quality Sample Sites dataset depicts locations where
         water sampling is conducted by or on behalf of the Shellfish Market
         Access Program Regulatory Services. These sites are used to test water
         quality within or in near proximity to shellfish harvest areas in
         Tasmania. The dataset includes both actively sampled sites and inactive
         sites. The LIST ShellMAP Water Quality Sample Sites dataset is provided
         for convenience of reference only.
         More Information
         ShellMAP Water Quality Sample Sites Aquaculture
    * Agriculture  (13 layers)
       * Biosecurity Property PIC- Public (1964)
         The Biosecurity Property PIC / PID dataset is derived from the
         Tasmanian Agricultural Properties Database (TAPDB) and the LIST
         Cadastral datasets. It contains locations / properties throughout
         Tasmania with which Biosecurity Tasmania have an interest in from a
         possible incident response perspective.
         More Information
         MAX TAPDB Biosecurity Agriculture Farm public
       * Biosecurity Property PID- Public (1965)
         The Biosecurity Property PIC / PID dataset is derived from the
         Tasmanian Agricultural Properties Database (TAPDB) and the LIST
         Cadastral datasets. It contains locations / properties throughout
         Tasmania with which Biosecurity Tasmania have an interest in from a
         possible incident response perspective.
         More Information
         MAX TAPDB Biosecurity Agriculture Farm public
       * Land Potentially Suitable for Agriculture Zone (1689)
         The Land Potentially Suitable for the Agriculture Zone mapping layer
         was produced as part of the agricultural land mapping project
         specifically to provide guidance to local government in spatially
         applying the Agriculture Zone as part of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme.
         This layer should be viewed in conjunction with the Potential
         Agricultural Land - Initial Analysis mapping layer.
         More Information
         Agriculture land potential rural zone planning scheme
       * Land Use 2002 (1136)
         Tasmanian Land Use 2002 was created after the Bureau of Rural Science
         contracted DPIWE to create a land use dataset for Tasmania. The project
         ran from September 2001 to March 2003. Mapping was at two different
         scales; 1:25000 for areas of the state under extensive agriculture and
         1:100000 for the remainder.
         More Information
         Land Use 2002 landuse
       * Land Use 2009-2010 (1137)
         Tasmanian Land Use 2009-2010 was created after a joint NRM North,
         Cradle Coast NRM, NRM South and DPIPWE funded project to create a 1: 50
         000 digital spatial layer for Tasmanian land use as at summer
         2009/2010, attributed to ALUM v7 classifications. The dataset was
         created from fieldwork, consultation with local experts, vector data
         sets, databases and 2009/2010 RapidEye imagery which required
         successive stages of data collection, interpretation, verification and
         validation for a quality assured final product.
         More Information
         Land Use 2009-2010 landuse
       * Land Use 2013 (1625)
         The Tasmanian land use 2013 spatial data set is produced at catchment
         scale which is undertaken through the Australian Collaborative Land Use
         and Management Program (ACLUMP) using standards set out in the
         'Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: principals, procedures
         and definitions, 4th edition 2011'. Land use is classified by its prime
         use using a hierarchical structure, Australian Land Use and Management
         Classification (ALUMC) v7, which allows attribution as broad classes to
         individual commodities.
         More Information
         Land Use 2013 landuse
       * Land Use 2015 (2000)
         The Tasmanian land use 2015 spatial data set is produced at catchment
         scale which is undertaken through the Australian Collaborative Land Use
         and Management Program (ACLUMP) using standards set out in the
         'Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: principals, procedures
         and definitions, 4th edition 2011' and ?Addendum to the Guidelines for
         land use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definition,
         4th Edition?. Land use is classified by its prime use using a
         hierarchical structure, Australian Land Use and Management
         Classification (ALUMC) v8, which allows attribution as broad classes to
         individual commodities.
         More Information
         Land Use 2015 landuse
       * Land Use 2019 (3296)
         The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment?s
         (DPIPWE) Tasmanian Land Use Mapping program creates a catchment scale
         land use spatial layer mapped and classified according to the national
         guidelines (ABARES 2011, 2015) and the Australian Land Use and
         Management (ALUM) Classification version 8 (ABARES 2016).
         More Information
         Land Use 2019 landuse abs abares aclum catchment commodity conservation
         production agriculture intensive water
       * Land Use 2021 (3758)
         The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas)
         Tasmanian Land Use Mapping program creates a catchment scale land use
         spatial layer mapped and classified according to the national
         guidelines (ABARES 2011, 2015) and the Australian Land Use and
         Management (ALUM) Classification version 8 (ABARES 2016).
         More Information
         Land Use 2021 landuse abs abares aclum catchment commodity conservation
         production agriculture intensive water
       * Land Use Live Outline and Labels (2336)
         The Tasmanian land use spatial data set is produced at catchment scale
         which is undertaken through the Australian Collaborative Land Use and
         Management Program (ACLUMP) using standards set out in the 'Guidelines
         for land use mapping in Australia: principals, procedures and
         definitions, 4th edition 2011' and ?Addendum to the Guidelines for land
         use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definition, 4th
         Edition?. Land use is classified by its prime use using a hierarchical
         structure, Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC)
         v8, which allows attribution as broad classes to individual
         More Information
         Land Use landuse live primary secondary tertiary
       * Land Use Live- Secondary Land Use (2338)
         The Tasmanian land use spatial data set is produced at catchment scale
         which is undertaken through the Australian Collaborative Land Use and
         Management Program (ACLUMP) using standards set out in the 'Guidelines
         for land use mapping in Australia: principals, procedures and
         definitions, 4th edition 2011' and ?Addendum to the Guidelines for land
         use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definition, 4th
         Edition?. Land use is classified by its prime use using a hierarchical
         structure, Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC)
         v8, which allows attribution as broad classes to individual
         More Information
         Land Use landuse live primary secondary tertiary
       * Land Use Live- Tertiary Land Use (2339)
         The Tasmanian land use spatial data set is produced at catchment scale
         which is undertaken through the Australian Collaborative Land Use and
         Management Program (ACLUMP) using standards set out in the 'Guidelines
         for land use mapping in Australia: principals, procedures and
         definitions, 4th edition 2011' and ?Addendum to the Guidelines for land
         use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definition, 4th
         Edition?. Land use is classified by its prime use using a hierarchical
         structure, Australian Land Use and Management Classification (ALUMC)
         v8, which allows attribution as broad classes to individual
         More Information
         Land Use landuse live primary secondary tertiary
       * Potential Agricultural Land Initial Analysis (1690)
         The Potential Agricultural Land - Initial Analysis mapping layer was
         produced as part of the agricultural land mapping project specifically
         to provide guidance to local government in spatially applying the
         Agriculture Zone as part of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. This layer
         should be viewed in conjunction with the Land Potentially Suitable for
         the Agriculture Zone mapping layer.
         More Information
         Agriculture analysis land potential

 * Climate and Environment  (4 minor categories)
    * Environment  (13 layers)
       * EPA Aquatic Ecosystem DGVs for Surface Water Catchments (3000)
         The Default Guideline Values (DGVs) for aquatic ecosystems have been
         derived for inland waters of the surface water catchments of Tasmania
         in accordance with the National Water Quality Management Strategy
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority Default Guideline Values DGV
         Protected Environmental Values PEVs High Ecological Value HEV Slightly
         Moderately Disturbed SMD Aquatic Ecosystems
       * EPA Open Fires per 250m x 250m grid (2061)
         Spatial distribution of open fires in Tasmania
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority wood heat census smoke air
         pollution open fire
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2011 (2054)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2012 (2055)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2013 (2056)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2014 (2057)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2015 (2058)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2016 (2059)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 µg/m3)- 2017 (2060)
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority pm 2.5 particulate smoke air
         pollution fire wood heater
       * EPA Regulated Premises (2341)
         The Tasmania Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulated sites
         around the state.
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority NELMS Premises Monitor Waste EPA
         Premises EPA Regulated Sites monitored legal documents EPN notice
       * EPA Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (3112)
         This layer shows sites where EPA has received notification of the
         registration, temporary decommissioning or permanent decommissioning of
         underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) under the Environmental
         Management and Pollution Control (Underground Petroleum Storage
         Systems) Regulations 2020 (UPSS Regulations).
         More Information
         petrol fuel tank storage under ground hazard upss environment
       * EPA Woodheaters per 250m x 250m grid (2062)
         Spatial distribution of wood heaters in Tasmania
         More Information
         EPA Environment Protection Authority wood heat census smoke air
         pollution fire
       * Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation Australia (IBRA) (3608)
         Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0
         represents a landscape based approach to classifying the land surface
         of Australia. 89 biogeographic regions and 419 sub regions have been
         delineated, each reflecting a unifying set of major environmental
         influences which shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their
         interaction with the physical environment across Australia and its
         external territories (excluding Antarctica). IBRA Version 7.0 data
         consists of two datasets. IBRA bioregions, which is a larger scale
         regional classification of homogenous ecosystems, and sub regions,
         which are more localised. IBRA Version 7.0 is the result of both
         significant changes to certain IBRA 6.1 boundaries, plus refinement of
         other boundaries due to better data availability amongst some states
         and territories, and alterations by the states/territories along state
         More Information
         Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation landscape land surface ECOLOGY
         Landscape BOUNDARIES Biophysical
    * Climate Change  (33 layers)
       * Baseline Mean Frost Risk A2 (177)
         Mean Frost Risk (days less than 2 degrees per year) for period
         1961-1990. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Baseline Mean Frost Risk A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions climate
         model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Baseline SPI A2 (181)
         Baseline Standardised Precipitation Index for period 1961-2010. Climate
         model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse gas
         emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal progression
         that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse gases,
         ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Baseline SPI A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions climate model
         predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Baseline to End of century SPI Change A2 (185)
         Standard Precipitation Index change from period 1961-2010 to period
         2051-2100. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Baseline to End of century SPI Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Baseline to Medium term Future SPI Change A2 (184)
         Standard Precipitation Index change from period 1961-2010 to period
         2011-2060. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Baseline to Medium term Future SPI Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Annual Rainfall Change A2 (170)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2070-2099 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Annual Rainfall Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007 precipitation
       * End of century Annual Rainfall Change B1 (191)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2070-2099 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         End of century Annual Rainfall Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007 precipitation
       * End of century Mean Frost Risk A2 (179)
         Mean Frost Risk (days less than 2 degrees per year) for period
         2070-2099. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Mean Frost Risk A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions
         climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Mean Temperature Change B1 (188)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2070-2099
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Mean Temperature Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Mean Temperature change A2 (167)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2070-2099
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Mean Temperature change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Pan Evaporation Change A2 (176)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2070-2099 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Pan Evaporation Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Pan Evaporation Change B1 (197)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2070-2099 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         End of century Pan Evaporation Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Relative Humidity Change A2 (173)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2070-2099
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Relative Humidity Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century Relative Humidity Change B1 (194)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2070-2099
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century Relative Humidity Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * End of century SPI A2 (183)
         End-of-century Standardised Precipitation Index for period 2051-2100.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         End of century SPI A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions climate model
         predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Annual Rainfall Change A2 (169)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2040-2069 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Annual Rainfall Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007 precipitation
       * Medium term Future Annual Rainfall Change B1 (190)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2040-2069 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         Medium term Future Annual Rainfall Change B1 Low Lower Emission
         Scenario Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Mean Frost Risk A2 (178)
         Mean Frost Risk (days less than 2 degrees per year) for period
         2040-2069. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Mean Frost Risk A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions
         climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Mean Temperature Change A2 (166)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2040-2069
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Mean Temperature Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Mean Temperature Change B1 (187)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2040-2069
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Mean Temperature Change B1 Low Lower Emission
         Scenario Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Pan Evaporation Change A2 (175)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2040-2069 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Pan Evaporation Change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Pan Evaporation Change B1 (196)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2040-2069 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         Medium term Future Pan Evaporation Change B1 Low Lower Emission
         Scenario Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Relative Humidity Change B1 (193)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2040-2069
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Relative Humidity Change B1 Low Lower Emission
         Scenario Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future Relative Humidity change A2 (172)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2040-2069
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future Relative Humidity change A2 High Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Medium term Future SPI A2 (182)
         Medium-term Standardised Precipitation Index for period 2011-2060.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Medium term Future SPI A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions climate
         model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Annual Rainfall Change A2 (168)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2010-2039 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Annual Rainfall Change A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions
         climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007 precipitation
       * Near Future Annual Rainfall Change B1 (189)
         Annual Rainfall change from the current period to the 2010-2039 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         Near Future Annual Rainfall Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007 precipitation
       * Near Future Mean Frost Risk A2 (180)
         Mean Frost Risk (days less than 2 degrees per year) for period
         2010-2039. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Mean Frost Risk A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions climate
         model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Mean Temperature Change A2 (165)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2010-2039
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Mean Temperature Change A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions
         climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Mean Temperature Change B1 (186)
         Mean Temperature change from the current period to the 2010-2039
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Mean Temperature Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Pan Evaporation Change A2 (174)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2010-2039 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic & Swart 2000).
         The scenario used here is the A2 scenario, which projects a future of a
         high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Pan Evaporation Change A2 High Emission Scenario Emissions
         climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Pan Evaporation Change B1 (195)
         Pan Evaporation change from the current period to the 2010-2039 period.
         Climate model projections are made under one of a number of greenhouse
         gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of societal
         progression that result in different rates of emissions of greenhouse
         gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are described in the
         Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart
         2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario, which projects a
         future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate Futures for
         More Information
         Near Future Pan Evaporation Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Relative Humidity Change B1 (192)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2010-2039
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic and Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the B1 scenario,
         which projects a future of lower greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Relative Humidity Change B1 Low Lower Emission Scenario
         Emissions climate model predictions modelling 1978-2007
       * Near Future Relative Humidity change (Percentage) A2 (171)
         Relative Humidity change from the current period to the 2010-2039
         period. Climate model projections are made under one of a number of
         greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. These scenarios are models of
         societal progression that result in different rates of emissions of
         greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances and aerosols and are
         described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
         Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). The scenario used here is the A2 scenario,
         which projects a future of a high greenhouse gas emissions. See Climate
         Futures for Tasmania
         More Information
         Near Future Relative Humidity change Percentage A2 High Emission
         Scenario Emissions
    * Meteorology  (131 layers)
       * Air Temperature (deg C) Maximum - 24hr period to 9AM (3910)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating recent
         air temperature (Degree Celsius, oC) of Tasmania is produced in near
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Air Temperature (deg C) Minimum - 24hr period to 9AM (3911)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating recent
         air temperature (Degree Celsius, oC) of Tasmania is produced in near
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Air Temperature TAS - Current (deg C) (3100)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating recent
         air temperature (°C) of Tasmania is produced in near real-time. The
         outputs are dynamic with air temperature maps updated hourly (there is
         a production time lag where outputs typically take 30 minutes from the
         hour of observation to be produced).
