Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On April 03 via api from JP — Scanned from JP

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


<form novalidate="novalidate" spellcheck="false" method="post" target="_top" autocomplete="off" data-bind="autoSubmit: forceSubmit, attr: { action: postUrl }">
  <!-- ko withProperties: { '$errorPage': $data } -->
  <div data-bind="component: { name: 'master-page',
        publicMethods: masterPageMethods,
        params: {
            serverData: svr,
            showButtons: svr.fShowButtons,
            showFooterLinks: true,
            handleWizardButtons: false,
            useWizardBehavior: svr.fUseWizardBehavior } }"><!--  -->
    <!-- ko ifnot: useLayoutTemplates --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: useLayoutTemplates -->
    <!-- ko withProperties: { '$page': $parent } -->
    <!-- ko if: isLightboxTemplate() -->
    <div id="lightboxTemplateContainer" data-bind="component: { name: 'lightbox-template', params: { serverData: svr, showHeader: $page.showHeader(), headerLogo: $page.headerLogo() } }, css: { 'provide-min-height': svr.fUseMinHeight }"><!--  -->
      <div id="lightboxBackgroundContainer" data-bind="css: { 'provide-min-height': svr.fUsePlaywrightMinHeight },
    component: { name: 'background-image-control',
        publicMethods: $page.backgroundControlMethods,
        event: { load: $page.backgroundImageControl_onLoad } }">
        <div class="background-image-holder" role="presentation" data-bind="css: { app: isAppBranding }, style: { background: backgroundStyle }">
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          <div id="backgroundImage" data-bind="backgroundImage: backgroundImageUrl(), externalCss: { 'background-image': true }" class="background-image ext-background-image"
            style="background-image: url(&quot;;);"></div>
          <!-- ko if: useImageMask --><!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: svr.iBannerEnvironment --><!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko withProperties: { '$masterPageContext': $parentContext } -->
      <div class="outer" data-bind="css: { 'app': $page.backgroundLogoUrl }">
        <!-- ko if: showHeader --><!-- /ko -->
        <div class="template-section main-section">
          <div data-bind="externalCss: { 'middle': true }" class="middle ext-middle">
            <div class="full-height" data-bind="component: { name: 'content-control', params: { serverData: svr, isVerticalSplitTemplate: $page.isVerticalSplitTemplate() } }"><!--  -->
              <!-- ko withProperties: { '$content': $data } -->
              <div class="flex-column">
                <!-- ko if: $page.paginationControlHelper.showBackgroundLogoHolder --><!-- /ko -->
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                  <div id="lightbox" data-bind="
            animationEnd: $page.paginationControlHelper.animationEnd,
            externalCss: { 'sign-in-box': true },
            css: {
                'inner':  $content.isVerticalSplitTemplate,
                'vertical-split-content': $content.isVerticalSplitTemplate,
                'app': $page.backgroundLogoUrl,
                'wide': $page.paginationControlHelper.useWiderWidth,
                'fade-in-lightbox': $page.fadeInLightBox,
                'has-popup': $page.showFedCredAndNewSession &amp;&amp; ($page.showFedCredButtons() || $page.newSession()),
                'transparent-lightbox': $page.backgroundControlMethods() &amp;&amp; $page.backgroundControlMethods().useTransparentLightBox,
                'lightbox-bottom-margin-debug': $page.showDebugDetails }" class="sign-in-box ext-sign-in-box lightbox-bottom-margin-debug fade-in-lightbox wide">
                    <!-- ko template: { nodes: $masterPageContext.$componentTemplateNodes, data: $page } -->
                    <div class="lightbox-cover" data-bind="css: { 'disable-lightbox': svr.fAllowGrayOutLightBox &amp;&amp; isRequestPending() }"></div>
                    <!-- ko if: isRequestPending --><!-- /ko -->
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                    <div data-bind="component: { name: 'logo-control', params: { isChinaDc: svr.fIsChinaDc, bannerLogoUrl: bannerLogoUrl() } }"><!--  -->
                      <!-- ko if: bannerLogoUrl --><!-- /ko -->
                      <!-- ko if: svr.fUseNonMicrosoftDefaultBrandingForCiam -->
                      <!-- ko if: !bannerLogoUrl && !isChinaDc && !isCiamUserFlowUx --><!-- /ko -->
                      <!-- ko if: !bannerLogoUrl && isCiamUserFlowUx && bannerLogoText --><!-- /ko -->
                      <!-- /ko -->
                      <!-- ko ifnot: svr.fUseNonMicrosoftDefaultBrandingForCiam --><!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- ko if: $errorPage.stringCustomizationObservables.isCustomStringsLoadComplete -->
                    <div role="main" data-bind="component: { name: 'pagination-control',
                publicMethods: paginationControlMethods,
                params: {
                    enableCssAnimation: svr.fEnableCssAnimation,
                    disableAnimationIfAnimationEndUnsupported: svr.fDisableAnimationIfAnimationEndUnsupported,
                    initialViewId: initialViewId },
                event: {
                    cancel: paginationControl_onCancel,
