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This webinar is for HIPAA Covered Entities (CEs) and Business Associates (BAs).
Criminals increasingly focus cyber-attacks on BAs because one hit can give them
access to PHI of all the BA’s customers. Growth of serious BA PHI breaches
affecting tens of millions of patients put the spotlight on BA HIPAA compliance,
attracting HHS Office for Civil Rights investigations and aggressive private
class action lawsuits filed within days of a breach targeting BAs and their CE
customers. CEs that did nothing wrong can still be held liable to pay the same
civil money penalty as their BA for the BA’s HIPAA violation under the Federal
Common Law of Agency which is included in the HIPAA Enforcement Rule.
Simple steps, often overlooked but easy to follow, enable CEs and BAs to protect
against costs and damage to their reputations caused by violations of HIPAA
Rules that apply to BAs. The chain of HIPAA compliance starts with a CE. It
extends to a BA that provides a CE with services involving PHI. And the chain of
compliance continues on down to any subcontractors of a BA that perform services
involving PHI. BA subcontractors are defined by HIPAA as BAs and are fully
liable for compliance.

 * CEs must obtain “satisfactory assurances” from each BA, documented in
   writing, that the BA complies with HIPAA before disclosing PHI to the BA or
   allowing the BA to create, receive, maintain or transmit PHI on their behalf.
 * BAs must obtain “satisfactory assurances” from each Subcontractor BA,
   documented in writing, that the Subcontractor BA complies with HIPAA before
   permitting the Subcontractor BA to perform services involving PHI.

This webinar explains the interconnected HIPAA compliance responsibilities and
liabilities of CEs and BAs. HIPAA Rules that apply to both are easy to follow,
step-by-step, when you know the steps.

HIPAA Rules that apply to CEs in dealing with BAs and that BAs must follow are
discussed and explained including:

 * Serious Business Associate HIPAA Violations
   Brief review of current OCR BA Enforcement and Class Action lawsuits based on
   BA HIPAA violations
 * Explanation of how HIPAA Rules apply to BAs
   * Security, Privacy and Breach Notification Rules
 * Business Associate Agreements and the key Agency Issue – Don’t make your BA
   or Subcontractor BA your legal agent by mistake like many do
 * CE Due Diligence for BAs and BA Due Diligence for Subcontractor BAs
 * Who’s in Charge? – Responsibility & Authority – Responsibility of Senior
   Management and Owners – Delegation of Authority for development and
   implementation of a BA HIPAA compliance program


CEs can find themselves fully liable for HIPAA violations committed by BAs and
BAs for violations committed by Subcontractors under the little known Federal
Common Law of Agency. However, risks associated with BA HIPAA compliance can be
managed calmly and confidently by following the HIPAA Rules that are easy to
follow, step-by-step.
CEs should attend to see what to look for in Due Diligence, how to obtain HIPAA
required satisfactory assurances that a BA is complying with HIPAA and avoid
liability by inadvertently making a BA their agent.
BAs should attend this webinar to see exactly what they must do to comply with
HIPAA Rules – Security, Privacy and Breach Notification Rules. And what to look
for in Due Diligence and how to obtain HIPAA required satisfactory assurances
that a Subcontractor BA is complying with HIPAA while avoiding liability by
inadvertently making a Subcontractor BA their agent


Covered Entities of all types who disclose PHI to BAs and allow BAs to create,
receive, maintain and transmit PHI on their behalf
Business Associates of all types including for example:

 * Billing and Coding companies
 * Practice Management Companies
 * IT Vendors
 * Data Storage firms (electronic and paper)
 * Secure and unsecure providers of PHI email and text message services
 * Vendors of patient satisfaction surveys
 * PHI record retrieval and release of information vendors
 * Law and Accounting Firms
 * Health Plan Third Party Administrators
 * CE Owner – CEO – COO Compliance Manager
 * Board of Directors – for profit and non-profit CEs
 * Healthcare Practice Manager
 * Administrator, Long Term Care Facility
 * BA Owner – CEO – COO
 * Security and Privacy Officers
 * Compliance, Information Security and Risk Management Directors
 * Business Manager
 * Attorney – General Counsel, Associate General Counsel, Inside Compliance
   Attorney, Outside Health Law Attorney

