tender-amethyst-regnosaurus.glitch.me Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: http://tender-amethyst-regnosaurus.glitch.me/
Submission: On June 21 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content



This is the Glitch Hello Website project. You can use it to build your own site.
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Remix on Glitch

" + "" + "" + "" + badgecount + "" + " ");
/*$('[data-toggle=\"tooltip\"]').tooltip();*/ doc.close(); /* for test */ var
doc1 = document.getElementById('chatunread-frame').contentWindow.document;
doc1.open(); doc1.write("" + "x

" + //"" + ""); doc1.close(); IMIGeneral.storeLocal("style_" +
document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-bind") + "_" +
window.location.hostname, msg);
document.getElementById('chatbutton').style.display = "block"; } else {
document.getElementById("divicw").innerHTML = ''; } } catch (e1) { } },
chatswitchicon: function (type) { console.log("Chatswitchicon::" + type); try {
if (type === undefined || type == 1 || type == 0) { var destination =
document.getElementById('iframechatwindow').contentWindow; msg = { "action":
"register_rtm", "host": window.location.hostname }; destination.postMessage(msg,
domainUrl); } /*type=1-max and 0- min */ var isMobile = "0"; // if
(window.innerWidth > 768) { // document.getElementById('divchatmain').className
= 'main-chat-cont'; // } else { //
document.getElementById('divchatmain').className = 'main-chat-cont chatmobile';
// isMobile="1"; // } if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile")) != -1) {
isMobile = "1"; } sessionStorage.setItem("data-bind",
document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-org")); var iframe =
document.getElementById('imi-chatbutton'); if (iframe == null || iframe ==
undefined) return; var innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument ||
iframe.contentWindow.document; //Open Widget if
(document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display === 'none' && (type == 1
|| type == 2 || type == undefined)) {
document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display = "block";
IMIGeneral.checkmobile(); //if ((window.outerWidth < 497) &&
(document.documentElement.classList.contains('imichatmobile-active') == false)
&& document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display == "block") { var
className = " " + document.documentElement.className + " "; if
((window.outerWidth < 700) && (" " + className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, "
").indexOf("imichatmobile-active") > -1 &&
document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display == "block") { //
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=== 'imichatmobile-active').length==1) == false){
document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className + "
imichatmobile-active"; // } } else { document.documentElement.className =
document.documentElement.className.replace(' imichatmobile-active', ''); }
document.getElementById('chatunread-frame').style.display = "none";
innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").setAttribute("class", "open-btn state1 " +
buttonType + " close-btn"); //
innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").setAttribute("aria-label", "Close web
chat"); innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").setAttribute("aria-expanded",
= "none";
= ""; localStorage.setItem(fingerprint + "_" + _skey + "_badgecount", 0);
localStorage.setItem(fingerprint + "_" + _skey + "_cardcount", 0);
IMIChatInit.clearmsgcards(); // if (IMIGeneral.getBrowserName() == "safari") {
// if (IMIGeneral.detectIOS()) { // document.body.classList.add('chatnoscroll');
// } // } if (type === undefined) { var destination =
document.getElementById('iframechatwindow').contentWindow; msg = { "action":
"showiframe", "host": window.location.hostname, "chatmobile": isMobile };
destination.postMessage(msg, domainUrl);
} return; } //Close Widget if
(document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display === 'block' && (type == 0
