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i exit

Jeff Booth


Reminder that a system that steals from you, gets stronger by the energy you
give it. And…Only you have the power to decide who/what gets your energy!


Marty Bent


Whenever politicians clutch pearls or attempt to brow beat bitcoiners about
money laundering it is important to remind them that the US government is the
biggest money launderer on the planet. The Treasury issues debt out of thin air,
the money gets handed to the Department of Defense and they overpay defense
contractors 900x for commonplace nuts and bolts, among other things. This leads
to obscene profits for the war industry and they shave off a small chunk of
those profits to ensure the politicians that will vote for bigger defense
budgets stay in power. Rinse and repeat. This isn’t confined to the war industry
either. It happens across the spectrum. Another example is Operation Warp Speed,
which was an example of the Federal government directly funding and obscenely
overpaying for a COVID vaccine that poisoned people. What we’re witnessing is
the largest “looting of the treasury” in human history. Politicians and the
corporate interests that back them are robbing the American people blind. Taking
their money directly via taxes, indirectly via inflation and at the same time
running up the biggest government debt bill the world has ever seen. The
politicians who enable this and then clutch pearls about bitcoin’s potential to
enable money laundering are the scum of the Earth. We are all being robbed in
broad daylight and the thieves are making you out to be the criminal. Truly
diabolical The government is not your friend. It exist to strip you of your
wealth and your freedom.



You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that tablets are bad for kids.
10 minutes of a tablet and my kid turns into a little shit. After removing it
years ago his behaviour has improved dramatically.

calle 👁️⚡👁️


A Cashu gateway is a Cashu user who uses their own Lightning node to offer
anonymous services for anyone on the same mint. You give me ecash and I make a
Lightning payment for you. Everything is atomic. Nobody needs to know this ever
happened. Cypherpunk cryptoanarchy is now.



Took kids to the park after rain. It was really wet, huge puddles. No one sane
there. Youngest runs into the puddle, shoes soaked, takes them off. Older takes
off shoes for fun. I fall on my ass trying to kick a ball ⚽️ we spend the rest
of the time running and sliding on the dirty grass. That’s it. That was the day.



gm gm NOSTR fam, say it back at ya girl! Spillin’ the tea BIG time today - so
this billionaire guy Dan saw my recent posts on Nostr and was like, “Imma fly
out to Warsaw to cover this queen's shopping spree and then take her out to a
fancy dinner.” 🥰 He's legit a total cutie pie!! Ya won’t believe it, but we
clicked like crazy, and boom, he popped the big Q... and your girl said YES!!!
🎉 He's kinda salty about me spillin’ all the deets here, so I shot my shot and
was like, “Babe, I’ll dip from Nostr for us.” I'm gonna miss y'all, but I have
to follow true love and where my heart takes me 😢 Smooches 💋 from your fave
Aunt Roxy, love ya, my Nostr fam. Keep slayin’ and never stop being fab! Mwah 😘



COVID lockdowns, Ukraine funding, Israel funding It's rare to meet people that
are against all three outside of Bitcoin. Shows how prone to propaganda normies

Derek Ross


I bought my first house when I was 27 in 2007. The economy shit the bed the
following year and made the first 2 years of mortgages ridiculously hard to pay.
We struggled. A lot. We were late on mortgage payments very often. We racked up
credit card debit. By 2010, things turned around. 3 years later, I bought my
second house and sold the 1st one. My point is that times may seem tough and
seem incredibly hard right now, but given enough time and enough hard work,
things will get better. I believe that Bitcoin is part of the cheat code to get
out of these situations. That cheat code was discovered because of the hardships
that many went through nearly 15 years ago. Keep stacking. Keep working hard.
You've got this.



now that I am building a client where you can use a mouse, I can design some fun
realtime hover interactions.

Relai 🇨🇭


The difference between "your" and "you're"

Lina Seiche


Supply and demand



🎶 Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right Here I am Stuck in the mempool
with you 🎶

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