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Ave Rainfall April (1920)
         Average Rainfall for April. A grid surface delineating average rainfall
         (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall April [CFT 2030] (3508)
         Average Rainfall for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall April [CFT 2050] (3509)
         Average Rainfall for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall August (1921)
         Average Rainfall for August. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall August [CFT 2030] (3510)
         Average Rainfall for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall August [CFT 2050] (3511)
         Average Rainfall for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall December (1923)
         Average Rainfall for December. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall December [CFT 2030] (3512)
         Average Rainfall for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall December [CFT 2050] (3513)
         Average Rainfall for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall February (1924)
         Average Rainfall for February. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall February [CFT 2030] (3514)
         Average Rainfall for February Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall February [CFT 2050] (3515)
         Average Rainfall for February Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall January (1925)
         Average Rainfall for January. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         January Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall January [CFT 2030] (3516)
         Average Rainfall for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         January Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall January [CFT 2050] (3517)
         Average Rainfall for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         January Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall July (1926)
         Average Rainfall for July. A grid surface delineating average rainfall
         (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall July [CFT 2030] (3518)
         Average Rainfall for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall July [CFT 2050] (3519)
         Average Rainfall for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall June (1927)
         Average Rainfall for June. A grid surface delineating average rainfall
         (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall June [CFT 2030] (3520)
         Average Rainfall for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall June [CFT 2050] (3521)
         Average Rainfall for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall March (1928)
         Average Rainfall for March. A grid surface delineating average rainfall
         (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall March [CFT 2030] (3522)
         Average Rainfall for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall March [CFT 2050] (3523)
         Average Rainfall for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall May (1929)
         Average Rainfall for May. A grid surface delineating average rainfall
         (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall May [CFT 2030] (3524)
         Average Rainfall for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall May [CFT 2050] (3525)
         Average Rainfall for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall November (1930)
         Average Rainfall for November. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall November [CFT 2030] (3526)
         Average Rainfall for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall November [CFT 2050] (3527)
         Average Rainfall for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall October (1931)
         Average Rainfall for October. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall October [CFT 2030] (3528)
         Average Rainfall for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall October [CFT 2050] (3529)
         Average Rainfall for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A grid
         surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual
         months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing
         requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping
         program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall September (1932)
         Average Rainfall for September. A grid surface delineating average
         rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution
         of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall September [CFT 2030] (3530)
         Average Rainfall for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A
         grid surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for
         individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Ave Rainfall September [CFT 2050] (3531)
         Average Rainfall for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A
         grid surface delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for
         individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate rain
         rainfall precipitation meteorology average mean weather
       * Chill Hours (1919)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating the
         average amount of chill hours where temperatures fall within 0 to 7°C,
         for months May to August. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average chill hours
       * Chill Hours Accumulation Tracker - 10 yr Average (3914)
         A grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating a Soil Dryness
         Index (SDI) across the state of Tasmania is produced daily. Soil
         Dryness is estimated based on the calculation prescribed in Mount
         (1972) with input data provided from high resolution daily maximum
         temperature and accumulated rainfall grids.
         More Information
         nch chill current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Chill Hours Accumulation Tracker - Current Season (3915)
         A grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating a Soil Dryness
         Index (SDI) across the state of Tasmania is produced daily. Soil
         Dryness is estimated based on the calculation prescribed in Mount
         (1972) with input data provided from high resolution daily maximum
         temperature and accumulated rainfall grids.
         More Information
         nch chill current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Chill Hours Anomaly - Current Season vs 10 yr Average (3916)
         A grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating a Soil Dryness
         Index (SDI) across the state of Tasmania is produced daily. Soil
         Dryness is estimated based on the calculation prescribed in Mount
         (1972) with input data provided from high resolution daily maximum
         temperature and accumulated rainfall grids.
         More Information
         nch chill current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Chill Hours [CFT 2030] (3532)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A statewide grid surface (30m
         spatial resolution) delineating the average amount of chill hours where
         temperatures fall within 0 to 7°C, for months May to August. Specific
         to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average chill hours
       * Chill Hours [CFT 2050] (3533)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A statewide grid surface (30m
         spatial resolution) delineating the average amount of chill hours where
         temperatures fall within 0 to 7°C, for months May to August. Specific
         to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average chill hours
       * Current accumulated rainfall (3379)
         More Information
         nch air rain precipitation current weather meteorology gdd grow
         enterprise crop farm
       * Frost Days (1917)
         A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Mean
         Number of Frost days below 0°C. Specific to crop growing requirements
         that form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All
         products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average frost mean
       * Frost Days [CFT 2030] (3534)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. A statewide grid surface (30m
         spatial resolution) delineating Mean Number of Frost days below 0°C.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average frost mean
       * Frost Days [CFT 2050] (3535)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. A statewide grid surface (30m
         spatial resolution) delineating Mean Number of Frost days below 0°C.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average frost mean
       * Growing Degree Day Anomaly - Current season vs 10 year average (3097)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating Degree
         Day accumulation across the state of Tasmania is produced daily for the
         Tasmanian growing season (i.e. between months October through to
         April). The outputs are dynamic with the map products updated daily.
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Growing Degree Day Heat Accumulation Tracker - 10 Year Average (3098)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating Degree
         Day accumulation across the state of Tasmania is produced daily for the
         Tasmanian growing season (i.e. between months October through to
         April). The outputs are dynamic with the map products updated daily.
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Growing Degree Day Heat Accumulation Tracker - Current Season (3099)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating Degree
         Day accumulation across the state of Tasmania is produced daily for the
         Tasmanian growing season (i.e. between months October through to
         April). The outputs are dynamic with the map products updated daily.
         More Information
         nch air temp current weather meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm
       * Growing Degree Days [Oct-Apr] (1918)
         Growing Degree Days (GDD) are used to estimate the growth and
         development of plants during the growing season. A statewide grid
         surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating Growing Degree Days (GDD)
         calculated for months October through to April. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average growing degree day gdd
       * Growing Degree Days [Oct-Apr][CFT 2030] (3536)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030. Growing Degree Days (GDD) are used
         to estimate the growth and development of plants during the growing
         season. A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating
         Growing Degree Days (GDD) calculated for months October through to
         April. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average growing degree day gdd
       * Growing Degree Days [Oct-Apr][CFT 2050] (3537)
         Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050. Growing Degree Days (GDD) are used
         to estimate the growth and development of plants during the growing
         season. A statewide grid surface (30m spatial resolution) delineating
         Growing Degree Days (GDD) calculated for months October through to
         April. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the
         Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed
         via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average growing degree day gdd
       * Max Ave Temp April (1896)
         Average Maximum Temperature for April. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp April [CFT 2030] (3583)
         Average Maximum Temperature for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp April [CFT 2050] (3584)
         Average Maximum Temperature for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp August (1889)
         Average Maximum Temperature for August. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp August [CFT 2030] (3591)
         Average Maximum Temperature for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp August [CFT 2050] (3592)
         Average Maximum Temperature for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp December (1890)
         Average Maximum Temperature for December. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp December [CFT 2030] (3599)
         Average Maximum Temperature for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp December [CFT 2050] (3600)
         Average Maximum Temperature for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp February (1891)
         Average Maximum Temperature for February. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp February [CFT 2030] (3579)
         Average Maximum Temperature for February Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp February [CFT 2050] (3580)
         Average Maximum Temperature for February Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp January (1892)
         Average Maximum Temperature for January. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average maximum
       * Max Ave Temp January [CFT 2030] (3577)
         Average Maximum Temperature for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average maximum
       * Max Ave Temp January [CFT 2050] (3578)
         Average Maximum Temperature for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average maximum
       * Max Ave Temp July (1897)
         Average Maximum Temperature for July. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp July [CFT 2030] (3589)
         Average Maximum Temperature for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp July [CFT 2050] (3590)
         Average Maximum Temperature for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp June (1898)
         Average Maximum Temperature for June. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp June [CFT 2030] (3587)
         Average Maximum Temperature for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp June [CFT 2050] (3588)
         Average Maximum Temperature for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp March (1899)
         Average Maximum Temperature for March. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp March [CFT 2030] (3581)
         Average Maximum Temperature for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp March [CFT 2050] (3582)
         Average Maximum Temperature for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp May (1900)
         Average Maximum Temperature for May. A grid surface delineating average
         maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a spatial
         resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part
         of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be
         accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp May [CFT 2030] (3585)
         Average Maximum Temperature for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp May [CFT 2050] (3586)
         Average Maximum Temperature for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp November (1893)
         Average Maximum Temperature for November. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp November [CFT 2030] (3597)
         Average Maximum Temperature for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp November [CFT 2050] (3598)
         Average Maximum Temperature for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp October (1894)
         Average Maximum Temperature for October. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp October [CFT 2030] (3595)
         Average Maximum Temperature for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp October [CFT 2050] (3596)
         Average Maximum Temperature for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp September (1895)
         Average Maximum Temperature for September. A grid surface delineating
         average maximum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp September [CFT 2030] (3593)
         Average Maximum Temperature for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Max Ave Temp September [CFT 2050] (3594)
         Average Maximum Temperature for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average maximum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average maximum mean
       * Min Ave Temp April (1905)
         Average Minimum Temperature for April. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp April [CFT 2030] (3556)
         Average Minimum Temperature for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp April [CFT 2050] (3557)
         Average Minimum Temperature for April Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         April Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp August (1901)
         Average Minimum Temperature for August. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp August [CFT 2030] (3564)
         Average Minimum Temperature for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp August [CFT 2050] (3565)
         Average Minimum Temperature for August Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         August Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp December (1912)
         Average Minimum Temperature for December. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp December [CFT 2030] (3572)
         Average Minimum Temperature for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp December [CFT 2050] (3573)
         Average Minimum Temperature for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         December Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp February (1903)
         Average Minimum Temperature for February. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp February [CFT 2030] (3552)
         Average Minimum Temperature for February Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp February [CFT 2050] (3553)
         Average Minimum Temperature for December Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         February Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp January (1902)
         Average Minimum Temperature for January. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average minimum wether
       * Min Ave Temp January [CFT 2030] (3550)
         Average Minimum Temperature for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average minimum wether
       * Min Ave Temp January [CFT 2050] (3551)
         Average Minimum Temperature for January Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate temperature
         meteorology average minimum wether
       * Min Ave Temp July (1908)
         Average Minimum Temperature for July. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp July [CFT 2030] (3562)
         Average Minimum Temperature for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp July [CFT 2050] (3563)
         Average Minimum Temperature for July Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         July Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp June (1907)
         Average Minimum Temperature for June. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp June [CFT 2030] (3560)
         Average Minimum Temperature for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp June [CFT 2050] (3561)
         Average Minimum Temperature for June Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         June Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp March (1904)
         Average Minimum Temperature for March. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp March [CFT 2030] (3554)
         Average Minimum Temperature for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp March [CFT 2050] (3555)
         Average Minimum Temperature for March Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         March Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp May (1906)
         Average Minimum Temperature for May. A grid surface delineating average
         minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a spatial
         resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that form part
         of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products can be
         accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp May [CFT 2030] (3558)
         Average Minimum Temperature for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2030.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp May [CFT 2050] (3559)
         Average Minimum Temperature for May Climate Futures Tasmania CFT 2050.
         A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated
         for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop
         growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise Suitability
         Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         May Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp November (1911)
         Average Minimum Temperature for November. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp November [CFT 2030] (3570)
         Average Minimum Temperature for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp November [CFT 2050] (3571)
         Average Minimum Temperature for November Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         November Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp October (1910)
         Average Minimum Temperature for October. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp October [CFT 2030] (3568)
         Average Minimum Temperature for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         October Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp October [CFT 2050] (3569)
         Average Minimum Temperature for October Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp September (1909)
         Average Minimum Temperature for September. A grid surface delineating
         average minimum temperatures (°C) calculated for individual months at a
         spatial resolution of 30m. Specific to crop growing requirements that
         form part of the Enterprise Suitability Mapping program. All products
         can be accessed via Web Map Service
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp September [CFT 2030] (3566)
         Average Minimum Temperature for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2030. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Min Ave Temp September [CFT 2050] (3567)
         Average Minimum Temperature for September Climate Futures Tasmania CFT
         2050. A grid surface delineating average minimum temperatures (°C)
         calculated for individual months at a spatial resolution of 30m.
         Specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the Enterprise
         Suitability Mapping program. All products can be accessed via Web Map
         More Information
         September Enterprise Suitability wealth from water weather climate
         temperature meteorology average minimum mean
       * Rainfall Accumulation (mm) - 24hr period to 9AM (3912)
         A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating recent
         accumulated rainfall (millimetres since 9am) across Tasmania is
         produced in near real-time
         More Information
         nch air rain precipitation current weather meteorology gdd grow
         enterprise crop farm
       * Soil Dryness Index (1372)
         A grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating a Soil Dryness
         Index (SDI) across the state of Tasmania is produced daily. Soil
         Dryness is estimated based on the calculation prescribed in Mount
         (1972) with input data provided from high resolution daily maximum
         temperature and accumulated rainfall grids.
         More Information
         BOM Rainfall Drought Soil Dryness SDI fire nch soil dry current weather
         meteorology gdd grow enterprise crop farm sdi
       * Tasmanian Heat and Cold Wave Forecast (1846)
         Daily raster of 3-day forecast heat- and cold-wave forecast for the
         state of Tasmania
         More Information
         Heatwave Coldwave heat wave cold wave temperature weather warning
       * Weather Station (Long term averages) (BOM 1999) (433)
         Weather Station (Long term averages) provided by Bureau of Meteorology
         (BOM) in 1999. This data set contains the weather station names and
         numbers and associated climate data for stations in Tasmania with
         records longer than 15 years.
         More Information
         Weather Station Long term averages BOM
    * Farming Climate Change  (66 layers)
       * ESM - Barley [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1340)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Barley under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability barley wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Barley [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1342)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Barley under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability barley wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Blueberries Northern Highbush [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3442)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries
         Northern Highbush under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Blueberries blueberry wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Blueberries Northern Highbush [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3469)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries
         Northern Highbush under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Blueberries blueberry wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Blueberries Southern Highbush [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3443)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries
         Southern Highbush under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Blueberries blueberry Southern Highbush wealth
         from water agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resource Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Blueberries Southern Highbush [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3470)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Blueberries
         Southern Highbush under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Blueberries blueberry Southern Highbush wealth
         from water agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri
         suitab farm map meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc
         Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures
         2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Carrot Seed [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3444)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Carrot Seed under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Carrot Seed wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Carrot Seed [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3471)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Carrot Seed under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Carrot Seed wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Cherries [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3445)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cherries under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cherries wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Cherries [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3472)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cherries under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cherries wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Continental [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3446)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Continental under future climate with the assumption water availability
         is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Continental wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Continental [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3473)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Continental under future climate with the assumption water availability
         is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Continental wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Mediterranean [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3447)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Mediterranean under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Cocksfoot Mediterranean [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3474)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Cocksfoot
         Mediterranean under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Cocksfoot Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Globulus [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3448)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus
         Globulus under future climate with the assumption water availability is
         not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Eucalyptus Globulus wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Globulus [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3475)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus
         Globulus under future climate with the assumption water availability is
         not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Eucalyptus Globulus wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Nitens [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3449)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus Nitens
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Eucalyptus Nitens wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Eucalyptus Nitens [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3477)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Eucalyptus Nitens
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Eucalyptus Nitens wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Hazelnuts [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3450)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Hazelnuts under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Hazelnuts wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Hazelnuts [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3478)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Hazelnuts under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Hazelnuts wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Industrial Hemp [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3451)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Industrial Hemp
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Indian Hemp wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Industrial Hemp [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3479)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Industrial Hemp
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Indian Hemp wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Linseed [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3452)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Linseed under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Linseed wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Linseed [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3480)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Linseed under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Linseed wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Lucerne [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3453)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Lucerne under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Lucerne wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Lucerne [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3481)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Lucerne under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Lucerne wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Olives [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3454)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Olives under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Olives wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Olives [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3482)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Olives under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Olives wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Onions [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3455)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Onions under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Onions wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Onions [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3483)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Onions under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Onions wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Phalaris [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3456)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Phalaris under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Phalaris wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Phalaris [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3484)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Phalaris under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Phalaris wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Pinus Radiata [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3457)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Phalaris under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pinus Radiata wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Pinus Radiata [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3485)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Pinus Radiata
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pinus Radiata wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Poppies [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1346)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Poppies under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Poppies wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Poppies [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1344)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Poppies under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Poppies wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Potatoes [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1348)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Potatoes under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Potatoes wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Potatoes [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1350)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Potatoes under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Potatoes wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Pyrethrum [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3458)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Pyrethrum under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pyrethrum wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Pyrethrum [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3486)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Pyrethrum under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Pyrethrum wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Raspberry [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3459)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Raspberry under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Raspberry wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Raspberry [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3487)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Raspberry under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Raspberry wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Red Clover [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3460)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Red Clover under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Red Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Red Clover [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3488)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Red Clover under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Red Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Rye Grass [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3461)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Rye Grass under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Rye Grass wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Rye Grass [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3489)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Rye Grass under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Rye Grass wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Sparkling Wine Grapes [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1352)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Sparkling Wine
         Grapes under future climate with the assumption water availability is
         not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Sparkling Wine Grapes wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Sparkling Wine Grapes [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1354)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Sparkling Wine
         Grapes under future climate with the assumption water availability is
         not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Sparkling Wine Grapes wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Strawberries [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3462)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberries
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberries wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Strawberries [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3490)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberries
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberries wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - Strawberry Clover [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3463)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberry Clover
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberry Clover wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Strawberry Clover [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3491)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Strawberry Clover
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Strawberry Clover wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Table Wine Grapes [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1356)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Table Wine Grapes
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Table Wine Grapes wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Table Wine Grapes [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1358)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Table Wine Grapes
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Table Wine Grapes wealth from water agriculture
         soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander
         valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable
         Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP
         Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Continental [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3464)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Continental under future climate with the assumption water availability
         is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tall Fescue Continental wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Continental [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3492)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Continental under future climate with the assumption water availability
         is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and
         climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the
         land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or
         Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tall Fescue Continental wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Mediterranean [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3465)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Mediterranean under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tall Fescue Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Tall Fescue Mediterranean [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3493)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Tall Fescue
         Mediterranean under future climate with the assumption water
         availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped
         soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that
         allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable
         or Unsuitable. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Tall Fescue Mediterranean wealth from water
         agriculture soil land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map
         meander valley irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited
         Suitable Marginally suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario
         RCP Climate Change regional model
       * ESM - Versatility Index Pastures [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3468)
         An index depicting pasture crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 10 state-wide
         enterprise suitability pasture datasets was undertaken to identify
         specific areas of the State that were suited to more pasture species
         than other areas. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility pastures 2030 index wealth from
         water agriculture farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Versatility Index Pastures [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3496)
         An index depicting pasture crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 10 state-wide
         enterprise suitability pasture datasets was undertaken to identify
         specific areas of the State that were suited to more pasture species
         than other areas. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for
         Tasmania (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility Pastures 2050 index wealth from
         water agriculture farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Versatility Index [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3467)
         An index depicting enterprise crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 24 state-wide
         enterprise suitability datasets was undertaken to identify specific
         areas of the State that were suited to more enterprises than other
         areas. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania
         (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility 2030 index wealth from water
         agriculture farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Versatility Index [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3495)
         An index depicting enterprise crop versatility as Very High, High,
         Moderate, Moderate-Low, Low or Very Low is portrayed for private
         free-hold land in Tasmania. A heuristic integration of 24 state-wide
         enterprise suitability datasets was undertaken to identify specific
         areas of the State that were suited to more enterprises than other
         areas. Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania
         (CFT) projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability versatility 2050 index wealth from water
         agriculture farm suitable unsuitable crop agri
       * ESM - Wheat [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (1360)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Wheat under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Wheat wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - Wheat [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (1362)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing Wheat under
         future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability Wheat wealth from water agriculture soil land
         use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley irrigat
         wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally suitable
         Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change regional
       * ESM - White Clover [CFT 2030 RCPs 8.5] (3466)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing White Clover
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2030.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability White Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2030 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model
       * ESM - White Clover [CFT 2050 RCPs 8.5] (3494)
         Classified land depicting the suitability for growing White Clover
         under future climate with the assumption water availability is not a
         constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate
         parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as
         either Well suited, Suitable, Marginally suitable or Unsuitable.