|| type == 2 || type == undefined)) { document.documentElement.className =
document.documentElement.className.replace(' imichatmobile-active', '');
document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display = "none";
innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").setAttribute("class", "open-btn state " +
buttonType); innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").setAttribute("aria-expanded",
"false"); innerDoc.getElementById("widgetlbtn").focus();
document.getElementById('chatunread-frame').style.display = "block";
localStorage.setItem(fingerprint + "_" + _skey + "_cardcount", 0);
document.getElementById("iframechatwindow").setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
return; } //var iframeEl = document.getElementById("iframechatwindow"); // Make
sure you are sending a string, and to stringify JSON //
iframeEl.contentWindow.postMessage("hello", '*'); return; } catch (e) {
console.log("LaunchProactiveMsgManager:" + e.msg); } }, clearmsgcards: function
() {
= "";
= "none";
= "none";
== ""; localStorage.setItem(fingerprint + "_" + _skey + "_cardcount", 0); },
openchat: function (event) {
document.getElementById('imichat-fullscreen-modal').className =
'imichat-fullscreen-modal'; var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'openchat', threadid: event.data.threadid,
proactive_id: event.data.proactive_id }, '*');
parent.IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(2); }, badgecount: function (event) { try { if
(document.getElementById("divchatmain").style.display === 'none') { var count =
if (count == 0 || count == "") { count = 1; } else { count = parseInt(count) +
1; } var duplicate = 0; var innerDivs; var innerDivsCount = 0; var refChild;
IMIChatInit.clearmsgcards(); var containerDiv =
if (count > 1) { innerDivs = containerDiv.getElementsByClassName("msg"); if
(innerDivs != undefined) { innerDivsCount = innerDivs.length; for (var i = 0; i
< innerDivs.length; i++) { if ("msg_" + event.data.msgtransid ==
innerDivs[i].id) { duplicate = 1; } } refChild = innerDivs[0]; } } var
cardcount; var checkbadgecount; if (innerDivs == undefined) {
localStorage.setItem(event.data.fingerprint + "_" + _skey + "_cardcount", 1); }
= "block"; if (duplicate == 0) { if (parseInt(innerDivsCount) == 5) {
innerDivsCount = innerDivsCount - 1; } if ((parseInt(innerDivsCount) < 1 &&
event.data.badge_type === undefined) || event.data.badge_type === 2 ||
event.data.badge_type === 3) { var node = document.createElement("div"); var
node1 = document.createElement("div"); var textnode =
document.createTextNode(event.data.msg); if (textnode.data.length > 45) { if
(event.data.badge_type === undefined || event.data.badge_type === 2) {
textnode.data = textnode.data.substr(0, 45) + "..."; } else { textnode.data =
textnode.data; } } node.className = "msg"; node.style = "cursor:pointer;";
node1.className = "msgclear"; node.id = "msg_" + event.data.msgtransid; //
Create a text node node1.id = "msgclear_" + event.data.msgtransid; node1.style =
"clear:both;"; node.addEventListener("click", function () {
window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'openchat', threadid: event.data.threadid,
proactive_id: event.data.proactive_id }, '*'); });
node1.addEventListener("click", function () { window.parent.postMessage({
action: 'openchat', threadid: event.data.threadid, proactive_id:
event.data.proactive_id }, '*'); }); if (event.data.msg_from !== undefined &&
event.data.msg_from !== "") { var span = document.createElement("span"); //var
span span.innerHTML = '' + event.data.msg_from + ':'; node.appendChild(span); }
else if (event.data.msg_from === undefined || event.data.msg_from == "") { var
span = document.createElement("span"); //var span span.innerHTML = 'New
Conversation:'; node.appendChild(span); } node.appendChild(textnode); var height
= document.getElementsByClassName('main-unreadchat-cont')[0].style.height; if
(height == "") { height = 70; } if (innerDivsCount == 0) { height =
document.getElementsByClassName('main-unreadchat-cont')[0].style.height =
"150px"; } /* else if (innerDivsCount == 2) { height =
