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   * Best gay friendly destinations in Europe
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   * Beautiful piers in Europe
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   * Best amazing events in Europe
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   * Best Royal Family Palaces
   * Extreme points of Europe
   * Best lighthouses in Europe
   * Best Gay pride in Europe
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   * Best city Parks in Europe
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   * Seven Wonders of Europe
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   * Best hotel's suites in Europe
   * Best gay friendly hotels in Europe
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   * European Best Destinations 2017
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 * Christmas markets
   * European Best Christmas markets 2021
   * Coronavirus Safest Christmas Destinations
   * Best Christmas destinations in Europe
   * Christmas in Germany
   * Christmas markets in Belgium
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   * Christmas markets in Austria
   * Christmas markets in Poland
   * Christmas in the United Kingdom
   * Christmas in France
   * Best Christmas Lights in Europe
   * Best sunny Christmas destinations in Europe
   * Aachen
   * Amiens
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   * Valkenburg
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   * Vilnius
   * Winchester Cathedral
   * Worms
   * Wurzburg
   * Wroclaw
   * Zagreb
   * York
   * European Best Christmas markets 2020
   * European Best Christmas markets 2019
   * European Best Christmas markets 2018
   * European Best Christmas markets 2017
   * European Best Christmas markets 2016
   * European Best Christmas markets 2015
   * Europe's best Christmas markets 2014
 * Ski
   * AlpedHuez
   * Åre
   * Avoriaz
   * Baqueira Beret
   * Cervinia Valtournenche
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   * Contamines Montjoie
   * Courchevel
   * Cortina d'Ampezzo
   * Crans Montana
   * Davos Klosters
   * Engadin Samnaun
   * Gstaad
   * Ischgl
   * Jungfrau
   * Kitzbühel
   * La Plagne
   * Le Grand Bornand
   * Les 2 Alpes
   * Les Arcs
   * Livigno
   * Montgenevre
   * Saalbach-Hinterglemm
   * Saint François Longchamp
   * Saint-Gervais-Mont-Blanc
   * Saint Sorlin d'Arves
   * Sölden
   * Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental
   * St Moritz
   * Val D'Isère
   * Val Gardena
   * Val Thorens
   * Verbier
   * St Anton am Arlberg
   * Valloire
   * Zermatt
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2020
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2019
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2018
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2017
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2016
   * European Best Ski Resorts 2015
 * Travel Guide
   * Spring in Colmar
     * Easter and spring markets
     * Music Festival
     * Spring activities
     * Things to do
     * Hotels in Colmar
   * Porto
     * Things to do
     * Mercado do Bolhao market Porto
     * Ribeira and Miragaia
     * ViaCatarina Shopping Porto
     * Serralves Foundation
     * World of Discoveries Porto
     * Porto Helicopter tour
     * Electrico Porto old tram
     * Funicular dos Guindais Porto
     * Torre dos Clerigos Tower Porto
     * Se Catedral Porto
     * Rua Santa Catarina Porto
     * Miradouro da Vitoria Porto
     * Miradouro da Serra do Pilar
     * Teleferico de Gaia Cable Car
     * Sao Bento Train Station
     * Jardim do Palacio de Cristal Porto
     * Parque da Cidade Porto
     * Passeio dos Clerigos Porto
     * Foz do Douro Porto
     * Cais de Gaia
     * Porto Belo Mercado
     * Livraria Lello Bookshop Porto
     * Miguel Bombarda, Porto's creators area
     * A Vida Portuguesa Porto
     * Cafe Majestic Porto
     * Casa da Musica Porto
     * Best beaches in Porto and Gaia
     * Best bars and restaurants in Porto
     * Best Airbnb in Porto
     * Six Bridges Cruise Porto
     * Douro Valley Cruise
     * The Region
     * Aveiro
     * Braga
     * Bom Jesus de Braga
     * Sameiro
     * Guimaraes
     * Hotels
     * Douro River Cruises from Porto
     * InterContinental Porto
     * The Artist Porto Hotel & Bistro
     * The House Ribeira Hotel
     * Crowne Plaza Porto
     * Sixt Car Hire Porto
     * Flights
     * Travel tips
     * Gallery
   * Wroclaw
     * Things to do in Wroclaw
     * 7 reasons to visit Wroclaw
     * Best things to do in Wroclaw
     * Wroclaw for Fashion Addicts
     * Best things to do on a Rainy day in Wroclaw
     * Well-being in Wroclaw
     * Things that you will only see in Wroclaw
     * Events not to miss in Wroclaw
     * Best bars and restaurants in Wroclaw
     * Best things to do with kids
     * Trendy and cultural spots
     * Neon Side Gallery
     * Barbara
     * MWW Wroclaw Contemporary Museum
     * Wro Art Center
     * Cinema New Horizons Nowe Horyzonty
     * Club Firlej
     * Jump World
     * Aquapark
     * Afrykarium
     * Saunarium
     * Pool of Wroclaw
     * Monopol Hotel
     * Cityfit Wroclaw
     * Zoo
     * Hydropolis
     * Japanese Garden
     * Wax Museum
     * Multimedia Fountain
     * Carousel
     * Bar Karavan
     * Vega Bar Weganski
     * Fries SOS
     * Zupa Bar
     * Setka bar
     * Bar Remont
     * Pub and Bar Kombinat
     * Central Cafe
     * Cesarsko-Królewska
     * Le Chef Bistro and Bar
     * Wroclaw Fashion Outlet
     * Renoma
     * Good Beer Festival
     * New Horizon Film Festival
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     * Dwarfs
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"If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it"


