www.flyfishfood.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://collabs.shop/ku55fg
Effective URL: https://www.flyfishfood.com/products/wooly-bugger-marabou?dt_id=184319%3Bap%3A20780
Submission: On February 20 via manual from US — Scanned from SE

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Regular price$4.99
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2 reviews
Wooly Bugger Marabou is a smaller fiber marabou made specifically for the tails
on Wooly Buggers and other patterns needing marabou tails. Not great for hackles
like on the Cheech Leech, but awesome tailing materials.


Color Color
Rusty Brown
Sculpin Olive
Fl. Green
Fl. Hot Pink
Hot Orange
Kingfisher Blue
Light Olive
Dark Olive
Bright Purple
Fl. Chartreuse
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Brown - $4.99 USD Claret - $4.99 USD Olive - $4.99 USD Rusty Brown - $4.99 USD
Sculpin Olive - $4.99 USD Black - $4.99 USD Fl. Green - $4.99 USD Fl. Hot Pink -
Sold Out Hot Orange - $4.99 USD Kingfisher Blue - $4.99 USD Light Olive - $4.99
USD Tan - Sold Out White - $4.99 USD Dark Olive - $4.99 USD Bright Purple -
$4.99 USD Red - $4.99 USD Fl. Chartreuse - $4.99 USD

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Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou - Rusty Brown","public_title":"Rusty Brown","options":["Rusty
Bugger Marabou - Sculpin Olive","public_title":"Sculpin
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou - Fl. Green","public_title":"Fl. Green","options":["Fl.
Hot Pink","option1":"Fl. Hot
Bugger Marabou - Fl. Hot Pink","public_title":"Fl. Hot Pink","options":["Fl. Hot
Bugger Marabou - Hot Orange","public_title":"Hot Orange","options":["Hot
Bugger Marabou - Kingfisher Blue","public_title":"Kingfisher
Bugger Marabou - Light Olive","public_title":"Light Olive","options":["Light
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou - Dark Olive","public_title":"Dark Olive","options":["Dark
Bugger Marabou - Bright Purple","public_title":"Bright
Bugger Marabou -
Bugger Marabou - Fl. Chartreuse","public_title":"Fl. Chartreuse","options":["Fl.


   Burnt OrangeBrownChartreuseGolden BrownNatural GrizzlyOlivePurpleSculpin
   Add to cart

   BlackFiery BrownFl. ChartreuseFl. FuchsiaFl. Shrimp PinkHot OrangeHot PinkHot
   PurpleKingfisher BlueOlivePurpleRedSpawn's Southern Fl. PeachWhiteYellow
   Add to cart

   X-Small (5/32") / Black NickelX-Small (5/32") / CopperX-Small (5/32") / Fl.
   OrangeX-Small (5/32") / Fl. Pearl WhiteX-Small (5/32") / Fl. PinkX-Small
   (5/32") / GoldX-Small (5/32") / NickelX-Small (5/32") / Matte BlackSmall
   (3/16") / Black NickelSmall (3/16") / CopperSmall (3/16") / Fl. OrangeSmall
   (3/16") / Fl. Pearl WhiteSmall (3/16") / Fl. PinkSmall (3/16") / GoldSmall
   (3/16") / NickelSmall (3/16") / Matte BlackMedium (7/32") / Black
   NickelMedium (7/32") / CopperMedium (7/32") / Fl. OrangeMedium (7/32") / Fl.
   Pearl WhiteMedium (7/32") / Fl. PinkMedium (7/32") / GoldMedium (7/32") /
   NickelMedium (7/32") / Matte BlackLarge (1/4") / Black NickelLarge (1/4") /
   CopperLarge (1/4") / Fl. OrangeLarge (1/4") / Fl. Pearl WhiteLarge (1/4") /
   Fl. PinkLarge (1/4") / GoldLarge (1/4") / NickelLarge (1/4") / Matte Black
   Add to cart

   BlackBlack (UV)Bleached WhiteBrownBrown (UV)BurgundyBurnished Golden TanBurnt
   OrangeCrawfish Orange (UV)Dark BrownDark OliveDark Turquoise/KFBElectric
   BlueFl. Apricot (UV)Fl. Baby Shrimp (UV)Fl. Blue (UV)Fl. Brilliant Blue
   (UV)Fl. Bubble Gum Pink (UV)Fl. Chartreuse (UV)Fl. Cherry Bomb Cerise (UV)Fl.
   Creamsicle Orange (UV)Fl. Damsel Nymph Olive (UV)Fl. Dark Lilac (UV)Fl.
   Dragon Nymph Olive (UV)Fl. Fire Orange (UV)Fl. Fuchsia (UV)Fl. Hot Pink
   (UV)Fl. Light Pink (UV)Fl. Lilac (UV)Fl. Lime (UV)Fl. Med. Pink (UV)Fl. Melon
   (UV)Fl. OrangeFl. Primrose Cream (UV)Fl. Shrimp Pink (UV)Fl. Silver Doc Blue
   (UV)Fl. Silver Dun (UV)Fl. Steelhead Orange (UV)Fl. Steelhead Pink (UV)Fl.
   Steelhead Purple (UV)Fl. White (UV)Fl. Yellow (UV)Fl. Yellow Chartreuse
   (UV)Galloup's Brown OliveGolden OliveGray OliveHeron GrayHeron Gray (UV)Hot
   OrangeHot RedIron DunKelly GreenLemon YellowLight OliveMagic
   MagentaMaroon/WineMedium OliveMedium Olive (UV)Navy BlueOlive
   BrownPurplePurple (UV)Root BeerRoyal BlueSculpin Olive (UV)Sculpin
   OliveYellow OliveSculpin TanSculpin Tan (UV)TanTobacco Brown
   Add to cart