                    load: paginationControlHelper.onLoad,
                    unload: paginationControlHelper.onUnload,
                    loadView: view_onLoadView,
                    showView: view_onShow,
                    setLightBoxFadeIn: view_onSetLightBoxFadeIn } }"><!--  -->
                      <div data-bind="css: { 'zero-opacity': hidePaginatedView() }" class="">
                        <!-- ko if: showIdentityBanner() && (sharedData.displayName || svr.sPOST_Username) --><!-- /ko -->
                        <div class="pagination-view animate slide-in-next" data-bind="css: {
        'has-identity-banner': showIdentityBanner() &amp;&amp; (sharedData.displayName || svr.sPOST_Username),
        'zero-opacity': hidePaginatedView.hideSubView(),
        'animate': animate(),
        'slide-out-next': animate.isSlideOutNext(),
        'slide-in-next': animate.isSlideInNext(),
        'slide-out-back': animate.isSlideOutBack(),
        'slide-in-back': animate.isSlideInBack() }">
                          <!-- ko foreach: views -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() -->
                          <!-- ko template: { nodes: [$data], data: $parent } -->
                          <div data-viewid="1" data-wide="true" data-bind="pageViewComponent: { name: 'error-view',
                    params: {
                        serverData: svr,
                        customStrings: $errorPage.stringCustomizationObservables.customStrings(),
                        isCustomizationFailure: $errorPage.stringCustomizationObservables.isCustomStringsLoadFailure() },
                    event: {
                        submitReady: $errorPage.view_onSubmitReady } }"><!--  -->
                            <div id="header" class="row text-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" data-bind="text: unsafe_headerText">Sign in</div>
                            <div class="row text-body" data-bind="hasFocus: !svr.fIsOOBE" tabindex="-1">
                              <!-- ko if: customDescription --><!-- /ko -->
                              <!-- ko ifnot: customDescription -->
                              <p id="pageDescription" class="text-block-body no-margin-top" data-bind="text: str['CT_STR_Error_Desc']">Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.</p>
                              <!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko if: svr.fDebugModeEnabled --><!-- /ko -->
                            <div class="row text-body" data-bind="text: svr.strExceptionClassName"></div>
                            <div id="exceptionMessageContainer" class="row text-body wrap-content" data-bind="text: unsafe_exceptionMessage">AADSTS90014: The required field 'request' is missing from the credential. Ensure that you have all the
                              necessary parameters for the login request.</div>
                            <div class="row text-body stack-trace text-caption wrap-content" data-bind="html: stackTrace"></div>
                            <!-- ko if: svr.fIsOOBE --><!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko if: tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText --><!-- /ko -->
                          </div><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- ko if: svr.sCanaryTokenName -->
                    <input type="hidden" data-bind="attr: { name: svr.sCanaryTokenName }, value: svr.canary" name="canary" value="v1CPdueXnyofF6Rpc5cru4QEjH9OrwVvw3MrXpvLnic=2:1:CANARY:FYVMkyeBHEvB5h+Ix6cqX+aDsJ8oEEIlvigkjFS4seY=">
                    <!-- /ko -->
                    <div data-bind="component: { name: 'instrumentation-control',
            publicMethods: instrumentationMethods,
            params: { serverData: svr } }">
                      <input type="hidden" name="i19" data-bind="value: timeOnPage" value="">
                    <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- ko if: $page.showFedCredAndNewSession --><!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- ko if: $page.showDebugDetails -->
                  <div data-bind="component: { name: 'debug-details-control',
            publicMethods: $page.debugDetailsMethods,
            params: {
                serverData: svr,
                debugDetails: $page.debugDetails,
                useWiderWidth: $page.paginationControlHelper.useWiderWidth,
                isDebugTracingEnabled: $page.isDebugTracingEnabled },
            event: {
                closeBanner: $page.closeDebugDetails_onClick,
                setDebugTracing: $page.setDebugTracing_onClick } }"><!--  -->
                    <!-- ko if: showBanner -->
                    <div id="debugDetailsBanner" class="debug-details-banner table wide" data-bind="css: { 'wide': useWiderWidth }">
                      <div class="table-row">
                        <div class="table-cell">
                          <!-- ko if: svr.fShowCopyDebugDetailsLink -->
                          <div class="debug-details-header">
                            <div id="debugDetailsHeader" class="bold debug-details-heading-text" role="heading" aria-level="2" data-bind="text: str['STR_Error_Details_Title']">Troubleshooting details</div>
                            <div data-bind="text: str['STR_Error_Details_Instruction']">If you contact your administrator, send this info to them.</div>