         Climate parameters are based on Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT)
         projections under the RCP 8.5 scenario at 2050.
         Refer to Map User Notes for further information.
         More Information
         Enterprise Suitability White Clover wealth from water agriculture soil
         land use conservation enterprise agri suitab farm map meander valley
         irrigat wealth water natural resourc Well suited Suitable Marginally
         suitable Unsuitable Climate Futures 2050 Scenario RCP Climate Change
         regional model

 * Plants and Animals  (2 minor categories)
    * Species  (46 layers)
       * Aquatic Bird Observations (3643)
         Aquatic Bird Observations
         More Information
         Species Observations Point Species Threatened Flora Threatened Fauna
         Priority Weeds Weed management Act Conservation Significance Flora
         Conservation Significance Fauna Non threatened Flora Non threatened
         Fauna Sea birds water birds aquatic bird japanese encephalitis BT
       * Bird breeding habitat and access recommendations (3538)
         This dataset maps the significance and sensitivity of foreshore coastal
         bird breeding habitat in Tasmania, with a focus on coastal areas near
         marine farming operations. It includes breeding/nesting sites for six
         species, comprising beach-nesting resident shorebirds (Hooded Plover
         Thinornis rubricollis, Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus,
         Australian Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris and Sooty
         Oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus) and two species of small terns
         (Fairy Tern Sternula nereis and Little Tern Sternula albifrons).
         More Information
         bird shore nest habitat conservation access breeding seabird sea ocean
         foreshore coast Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis, Red-capped Plover
         Charadrius ruficapillus, Australian Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus
         longirostris Sooty Oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus Fairy Tern
         Sternula nereis Little Tern Sternula albifrons birdlife estuary
       * Cetacean (whale and dolphin) Sightings (PWS) (339)
         Cetacean (whale and dolphin) Sightings (Parks and Wildlife Services -
         PWS). This dataset spatially depicts biological resources necessary for
         the response to an oil spill in Tasmanian State coastal waters as
         specified by the Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) project. This data set
         contains point locations of whale and dolphin sightings in the waters
         surrounding Tasmania, King Island, Flinders Island and small off shore
         islands around the state.
         More Information
         Cetacean whale dolphin Sightings PWS arnoux's beaked whale blainville's
         beaked whale blue whale bottlenose dolphin bryde's whale common dolphin
         cuvier's beaked whale dusky dolphin fin whale gray's beaked whale
         hector's beaked whale humpback whale killer whale long finned pilot
         whale minke whale pygmy right whale pygmy sperm whale sei whale short
         finned pilot whale southern bottlenose whale southern right whale
         southern right whale dolphin sperm whale strap toothed beaked whale
         true's beaked whale OSRA osra biological resources osra biological osra
         Marine Mammal Sightings NVA 2017
       * Conservation Significance Fauna Line (399)
         Conservation Significance Fauna Line is non threatened fauna data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened fauna in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Fauna Line Species
       * Conservation Significance Fauna Point (398)
         Conservation Significance Fauna Point is non threatened fauna data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened fauna in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Fauna Point Species
       * Conservation Significance Fauna Polygon (400)
         Conservation Significance Fauna Polygon is non threatened fauna data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened fauna in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Fauna Polygon Species
       * Conservation Significance Flora Line (396)
         Conservation Significance Flora Line is non threatened flora data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened flora in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Flora Line Species
       * Conservation Significance Flora Point (395)
         Conservation Significance Flora Point is non threatened flora data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened flora in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Flora Point Species
       * Conservation Significance Flora Polygon (397)
         Conservation Significance Flora Polygon is non threatened flora data
         derived from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) consisting primarily of
         point locations (Eastings and Northings but could also be polygon or
         polyline data) and associated attributes for non threatened flora in
         Tasmania. The NVA maintains species taxonomy and provides access to
         additional attribute information, including species values for
         conservation significance as well as project specific data.
         More Information
         Conservation Significance Flora Polygon Species
       * Non Threatened Fauna Line (405)
         Non Threatened Fauna Line data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for non
         threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Fauna Line Species
       * Non Threatened Fauna Point (404)
         Non Threatened Fauna Point data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         non threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Fauna Point Species
       * Non Threatened Fauna Polygon (406)
         Non Threatened Fauna Polygon data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         non threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Fauna Polygon Species
       * Non Threatened Flora Line (402)
         Non Threatened Flora Line data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for non
         threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Flora Line Species
       * Non Threatened Flora Point (401)
         Non Threatened Flora Point data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         non threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Flora Point Species
       * Non Threatened Flora Polygon (403)
         Non Threatened Flora Polygon data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         non threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Non Threatened Flora Polygon Species
       * Raptor Nests (407)
         Raptor Nest locations around the state within the specified positional
         accuracy found in the datasest attributes obtained from the Natural
         Values Atlas (NVA). Raptor Nests Species
       * Road Kill - Amphibians (3747)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened frog roadkill
       * Road Kill - Birds (3004)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened bird eagle falcon swan rosella raven owl duck hen
       * Road Kill - Devils and Quolls (3005)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened eastern quoll spotted tail Tasmanian devil
       * Road Kill - Feral Species (3006)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened cat deer hare rabbit pheasant roadkill
       * Road Kill - Insects (3748)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened roadkill bee moth helena
       * Road Kill - Large and Common Marsupials (3007)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened bennetts wallaby pademelon brush tail possum
         forester kangaroo wombat roadkill
       * Road Kill - Platypus and Echidna (3749)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened roadkill platypus echidna
       * Road Kill - Reptiles (3750)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened roadkill lizard snake tiger blue copper
       * Road Kill - Rodents (3751)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened roadkill rat mouse
       * Road Kill - Smaller Marsupials (3009)
         The road kill layers provide citizen-science data on the location of
         wildlife roadkill in Tasmania. Layers are categorised into 'type' of
         wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles, etc) and separated by year.
         More Information
         Species Observations road kill car traffic animal conservation
         endangered threatened potoroo bettong eastern barred bandicoot brown
         ring tail possum roadkill
       * STT Tasmania Swift Parrot Management Zones (3414)
         stt sustainable timber forestry parrot swift habitat nest conservation
       * STT Tasmania Swift Parrot Potential Nesting Habitat (3415)
         stt sustainable timber forestry parrot swift habitat nest conservation
       * Seagrass Beds c1950 (Rees 1993) (329)
         Seagrass Beds c1950 (Rees 1993) - The five species of seagrass occuring
         around the coast of Tasmania were located on a presence-absence basis.
         Sampling included the recording of species, depth, density, substratum
         and presence of algal epiphytes. Available aerial photography from
         three time periods (circa 1950, circa 1970 and circa 1990) was used to
         digitally map selected beds into a GIS.
         More Information
         Seagrass Beds Rees
       * Seagrass Beds c1970 (Rees 1993) (330)
         Seagrass Beds c1970 (Rees 1993) - The five species of seagrass occuring
         around the coast of Tasmania were located on a presence-absence basis.
         Sampling included the recording of species, depth, density, substratum
         and presence of algal epiphytes. Available aerial photography from
         three time periods (circa 1950, circa 1970 and circa 1990) was used to
         digitally map selected beds into a GIS.
         More Information
         Seagrass Beds Rees
       * Seagrass Beds c1990 (Rees 1993) (331)
         Seagrass Beds c1990 (Rees 1993) - The five species of seagrass occuring
         around the coast of Tasmania were located on a presence-absence basis.
         Sampling included the recording of species, depth, density, substratum
         and presence of algal epiphytes. Available aerial photography from
         three time periods (circa 1950, circa 1970 and circa 1990) was used to
         digitally map selected beds into a GIS.
         More Information
         Seagrass Beds Rees OSRA biological resources osra biological osra
       * Species Observations Line (408)
         Species Observations Line data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         flora and fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Species Observations Line Species Threatened Flora Threatened Fauna
         Priority Weeds Weeds Management Act Conservation Significance Flora
         Conservation Significance Fauna Non Threatened Flora Non Threatened
       * Species Observations Point (410)
         Species Observations Point data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         flora and fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Species Observations Point Species Threatened Flora Threatened Fauna
         Priority Weeds Weed management Act Conservation Significance Flora
         Conservation Significance Fauna Non threatened Flora Non threatened
       * Species Observations Polygon (409)
         Species Observations Polygon data is derived from the Natural Values
         Atlas consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings
         but also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         flora and fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Species Observations Polygon Species Threatened Flora Threatened Fauna
         Priority Weeds Weed Management Conservation Significance Flora
         Conservation Significance Fauna Non threatened Flora Non threatened
       * Threatened Fauna Line (415)
         Threatened Fauna Line data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Fauna Line Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Threatened Fauna Point (414)
         Threatened Fauna Point data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Fauna Point Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Threatened Fauna Polygon (416)
         Threatened Fauna Polygon data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened fauna in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Fauna Polygon Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Threatened Flora Line (412)
         Threatened Flora Line data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Flora Line Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Threatened Flora Point (413)
         Threatened Flora Point data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Flora Point Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Threatened Flora Polygon (411)
         Threatened Flora Polygon data is derived from the Natural Values Atlas
         consisting primarily of point locations (Eastings and Northings but
         also includes lines and polygon data) and associated attributes for
         threatened flora in Tasmania.
         More Information
         Threatened Flora Polygon Species OSRA osra biological resources osra
         biological osra
       * Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - High (above 700 m) Elevation Model
         Wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat high elevation model around the
         state, showing the relative likelihood that an eagle nest will be found
         in a particular area Wedge-Tailed Eagle Nest Species Eagle eagle wedge
         tailed habitat elevation
       * Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - Low (under 850 m) Elevation Model
         Wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat low elevation model around the
         state, showing the relative likelihood that an eagle nest will be found
         in a particular area Wedge-Tailed Eagle Nest Species Eagle eagle wedge
         tailed habitat elevation
       * Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - North West Model (2625)
         Wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model in the North West of the
         state, showing the relative likelihood that an eagle nest will be found
         in a particular area Wedge-Tailed Eagle Nest Species Eagle eagle wedge
         tailed habitat elevation NW nw north west
       * Weeds Watchlist Lines (418)
         Weeds Watchlist Lines - Within the infrastructure of the Natural Values
         Atlas this project will support the administration of the Weed
         Management Act 1999 by the secure and effective storage, retrieval and
         backup of data that underpins activities of the Weed Management Section
         within LCB. The project aims to increase the capacity of Tasmanian land
         and water managers to collect, manage, share, map and report on weed
         distribution in Tasmania. Comprehensive, high quality data on weed
         distribution is required to prioritise weed management activities and
         measure outcomes of that work.
         More Information
         Weeds Watchlist Lines Species flora exotic Priority Weeds Weeds
         Management Act
       * Weeds Watchlist Point (417)
         Weeds Watchlist Points - Within the infrastructure of the Natural
         Values Atlas this project will support the administration of the Weed
         Management Act 1999 by the secure and effective storage, retrieval and
         backup of data that underpins activities of the Weed Management Section
         within LCB. The project aims to increase the capacity of Tasmanian land
         and water managers to collect, manage, share, map and report on weed
         distribution in Tasmania. Comprehensive, high quality data on weed
         distribution is required to prioritise weed management activities and
         measure outcomes of that work.
         More Information
         Weeds Watchlist Point Species flora exotic Priority Weeds Weeds
       * Weeds Watchlist Polygon (419)
         Weeds Watchlist Polygon - Within the infrastructure of the Natural
         Values Atlas this project will support the administration of the Weed
         Management Act 1999 by the secure and effective storage, retrieval and
         backup of data that underpins activities of the Weed Management Section
         within LCB. The project aims to increase the capacity of Tasmanian land
         and water managers to collect, manage, share, map and report on weed
         distribution in Tasmania. Comprehensive, high quality data on weed
         distribution is required to prioritise weed management activities and
         measure outcomes of that work.
         More Information
         Weeds Watchlist Polygon Species flora exotic Priority Weeds Weeds
         Management Act
    * Communities  (12 layers)
       * Forest Groups (421)
         Forest Vegetation Groups dataset is a digital polygon coverage of
         Tasmania, (captured at 1:25 000 scale), detailing seven broad
         categories (groups) of forest vegetation, which have been aggregated
         from photo-interpreted forest types (PI-types) derived from varying
         scales of colour aerial photography.