Discover the best cultural destinations in Europe. Visit Plovdiv, the oldest
inhabited city in Europe and the most incredible European Capital of Culture.
Explore centuries of history in museums ranked among the best museums in Europe
such as the Louvre in Paris and The British Museum in London.


Discover the most beautiful paintings in Europe such as the « Birth of Venus »
in Florence or "The Kiss" in Vienna.


Book your flights, your accommodation as well as your cultural activities and
tours in Europe and discover the Best Cultural Destinations in Europe.


Ross Helen



This year discover the most important cultural destination in Europe: Plovdiv.
This millennial city is the oldest continuously inhabited European destination
(more than 8000 years old). Plovdiv is the city in which millennial history,
culture and heritage are in harmony. Ancient and eternal, artistic and modern,
cosmopolitan and romantic, this city is so captivating and full of life.


As the main cultural centre of Bulgaria, Plovdiv is host to numerous events and
festivals of national and international importance and is a meeting point for
cultural exchange. In 2019, Plovdiv deservedly won the title of European Capital
of Culture. This is the city which will take you back in time to admire the
impressive monuments of antiquity – the 1st-century theatre, the Roman Stadium
from the 2nd century, the Ancient Forum with Odeon and many others


The city, which is home to valuable landmarks – fine examples of Roman mosaic
heritage, exhibited in The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis (4-6 th century),
in The Small Early Christian Basilica (4-6 th century) and in many other
locations throughout the city.


The city, which pulsates with the spirit of the Bulgarian Revival with its
magical Old Town, where beautiful and richly decorated houses from that period
can be visited. The best way to truly get to know Plovdiv is by walking through
its streets. Here you can stroll through the renovated streets of Kapana
Creative District, and later immerse yourself in the light and music show of the
Singing Fountains in the Tsar Simeon's Garden.


 How to get there: Book your flights to Plovdiv. 


 Where to stay:  "Plovdiv City Centre Hotel". Stay in the heart of Plovdiv.


plan your stay




Birthplace of philosophy, democracy and drama, the city of Athens is not only an
open-air museum of world-class cultural heritage attractions but also a
contemporary metropolis with an urban personality.


Named after the most benevolent Greek Goddess, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and
inspiration, Athens has always been at the cultural fore.


With equal measures of grunge and grace, Athens merges the past with the present
in the most slender way! A city of paradoxes and great contrasts, in the country
that first invented  courtesy and generosity towards people who are far from
their home, hospitality (xenia).


During your stay be sure to visit the Best Castles in Greece, Best Islands in
Greece, Best Hidden Gems in Greece and the Best Natural Wonders in Greece.


Book your flights to Athens, your accommodation in Athens as well as your tours
and activities in Athens such as a "Acropolis Guided Tour with Entry Ticket".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Athens and your transfer.


 Where to stay: "Hotel Lozenge". Stay in the heart of Athens


plan your stay



Tuscany - Italy

Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. Florence is the cradle of
the Renaissance and it is also the ancient capital of Italy. In Florence you can
admire Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" but also Michelangelo's magnificent "David"
and the sublime paintings of the "Duomo".


Florence is a romantic city, a city steeped in history, a fascinating


Book your flights to Florence your accommodation as well as your tours and
activities in Florence such as a "Florence: Chianties Wineries Tour with Food
and Wine Tasting".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Florence.


 Where to stay: If you want to stay near the Duomo in tastefully decorated
rooms, book at the "Martelli 6 Suite and apartments".


plan your stay

Shutterstock Editorial Takashi Images


England - UK

London is a must-see destination in Europe and one of the best cultural
destinations in Europe. The "Tate Modern" but also the "British Museum" are
ranked among your Best Museums in Europe and the "Tower Bridge" is ranked among
your "Seven Wonders of Europe".


Are you travelling as a couple and your lover is not passionate about culture?
London is also ranked among the Best Destinations for Sales in Europe, Best Flea
Markets in Europe, Best Gay Friendly Destinations, Best City Parks in Europe,
Best Places to Propose, Best Shopping Cities in Europe, as well as among the
"Tallest Buildings in Europe " and Most beautiful Ferris Wheels in Europe.