Venue: Recorded Webinar


 *  * Recorded Webinar + Presentation $129.00

HIPAA Business Associate Compliance and Dangers quantity
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Paul R. Hales
Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his ability to explain HIPAA Rules
clearly in plain language. He is an attorney licensed to practice before the
Supreme Court of the United States, a graduate of Columbia University Law School
and Senior Counselor of the Missouri Bar with an international practice in HIPAA
privacy and…
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Compliance Webinars
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Many providers have seen a significant increase in claims delays and outright
denials. The reasons may be many, but focused attention to three major elements
can improve your results. Documentation, Coding & Billing work together to
support adequate reimbursement. Weaknesses in any of these areas will affect the
ability to capture optimal revenue. Documentation is the Foundation of Every
Patient Encounter. Record pertinent facts, findings, observations about past &
present illnesses, examinations, tests, treatments and outcomes Documents the
care of the patient Facilitates planning immediate treatment Monitor patient’s
healthcare over time Tells the patient’s story Strong Documentation drives the
coder’s ability to capture all conditions that are relevant to the current
encounter. The primary reason for the encounter must be clear. Secondary
conditions that require management or affect the current encounter should be
addressed by the provider. Problem lists can be misleading. Is the condition
current or a historical occurrence no longer requiring treatment? Documentation
and coding will support accurate claims billing serving to decrease the
liklihood of payer delay or denial. These 3 functions are strongly intertwined.
It is imperative that providers and staff collaborate to protect revenue, reduce
reworking of the claim, and maintain a strong cash flow. Patient satisfaction is
heavily influenced by the provider’s proficiency in obtaining correct and timely
payment. Target Audience Chargemaster Maintenance Staff Physicians Practice
managers Medical assistants Nurses Compliance staff Billers Coders Revenue Cycle
Risk Management Charge entry staff

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A hospital chargemaster is a comprehensive list of a hospital's products,
procedures, and services. Everything from prescription drugs to supplies for
diagnostic tests has a unique price listing in the chargemaster. Major
components include revenue codes that reflect the site of service and applicable
CPT/HCPCS codes that indicate the service provided/charged. Poor matches between
these code sets may lead to distorted cost centers, lost revenue, charges
bundled that should be separately reported and incomplete departmental charging.
Webinar’s Goals Understand chargemaster code functions Understand revenue
leakage resulting from poor chargemaster structure Understand why correct
departmental charging is vital to revenue integrity Appropriate training for
charge entry staff Billing attention to posted charges Who Should Attend
Chargemaster Maintenance Staff Compliance staff Billers Coders Revenue Cycle
Managers & Staff Risk Management Charge entry staff

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Areas Covered A major component of successful revenue management is accurate
charging for services provided. Charges must be identified, posted timely and
completely. Hospital charge capture is typically handled by the department that
provided the service. Professional charges may be posted by the provider. In
either case, the function may be a low administrative priority with little to
limited training for charging activities. Coordination between departments may
not be established. Accountability for correct charging may be minimal. There
may be no formal policies or baseline controls for correct charge capture.
Different systems may be used for charging and reconciliation An effective
charge audit can identify lost revenue opportunities Webinar’s Goals Understand
the importance of accurate charge capture Tips for charge review Departmental
charge capture errors & omissions Revenue leakage resulting from charging errors
Reduce non-compliance exposure Improvement of operational efficiency Enhance
patient satisfaction Key Points Why Errors Occur Multiple departments entering
charges Charge master may be incorrect or incomplete Error in number of units
selected Error in item selection Inactive charge New service not added Incorrect
revenue code/cost center System conversions Overreliance on claims scrubber
Target Audience Physicians Practice managers Medical assistants Nurses
Compliance staff Billers Coders Revenue Cycle Risk Management

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Clinical documentation is the cornerstone for all patient medical records. This
information should be of the highest quality to allow for optimal patient
outcomes as well as supporting research, medical coding and other uses of the
medical record. Its purpose is to adequately relate the patient’s current and
historical conditions and treatments with primary focus placed on situations
that affect the current medical encounter. It also supports the provider’s
defense should the case become a legal issue. Webinar’s Goals Review of 7
criteria that all entries in the medical record should include Impact of
documentation on coding & claims Establishing a CDI team Significance of
abnormal lab results: querying the provider. Measurement of lesions, when taken
and inclusion of margins. Why it matters & how reimbursement may be affected.
Start & stop times & methodology for infusions & discrepancies in billing.
Complete reporting for administration and substance. Diagnostic testing and
medications should be supported in a diagnosis. Unsupported documentation may
cost you money. Depth of wounds and cause should be clear. Clarity needed for
both depth and origin of wound. Severity of illness. Hospitals and payers are
increasingly scrutinizing patient severity. Lack of detail costs money.
Diagnosis present on admission? Certain conditions do not generate additional
revenue if occurrence after admission. Areas Covered The ICD-10 code set
requires explicit documentation of conditions & treatments in order to support
the severity of patients under treatment as well as allow for the significant
specificity required by this code set. Ambiguous documentation and generic
coding will no longer guarantee reimbursement and may generate a claims denial
for lack of medical necessity. In this session, we will review the theory of
high-quality clinical documentation which has the support of healthcare
regulatory guidelines and peer-review research. Additional consideration
involves medical outcomes that may result in legal action. When clinical
documentation is vague, missing key elements and conflicting statements, the
provider may find that he/she is handicapped in supporting medical decisions and
patient results, particularly when the result is a negative outcome for the
patient. In today’s healthcare environment, many patients have become educated
consumers of medical services. They are more inclined to request their own
medical record, carefully review explanation of benefits from payers, and
request a review of any information they deem to be incomplete or questionable.
Target Audience Coding Billing Revenue Cycle Physicians Mid-level providers
Nurses Claims follow-up Compliance Auditors

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