         More Information
         Forest Groups Communities vegetation forest group tasmania density
         cover classif inventory plantation struct mapping Eucalypt Low Forest
         Eucalypt Tall Forest Rainforest Other Native Forest Plantation Hardwood
         Plantation Softwood Non Forest
       * TASVEG 3.0 (420)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 3.0 groups is the latest official release of the
         Tasmania-wide vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation
         Monitoring and Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 3.0 maps more
         than 150 vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is
         suitable for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG 3.0 Communities vegetation flora veg tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 3.0 Groups (1246)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 3.0 groups is the latest official release of the
         Tasmania-wide vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation
         Monitoring and Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 3.0 maps more
         than 150 vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is
         suitable for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG 3.0 groups vegetation flora veg tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 3.0 Outline and Labels (959)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 3.0 groups is the latest official release of the
         Tasmania-wide vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation
         Monitoring and Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 3.0 maps more
         than 150 vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is
         suitable for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG Communities vegetation flora tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 4.0 (3165)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 4.0 is the latest official release of the Tasmania-wide
         vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and
         Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 4.0 maps more than 150
         vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is suitable
         for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG 4.0 Communities vegetation flora veg 4 tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 4.0 Fire Attributes (3251)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG 4.0 Fire Attributes is a derivative of the TASVEG 4.0 vegetation
         mapping layer and includes several attribute fields of relevance for
         bushfire management purposes.
         More Information
         Fire Fuel flammability sensitivity pheonix TASVEG 4.0 4 Communities
         vegetation flora veg prediction model phoenix tfs nch emergency tas veg
         Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 4.0 Groups (3176)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 4.0 is the latest official release of the Tasmania-wide
         vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and
         Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 4.0 maps more than 150
         vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is suitable
         for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG 4.0 Communities vegetation flora veg 4 groups tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG 4.0 Outlines and Labels (3177)
         WARNING:TASVEG mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TASVEG, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation by a
         qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG version 4.0 is the latest official release of the Tasmania-wide
         vegetation map produced by the Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and
         Mapping Program (TVMMP) within NRE. TASVEG 4.0 maps more than 150
         vegetation communities at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 and is suitable
         for reporting purposes or determining the probable location of
         vegetation communities at the statewide or regional scale.
         More Information
         TASVEG 4.0 Communities vegetation flora veg 4 tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG Live (1099)
         WARNING: TASVEG Live mapping is indicative only. Whilst this layer is
         continually updated with the best available information, confirming the
         presence or otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation
         by a qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG Live is a snapshot of the in-production mapping for the official
         TASVEG dataset. TASVEG Live is an 'as-is' dataset and has not undergone
         the regular quality assurance checks associated with an official TASVEG
         release. The TASVEG Live layer has been published to facilitate
         engagement with end users on how best to maintain the currency of
         TASVEG data. Users who need to undertake analysis of the TASVEG layer
         for reporting purposes are directed to seek the latest official TASVEG
         release version.
         More Information
         TASVEG live Communities vegetation flora veg tas veg Tas Veg
       * TASVEG Live Outline and Labels (1103)
         WARNING: TASVEG Live mapping is indicative only. Whilst this layer is
         continually updated with the best available information, confirming the
         presence or otherwise of TASVEG communities requires field validation
         by a qualified practitioner.
         TASVEG Live is a snapshot of the in-production mapping for the official
         TASVEG dataset. TASVEG Live is an 'as-is' dataset and has not undergone
         the regular quality assurance checks associated with an official TASVEG
         release. The TASVEG Live layer has been published to facilitate
         engagement with end users on how best to maintain the currency of
         TASVEG data. Users who need to undertake analysis of the TASVEG layer
         for reporting purposes are directed to seek the latest official TASVEG
         release version.
         More Information
         TASVEG live Communities vegetation flora veg tas veg Tas Veg
       * Threatened Native Vegetation Communities 2020 (TNVC 2020) (422)
         WARNING: TNVC mapping is indicative only. Whilst extensive checks are
         applied to release versions of TNVC, confirming the presence or
         otherwise of listed threatened communities requires field validation by
         a qualified practitioner.
         TNVC 2020 is a state-wide mapping layer produced by the TVMMP showing
         the indicative extent of threatened native vegetation communities
         across Tasmania. It estimates the mapped extent of 39 communities
         listed under Schedule 3A of Threatened native vegetation communities of
         the Nature Conservation Act (2002). TNVC 2020 is derived from TASVEG
         4.0 for all but four of the 39 communities. Four communities (Heathland
         scrub complex at Wingaroo, Notelaea - Pomaderris - Beyeria forest, Sea
         bird rookery complex and Riparian scrub) are derived from a combination
         of TNVC 2014 and TASVEG 4.0. TNVC 2020 is the third major release
         version of the TNVC layer. It replaces TNVC 2014, which was largely
         based on TASVEG 3.0
         More Information
         Threatened Native Vegetation Communities TNVC 2014
       * Tree Canopy Height (3266)
         Tree canopy height (m) derived from LiDAR data. Coverage will only be
         in areas of LiDAR coverage.
         More Information
         tree, canopy, height, lidar, elevation, fire

 * Geology and Soils  (4 minor categories)
    * Geology  (7 layers)
       * Geological Background Image 250K (871)
         250k Geology Image.
         More Information
         Geology Geological Background Image 250K mrt geoscience geosciences
       * Geological Background Image 25K (870)
         25k Geology Image. Geology Geological Background Image 25K mrt
         geoscience geosciences
       * Geological Lines 250K (264)
         Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) Geological Lines 250K. Geology and
         structure data derived from 1:50,000 and 1:63,360 Digital Geological
         Atlas printed map series and 1:25,000 digital geology data where
         available. Geological units and boundaries have been generalised and
         compiled for 1:250,000 scale.
         More Information
         Geological Lines 250K mrt geology geoscience geosciences Axial surface
         trace major antiform Axial surface trace major fold Axial surface trace
         major synform Axial surface trace overturned major antiform Axial
         surface trace overturned major synform Concealed fault Devonian
         dolerite dykes NE Tasmania Fault Fault with relative downthrown side
         indicated Geological boundary Limit mapping sub unit within
         undifferentiated rock un Lithological trend line Precambrian dolerite
         dykes NW Tasmania Thrust or reverse fault teeth on upper plate Wrench
         fault with relative displacement indicated
       * Geological Lines 25K (262)
         Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) Geological Lines 25K. Geology and
         structure data derived from existing reports, 1:25,000 1:50,000 and
         1:63,360 scale printed maps, new field mapping and interpretation of
         aerial photography and airborne geophysical data.
         More Information
         Geological Lines 25K mrt geology geoscience geosciences Axial surface
         trace major antiform Axial surface trace major early antiform early
         overturned antiform early overturned synform early synform Axial
         surface trace major later antiform later overturned antiform Axial
         surface trace major later synform Axial surface trace major overturned
         antiform overturned synform synform Axial trace major anticline
         antiform syncline antiform synform Cartographic Line Crest remnant old
         stabilised longitudinal dune Dune crest Fault Geological boundary
         Intrusive boundary Intrusive boundary along pre existing fault
         Intrusive boundary along pre existing fault with subsequent post
         intrusive movement Intrusive boundary along pre existing fault
         downthrown side indicated Intrusive boundary with associated chilled or
         fine grained marginal zone in igneous body Limit glacial smoothing
         bedrock Limit mapping sub unit within undifferentiated rock unit
         Lineament visible in airborne magnetic and or radiometric data
         Lineament visible in airborne magnetic data Lineament visible in
         airborne radiometric data Lineament visible on aerial photographs
         Lithological trend line including bedding trace interpreted from aerial
         photographs Magnetic gradient or lineament direction towards lower
         values indicated Margin relict lunette and associated swamp Metamorphic
         boundary Moraine ridge crest Normal fault downthrown side indicated
         Relative offset indicator for strike-slip fault sinistral Relative
         offset indicator for strike-slip faults dextral Scarp Slope break
         Strike-slip fault dextral Strike-slip fault sinistral Subsurface
         geological boundary projected to surface Tectonic foliation trend line
         Thrust fault Thrust fault teeth on upper plate Trace old sea-cliff
         related to elevated sealevel Last Interglacial Stage Transitional
         geological boundary Trend older stabilised Holocene beach ridge Trend
         relict beach ridge related to regressive strandline Last Interglacial
         Stage Unconformable boundary Water
       * Geological Polygons 250K (265)
         Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) Geological Polygons 250K. Geology and
         structure data derived from 1:50,000 and 1:63,360 Digital Geological
         Atlas printed map series and 1:25,000 digital geology data where
         available. Geological units and boundaries have been generalised and
         compiled for 1:250,000 scale.
         More Information
         Geological Polygons 250K mrt geology geoscience geosciences
       * Geological Polygons 25K (263)
         Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) Geological Polygons 25K. Geology and
         structure data derived from existing reports, 1:25,000 1:50,000 and
         1:63,360 scale printed maps, new field mapping and interpretation of
         aerial photography and airborne geophysical data.
         More Information
         Geological Polygons 25K mrt geology geoscience geosciences
       * Land Systems of Tasmania (3397)
         Tasmania was separated into seven regions for the purposes of land
         system mapping for the period 1978-1989. Non-unique land systems were
         developed based on six descriptor classes (geological period,
         geological rock type, rainfall, vegetation, elevation, and differences
         in dominant soils. Within each land system, land components are
         described which present examples of soil and vegetation variation
         across topographic sequences (proportion estimates, but unmapped
         boundaries). Land Systems are considered to have a nominal scale of
         1:100 000.
         More Information
         nch geography soil vegetation topography geology rainfall rock
    * Geoscientific Information  (6 layers)
       * Airborne Surveys (2351)
         Spatial index of open file airborne geophysical surveys for which
         digital data is held.
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip survey air
       * Geoconservation Sites (393)
         Geoconservation Areas data was developed in response to the Regional
         Forest Agreement (RFA) in Tasmania. It documents the qualities of
         identified geological, geomorphological and pedological (soil)
         features. The features are categorised with a sensitivity index ranging
         from 1 to 10 which indicates sensitivity to human impact.
         More Information
         Geoconservation Sites Listed Interim
       * Geoconservation Sites (Outlines) (1315)
         Geoconservation Areas data was developed in response to the Regional
         Forest Agreement (RFA) in Tasmania. It documents the qualities of
         identified geological, geomorphological and pedological (soil)
         features. The features are categorised with a sensitivity index ranging
         from 1 to 10 which indicates sensitivity to human impact.
         More Information
         Geoconservation Sites Listed Interim
       * Gravity Base Stations (2349)
         Precise locations where the absolute value of gravity is known
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip gravity
       * Gravity Measurements (2350)
         Primary and derived (i.e. Bouguer anomaly) gravity observation points
         (stations) in Tasmania
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip gravity bouguer
       * Sample Observation Points (2348)
         This dataset shows point locations at which geological samples have
         been taken and/or (less commonly) geological observations or
         measurements have been made. Only basic information is included, but
         further data for each point may be available on-line from the Mineral
         Resources Tasmania website (go to Products and Services/Database
         Searches/Samples and Geochemistry Search or use this link): Samples and
         Geochemistry Search and click on Search, then Export Results
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard sample observation soil geology
    * Soils  (15 layers)
       * Acid Sulfate Soil Sites (244)
         A NHT (National Heritage Trust) funded project headed by the NRM Cradle
         Coast to delineate coastal areas with potential to contain Acid Sulfate
         Soils (ASS).
         More Information
         Acid Sulfate Soil Sites nrm soils environment site environmental
         natural resource management AASS Actual Acid Sulfate Soil PASS
         Potential Acid Sulfate Soil NASS Not Acid Sulfate Soil
       * Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils (0 - 20m AHD) (250)
         Potential to contain Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils is a National Heritage
         Trust (NHT) funded project headed by the NRM Cradle Coast to delineate
         coastal areas with potential to contain Acid Sulfate Soils
         More Information
         Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils 0-20m AHD nrm soil environment site sites
         environmental natural resource management Extremely Low High Low
       * Dominant Soil Orders of Tasmania using Land System Boundaries (3421)
         Digital representation of the dominant and subdominant Soil Orders of
         Tasmania at 1:500,000 scale. The map utilised the linework from the
         Land Systems of Tasmania survey undertaken by the Department of
         Agriculture and published 1978-89. Information on the soil orders is
         contained in a digital database within the electronic coverage. Soil
         data attributes are coded to the Australian Soil Classification (2003)
         to include soil order, sub order and percentage makeup of up to 5 soils
         for each land system polygon.
         More Information
         Soil NCH Dominant Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Ecosystem
         Conservation NVA
       * Inland Acid Sulfate Soils (>20m AHD) (251)
         Potential to contain Inland Acid Sulfate Soils - Tasmania. A National
         Heritage Trust (NHT) funded project headed by the NRM Cradle Coast.
         More Information
         Inland Acid Sulfate Soils >20m AHD nrm soil environment site sites
         environmental natural resource management High Low Extremely Low
       * Marine Subaqueous/Intertidal Acid Sulfate Soil (252)
         Marine Subaqueous/Intertidal Acid Sulfate Soil is part of a NHT
         (National Heritage Trust) funded project headed by the NRM Cradle Coast
         to delineate marine subaqueous and intertidal areas with potential to
         contain Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS).
         More Information
         Marine Subaqueous Intertidal Acid Sulfate Soil nrm soils environment
         site sites environmental natural resource management High Intertidal
         High Subtidal
       * Organic Soils Characteristics Map (3378)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Organic Soils Depth Map (3382)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Organic Soils Drainage Map (3383)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Organic Soils Extent and Likelihood Map (3384)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Organic Soils Humification Map (3385)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Organic Soils Presence / Absence Sites (3386)
         As part of a 2018 AHT funding grant, The Organic Soils Mapping (OSM)
         project was undertaken by DPIPWE Natural Values Conservation Branch
         between 2019 and 2021, using existing legacy data from the previous
         land resource assessment studies, NVA Database sites, expert desktop
         inputs, and newly captured site data from the AHT grant funded field
         campaigns in targeted areas, and a combination of predictive spatial
         modelling and existing spatial datasets. The project was focused on the
         Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), with modelling
         applied state-wide to assist in organic soil identification elsewhere.
         More Information
         Soil Ecology Organic OSM Natural Values Conservation NVA TWWHA World
         Heritage Ecosystem
       * Soil 1:100000 Reconniassance Maps (247)
         1:100000 Reconniassance Soil Maps
         More Information
         Soil 1to100000 Reconniassance Maps
       * Soil Boundaries (246)
         Soil Boundaries (only over a partial area of Tasmania)
         More Information
         Soil Boundaries
       * Soil Local Area Maps (248)
         Local Area Soil Maps Soil Local Area Maps
       * Soil Types (249)
         Soil Types (only over a partial area of Tasmania) Soil Types Chromosol
         Complex Dermosol Ferrosol Hydrosol Kandosol Kurosol No Classification
         Podosol Rudosol Sodosol Tenosol Vertosol
    * Landslides  (12 layers)
       * (Deep-Seated) Slide Susceptibility (image) (2353)
         Mosaic image of Geomorphology maps in the Tasmanian Landslide Map
         Series published by MRT - refer to website for map text. Regional
         geomorphic features and detailed landslide mapping (red features) are
         shown over a hillshade digital terrain model with a slope
         More Information
         landslide mrt hazard image landslip
       * Geomorphology (image) (2343)
         More Information
         geomorphology mrt landslide lanslip
       * Landslide Damage Point (2344)
         Point locations of known damage to structures or property caused by a
         landslide in Tasmania, with summary damage data derived from the
         Geohazards (Landslide) Database, administered by Mineral Resources
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip damage
       * Landslide Inventory (image) (2354)
         Mosaic image of Landslide Inventory maps in the Tasmanian Landslide Map
         Series published by MRT - refer to website for map text. Shows
         Landslide ID and classification by landslide type, activity state and
         certainty of interpretation, along with known landslide damage and
         proclaimed Landslip Areas.
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip image photo
       * Landslide Line (2345)
         Linear landslide components of landslide features mapped across
         Tasmania, with summary landslide data derived from the Geohazards
         (Landslide) Database, administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania.
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip
       * Landslide Planning Map - Components 20131022 - Under Review (954)
         Hazard Planning Maps produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (this map being such a map) are produced and released for the purpose
         of informing actions taken and decisions made by local or state
         government under relevant provisions of the Land Use Planning and
         Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2000.
         Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, the Government of
         Tasmania makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy,
         reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose
         other than its intended purpose.
         Hazard bands as depicted in this map may not accurately represent the
         existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area. Independent
         expert advice should be sought if action is to be taken that may be
         impacted by the existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area.