Need more inspiration? Discover the Best places to visit in England, the Most
beautiful Castles in England and Best things to do in England.


Book your flights to London, your accommodation in London as well as your tours
and activities in London as a "British Museum Tour".


 How to get there: Book your flights to London.


 Where to stay: "Hotel Café Royal" is an iconic luxury 5-star hotel in the heart
of central London.


plan your stay

Shutterstock Editorial Bumble Dee



Paris is one of the best cultural destinations in Europe. You ranked the "City
of Light" among your best destinations to see the most famous paintings in
Europe for Yves Klein's "Monochrome" as well as the painting "Impression of the
Rising Sun" by Monet after the name given to the impressionist movement. Do not
miss the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre Museum, ranked among the best Museums in


Need an additional argument to visit Paris this year? Some of the most famous
sculptures in Europe can be admired in Paris such as "The Thinker" by Rodin and
"The Venus of Milo" but also "The Victory of Samothrace".


Need more inspiration? Discover the most beautiful beaches in France, the most
incredible castles in France, the Best Hidden Gems in France as well as the Best
Nature Wonders in France and the Best Christmas Markets in France.


Book your flights to Paris, your accommodation in Paris as well as your tours
and activities in Paris such as a ""Eiffel Tower: Direct Access Guided Tour".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Paris and your transfer.


 Where to stay: "Hotel Bastille Speria". Located in the trendy Marais district.


plan your stay



Lazio - Italy

Rome, like Paris, is an open-air museum. If you want to understand the history
of Europe and its roots, you must visit Rome.


What to do during your stay in Rome? Of course you have to see the Colosseum,
the Vatican and the must-see sites of Rome. Our two favourite places are: the
Spanish Steps, ranked among the best places to propose, but also the gardens of
Villa Borghese, an 80 hectare park located in the heart of the city of Rome.


During your stay in Italy discover the best hidden gems in Italy, Best things to
do in Italy, Best Castles in Italy, and the Most Beautiful beaches in Italy.


Book your flights to Rome and your accommodation as well as your tours and
activities in Rome, such as a "Street food tour with a local guide".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Rome and your transfer.


 Where to stay: "Mama Shelter Roma". The hotel offers an indoor pool and a spa


plan your stay

Santi Rodriguez



Bilbao is one of the best cultural destinations in Europe. Its Museum, "The
Guggenheim" is ranked among the best museums in Europe and the sculpture called
"Maman" by the Franco-American artist Louise Bourgeois, which faces it, is
ranked among the Best Sculptures in Europe.


Come and enjoy unforgettable culinary and cultural experiences in the capital of
the Basque Country.


What is most striking about Bilbao is not its huge Guggenheim museum designed by
the genius architect Frank Owen Gehry nor the gigantic bronze spider of the
artist Louise Bourgeois in homage to her mother who was a weaver, but a rich
mixture of all generations that meet in the squares of the old town in the
evening and have a good time together.


The big plus of Bilbao is not its museums, its charming hotels, its restaurants,
but its soul and that of its inhabitants.


Discover one of the most pleasant cities in Spain by booking your flights to
Bilbao, your accommodation in Bilbao as well as your tours and activities in
Bilbao such as a "Guided pintxos tour", enjoy the nice typical Basque cuisine
and discover the wonders of the city.


 How to get there: Book your flights to Bilbao.


 Where to stay: "Hotel Tayko Bilbao" This hotel has an excellent location score.


plan your stay




The legendary musical "The Sound of Music" was filmed in Salzburg. Salzburg is
also the birthplace of Mozart. Salzburg is a destination for lovers of music and
history. Do not miss to visit its incredible fortress overlooking Salzburg: it
is ranked among the best castles in Austria.


Stroll through Salzburg and discover its unspoiled historic centre, declared as
Word Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Salzburg is a green city, surrounded by
forests, lakes, mountains. Salzburg is also more than 4000 events per year,
gourmet restaurants but also dozens of breweries that make Salzburg the Austrian
capital of beer.


If you want to experience a magical moment, discover Salzburg at Christmas. This
destination is ranked among the most beautiful Christmas markets in Austria.


During your stay in Salzburg do not miss a visit to Hallstatt, one of the best
hidden gems of Austria.


Book your accommodation and tours and activities in Salzburg such as a your
admission ticket for the Hohensalzburg Fortress.


 How to get there: Book your flights to to Salzburg or reach Salzburg by car or
train from Munich (2H) or Vienna (3H).


