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Submitted URL: https://www.trendingjobs.com/link/privacy-policy?job_seeker_id=65a332bf8783f275fdb211a9&ts=1715013130593&utm_source=job_alert...
Effective URL: https://www.trendingjobs.com/privacy-policy?job_seeker_id=65a332bf8783f275fdb211a9&ts=1715013130593&utm_campaign=email_daily_...
Submission: On May 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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How we respect your privacy?

At Trending Jobs we care as much about your privacy as we do about finding you
the perfect job. This means we would like to be transparent what information we
collect from people using Trending Jobs and what we do with this information. We
identify two kinds of users:

Members: People who subscribed to our platform so they are able to make use of
our daily emailservice to be updated about new job offers.

Visitors: Our website is also visible to unregistered users who wish to browse
the job offerings.

To start with, these are the most important rules we follow regarding your
personal data so we can keep your trust in us.

We will only share your personal data with third parties:

 * With your consent;
 * When it is necessary to carry out your instructions;
 * As reasonably necessary in order to provide our features and functionality to
 * When we reasonably believe it is required by law, subpoena or other legal
 * As necessary to enforce our User Agreement or protect the rights, property,
   or safety of Trending Jobs, our members and the public;

This privacy policy applies to Trending Jobs.

What information do we collect?

To perform our service as well as we want to, we need some information from you.
We use this information to find a job suited to information you provided to us.

Profile information

When you subscribe to Trending Jobs you provide us with information we use in
our algorithm to search the web for job postings that correspond to the data you
provided (for example the kind of jobs you like to fulfill, the location in
which the organization of the job posting ideally should located).We can add
questions to the subscription process to collect information so we can be more
accurate in finding the best jobs for you.This data is saved in a secure
database only accessible by employees of Trending Jobs who have the proper
rights to access the database.


When you visit Trending Jobs you need to give your consent to us for using
cookies. We think it's important for you to know what we the functionality of
the cookies is:

 * Functionality:
 * Security:
 * Improving your experience / advertising:

Some cookies are strictly necessary in order to enable you to move around the
website and use its features. Without these cookies, we will not be able to
determine the number of unique users of the site or provide certain features
like tailoring a page fitted to your job search.

We also have cookies in place to protect our members and our platform against
people with ill intent.

We use Performance cookies and similar technologies (“cookies”) across Trending
Jobs for internal purposes to help us to provide you with a better user
experience. Data supplied by cookies helps us to understand how our visitors use
Trending Jobs so that we can improve how we present our content to you. We also
collect information from the devices and networks that you use to access
Trending Jobs.When you visit or leave Trending Jobs we automatically receive the
URL of the site from which you came or the one to which you are directed. Also,
advertisers receive the URL of the page that you are on when you click an ad on
or through our Services. We also receive the internet protocol (“IP”) address of
your computer or the proxy server that you use to access the web, your computer
operating system details, your type of web browser, your mobile device
(including your mobile device identifier provided by your mobile device
operating system), your mobile operating system (if you are accessing Trending
Jobs using a mobile device),

Other information

Our services are a dynamic, innovative environment, which means we are always
seeking to improve the Services we offer you. We often introduce new features,
some of which may result in the collection of new information (for example,
creating a better filter so you can drill down to jobs matching exactly to your
profile.). Furthermore, new partnerships may result in new features, and we may
potentially collect new types of information. If we start collecting
substantially new types of personal information and materially change how we
handle your data, we will modify this Privacy Policy and notify you.

How we you use the information?

We use your information to:

 * Find a job that fits your profile. The data will be used in our algorithm so
   we can match a job on the data you provided.
 * Provide you with the best user experience possible (for example: detecting
   that you are visiting Trending Jobs on a mobile device so we can offer the a
   website suited to the mobile experience).
 * Analysis for improving the services and features we offer.

We do not rent or sell personal information that you have not posted on our
services, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We will not disclose
personal information that is not published to your profile or generated through
engagement unless we have your separate consent, unless we have a good faith
belief that disclosure is permitted by law or is reasonably necessary to: (1)
comply with a legal requirement or process, including, but not limited to, civil
and criminal subpoenas, court orders or other compulsory disclosures; (2)
enforce this Privacy Policy or our User Agreement; (3) respond to claims of a
violation of the rights of third parties; (4) respond to Member service
inquiries; or (5) protect the rights, property, or safety of Trending Jobs, our
Members, Visitors, or the public.

Controlling your own information

You have a right to (1) access, modify, correct, or delete your personal
information controlled by Trending Jobs regarding your profile and (2) close
your account (unsubscribe as member). Your account will be generally closed
within fifteen minutes after completing the unsubscribe procedure.

Company details

Gouwzee 3b
3891GH Zeewolde
The Netherlands
Chamber of commerce: 66771145

Get in touch:
Contact form: click here.
Email: support@trendingjobs.com

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