         More Information
         DPAC Landslide Planning Landslip landsli natural hazard landuse
         planning geohazard Low Medium High V2 Landslide Planning Map V2
       * Landslide Planning Map - Hazard Bands 20131022 - Under Review (953)
         Hazard Planning Maps produced by the Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (this map being such a map) are produced and released for the purpose
         of informing actions taken and decisions made by local or state
         government under relevant provisions of the Land Use Planning and
         Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2000.
         Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, the Government of
         Tasmania makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy,
         reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose
         other than its intended purpose.
         Hazard bands as depicted in this map may not accurately represent the
         existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area. Independent
         expert advice should be sought if action is to be taken that may be
         impacted by the existence or otherwise of hazards in the mapped area.
         More Information
         DPAC Landslide Planning Landslip landsli natural hazard landuse
         planning geohazard Low Medium High V2 Landslide Planning Map V2 Hazard
       * Landslide Point (2346)
         Landslide features across Tasmania as representative points, with
         summary landslide data derived from the Geohazards (Landslide)
         Database; administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania.
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip
       * Landslide Polygon (2347)
         Landslide component polygons of landslide features mapped across
         Tasmania, with summary landslide data derived from the Geohazards
         (Landslide) Database, administered by Mineral Resources Tasmania.
         More Information
         Mining Landslide mrt hazard landslip
       * Proclaimed Landslip Zones (266)
         Proclaimed Landslip Areas (A and B) of Tasmania, which are defined
         under the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995, administered by
         Mineral Resources Tasmania. These areas prohibit or restrict building
         and other activities in particular areas of unstable land, as specified
         under the Building Act 2000.
         More Information
         Proclaimed Landslip Zones land slide landslide MRT
       * Shallow Slide and/or Flow Susceptibility (image) (2355)
         Mosaic image of Shallow Slide and Flow Susceptibility maps in the
         Tasmanian Landslide Map Series published by MRT - refer to website for
         map text. Shows modelled zones of susceptibility to shallow slide and
         flow processes. The modelling identifies both source areas and runout
         More Information
         landslide mrt hazard image landslip flow
       * Simplified Geology (image) (2352)
         Mosaic image of Simplified Geology maps in the Tasmanian Landslide Map
         Series published by MRT refer to website for map text. Shows simplified
         geology over the Tamar Valley region - surficial and bedrock units.
         More Information
         landslide mrt hazard image landslip

 * People and Society  (8 minor categories)
    * Education  (2 layers)
       * DoE School Intake Areas 2024 (Current) (2482)
         This layer shows the Department of Education's intake area boundaries
         for government primary and combined (district) schools, effective from
         Term 1, 2021.
         More Information
         DOE home school areas education schools feeder DoE School Intake Areas
         Feeder amendments intake two 2024 legana
       * DoE Schools (1674)
         Department of Education school locations around Tasmania.
         More Information
         DOE schools locations school location Points primary secondary high
         district School
    * Health  (6 layers)
       * Department of Health Recreational Water Sampling Points (3423)
         This layer displays the current location of recreational water sampling
         points in Tasmania. These recreational water bodies are monitored by
         councils between 1 December and 31 March in accordance with the
         Recreational Water Quality Guidelines 2007.
         More Information
         THS DHHS Health doh water sampling sample recreation
       * Other Hospitals (1330)
         Other Hospitals is a subset of Facilities, or Points of Interest, which
         contain spatial point locations of organisations, public buildings,
         institutions and Government service providers within Tasmania. Data is
         categorised into a main and sub-category, and the name of the feature
         is held. Facilities in the main category include accommodation, church,
         club, Commonwealth, State and local government, community care,
         education and training, financial institution, fire stations,
         hospitals, medical service, sports complex, police and emergency
         service, tourist feature, transport, cultural grounds, halls and
         community centres. Features are defined as a spatial point and hold the
         name of the feature.
         More Information
         Other Hospitals Facilities Facility Community Communities Points of
         Interest Point OSRA OSRA logistical osra infrastructure resources osra
       * PHIDU - Diabetes (1626)
         Modelled estimates of chronic diseases: type 2 diabetes. SA2 data for
         this indicator are derived from Population Health Area (PHA) data. PHAs
         are comprised of one or more whole SA2s.From PHIDU: SA2 Chronic Disease
         - Modelled Estimate
         More Information
         PHIDU Diabetes Diabetic population Chronic Disease Aurin Map ABS SA2
       * PHIDU - Obesity (1627)
         Modelled estimates of health risk factors: weight and smoking by SA2,
         2011-13. SA2 data for these indicators are derived from Population
         Health Area (PHA) data. PHAs are comprised of one or more whole SA2s.
         From PHIDU: SA2 Health Risk Factors - Modelled Estimate
         More Information
         PHIDU Obesity Obese Overweight population Health Risk Factors Aurin Map
         ABS SA2 Statistical
       * PHIDU - Psychological Distress (1628)
         Estimated number of people aged 18 years and over with high or very
         high psychological distress by SA2, from 2011 to 2013. SA2 data for
         this indicator are derived from Population Health Area (PHA) data. PHAs
         are comprised of one or more whole SA2s. From PHIDU: SA2 Psychological
         Distress - Modelled Estimate
         More Information
         PHIDU Psychological Distress population well being Chronic Disease
         Aurin Map ABS SA2 Statistical
       * PHIDU - Smokers (1629)
         Modelled estimates of health risk factors: weight and smoking by SA2,
         2011-13. SA2 data for these indicators are derived from Population
         Health Area (PHA) data. PHAs are comprised of one or more whole SA2s.
         From PHIDU: SA2 Health Risk Factors - Modelled Estimate
         More Information
         PHIDU Smokers Smoking Health Risk Factors Aurin Map ABS SA2 Statistical
    * Economy  (1 layer)
       * Local government Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) 2019-20 (2003)
         The Department of Premier and Cabinet's Local Government Division (LGD)
         has been collecting data from Tasmanian councils annually since 2000.
         This data collection is called the Consolidated Data Collection or CDC.
         The CDC covers finances, infrastructure, roads and bridges, land use
         planning, human resources and disability access
         More Information
         LGA Finance CDC Tasmanian Government Human Environment Local Councils
         Finance Economy
    * ABS 2011 Census Statistics  (132 layers)
       * Dwellings with no motor vehicles (SA1) - 2011 (1443)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Dwellings with no motor
         vehicles from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics Dwellings with no motor vehicles vulnerable
       * Female Population (LGA) - 2011 (1651)
         Female population statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Local Government Areas LGA Population Census
       * Female Population (SA1) - 2011 (1652)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 1 SA1 Census Population
       * Female Population (SA2) - 2011 (1653)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 2 SA2 Census Population
       * Female Population (SA3) - 2011 (1655)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 3 SA3 Census Population
       * Female Population (SA4) - 2011 (1656)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Population Statistical Area 4 SA4 Census
       * Household Income less than $400 a week (SA1) - 2011 (1441)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Households with income
         less than $400 per week from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People with income less than $400 per week vulnerable
       * Industry (LGA) - Accomm. and food services - 2011 (1786)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Accommodation and food services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Accommodation and
         food services
       * Industry (LGA) - Admin. and support services - 2011 (1798)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Administrative and support services. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Administrative and
         support services
       * Industry (LGA) - Agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2011 (1771)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Agriculture, forestry and fishing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Agriculture forestry
         and fishing
       * Industry (LGA) - Arts and rec. services - 2011 (1806)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Arts and recreation services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Arts and recreation
       * Industry (LGA) - Construction - 2011 (1779)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Construction. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Construction
       * Industry (LGA) - Education and training - 2011 (1802)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Education and training. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Education and
       * Industry (LGA) - Elec., gas, water and waste services - 2011 (1777)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Electricity, gas, water and waste services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Electricity, gas,
         water and waste services
       * Industry (LGA) - Financial and insurance services - 2011 (1792)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Financial and insurance services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Financial and
         insurance services
       * Industry (LGA) - Health care and social assistance - 2011 (1804)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Health care and social assistance. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Health care and
         social assistance
       * Industry (LGA) - Inadequately desc or Not stated - 2011 (1810)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Inadequately described/Not stated. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Inadequately
         described Not stated
       * Industry (LGA) - Info. media and telecomm. - 2011 (1790)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Information media and telecommunications. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Information media
         and telecommunications
       * Industry (LGA) - Manufacturing - 2011 (1775)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Manufacturing. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Manufacturing
       * Industry (LGA) - Mining - 2011 (1773)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Mining. The data is a percentage of the total number of individuals
         employed in this industry around the state. The data is from the 2011
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Mining
       * Industry (LGA) - Other services - 2011 (1808)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Other services. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Other services
       * Industry (LGA) - Prof., scientific and tech services - 2011 (1796)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Professional, scientific and technical services. The data is a
         percentage of the total number of individuals employed in this industry
         around the state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Professional,
         scientific and technical services
       * Industry (LGA) - Public admin. and safety - 2011 (1800)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Public administration and safety. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Public
         administration and safety
       * Industry (LGA) - Rent., hiring and real estate services - 2011 (1794)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Rental, hiring and real estate services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Rental, hiring and
         real estate services
       * Industry (LGA) - Retail trade - 2011 (1783)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Retail trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Retail trade
       * Industry (LGA) - Transport, post. and warehousing - 2011 (1788)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Transport, postal and warehousing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Transport, postal
         and warehousing
       * Industry (LGA) - Wholesale trade - 2011 (1781)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Wholesale trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Wholesale trade
       * Industry (SA2) - Accomm. and food services - 2011 (1787)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Accommodation and food services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Accommodation and food
       * Industry (SA2) - Admin. and support services - 2011 (1799)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Administrative and support services. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Administrative and
         support services
       * Industry (SA2) - Agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2011 (1772)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Agriculture, forestry and fishing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Agriculture forestry and
       * Industry (SA2) - Arts and rec. services - 2011 (1807)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Arts and recreation services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Arts and recreation
       * Industry (SA2) - Construction - 2011 (1780)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Construction. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Construction
       * Industry (SA2) - Education and training - 2011 (1803)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Education and training. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Education and training
       * Industry (SA2) - Elec., gas, water and waste services - 2011 (1778)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Electricity, gas, water and waste services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Electricity, gas, water
         and waste services
       * Industry (SA2) - Financial and insurance services - 2011 (1793)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Financial and insurance services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Financial and insurance
       * Industry (SA2) - Health care and social assistance - 2011 (1805)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Health care and social assistance. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Health care and social
       * Industry (SA2) - Inadequately desc or Not stated - 2011 (1811)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Inadequately described/Not stated. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Inadequately described
         Not stated
       * Industry (SA2) - Info. media and telecomm. - 2011 (1791)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Information media and telecommunications. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Information media and
       * Industry (SA2) - Manufacturing - 2011 (1776)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Manufacturing. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Manufacturing
       * Industry (SA2) - Mining - 2011 (1774)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Mining. The data is a percentage of the total number of individuals
         employed in this industry around the state. The data is from the 2011
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Mining
       * Industry (SA2) - Other services - 2011 (1809)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Other services. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Other services
       * Industry (SA2) - Prof., scientific and tech services - 2011 (1797)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Professional, scientific and technical services. The data is a
         percentage of the total number of individuals employed in this industry
         around the state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Professional, scientific
         and technical services
       * Industry (SA2) - Public admin. and safety - 2011 (1801)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Public administration and safety. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Public administration
         and safety
       * Industry (SA2) - Rent., hiring and real estate services - 2011 (1795)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Rental, hiring and real estate services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Rental, hiring and real
         estate services
       * Industry (SA2) - Retail trade - 2011 (1785)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Retail trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Retail trade
       * Industry (SA2) - Transport, post. and warehousing - 2011 (1789)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Transport, postal and warehousing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Transport, postal and
       * Industry (SA2) - Wholesale trade - 2011 (1782)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Wholesale trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Wholesale trade
       * Male Population (LGA) - 2011 (1657)
         Male population statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Local Government Areas LGA Population Census
       * Male Population (SA1) - 2011 (1658)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Male SA1 Population Census
       * Male Population (SA2) - 2011 (1661)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 2 SA2 Population
       * Male Population (SA3) - 2011 (1659)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 3 SA3 Population
       * Male Population (SA4) - 2011 (1660)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 4 SA4 Population
       * Median Age (LGA) - 2011 (932)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Median Age Local Government Areas
         from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Median Age Local Government Areas
       * Need for assistance (SA1) - 2011 (1442)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People with need for
         assistance from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People with need for assistance vulnerable
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA1) - 2011 (1580)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA2) - 2011 (1581)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA3) - 2011 (1582)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA4) - 2011 (1583)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA1) - 2011 (1584)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA2) - 2011 (1585)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA3) - 2011 (1586)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 3
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA4) - 2011 (1587)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 4
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA1) - 2011 (1595)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 1
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA2) - 2011 (1594)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA3) - 2011 (1593)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA4) - 2011 (1592)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA1) - 2011 (1599)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA2) - 2011 (1598)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA3) - 2011 (1597)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA4) - 2011 (1596)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA1) - 2011 (1603)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA2) - 2011 (1602)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA3) - 2011 (1601)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA4) - 2011 (1600)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA1) - 2011 (1607)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA2) - 2011 (1606)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA3) - 2011 (1605)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA4) - 2011 (1604)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA1) - 2011 (1588)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA2) - 2011 (1589)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA3) - 2011 (1590)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA4) - 2011 (1591)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA1) - 2011 (1611)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA2) - 2011 (1610)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA3) - 2011 (1609)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA4) - 2011 (1608)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA1) - 2011 (1615)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA2) - 2011 (1614)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA3) - 2011 (1613)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA4) - 2011 (1612)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA1) - 2011 (1619)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA2) - 2011 (1618)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA3) - 2011 (1617)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA4) - 2011 (1616)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA1) - 2011 (1623)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 1 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 1 2011
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA2) - 2011 (1622)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 2 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 2 2011
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA3) - 2011 (1621)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 3 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 3 2011
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA4) - 2011 (1620)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 4 from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 4 2011
       * People Aged Over 75 (SA1) - 2011 (923)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People aged over 75 from
         the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People aged over 75 vulnerable
       * Percent Female Population (SA1) - 2011 (1670)
         Percentage of Tasmania's population which is female, by Statistical
         Area 1 (SA1) from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Percent Female SA1 Gender
       * Percent Male Population (SA1) - 2011 (1645)
         Percentage of Tasmania's population which is male, by Statistical Area
         1 (SA1) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Percent Male SA1 Gender
       * Percent Unemployment (LGA) - 2011 (933)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Percent Unemployment Local
         Government Areas from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Percent Unemployment Local Government Areas
       * Population (LGA) - 2011 (931)
         Population Statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Population Local Government Areas LGA Census Where we Live
       * Population (SA1) - 2011 (927)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Population Census SA1 SAL1
       * Population (SA2) - 2011 (928)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 Population Census SAL2
       * Population (SA3) - 2011 (929)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 SAL3 Population Census
       * Population (SA4) - 2011 (930)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 SAL4 Population Census
       * Population Density (LGA) - 2011 (1646)
         Population Density Local Government Areas (LGA). People per square
         kilometre of each LGA from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
         2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Local Government Area LGA Population Density Square Kilometre
       * Population Density (SA1) - 2011 (1647)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 1). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 1 SA1 Population Density Square Kilometre
       * Population Density (SA2) - 2011 (1648)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 2). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 Population Density Square Kilometre
       * Population Density (SA3) - 2011 (1649)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 3). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 Population Density Square Kilometre
       * Population Density (SA4) - 2011 (1650)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 4). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 Population Density Square Kilometre
       * Private Dwellings (LGA) - 2011 (934)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Private Dwellings Local
         Government Areas from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Private Dwellings Local Government Areas
       * Projected Population Change (LGA) - 2011 (1662)
         The Department of Treasury and Finance has prepared population
         projections for Tasmania's Local Government Areas for 25 years (from
         2013 to 2037). The data was originally derived from the 2011 Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census
         More Information
         ABS Local Government Areas LGA Population Projection Treasury and
       * Projected Population Change (SA2) - 2011 (1663)
         National Aged Care Data Clearinghouse (NACDC): Population projections,
         2012 (base) to 2027 for Tasmania at Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2). The
         data was originally derived from the 2011 Australian Bureau of
         Statistics (ABS) Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 2 Population Projection National Aged Care
         Data Clearinghouse NACDC
       * Projected Population Change 0-4 (LGA) - 2011 (1822)
         Sourced from the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance. The data
         is shown via Local Government Areas (LGA) for 0 to 4 year old's form
         projected population figures between 2012 and 2036. The layer is
         represented as a percentage of the total growth, for that LGA boundary,
         compared to the total state growth for that age bracket and year range.