                            <a id="idCopyToClipboard" href="#" role="button" data-bind="
                    clickToCopy: { textareaId: 'debugDetailsText', showNotification: showDebugDetailsCopyMessage },
                    text: str['STR_Error_Details_CopyLink'],
                    ariaDescribedBy: 'debugDetailsHeader',
                    ariaLabel: str['STR_Error_Details_CopyLink'],
                    hasFocus: isFocusActivated" aria-describedby="debugDetailsHeader" aria-label="Copy info to clipboard">Copy info to clipboard</a>
                            <span id="debugDetailsCopyMessage" class="debug-details-notification fade-in-lightbox" aria-live="assertive" data-bind="visible: showDebugDetailsCopyMessage" style="display: none;">
                              <!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko -->
                              <!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme -->
                              <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img role="presentation" pngsrc=""
                                svgsrc="" data-bind="imgSrc"
                                src=""><!-- /ko -->
                              <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->
                              <span role="alert" data-bind="
                        text: showDebugDetailsCopyMessage() ? str['STR_Error_Details_Notification'] : null,
                        ariaLabel: str['STR_Error_Details_Notification_ScreenReader']" aria-label="Copied troubleshooting info to clipboard"></span>
                          <!-- /ko -->
                          <div class="override-ltr" data-bind="copySource: 'debugDetailsText'">
                            <!-- ko if: debugDetails.errorCode --><!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko if: svr.sessionId -->
                              <span class="bold">Request Id: </span>
                              <span data-bind="text: svr.sessionId">5ddf72cc-5b8c-4c3c-a065-5e2afcdcf400</span>
                            <!-- /ko -->
                              <span class="bold">Correlation Id: </span>
                              <span data-bind="text: svr.correlationId">91079075-b245-4079-b6aa-033414c41846</span>
                              <span class="bold">Timestamp: </span>
                              <span data-bind="text: debugDetails.timestamp">2023-04-03T20:58:38Z</span>
                            <!-- ko if: svr.strServiceExceptionMessage -->
                              <span class="bold">Message: </span>
                              <span data-bind="text: unsafe_exceptionMessage">AADSTS90014: The required field 'request' is missing from the credential. Ensure that you have all the necessary parameters for the login request.</span>
                            <!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko template: { nodes: $componentTemplateNodes, data: $data } -->
                            <!-- ko if: $page.showConditionalAccessDebugDetails --><!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko if: $page.paginationControlHelper.showErrorPageDebugDetails --><!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- /ko -->
                          <!-- ko if: svr.urlSetDebugMode -->
                          <div class="debug-trace-section">
                              <span class="bold" data-bind="text: str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode']">Flag sign-in errors for review:</span>
                              <a id="setDebugMode" role="button" data-bind="
                        href: svr.urlSetDebugMode,
                        text: isDebugTracingEnabled() ? str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode_Disable'] : str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode_Enable'],
                        ariaLabel: isDebugTracingEnabled() ? str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode_Disable_AriaLabel'] : str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode_Enable_AriaLabel'],
                        click: setDebugMode_onClick,
                        hasFocus: isFocusActivated() &amp;&amp; !svr.fShowCopyDebugDetailsLink" href="" aria-label="Enable flagging">Enable flagging</a>
                            <!-- ko if: sending --><!-- /ko -->
                            <!-- ko if: debugModeError --><!-- /ko -->
                            <div data-bind="text: str['STR_Error_Details_Debug_Mode_Desc']">If you plan on getting help for this problem, enable flagging and try to reproduce the error within 20 minutes. Flagged events make diagnostics available and
                              are raised to admin attention.</div>
                          <!-- /ko -->
                          <a id="errorBannerCloseLink" role="button" href="#" data-bind="
                click: hideBanner_onClick,
                ariaLabel: str['CT_STR_Error_Details_Close_AltText'],
                hasFocus: isFocusActivated() &amp;&amp; !svr.fShowCopyDebugDetailsLink &amp;&amp; !svr.urlSetDebugMode" aria-label="Close troubleshooting details">
                <!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme -->