document.getElementsByClassName('main-unreadchat-cont')[0].style.height =
"150px"; } else if (innerDivsCount > 2) {*/ else {
document.getElementsByClassName('main-unreadchat-cont')[0].style.height =
parseInt(height) + 60 + "px"; } var referenceNode =
// document.querySelector('#some-element'); if (innerDivsCount == 0) {
referenceNode.appendChild(node); referenceNode.appendChild(node1); } else {
referenceNode.insertBefore(node, refChild); referenceNode.insertBefore(node1,
refChild); if ((window.innerHeight + 100) <
(document.getElementsByClassName("main-unreadchat-cont")[0].style.height)) { var
frame = document.getElementById('chatunread-frame'); var c =
frame.contentDocument || frame.contentWindow.document;
c.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].offsetHeight = '80%';
c.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.overflow = "auto"; } } if
(event.data.badge_type === 3) {
document.getElementsByClassName("main-unreadchat-cont")[0].style.height =
"100%"; var frame = document.getElementById('chatunread-frame'); var c =
frame.contentDocument || frame.contentWindow.document;
c.getElementsByClassName("msg")[0].style.maxHeight = "unset"; var frameheight =
document.getElementsByClassName("main-unreadchat-cont")[0].style.height =
frameheight + "px"; } } else if (event.data.badge_type === 4) { var
fullscreen_modal = document.getElementById('imichat-fullscreen-modal');
fullscreen_modal.className = 'imichat-fullscreen-modal imichat-open';
fullscreen_modal.contentWindow.postMessage({ action: 'bind_data', proactive_id:
event.data.proactive_id, threadid: event.data.threadid, msg_from:
event.data.msg_from, msg: event.data.msg, btn_chat_now_open:
"proactive_poupup_chat_now_button", "Chat Now"), btn_chat_now_close:
IMILocalisation.getValue(_IMIchat_widget_lang, "proactive_poupup_close_button",
"Close") }, "*"); } cardcount =
parseInt(localStorage.getItem(event.data.fingerprint + "_" + _skey +
"_cardcount")) + 1; localStorage.setItem(event.data.fingerprint + "_" + _skey +
"_cardcount", cardcount); localStorage.setItem("fingerprint",
event.data.fingerprint); localStorage.setItem(event.data.fingerprint + "_" +
_skey + "_badgecount", count);
= count; }
= (event.data.badge_type === undefined || (event.data.badge_type === 2 ||
event.data.badge_type === 3)) ? "block" : "none"; } } catch (e) {
console.log("badgecount:" + e.msg); } }, message: function (event) { try { if
(event.data.action != null) { if (event.data.action == 'openchat') {
IMIChatInit.openchat(event); } if (event.data.action == 'badgecount') {
IMIChatInit.badgecount(event); } if (event.data.action == 'chatswitchicon') {
IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(); //event } if (event.data.action ==
'imichat_custom_chat_fields') { if (event.data.type == 'add') { if
(_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init'] !== undefined)
} } else if (event.data.type == 'update') { if
(_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_update'] !==
undefined) {
} }//event } if (event.data.action == 'loadstyles') {
IMIChatInit.loadJQuery(_domain_name, function () {
IMIChatInit.loadwidgetStyles(event.data.message); try { if (event.data.message
!= null) { if (_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:ready'] !== undefined) {
console.log("imichat-widget:ready fired"); } //eval('imichatWidgetLoaded();');
if (_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init'] !==
undefined) { _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init']();
} } } catch (e) { } IMIChatInit.LaunchProactiveMsgManager(_domain_name, function
() { }); IMIChatInit.handleAbandonedChats(); }); } if (event.data.action ==
'closemodelpopup') {
document.getElementById('imichat-fullscreen-modal').className =
'imichat-fullscreen-modal'; } if (event.data.action == 'setsession') {
sessionStorage.setItem(event.data.key, event.data.value); } if
(event.data.action == 'setlocal') { localStorage.setItem(event.data.key,
event.data.value); } if (event.data.action == 'browserstorage') {
document.getElementById("divicw").innerHTML = "
\n \n \nError:
Cookies Disabled