 Where to stay: "Imlauer Hotel Pitter Salzburg" is a family run 4 star hotel.


plan your stay



The Netherlands

World famous for its international court The Hague is also famous for its
incredible collection of the painter "Piet Mondrian". Precursor of an artistic
movement "De Stijl", Mondrian is one of the most important European painters.
The largest collection of Mondrian works of art can be seen in the permanent
exhibition "Mondrian & De Stijl" at the Kunstmuseum. This exhibition shows how
Mondrian evolved from a talented landscape painter into a pioneer in abstract


Need more reasons to visit "The Hague"? The Hague is ranked among your Best
Beaches in the Netherlands, Best Things to to in the Netherlands, as well as
among your Best Places to visit in The Netherlands and "Most Beautiful Ferris
Wheels in Europe" and of course among the Best destinations to see the most
famous paintings in Europe for Mondrian's masterpiece.


Book your flights to Rotterdam-The Hague Airport, your accommodation in The
Hague as well as your tours and activities in The Hague such  as a "The Hague:
City Canal Cruise".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Rotterdam-The Hague Airport and travel
to the city centre by car (30 min) or by public transport (1h).


 Where to stay: "Hotel Indigo The Hague – Palace Noordeinde", a four-star
boutique hotel located in a bank building.


plan your stay




Basel is situated in the heart of Europe, bordering Germany and France. A
combination of authentic Swiss quality and a multicultural population make this
city unmistakably cosmopolitan and innovative.


These characteristics are also born out in Basel’s many spectacular buildings
designed by renowned architects. They present a fascinating contrast to the
historic and picturesque Old Town and round out the image of this modern city.
As you explore, you can view architectural masterpieces by luminaries such as
Herzog & de Meuron, Mario Botta and Frank O. Gehry.


Due to its density of museums, Basel is further considered as the cultural
capital of Switzerland. The city boasts 40 museums on a relatively small area.
With various subjects and world-renowned special exhibitions, there is something
for every taste. Furthermore, Basel is the home of Art Basel, the most important
contemporary art fair in the world.


 How to get there: Book your flights to Basel.


 Where to stay: "Hyperion Hotel Basel". Stay in Basel's tallest habitable


plan your stay




Vienna is one of the best cultural destinations in Europe. Visit the most
beautiful royal palaces in Europe, climb aboard the most beautiful ferris wheel
in Europe.


Did you know that Vienna is also ranked among the best places to propose in
Europe? Treat yourself to an evening of princesses and waltz to the sound of the
Blue Danube in the palaces of Vienna.


Fall under the spell of Klimt's painting "The Kiss" and admire the beauty of one
of the best Art Nouveau destinations in Europe. Vienna is also ranked among your
Best Christmas Markets in Austria, Best things to do in Austria, Best Places to
visit in Austria, Best Castles in Austria, as well as among your best
destinations for a family city break in Europe, Best gay friendly destinations
in Europe. It is also ranked among the "Most Beautiful Trams in Europe".


There are only good reasons to visit Vienna, one of the best cultural
destinations in Europe.


Book your flights to Vienna, your accommodation in Vienna as well as your tours
and activities in Vienna such as a "Vienna: Classical Concert at Mozarthaus".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Vienna.


 Where to stay: "Superbude Wien Prater" is 700 m away from the Kunst Haus Wien.


plan your stay




World capital of fashion and shopping with shopping centres ranked among the
most beautiful shopping centres in Europe. Milan is also one of the best
cultural destinations in Europe.


Milan is truly one of the most beautiful cities in Italy and one of the best
destinations in Europe. Capital of Lombardy, Milan is the second largest city in
Italy, after Rome. Milan is a living city, a city mixing history and modernity.
Milan is one of the most beautiful and richest cities in Europe and the most
cosmopolitan city in Italy.


Milan is a perfect destination for young, old, lovers, singles, friends, history
buffs, shopping addicts.


During your stay in Italy do not miss to visit the Best Castles in Italy, Best
Hidden Gems in Italy, Most Beautiful Beaches in Italy as well as the Best
destinations to visit in Italy.


Book your flights to Milan, your accommodation as well as your tours and
activities in Milan, such as a "50-minute Navigli Canal Cruise" or a "full-day
tour to Lake Como from Milan".


 How to get there: Book your flights to Milan and your transfer.


 Where to stay: "Victor Boutique Hotel". Set in the centre of Milan.


plan your stay


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   years), ahoy_visit (Lifetime: 1 day), src 30 Days Security, _gid Persistent
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   hours), SIDCC (Domain: google.com, Lifetime: 1 year), SID (Domain:
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   CA 94043, USA or Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin
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Performance cookies gather information on how a web page is used. We use them to
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   24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy:
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   OTZ (domain: google.com, lifetime: 1 month). Cookie Policy:
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   Facebook Analytics This is a tracking technology which utilizes the
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   Provider: Facebook Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you
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   Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie name(s): _fbp, fr Cookie Lifetime:
   90 days Cookie Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies Privacy
   Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php



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