<!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img role="presentation" pngsrc="" svgsrc="" data-bind="imgSrc, attr: { alt: str['CT_STR_Error_Details_Close_AltText'] }" src="" alt="Close troubleshooting details"><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: $page.paginationControlHelper.showFooterControl -->
        <div id="footer" role="contentinfo" data-bind="
        externalCss: {
            'footer': true,
            'has-background': !$page.useDefaultBackground() &amp;&amp; $page.showFooter(),
            'background-always-visible': $page.backgroundLogoUrl }" class="footer ext-footer">
          <div data-bind="component: { name: 'footer-control',
            publicMethods: $page.footerMethods,
            params: {
                serverData: svr,
                useDefaultBackground: $page.useDefaultBackground(),
                hasDarkBackground: $page.backgroundLogoUrl(),
                showLinks: true,
                showFooter: $page.showFooter(),
                hideTOU: $page.hideTOU(),
                termsText: $page.termsText(),
                termsLink: $page.termsLink(),
                hidePrivacy: $page.hidePrivacy(),
                privacyText: $page.privacyText(),
                privacyLink: $page.privacyLink() },
            event: {
                agreementClick: $page.footer_agreementClick,
                showDebugDetails: $page.toggleDebugDetails_onClick } }"><!-- ko if: !hideFooter && (showLinks || impressumLink || showIcpLicense) -->
            <div id="footerLinks" class="footerNode text-secondary footer-links ext-footer-links" data-bind="externalCss: { 'footer-links': true }">
              <!-- ko if: showFooter -->
              <!-- ko if: !hideTOU -->
              <a id="ftrTerms" data-bind="
            text: termsText,
            href: termsLink,
            click: termsLink_onClick,
            externalCss: {
                'footer-content': true,
                'footer-item': true,
                'has-background': !useDefaultBackground,
                'background-always-visible': hasDarkBackground }" href="" class="footer-content ext-footer-content footer-item ext-footer-item">Terms of use</a>
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: !hidePrivacy -->
              <a id="ftrPrivacy" data-bind="
            text: privacyText,
            href: privacyLink,
            click: privacyLink_onClick,
            externalCss: {
                'footer-content': true,
                'footer-item': true,
                'has-background': !useDefaultBackground,
                'background-always-visible': hasDarkBackground }" href="" class="footer-content ext-footer-content footer-item ext-footer-item">Privacy &amp; cookies</a>
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: impressumLink --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: a11yConformeLink --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: showIcpLicense -->
              <a id="ftrIcp" href="" target="_blank" data-bind="
            text: str['STR_Footer_IcpLicense_Text'],
            href: icpLink,
            externalCss: {
                'footer-content': true,
                'footer-item': true,
                'has-background': !useDefaultBackground,
                'background-always-visible': hasDarkBackground }" class="footer-content ext-footer-content footer-item ext-footer-item"></a>
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- Set attr binding before hasFocusEx to prevent Narrator from losing focus -->
              <a id="moreOptions" href="#" role="button" data-bind="
        click: moreInfo_onClick,
        ariaLabel: str['CT_STR_More_Options_Ellipsis_AriaLabel'],
        attr: { 'aria-expanded': showDebugDetails().toString() },
        hasFocusEx: focusMoreInfo(),
        externalCss: {
            'footer-content': true,
            'footer-item': true,
            'debug-item': true,
            'has-background': !useDefaultBackground,
            'background-always-visible': hasDarkBackground }" aria-label="Click here for troubleshooting information" aria-expanded="false" class="footer-content ext-footer-content footer-item ext-footer-item debug-item ext-debug-item">...</a>
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: svr.fShowLegalMessagingInline && showLinks --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: isVerticalSplitTemplate() && isTemplateLoaded() --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->


<form data-bind="postRedirectForm: postRedirect" method="POST" aria-hidden="true" target="_top"></form>

Text Content

Sign in

Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.

AADSTS90014: The required field 'request' is missing from the credential. Ensure
that you have all the necessary parameters for the login request.

Troubleshooting details
If you contact your administrator, send this info to them.
Copy info to clipboard
Request Id: 5ddf72cc-5b8c-4c3c-a065-5e2afcdcf400
Correlation Id: 91079075-b245-4079-b6aa-033414c41846
Timestamp: 2023-04-03T20:58:38Z
Message: AADSTS90014: The required field 'request' is missing from the
credential. Ensure that you have all the necessary parameters for the login
Flag sign-in errors for review: Enable flagging
If you plan on getting help for this problem, enable flagging and try to
reproduce the error within 20 minutes. Flagged events make diagnostics available
and are raised to admin attention.

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