   Black / MediumBurnt Orange / MediumCream / MediumFl. Blue / MediumFl.
   Chartreuse / MediumFl. Fire Orange / MediumFl. Orange / MediumFl. Pink /
   MediumFl. Shell Pink / MediumFl. Yellow / MediumGinger / MediumInsect Green /
   MediumLight Gray / MediumMedium Brown / MediumOlive / MediumOrange /
   MediumPurple / MediumRed / MediumRusty Brown / MediumTan / MediumWhite /
   MediumYellow / MediumBlack / SmallBurnt Orange / SmallCream / SmallFl. Blue /
   SmallFl. Chartreuse / SmallFl. Fire Orange / SmallFl. Orange / SmallFl. Pink
   / SmallFl. Shell Pink / SmallFl. Yellow / SmallGinger / SmallInsect Green /
   SmallLight Gray / SmallMedium Brown / SmallOlive / SmallOrange / SmallPurple
   / SmallRed / SmallRusty Brown / SmallSculpin Olive / SmallTan / SmallWhite /
   SmallYellow / Small
   Add to cart

   BlackBrownChartreuseCopperFl. FuchsiaGoldHot OrangeHot PinkOliveOlive
   BrownPearlPurpleRedSilverDark Gray OliveGray OliveTan
   Add to cart

   Fl. Fire OrangeOliveTanBlackGray BrownHopper YellowRedRusty BrownFl.
   ChartreuseFl. PinkWhiteCreamBlue DunBrownBrown OliveBurnt OrangeDark BrownFl.
   CeriseFl. GreenFl. OrangeFl. Shell PinkFl. YellowLight TanOlive
   GreenPurpleWood DuckYellow
   Add to cart

   1 / 100 Pack1 / 25 Pack1/0 / 100 Pack1/0 / 25 Pack2 / 100 Pack2 / 25 Pack2/0
   / 100 Pack2/0 / 25 Pack3/0 / 25 Pack4 / 100 Pack4 / 25 Pack4/0 / 25 Pack5/0 /
   25 Pack6 / 100 Pack6 / 25 Pack8 / 100 Pack8 / 25 Pack10 / 100 Pack10 / 25
   Pack12 / 100 Pack12 / 25 Pack14 / 100 Pack14 / 25 Pack
   Add to cart

   AmberBrownCopperCopper BrownGoldHot YellowRedSilverBlueGreenHot
   OrangeWhiteWineBlackTanOliveChartreuseFuchsiaPinkSculpin OliveGolden
   OlivePurpleGun Metal BlueRustFl. Yellow
   Add to cart

   Add to cart

   Brown/CoffeeSeal Brown/GingerTobacco Brown/BlackFuchsia/BlackOlive/Brown
   Add to cart

   Black / MediumBonefish Tan / MediumBright Green / MediumChartreuse /
   MediumDark Olive / MediumFl. Fuchsia / MediumHot Orange / MediumMinnow Blue /
   MediumOlive / MediumPeachy Flesh / MediumPearl / MediumPink / MediumPurple /
   MediumRed / MediumRootbeer / MediumShrimp Pink / MediumYellow / Medium
   Add to cart

   Blue SteelieCaddis GreenChartreuseChocolate BrownClaretCopperElectric
   PurpleEmerald GreenFl. Hot PinkFl. Lime GreenFl. Shell PinkFl.
   YellowGoldGolden BrownGunmetal GreyHot YellowKingfisher BlueMidnight
   FireMidnight HazeMinnow Pearl BackMinnow BellyOliveOlive
   BrownOrangePeacockPeacock BlackPearlPearl Red HuePheasant TailRedRusty
   BrownSilverSilver GraySilver HoloSmolt BlueWicked BlackWineUV BlackUV
   BrownCallibaetisUV CinnamonUV Dark OliveUV DunUV GrayUV Hot OrangeUV Lt.
   GrayUV Lt. OliveUV Lt. YellowUV LavenderUV PearlUV Peacock EyeUV PinkUV
   PurpleUV RedUV RustUV Shrimp PinkUV Tan
   Add to cart

   BlackChartreuseCopperGoldGreenRedSilverGun Metal Blue
   Add to cart

   Black SmokeBrownDark OliveGoldenHare's Ear TanOliveRootbeer
   Add to cart

   CC-DiamondCC-Emerald GreenCC-GoldCC-OliveCC-Pearl GrayCC-RubyCC-TanCC-Yellow
   OliveMT-BrownMT-GunmetalMT-RainbowOP-BlackOP-Light OliveOP-PearlTR-Crystal
   Add to cart

   TransparentYellowRedGreyIron Blue DunPink Fl.BeigeBlackBrownOliveRustyBrown
   BeigeSalmonOrange Fl.Olive LightBrown Dark
   Add to cart

   BlackBrownBWOCallibaetisDark OliveDark TanGrayGray OliveLight
   OliveOlivePMDPurpleRusty SpinnerSulphur OrangeWhiteYellowish Tan
   Add to cart

   Add to cart

   BlackDark GrayDark OliveLight BrownLight GrayOrangePale YellowRustPale Dun
   Add to cart



3.50 out of 5
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Vincent Garcia

Woolly buger marabou

Not a great selection, the marabou feathers are pretty small!!


Anthony Grady

Bugger Marabou

Wooly Bugger Marabou is a must have in your fly tying box.. it’s doesn’t hurt to
have all the basic colors.


Semperfli SemperSeal Substitute Dubbing
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from $3.75
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Kumoto K5263 3X Streamer & Nymph Hook
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Wapsi Strung Blood Quill Marabou
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Semperfli Classic Waxed Thread - 6/0

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Wooly Bugger Marabou


