univ3lp.org Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://univ3lp.org/
Effective URL: https://univ3lp.org/
Submission: On July 15 via automatic, source openphish — Scanned from DE

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Liquidity Provider Rewards Claim

75 gwei


Swap Pool
Liquidity provider rewards
At 1400 UTC, July 11, 2022, Uniswap distributed the UniswapLP tokens, based on
the provided liquidity, to the existing UNI-V3 liquidity providers.

If you have received the UniswapLP tokens, then you are eligible to claim the
UNI tokens from this page by clicking on the below button.

v3 Liquidity Provider Rewards Claim
Click here to claim

Based on the number of the UniswapLP tokens you received, you will be able to
claim the UNI tokens.

[x] UniswapLP = [X] UNI tokens
where; X = Number of UniswapLP tokens you received

For example, if you have received 100 UniswapLP tokens, then you can claim 100
UNI tokens. (100 UNI tokens are worth approx. $600)

However, only 10,000 UNI tokens can be claimed in total, and UniswapLP tokens
were sent to over 70,000 liquidity providers. So if you are late to claim, you
will miss it!