         The data was originally derived from the 2011 Australian Bureau of
         Statistics (ABS) Census
         More Information
         ABS LGA Local Government Areas growth population prediction statistics
         density change infants early learning preschool education
       * Projected Population Change 13-19 (LGA) - 2011 (1824)
         Sourced from the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance. The data
         is shown via Local Government Areas (LGA) for 13 to 19 year old's form
         projected population figures between 2012 and 2036. The layer is
         represented as a percentage of the total growth, for that LGA boundary,
         compared to the total state growth for that age bracket and year range.
         The data was originally derived from the 2011 Australian Bureau of
         Statistics (ABS) Census
         More Information
         ABS LGA Local Government Areas growth population prediction statistics
         density change children teenagers high school education senior
         secondary college tafe
       * Projected Population Change 5-12 (LGA) - 2011 (1823)
         Sourced from the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance. The data
         is shown via Local Government Areas (LGA) for 5 to 12 year old's form
         projected population figures between 2012 and 2036. The layer is
         represented as a percentage of the total growth, for that LGA boundary,
         compared to the total state growth for that age bracket and year range.
         The data was originally derived from the 2011 Australian Bureau of
         Statistics (ABS) Census
         More Information
         ABS LGA Local Government Areas growth population prediction statistics
         density change children primary school education
       * Remoteness Areas - 2011 (1326)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Remoteness Areas from the 2011
         More Information
         ABS Remoteness Areas Remote Statistics
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (SA1) - 2011 (1631)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (SA2) - 2011 (1630)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (SA1) - 2011 (1636)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (SA2) - 2011 (1637)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (SA1) - 2011 (1634)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (SA2) - 2011 (1635)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (SA1) - 2011 (1632)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1 Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (SA2) - 2011 (1633)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2011).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2 Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2011
       * Speaking English not well or at all (SA1) - 2011 (1440)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People speaking english
         not well or at all from the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People speaking english not well or at all vulnerable
       * Statistical Areas Level 1 - 2011 (1444)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 1 from
         the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 1 vulnerable SA1 SAL1
       * Statistical Areas Level 2 - 2011 (924)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 2 from
         the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 SAL2
       * Statistical Areas Level 3 - 2011 (925)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 3 from
         the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 SAL3
       * Statistical Areas Level 4 - 2011 (926)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 4 from
         the 2011 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 SAL4
    * ABS 2016 Census Statistics  (138 layers)
       * Dwellings with no motor vehicles (SA1) - 2016 (2218)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Dwellings with no motor
         vehicles from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics Dwellings with no motor vehicles vulnerable ABS Census
         2016 Event Exposure
       * Female Population (LGA) - 2016 (2103)
         Female population statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Local Government Areas LGA Population Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * Female Population (SA1) - 2016 (2104)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 1 SA1 Census Population ABS
         Census 2016
       * Female Population (SA2) - 2016 (2105)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 2 SA2 Census Population ABS
         Census 2016
       * Female Population (SA3) - 2016 (2106)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Statistical Area 3 SA3 Census Population ABS
         Census 2016
       * Female Population (SA4) - 2016 (2107)
         Female population statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Female Population Statistical Area 4 SA4 Census
         Population ABS Census 2016
       * Greater Capital City Statistical Area - 2016 (2223)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Greater Capital City Statistical
         Areas (GCCSA) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Greater Capital City Statistical Areas GCCSA ABS Census 2016
       * Household Income less than $400 a week (SA1) - 2016 (2219)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Households with income
         less than $400 per week from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics Household income less than $400 per week vulnerable ABS
         Census 2016 Event Exposure
       * Industry (LGA) - Accomm. and food services - 2016 (2176)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Accommodation and food services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Accommodation and
         food services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Admin. and support services - 2016 (2191)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Administrative and support services. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Administrative and
         support services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2016 (2179)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Agriculture, forestry and fishing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Agriculture forestry
         and fishing ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Arts and rec. services - 2016 (2195)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Arts and recreation services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Arts and recreation
         services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Construction - 2016 (2183)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Construction. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Construction ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Education and training - 2016 (2193)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Education and training. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Education and
         training ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Elec., gas, water and waste services - 2016 (2182)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Electricity, gas, water and waste services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Electricity, gas,
         water and waste services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Financial and insurance services - 2016 (2188)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Financial and insurance services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Financial and
         insurance services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Health care and social assistance - 2016 (2194)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Health care and social assistance. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Health care and
         social assistance ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Inadequately desc or Not stated - 2016 (2197)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Inadequately described/Not stated. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Inadequately
         described Not stated ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Info. media and telecomm. - 2016 (2187)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Information media and telecommunications. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Information media
         and telecommunications ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Manufacturing - 2016 (2181)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Manufacturing. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Manufacturing ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Mining - 2016 (2180)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Mining. The data is a percentage of the total number of individuals
         employed in this industry around the state. The data is from the 2016
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Mining ABS Census
       * Industry (LGA) - Other services - 2016 (2196)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Other services. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Other services ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Prof., scientific and tech services - 2016 (2190)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Professional, scientific and technical services. The data is a
         percentage of the total number of individuals employed in this industry
         around the state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Professional,
         scientific and technical services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Public admin. and safety - 2016 (2192)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Public administration and safety. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Public
         administration and safety ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Rent., hiring and real estate services - 2016 (2189)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Rental, hiring and real estate services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Rental, hiring and
         real estate services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Retail trade - 2016 (2185)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Retail trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Retail trade ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Transport, post. and warehousing - 2016 (2186)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Transport, postal and warehousing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Transport, postal
         and warehousing ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (LGA) - Wholesale trade - 2016 (2184)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by LGA for
         Wholesale trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment LGA Local Government Areas Wholesale trade ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Accomm. and food services - 2016 (2177)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Accommodation and food services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Accommodation and food
         services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Admin. and support services - 2016 (2209)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Administrative and support services. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Administrative and
         support services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2016 (2178)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Agriculture, forestry and fishing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Agriculture forestry and
         fishing ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Arts and rec. services - 2016 (2213)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Arts and recreation services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Arts and recreation
         services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Construction - 2016 (2201)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Construction. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Construction ABS Census
       * Industry (SA2) - Education and training - 2016 (2211)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Education and training. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Education and training
         ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Elec., gas, water and waste services - 2016 (2200)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Electricity, gas, water and waste services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Electricity, gas, water
         and waste services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Financial and insurance services - 2016 (2206)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Financial and insurance services. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Financial and insurance
         services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Health care and social assistance - 2016 (2212)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Health care and social assistance. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Health care and social
         assistance ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Inadequately desc or Not stated - 2016 (2215)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Inadequately described/Not stated. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Inadequately described
         Not stated ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Info. media and telecomm. - 2016 (2205)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Information media and telecommunications. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Information media and
         telecommunications ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Manufacturing - 2016 (2199)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Manufacturing. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Manufacturing ABS Census
       * Industry (SA2) - Mining - 2016 (2198)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Mining. The data is a percentage of the total number of individuals
         employed in this industry around the state. The data is from the 2016
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Mining ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Other services - 2016 (2214)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Other services. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Other services ABS
         Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Prof., scientific and tech services - 2016 (2208)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Professional, scientific and technical services. The data is a
         percentage of the total number of individuals employed in this industry
         around the state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Professional, scientific
         and technical services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Public admin. and safety - 2016 (2210)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Public administration and safety. The data is a percentage of the total
         number of individuals employed in this industry around the state. The
         data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Public administration
         and safety ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Rent., hiring and real estate services - 2016 (2207)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Rental, hiring and real estate services. The data is a percentage of
         the total number of individuals employed in this industry around the
         state. The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Rental, hiring and real
         estate services ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Retail trade - 2016 (2203)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Retail trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Retail trade ABS Census
       * Industry (SA2) - Transport, post. and warehousing - 2016 (2204)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Transport, postal and warehousing. The data is a percentage of the
         total number of individuals employed in this industry around the state.
         The data is from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Transport, postal and
         warehousing ABS Census 2016
       * Industry (SA2) - Wholesale trade - 2016 (2202)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Industry Employment by SA2 for
         Wholesale trade. The data is a percentage of the total number of
         individuals employed in this industry around the state. The data is
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Industry Employment SA2 Statistical Area 2 Wholesale trade ABS
         Census 2016
       * Male Population (LGA) - 2016 (2108)
         Male population statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Local Government Areas LGA Population Census ABS
         Census 2016
       * Male Population (SA1) - 2016 (2109)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Male SA1 Population Census
         ABS Census 2106
       * Male Population (SA2) - 2016 (2110)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 2 SA2 Population
         Census ABS Census 2016
       * Male Population (SA3) - 2016 (2111)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 3 SA3 Population
         Census ABS Census 2016
       * Male Population (SA4) - 2016 (2112)
         Male population Statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Male Population Statistical Area 4 SA4 Population
         Census ABS Census 2016
       * Median Age (LGA) - 2016 (2122)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Median Age Local Government Areas
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Median Age Local Government Areas ABS Census 2016
       * Mesh Blocks - 2016 (2216)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Mesh Blocks from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Mesh Blocks ABS Census 2016
       * Need for assistance (SA1) - 2016 (2220)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People with need for
         assistance from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People with need for assistance vulnerable ABS Census
         2016 Event Exposure
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA1) - 2016 (2125)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA2) - 2016 (2126)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 2 2011 Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA3) - 2016 (2127)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 3 2011 Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * People Aged 0-4 (SA4) - 2016 (2128)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas
         Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 0-4 Statistical Areas Level 4 2011 Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA1) - 2016 (2133)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA2) - 2016 (2134)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA3) - 2016 (2135)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS Census
       * People Aged 15-19 (SA4) - 2016 (2136)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 15-19 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 15-19 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA1) - 2016 (2137)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS Census
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA2) - 2016 (2138)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA3) - 2016 (2139)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 20-24 (SA4) - 2016 (2140)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 20-24 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 20-24 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA1) - 2016 (2141)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA2) - 2016 (2142)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA3) - 2016 (2143)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 25-34 (SA4) - 2016 (2144)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 25-34 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 25-34 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA1) - 2016 (2145)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA2) - 2016 (2146)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA3) - 2016 (2147)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 35-44 (SA4) - 2016 (2148)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 35-44 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 35-44 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA1) - 2016 (2149)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA2) - 2016 (2150)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA3) - 2016 (2151)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 45-54 (SA4) - 2016 (2152)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 45-54 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 45-54 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA1) - 2016 (2129)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 1 2011 Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA2) - 2016 (2130)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA3) - 2016 (2131)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 5-14 (SA4) - 2016 (2132)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 5-14 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 5-14 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA1) - 2016 (2153)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA2) - 2016 (2154)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA3) - 2016 (2155)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 55-64 (SA4) - 2016 (2156)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 55-64 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 55-64 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA1) - 2016 (2157)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA2) - 2016 (2158)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA3) - 2016 (2159)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 3 2016 Census
       * People Aged 65-74 (SA4) - 2016 (2160)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 65-74 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 65-74 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA1) - 2016 (2161)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA2) - 2016 (2162)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA3) - 2016 (2163)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 75-84 (SA4) - 2016 (2164)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 75-84 Statistical
         Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 75-84 Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS 2016
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA1) - 2016 (2165)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 1 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 1 ABS
         2016 Census
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA2) - 2016 (2166)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 2 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 2 ABS
         2016 Census
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA3) - 2016 (2167)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 3 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 3 ABS
         2016 Census
       * People Aged 85 and Over (SA4) - 2016 (2168)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) People Aged 85 and Over
         Statistical Areas Level 4 from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People Aged 85 and Over Statistical Areas Level 4 ABS
         2016 Census
       * People Aged Over 75 (SA1) - 2016 (2221)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People aged over 75 from
         the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People aged over 75 vulnerable ABS Census 2016 Event
       * Percent Female Population (SA1) - 2016 (2169)
         Percentage of Tasmania's population which is female, by Statistical
         Area 1 (SA1) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Percent Female SA1 Gender
         ABS Census 2016
       * Percent Male Population (SA1) - 2016 (2170)
         Percentage of Tasmania's population which is male, by Statistical Area
         1 (SA1) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Percent Male SA1 Gender ABS
         Census 2016
       * Percent Unemployment (LGA) - 2016 (2123)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Percent Unemployment Local
         Government Areas from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Percent Unemployment Local Government Areas ABS Census 2016
       * Population (LGA) - 2016 (2117)
         Population Statistics by Local Government Areas (LGA) from the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Population Local Government Areas LGA Census Where we Live ABS
         Census 2016
       * Population (SA1) - 2016 (2118)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 1 Population Census SA1 SAL1
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population (SA2) - 2016 (2119)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 Population Census SAL2
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population (SA3) - 2016 (2120)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 SAL3 Population Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population (SA4) - 2016 (2121)
         Population Statistics by Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the Australian
         Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2016
         More Information
         ABS Where we Live Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 SAL4 Population Census
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population Density (LGA) - 2016 (2171)
         Population Density Local Government Areas (LGA). People per square
         kilometre of each LGA from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
         2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Local Government Area LGA Population Density Square Kilometre ABS
         Census 2016
       * Population Density (SA1) - 2016 (2172)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 1). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 1 (SA1) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 1 SA1 Population Density Square Kilometre
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population Density (SA2) - 2016 (2173)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 2). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 2 (SA2) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 Population Density Square Kilometre
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population Density (SA3) - 2016 (2174)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 3). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 3 (SA3) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 Population Density Square Kilometre
         ABS Census 2016
       * Population Density (SA4) - 2016 (2175)
         Population Density (Statistical Area 4). People per square kilometre of
         each Statistical Area 4 (SA4) from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 Population Density Square Kilometre
         ABS Census 2016
       * Private Dwellings (LGA) - 2016 (2124)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Private Dwellings Local
         Government Areas from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Private Dwellings Local Government Areas ABS Census 2016
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (LGA) - 2016 (2282)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage LGA Local Government Areas
         Municipality Municipalities Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (Localities) - 2016 (2281)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage Localities Postcodes
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (SA1) - 2016 (2273)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage (SA2) - 2016 (2274)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Advantage and Disadvantage SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (LGA) - 2016 (2284)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation LGA Local Government Areas Municipality
         Municipalities Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (Localities) - 2016 (2283)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation Localities Postcodes Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (SA1) - 2016 (2275)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Education and Occupation (SA2) - 2016 (2276)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Education Occupation SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (LGA) - 2016 (2286)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources LGA Local Government Areas Municipality
         Municipalities Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (Localities) - 2016 (2285)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources Localities Postcodes Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (SA1) - 2016 (2277)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (SA2) - 2016 (2278)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Economic Resources SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (LGA) - 2016 (2288)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage LGA Local Government Areas Municipality
         Municipalities Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (Localities) - 2016 (2287)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage Localities Postcodes Socio-Economic Indexes for
         Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (SA1) - 2016 (2279)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage SA1 Statistical Areas Level 1 Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * SEIFA Socioeconomic Disadvantage (SA2) - 2016 (2280)
         Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) is a product developed by the
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that ranks areas in Australia
         according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage. The
         indexes are based on information from the five-yearly Census (2016).