We use cookies to enable best chat experience. Follow these directions to
re-enable cookies specific to your browser type or re-open this website in a
cookie-enabled browser.

"; console.log("Local storage not supported"); } } } catch (e) { } }, resize:
function () { try { var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'resize', width: window.outerWidth
//window.innerWidth//screen.width // document.body.clientWidth }, "*");
IMIGeneral.checkmobile(); } catch (e) { } }, LaunchProactiveMsgManager: function
(domainName, callback) { try { var widget_styles = localStorage.getItem("style_"
+ document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-bind") + "_" +
window.location.hostname); if (widget_styles == null &&
!JSON.parse(widget_styles).enable_proactive) { callback(); return; } var body =
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var script =
document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src =
IMIChatInit.domainName() + '/js/proactive-msg-manager.js';
body.appendChild(script); script.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
console.log('proactive manager loaded;'); var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'proactive-manager-loaded', attrkey:
document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-bind"), host:
window.location.hostname }, "*"); callback(); }); } catch (e) {
console.log("LaunchProactiveMsgManager:" + e.msg); } }, processAbandonedChats:
function (type) { var browser_fingerprint = localStorage.getItem("fingerprint");
var url = IMIGeneral.profileUrl() + "livechats/" + _attr_key + "/customers/" +
browser_fingerprint + "/abandoned?host=" + window.document.URL; url = url +
"&type=" + type; var body = JSON.stringify({ "is_reloaded": false,
"is_closechat": true }); var headers = { type: 'application/json' }; var blob =
new Blob([body], headers); navigator.sendBeacon(url); }, handleAbandonedChats:
function () { // Attach the event keypress to exclude the F5 refresh
//jQuery(window).on('keydown', function (e) { window.addEventListener('keydown',
function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 116) { _IMIchat_IsValidNavigation = true; } });
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
sessionStorage.setItem(_attr_key + "_imichat-reload-check", document.referrer);
console.log(document.referrer); //sessionStorage.setItem("imi_tabid",
Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)); if (_IMIchat_IsValidNavigation !==
undefined && !_IMIchat_IsValidNavigation) {
IMIChatInit.processAbandonedChats("unload"); } }); if
(window.performance.navigation.type == 1) {
IMIChatInit.processAbandonedChats("load"); } }, loadJQuery: function
(domainName, callback) { if (typeof (jQuery) !== 'undefined') { callback();
return; } var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var script =
document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src =
domainName + '/js/jquery-3.1.1.js'; body.appendChild(script);
script.addEventListener('load', function (event) { callback(); }); return; },
on: function (func_name, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') {
console.error('function was expected.'); return; } switch (func_name) { case
'imichat-widget:ready': _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:ready'] =
callback; break; } }, checklocalStorage: function () { var test = 'test'; try {
localStorage.setItem(test, test); localStorage.removeItem(test); return true; }
catch (e) { return false; } }, call_previous_chats: function () { try { var
destination = document.getElementById('iframechatwindow').contentWindow; msg = {
"action": "showiframe", "host": window.location.hostname, "chatmobile":
((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile")) != -1) ? "1" : "0" };
destination.postMessage(msg, domainUrl); } catch (e) { } },
check_clear_session_chats: function () { if (document.referrer ==
sessionStorage.getItem(_attr_key + "_imichat-reload-check")) { return false; }
else if (sessionStorage.getItem(_attr_key + "_imichat-reload-check") ==
undefined) { return true; } else { console.log("Hey, Thanks for visiting
again"); return false; } } }; }(); if (IMIChatInit.checklocalStorage()) {
IMIChatInit.init(); } else { document.getElementById("divicw").innerHTML = "
\n \n \nError:
Cookies Disabled

We use cookies to enable best chat experience. Follow these directions to
re-enable cookies specific to your browser type or re-open this website in a
cookie-enabled browser.

"; console.log("Local storage not supported"); } var imichatwidget = { // get
hasInitiatedConversation() { // if
(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == null) // return false; //
if (sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == "1") { // return true;
// } else { // return false; // } // }, hasInitiatedChat: function () { if
(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == null) return false; if
(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == "1") { return true; }
else { return false; } }, show: function () { //$("#divicw").show();return;
document.getElementById("divicw").style.display = 'block'; }, hide: function ()
{ // $("#divicw").hide();return; document.getElementById("divicw").style.display
= 'none'; }, /* test:function() {
if(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist")==null) return false;
if(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist")=="1") { return true; }
else { return false; } },*/ maximizeWindow: function () {
IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(1); IMIChatInit.resize();
IMIChatInit.call_previous_chats(); return; }, minimizeWindow: function () {
return IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(0); }, init: function (jsondata, callback) {
if (typeof callback != 'function') { console.error('function was expected.');
return; } var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'imichat_custom_chat_fields', data: jsondata,
type: 'add' }, '*');
_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init'] = callback; },
update: function (jsondata, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') {
console.error('function was expected.'); return; } var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'imichat_custom_chat_fields', data: jsondata,
type: 'update' }, '*');
_IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_update'] = callback; },
on: function (func_name, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') {
console.error('function was expected.'); return; } switch (func_name) { case
'imichat-widget:ready': _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:ready'] =
callback; break; } } }; /* function imichatWidgetLoaded(){imi
imichatwidget.maximizeWindow(); }*/