         More Information
         ABS SEIFA Disadvantage SA2 Statistical Areas Level 2 Socio-Economic
         Indexes for Areas Census 2016
       * Significant Urban Areas 2016 (2224)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Significant Urban Areas (SUA)
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Significant Urban Areas SUA ABS Census 2016
       * Speaking English not well or at all (SA1) - 2016 (2222)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People speaking english
         not well or at all from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People speaking english not well or at all vulnerable
         ABS Census 2016 Event Exposure
       * Statistical Areas Level 1 - 2016 (2113)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 1 from
         the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 1 vulnerable SA1 SAL1 ABS Census 2016
       * Statistical Areas Level 2 - 2016 (2114)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 2 from
         the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 2 SA2 SAL2 ABS Census 2016
       * Statistical Areas Level 3 - 2016 (2115)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 3 from
         the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 3 SA3 SAL3 ABS Census 2016
       * Statistical Areas Level 4 - 2016 (2116)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas Level 4 from
         the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Areas Level 4 SA4 SAL4 ABS Census 2016
       * Urban Centre and Locality 2016 (2225)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Urban Centre and Localities (UCL)
         from the 2016 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistical Urban Centre and Locality Localities UCL ABS Census
    * ABS 2021 Census Statistics  (5 layers)
       * Dwellings with no motor vehicles (SA1) - 2021 (3711)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Dwellings with no motor
         vehicles from the 2021 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics Dwellings with no motor vehicles vulnerable ABS Census
         2021 Event Exposure
       * Household Income less than $400 a week (SA1) - 2021 (3710)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - Households with income
         less than $400 per week from the 2021 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics Household income less than $400 per week vulnerable ABS
         Census 2021 Event Exposure
       * Need for assistance (SA1) - 2021 (3713)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People with need for
         assistance from the 2021 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People with need for assistance vulnerable ABS Census
         2021 Event Exposure
       * People Aged Over 75 (SA1) - 2021 (3709)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People aged over 75 from
         the 2021 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People aged over 75 vulnerable ABS Census 2021 Event
       * Speaking English not well or at all (SA1) - 2021 (3712)
         Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Data - People speaking english
         not well or at all from the 2021 Census
         More Information
         ABS Statistics People speaking english not well or at all vulnerable
         ABS Census 2021 Event Exposure
    * Public Health Facilities  (2 layers)
       * DoH Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework (TRDF) and Clinical Services
         Profile (CSP) (2375)
         The Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework (TRDF) and Clinical Services
         Profile (CSP) is the principal, government endorsed clinical service
         planning document for Tasmania?s public health system. The TRDF
         describes the minimum support services, safety standards, skills and
         competencies, networking arrangements, and other service requirements.
         Whereas the CSP function is responsible for delineating which clinical
         services and clinical support services will be delivered at each public
         hospital and health facility.
         More Information
         DHHS DHS TRDF CSP Hospital Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework
         Clinical Services Profile DoH Hospitals Health Facilities Emergency
       * Public Hospitals and Health Facilities (1860)
         Public Hospitals and Health Services including Major Hospitals, Rural
         Health Facility (Inpatient beds) and Community Health Centres as
         managed by the Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania.
         More Information
         Primary and Community Health Services DHHS Major Hospitals Rural Health
         Facility Inpatient beds Community Health Centres Public Facilities
         Facility Community Communities Points of Interest Point OSRA logistical
         infrastructure resources
    * Society  (3 layers)
       * Gaming Venues (1962)
         More Information
         Gaming venue casino ubet keno egm game lottery pokies dpac dtaf
       * Liquor Licences (1316)
         The Liquor Licence layer is built from data supplied by the Liquor and
         Gaming Branch, Department of Treasury and Finance. The data is broken
         into Liquor Licence Category and provides the Premises Licence Number,
         Name and Effective Date
         More Information
         Liquor Licence Licences Beer Wine Alcohol Spirits Drunk Booze Hammered
         Pissed dpac dtaf
       * Tasmanian All Industry Total Organic Waste Generation (t/year) (3697)
         More Information
         Tasmanian All Industry Total Organic Waste Generation (t/year)

 * Inland Waters and Elevation  (2 minor categories)
    * Elevation  (17 layers)
       * Australian Depth Contours (3611)
         1m and 5m depth contours derived from the Australian Bathymetric and
         Topography Grid, June 2009 (GA) by the Australian Hydrographic Service
         for use on Seamap Australia website. Clipped to the Aus shelf extent.
         More Information
         Seamap Tasmania IMAS Seabed TAFI metre meter m depth OSRA bathymetry
         osra bathimetric osra osra basemap osra base map habitat seagrass reef
         profile sea grass ocean sand
       * Bathymetric Contours (315)
         The Bathymetric Polygon layer depicts depth information for
         approximately 150 kilometers around Tasmania. Each polygon represents a
         100 meter range of depth which is depicted as an upper and lower limit.
         The LIST land data has been used to form a outline of Tasmania for the
         0 to 100 meter polygon.
         More Information
         Bathymetric Contours metre meter m depth osra bathymetry osra basemap
         osra base map osra
       * Bathymetric Contours (100m intervals) (337)
         The Bathymetric Contour layer depicts depth information for
         approximately 150 kilometers around Tasmania at 100 meter intervals.
         More Information
         Bathymetric Contours metre meter m depth
       * Bathymetric Data - Continental Shelf (AUSLIG 1:1M) (317)
         Bathymetric Data - Continental Shelf mapping derived by Geoscience
         Australia - National Mapping Division (formerly AUSLIG) at a scale of
         1:1,000,000. Bathymetric Continental Shelf AUSLIG 1M OSRA osra basemap
         osra base map
       * Bathymetry all Tasmania (5 metres) (336)
         Seamap Tasmania Bathymetry data developed by Institute for Marine and
         Antarctic Studies (IMAS) depicts marine habitats from Marion Bay [147
         57, -42 44] to Second Lookout Point [146 52, -43 40] from the coastline
         to the 40m depth contour. The contour intervals are at 2m, 5m, 10m,
         20m, 30m and 40m.
         More Information
         Seamap Tasmania IMAS Bathymetry Seabed Contours 25K TAFI metre meter m
         depth OSRA bathymetry osra bathimetric osra osra basemap osra base map
         OSRA Bathymetry all Tasmania 5 Bathymetry all
       * Contours (0.25 metres) (3104)
         25cm Contours have been derived from LiDAR data captured for the DPAC
         Tas Coastal Project.
         More Information
         Contours contour relief height elevation metre meter m Contours (0.25
         metres) 25 cm
       * Contours (10 metres) (130)
         LIST contours consist of linear features which depict an imaginary line
         representing a constant elevation on the Earths surface. Contours 10m
         depicts contour lines at 10 metre intervals which were created for the
         1:25,000 map series and coverage includes all Tasmania and offshore
         islands excluding Macquarie Island. This is a seamless coverage and
         attributes are complete.
         More Information
         Contours contour relief height elevation metre meter m Contours (10
       * Contours (5 metres) (942)
         LIST contours consist of linear features which depict an imaginary line
         representing a constant elevation on the Earths surface. Contours 5m
         depicts contour lines at 5 metre intervals which were created for the
         former 1:5,000 Orthophoto/Cadastral map series and coverage generally
         only extends to urban areas and towns. This data is not seamless and
         edge matching has not been completed for all the map sheet tiles in
         this coverage. There may be incomplete data in some areas where dense
         vegetation is present. This dataset is not being revised.
         More Information
         Contours contour relief height elevation metre meter m Contours (5
       * Digital Terrain Model 10m (3985)
         This 10m Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was generated by Mineral Resources
         Tasmania and is current at June 2020.
         More Information
         LiDAR fire digital terrain model mrt tasmania elevation dtm dem ses
       * Elevation Polygons (211)
         Elevation Polygons show areas in 100m bands (AHD) for Tasmania from 0m
         (Mean Sea Level) to 1500m. Anything above 1500m is grouped into a 1500m
         + band. This dataset was developed from NRE's 10m Contours dataset and
         clipped to NRE's coastline dataset.
         More Information
         Elevation Bands meter meters metre metres
       * Hillshade Colour Basemap (1379)
         The colour hillshade basemap is a shaded relief, or hillshade image of
         Tasmania. Derived from DPIPWE 30m elevation grid and all available
         LiDAR datasets in Tasmania. Hillshade Lidar hill slope aspect dtm
         elevation color colour
       * Hillshade Grey Basemap (2334)
         The grey scale hillshade Basemap is a shaded relief, or hillshade image
         of Tasmania. Derived from DPIPWE 30m elevation grid and available LiDAR
         datasets in Tasmania. Hillshade Lidar hill slope aspect dtm elevation
         grey gray scale hill shade
       * LIST Spot Heights (1997)
         More Information
         spot height elevation
       * Landform Classification (1847)
         Landform delineated into ten classifications types: 1) Canyons, Deeply
         Incised Streams, 2) Midslope Drainages, Shallow Valleys, 3) Upland
         Drainages, Headwaters, 4) U-shape valleys, 5) Plains, 6) Open Slopes,
         7) Upper Slopes, 8) Local Ridges/Hills in Valleys, 9) Midslope Ridges,
         Small Hills in Plains, 10) High Ridges, Mt Tops.
         More Information
         Landform Classification NCH Elevation
       * Slope (3267)
         Slope represents the rate of change of elevation (gradient or
         steepness) and is represented by a raster surface. The lower the slope
         value, the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value, the steeper
         the terrain. The inclination of slope is calculated in degrees. The
         values range from 0 to 90. Slope was calculated for the state based on
         the greatest resolution elevation data available (including LiDAR where
         it exists.
         More Information
         LiDAR, slope, elevation, gradient, steepness, fire
       * Slope 10m (3987)
         This 10m slope model was generated by Mineral Resources Tasmania and is
         current at June 2020.
         More Information
         LiDAR fire digital terrain model mrt tasmania elevation dtm dem ses
         slope degrees
       * Slope in Degrees (3648)
         Slope represents the rate of change of elevation (gradient or
         steepness) and is represented by a raster surface. The lower the slope
         value, the flatter the terrain; the higher the slope value, the steeper
         the terrain. The inclination of slope is calculated in degrees. The
         values range from 0 to 90. Slope was calculated for the state based on
         the greatest resolution elevation data available (including LiDAR where
         it exists.
         More Information
         LiDAR, slope, elevation, gradient, steepness, fire
    * Inland Waters  (28 layers)
       * CFEV Catchments (1223)
         The CFEV Catchments data layer shows the boundaries of catchment
         boundaries within the major drainage catchments in Tasmania. It is part
         of a set of nested catchments for the state which reduce in size from
         the major catchments to sub-catchments to fine-scale river section
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Catchments
       * CFEV Estuaries - Integrated Conservation Value (1224)
         The CFEV Estuaries data layer shows a statewide coverage of estuaries
         in Tasmania. Individual features (estuaries) are rated according to
         their overall conservation value (relative to other estuaries), as
         assessed by the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV)
         Program. The data also includes an assessment of condition and
         conservation management priority for each estuary.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Estuaries Integrated
         Conservation Value OSRA
       * CFEV Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) (1221)
         The CFEV Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) data layer shows
         generalised point locations of known freshwater-dependent ecosystems
         highly dependent on groundwater across Tasmania. This layer mainly
         includes various types of springs. Conservation rankings for karst are
         not included in this layer and are provided separately in the CFEV
         Karst data set.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Groundwater Dependent
         Ecosystems GDEs Conservation Freshwater Environment Value
       * CFEV Karst - Integrated Conservation Value (1225)
         The CFEV Karst data layer shows a statewide coverage of karst areas in
         Tasmania. Individual features (karst areas) are rated according to
         their overall conservation value (relative to other karst), as assessed
         by the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV) Program. The
         data also includes an assessment of conservation management priority
         for each karst feature.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Karst Integrated
         Conservation Value
       * CFEV River Section Catchments (RSCs) (1226)
         The CFEV River Section Catchments (RSCs) data layer shows 1:25,000
         scale catchment boundaries within the major drainage catchments in
         Tasmania. It is part of a set of nested catchments for the state which
         reduce in size from the major catchments to sub-catchments to
         fine-scale river section catchments.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV River Section Catchments
       * CFEV Rivers - Integrated Conservation Value (1222)
         The CFEV Rivers data layer shows a statewide drainage network for
         Tasmania. Individual rivers sections (stream sections between
         confluences) are rated according to their overall conservation value
         (relative to other river sections), as assessed by the Conservation of
         Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV) Program. The data also includes an
         assessment of condition and conservation management priority for each
         river section.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Rivers Integrated
         Conservation Value
       * CFEV Saltmarshes - Integrated Conservation Value (1227)
         The CFEV Saltmarshes data layer shows a statewide coverage of
         saltmarshes in Tasmania. Individual features (saltmarshes) are rated
         according to their overall conservation value (relative to other
         saltmarshes), as assessed by the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem
         Values (CFEV) Program. The data also includes an assessment of
         condition and conservation management priority for each saltmarsh.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Saltmarshes Integrated
         Conservation Value OSRA
       * CFEV Sub-Catchments (1228)
         The CFEV Sub-catchments data layer shows the sub-catchment boundaries
         within the major drainage catchments in Tasmania. It is part of a set
         of nested catchments for the state which reduce in size from the major
         catchments to sub-catchments to fine-scale river section catchments.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Sub-Catchments
       * CFEV Waterbodies - Integrated Conservation Value (1229)
         The CFEV Waterbodies data layer shows a statewide coverage of lakes and
         waterbodies in Tasmania. Individual features (lakes and waterbodies)
         are rated according to their overall conservation value (relative to
         other waterbodies), as assessed by the Conservation of Freshwater
         Ecosystem Values (CFEV) Program. The data also includes an assessment
         of condition and conservation management priority for each waterbody.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Waterbodies Integrated
         Conservation Value
       * CFEV Wetlands - Integrated Conservation Value (1230)
         The CFEV Wetlands data layer shows a statewide coverage of wetlands in
         Tasmania. Individual features (wetlands, marshes) are rated according
         to their overall conservation value (relative to other wetlands), as
         assessed by the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV)
         Program. The data also includes an assessment of condition and
         conservation management priority for each wetland feature.
         More Information
         Conservation Freshwater Environment Value CFEV Wetlands Integrated
         Conservation Value OSRA
       * Derwent Estuary Habitat Atlas (391)
         Derwent Estuary Habitat Atlas dataset depicts marine habitats,
         saltmarsh and wetland within and adjacent to the Derwent River estuary
         from New Norfolk to Iron Pot. The dataset combines and simplifies data
         from previous studies undertaken between 1999 and 2008 into a
         non-overlapping polygon representation. The habitat types depicted in
         the dataset include Cobble, Reef, Sand, Silt, Rock, Aquatic
         Macrophytes, Seagrass, Macrocystis pyrifera, Wetland and Saltmarsh
         vegetation communities.
         More Information
         Derwent Estuary Habitat Atlas biophysical fisheries aquaculture marine
         coats reefs vegetation floristic structural Aquatic Macrophytes Cobble
         Macrocystis pyrifera Macrocystis pyrifera Reef Rock Intertidal
         Saltmarsh undifferntiated Sand Sand Intertidal Seagrass Shipwreck Silt
         Unvegetated mudflat Wetland undifferentiated OSRA
       * Estuarine Catchments (435)
         Estuarine Catchment boundaries of 111 Tasmanian estuaries, coastal
         lakes and lagoons were derived from 1:100,000 map sheets for an Ocean
         Rescue 2000 funded study , Regional Classification of Tasmanian Coastal
         Waters - Stage 2, Estuaries.
         More Information
         Estuarine Catchments
       * Floodplain (LIST 1:250K) (438)
         Floodplain regions of Tasmania (developed for the Land Information
         System Tasmania (LIST) captured at a scale of 1:250,000). Floodplain
       * Hobart Stormwater Catchment (437)
         Stormwater Catchment areas in the greater Hobart region Hobart
         Stormwater Catchment
       * Hydrographic Areas (1255)
         LIST Hydrographic Area depicts all waterbody and associated polygon
         features in the hydrographic theme including lakes, estuaries, dams,
         mudflats, swamps and coastal flats. It contains attributes that allow
         area features to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         The data set is held as regions which allow area features to overlap.
         More Information
         Water Hydrology Hydrological Dam Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse
         Water Body Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse OSRA OSRA basemap osra
         base map Hydrographic Areas
       * Hydrographic Lines (1254)
         LIST Hydrographic Line depicts all line features in the hydrographic
         themes including rivers, coastline, shoreline of lakes. It contains
         attributes that allow lines to be delivered in separate layers and with
         attributes. Some lines, associated with Dam 2Ds, Rapid 2Ds, Submerged
         Trees, Submerged Reefs and Land, will not be replicated into separate
         data sets.
         More Information
         Water Hydrology Hydrological Dam Rapid Rock Spring Submerged Rock Surge
         Tank Tank Water Tower Waterfall Wreck Major River Body or Watercourse
         Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or
         Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse OSRA OSRA basemap osra base map
         Hydrographic Lines
       * Hydrographic Points (850)
         Hydrographic Points of interest including inland and sea points such as
         wrecks, dams, tanks, submerged rocks ...
         More Information
         Water Points Hydrology Hydrological Dam Rapid Rock Spring Submerged
         Rock Surge Tank Tank Water Tower Waterfall Wreck Hydrographic Points
         OSRA OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Hydrology - All (856)
         Hydrology - All is derived from Hydarea that depicts all polygon
         features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer of the
         Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed for the
         management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area features to
         be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Bodies All Hydrology Hydrological Dam Rapid Rock Spring
         Submerged Rock Surge Tank Tank Water Tower Waterfall Wreck Major River
         Major Stream River Stream Tributary Minor River Minor Stream Minor
         Tributary Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water
         Body or Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse
         OSRA OSRA basemap osra base map
       * Riverine Catchment (436)
         Riverine Catchment are catchment boundaries of 205 Tasmanian rivers
         that were derived from 1:100,000 map sheets for an Ocean Rescue 2000
         funded study , Regional Classification of Tasmanian Coastal Waters -
         Stage 2, Estuaries. Riverine Catchment
       * Rivers Streams and Creeks (131)
         Rivers Streams and Creeks is derived from the dataset Hydline, which
         depicts all line features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is
         one layer of the Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is
         designed for the management purposes. It contains attributes that allow
         lines to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Rivers Streams and Creeks Major River Major Stream River Stream
         Tributary Minor River Minor Stream Minor Tributary OSRA
       * Water Body - Submerged Tree (852)
         Water Body - Submerged Tree is derived from Hydarea that depicts all
         polygon features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer
         of the Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed
         for the management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area
         features to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Submerged Tree Hydrology Hydrological
       * Water Body and Watercourse (851)
         Water Body and Watercourse is derived from Hydarea that depicts all
         polygon features in the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer
         of the Digital Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed
         for the management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area
         features to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or
         Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water Body or Watercourse Water
         Body or Watercourse OSRA
       * Water Districts (150)
         Water Districts created or managed under the Water Management Act 1999
         in Tasmania. The Water Districts data set contains the boundaries of
         Water Districts proclaimed under the Water Management Act 1999. The
         data set is made up of 5 categories of Water Districts. These are
         Irrigation Districts, Drainage Districts, Riverworks Districts,
         Hydro-Electric Districts & Water Supply Districts.
         More Information
         Water Districts administrative administration irrigation riverworks
         drainage supply district
       * Water Management Plan Areas (1076)
         Water Management Plan Areas support the administration of the Water
         Management Act 1999.
         More Information
         Water Management Plan Areas WMP WMR
       * Water Management Plan Management Zones (3543)
         Water Management Plan Zones support the administration of the Water
         Management Act 1999.
         More Information
         Water Management Plan Areas WMP WMR Water Management Plan Management
       * Water Management Regions (151)
         Water Management Regions contains 48 Water Catchment polygons. These
         Water Catchments are attributed with their catchment name and number,
         and the number of the Water Management Region that they form part of.
         Water Management Regions support the administration of the Water
         Management Act 1999. Catchment boundaries extend to High Water mark and
         generally follow watersheds. Water Management Regions are not intended
         to portray Tasmania's Water Catchment areas.
         More Information
         Water Catchments Water Management Regions
       * Waterway and Coastal Protection Area Guidance Map (1887)
         The Waterway and Coastal Protection Area Guidance Map has been prepared
         to provide guidance for local government in preparing the waterway and
         coastal protection area overlay for the application of the Natural
         Assets Code as part of the Local Provisions Schedules in the Tasmanian
         Planning Scheme.
         More Information
         Tasmanian Planning Scheme water protection TPS
       * Wetlands (855)
         Wetlands is derived from Hydarea that depicts all polygon features in
         the hydrographic themes. This data set is one layer of the Digital
         Topographic Statewide Series. This data set is designed for the
         management purposes. It contains attributes that allow area features to
         be delivered in separate layers and with attributes.
         More Information
         Water Body Wetlands

 * Parks and Wildlife Service  (3 minor categories)
    * Administration  (2 layers)
       * PWS Field Centre (2444)
         The location of PWS field centre operational boundaries as depicted in
         the PWS Asset Management System (AMS).
         More Information
         PWS Field Centres Areas Parks and Wildlife Services Asset Management
         System AMS
       * PWS Region (2445)
         The location of PWS regional operational boundaries as depicted in the
         PWS Asset Management System (AMS).
         More Information
         PWS Region Areas Parks and Wildlife Services Asset Management System
    * Environmental Condition  (3 layers)
       * Wilderness Quality 1995 (PWS) (2405)
         A statewide coverage of the wilderness quality index (from 0 to 20) at
         200m resolution created using the Commonwealth NWI (National Wilderness
         Inventory) methodology. This was an RFA project.
         More Information
         PWS Wilderness Quality 1995 Parks and Wildlife Services wha
       * Wilderness Quality 2005 (PWS) (2406)
         A coverage of the wilderness quality index (from 0 to 20) at 500m
         resolution for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (1999
         boundary) with a 10km buffer. Coverage includes some adjacent reserves
         in a natural state. Methydology based on the Commonwealth NWI (National
         Wilderness Inventory) and a revised method suited to Tasmania.
         More Information
         PWS Wilderness Quality 2005 Parks and Wildlife Services wha
       * Wilderness Quality 2015 (PWS) (2407)
         A coverage of the wilderness quality index (from 0 to 20) at 500m
         resolution for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (2013
         boundary) with a 10km buffer. Coverage includes some adjacent reserves
         in a natural state. Methydology based on the Commonwealth NWI (National
         Wilderness Inventory) and a revised method suited to Tasmania.
         More Information
         PWS Wilderness Quality 2015 Parks and Wildlife Services wha
    * Parks Planning  (3 layers)
       * Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database (CAPAD) (3659)
         CAPAD is used to provide a national perspective of the conservation of
         biodiversity in protected areas.
         More Information
         Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database CAPAD pws nrs
       * TWWHA Fire Management Zones (3357)
         This layer was created as a part of the TWWHA Fire Management Plan.
         Fire management zoning is a high level tool to assist in fire planning.
         A number of zones have been recognised within the TWWHA for fire
         management purposes. Each zone has a fire management objective that
         matches the intent of the zone.
         More Information
         PWS Management Plan National Park Parks and Wildlife Services TWWHA
         fire management zone tasmanian wilderness world heritage area
       * Western Tasmania Aboriginal Cultural Landscape (3405)
         Heritage Listings Register layer is a point layer file representing
         places that are recognised as being of historic cultural heritage
         significance to the whole of Tasmania.
         More Information
         Western Tasmania Aboriginal Cultural Landscape parks pws planning

 * Wild Fisheries  (8 minor categories)
    * Recreational Fishing  (2 layers)
       * Recreational Fishing Restrictions (3908)
         Recreational Fishing Restrictions dataset spatially depicts the
         recreational fishing restricted areas, including marine reserves and
         parks, fishery research areas, shark refuge areas, gear and fish
         species related restricted areas in Tasmanian State coastal waters.
         More Information
         Recreational Fishing Restrictions DPIPWE 1 Graball No Mullet Net 1
         Graball Day Only No Fishing Line Fishing Only No Netting No Netting
         within 100m No Netting within 300m No Diving OSRA osra biological
         resources biological human resources osra resources human marine
         reserve park research shark abalone lobster scallop seine gill setline
         spear anchor dive health warning seasonal squid
       * Sea Fishing Spots (3664)
         Sea Fishing Spots dataset spatially depicts recreational sea fishing
         locations and associated facilities, including BBQ facilities, table/s,
         cleaning facilities, toilets, fisheries signage, shelter, lighting,
         water, and seat/s. Sea Fishing Spots Recreational Fishing
    * Reserves, Research Areas and Shark Refuges  (7 layers)
       * Marine Parks - No Fishing (3667)
         Marine Parks - No Fishing dataset spatially depicts the four
         Commonwealth Marine Parks off Tasmania where no fish or setting of gear
         is allowed.
         More Information
         Marine Parks No Fishing Recreational Fishing
       * Marine Reserves - No Fishing (3665)
         Marine Reserves - No Fishing dataset spatially depicts the seven State
         Marine Nature Reserves where fishing by any method is prohibited.
         More Information
         Marine Reserves No Fishing Recreational Fishing
       * Marine Reserves - No Take by Diving (3688)
         Marine Reserves - No take by Diving dataset spatially depicts the State
         Marine Nature Reserves where fishing by diving is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Take by Diving Recreational Fishing reserve marine
       * Marine Reserves - Restricted Fishing (3666)
         Marine Reserves - Restricted Fishing dataset spatially depicts the
         State Marine Nature Reserves where restricted recreational and
         commercial fishing is allowed.
         More Information
         Marine Reserves Restricted Fishing Recreational Fishing
       * Research Areas (3668)
         Research Areas dataset spatially depicts the Tasmania fisheries
         research areas that may have restrictions on some types of recreational
         and commercial fishing.
         More Information
         Research Areas Recreational Fishing
       * Research Areas - No Anchoring or Diving (3687)
         Research Areas - No Anchoring or Diving dataset spatially depicts the
         Tasmania fisheries research areas where no anchoring, swimming or
         taking of any fish by diving is allowed.
         More Information
         No Anchoring or Diving Recreational Fishing research
       * Shark Refuge Areas (3669)
         Shark Refuge Areas dataset spatially depicts the important areas for
         the breeding of sharks, skates, and rays.
         More Information
         Shark Refuge Areas Recreational Fishing
    * Recreational Abalone, Rock Lobster and Scallop   (8 layers)
       * Abalone - No Take (3670)
         Abalone - No Take dataset spatially depicts the areas that no taking of
         abalone is allowed.
         More Information
         Abalone No Take Recreational Fishing
       * Abalone - No Take or Possession (3671)
         Abalone - No Take or Possession dataset spatially depicts the areas
         where no taking or possession of abalone is allowed.
         More Information
         Abalone No Take or Possession Recreational Fishing
       * Rock Lobster - No Fishing (3672)
         Rock Lobster - No Fishing dataset spatially depicts the areas where
         fishing of rock lobster is prohibited.
         More Information
         Rock Lobster No Fishing Recreational Fishing
       * Rock Lobster - No Pots (3674)
         Rock Lobster - No Pots dataset spatially depicts the areas where
         fishing for rock lobster by pots is prohibited.
         More Information
         Rock Lobster No Pots Recreational Fishing
       * Rock Lobster - No Rings (3675)
         Rock Lobster - No Rings dataset spatially depicts the areas where
         fishing for rock lobster by rings is prohibited.
         More Information
         Rock Lobster No Rings Recreational Fishing
       * Rock Lobster - No Take or Possession (3673)
         Rock Lobster - No Take or Possession dataset spatially depicts the
         areas where no taking or possession for rock lobster is allowed.
         More Information
         Rock Lobster No Take or Possession Recreational Fishing
       * Scallop - No Take (3677)
         Scallop - No Take dataset spatially depicts the areas where fishing for
         scallops is prohibited.
         More Information
         Scallop No Take Recreational Fishing
       * Scallop Managed Area (3676)
         Scallop Managed Area dataset spatially depicts the areas where scallop
         fishing is closed until there is a substantial rebuilding of scallop
         More Information
         Scallop Managed Area Recreational Fishing
    * Recreational Net, Line and Spear Fishing   (9 layers)
       * No Bait Net (3678)
         No Bait Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using a bait net
         is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Bait Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Bait Trap (3679)
         No Bait trap dataset spatially depicts the areas where using a bait
         trap is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Bait Trap Recreational Fishing
       * No Beach Seine Net (3680)
         No Beach Seine Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using a
         beach seine net is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Beach Seine Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Cast Net (3681)
         No Cast Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using a cast net
         is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Cast Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Gill Net (3682)
         No Gill Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using gill nets,
         including graball nets and mullet nets, is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Gill Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Graball Net (3683)
         No Graball Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using graball
         nets is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Graball Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Mullet Net (3684)
         No Mullet Net dataset spatially depicts the areas where using mullet
         nets is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Mullet Net Recreational Fishing
       * No Setline (3685)
         No Setline dataset spatially depicts the areas where using setlines,
         including droplines and longlines, is prohibited.
         More Information
         No Setline Recreational Fishing
       * No Spears (3686)
         No Spears dataset spatially depicts the areas where spear fishing is
         More Information
         No Spears Recreational Fishing
    * Bream Fishing Areas and Inland Waters   (2 layers)
       * Bream Fishing Areas (3689)
         Bream Fishing Areas dataset spatially depicts the areas where bream and
         marine species can be taken without a freshwater angling licence with
         up to two rods, all year round.
         More Information
         Bream Fishing Areas Recreational Fishing
       * Inland Waters (3690)
         Inland Waters dataset spatially depicts the areas where a freshwater
         angling licence is required. Visit for more
         More Information
         Inland Waters Recreational Fishing
    * Seasonal Closure Areas   (1 layer)
       * Squid Seasonal Closure (3692)
         Squid Seasonal Closure dataset spatially depicts the areas where
         calamari and squid fisheries are closed during peak calamari spawning
         More Information
         Squid Seasonal Closure Recreational Fishing
    * Heavy Metals Warning   (1 layer)
       * Heavy Metals Warning (3691)
         Heavy Metals Warning dataset spatially depicts the areas where fish
         species contain high levels of heavy metals. Visit for more
         More Information
         Heavy Metals Warning Recreational Fishing
    * Commercial Fisheries  (7 layers)
       * Abalone/Commercial Dive Block (312)
         This data set spatially depicts commercial fishing blocks for the
         Tamanian abalone and commercial dive fisheries.
         More Information
         Recreational Fishing Restrictions Recreational block Fishing diving
         diving abalone osra
       * Abalone/Commercial Dive Sub Block (3729)
         This data set spatially depicts commercial fishing blocks for the
         Tamanian abalone and commercial dive fisheries.
         More Information
         Recreational Fishing Restrictions Recreational block Fishing diving
         diving abalone osra
       * Danish Seine Fishing (3391)
         This data set spatially depicts the commercial fishing areas for the
         Danish seine sector of the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery showing where
         Danish seine can and can't operate in State managed waters.
         More Information
         fish danish seine net whiting codend marine commercial catch stock imas
       * Fishing Block (DPIPWE) (320)
         Fishing Block (DPIPWE) dataset spatially depicts commercial fishing
         blocks that may be affected by an oil spill in Tasmanian State coastal
         waters as specified by the Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) project. The
         dataset contains Tasmanian commercial fisheries catch figures for
         blacklip and greenlip abalone, southern rock lobster and scalefish
         species for the years 1996-1998 inclusive.
         More Information
         Fishing Block DPIPWE OSRA osra human resources osra resources osra
         human osra
       * Lobster/Giant Crab/Scallop Blocks (3371)
         This data set spatially depicts commercial fishing blocks for the
         Tasmanian rock lobster, giant crab and scallop fisheries.
         More Information
         marine fish wild crustacean scallop crab lobster imas
       * Lobster/Giant Crab/Scallop Sub Blocks (3372)
         This data set spatially depicts commercial fishing blocks for the
         Tasmanian rock lobster, giant crab and scallop fisheries.
         More Information
         marine fish wild crustacean scallop crab lobster imas
       * Scalefish Fishery Fishing Blocks (2252)
         This data set spatially depicts commercial fishing blocks for the
         Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery
         More Information
         fish scale block marine commercial catch stock imas

Service Type:  ArcGIS REST ArcGIS Tile Cache GeoRSS KML KMZ WFS WMS
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WFS Version:  1.1.0 1.0.0
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WMS Version:  1.3.0 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0
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