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Submitted URL: https://chng.it/tnGtTrzS4Q
Effective URL: https://www.change.org/p/petition-urging-united-nations-action-on-baloch-genocide-send-fact-finding-mission?recruiter=1...
Submission: On January 14 via manual from PK — Scanned from IT

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Dettagli della petizione









13 gennaio 2024
Petizione diretta a
U.S. Senate e 11 altri/altre
Firme: 17.141Prossimo obiettivo: 25.000
Prossimo obiettivo
14.543 persone hanno firmato oggi
Firma questa petizione



Lanciata da Baloch Yakjehti Committee



Dear people of Conscience!

This petition is an appeal to United Nations and Human Rights organizations to
take action on Baloch Genocide and held the authorities accountable responsible
for the Human Rights violations in Balochistan. Our right full plea is that
United Nations should send a Fact-Finding Mission headed by UN Working group to
investigate the crimes committed against humanity in Balochistan.

Unveiling Baloch Genocide

Baloch Genocide is not often recognized and remained concealed, primarily due to
the lack of international attention and the absence of any independent authority
within Pakistan to investigate and highlight this systematic Genocide. But, we
face this threat in real terms, by the violent use of force in Balochistan.
Where Military Aggression has intensified since last two decades and thousands
of Baloch have been killed, Enforcedly Disappeared, villages burned and forced
to live as IDPs. State and non-state actors like Death Squads exercise their
genocidal policies through the following means in Balochistan, which seldom get

 * The “Kill and Dump” policy, which has now evolved into “Fake Encounters”
   committed through the channel of CTD. 
 * Enforced Disappearances of Baloch of which most are not documented or
   reported due to threats and fear.
 * Persecution of Baloch people through local militias, notoriously famous as
   “Death Squads”. 
 * Military aggression, in the form of Raids and Search operations, which are
   experienced in Balochistan on a daily basis.
 * Balochistan is the most underdeveloped region in Pakistan. And thousands lose
   their lives due to the lacks of hospitals, road accidents and floods. Apart
   from the underdeveloped infrastructure in Balochistan, thousands have been
   affected with deadly diseases like Cancer due to the Nuclear Plant in Dera
   Ghazi Khan and the Nuclear tests in Chaghi in 1998. 

A Brief Introduction to #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide

#MarchAgainstBalochGenocide is the continuity of the movement against Baloch
Genocide, which has been organized and practiced in different parts of
Balochistan during the last twenty years at different times. This March started
from Turbat district Kech, after the extrajudicial killing of Balach Mola Baksh
along with Saif, Wadood and Shakoor at Banuk Chahdai, in Pasni of District
Gwadar. This incident was the third extrajudicial killings took place only in
2023, November by Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) Balochistan. Fake
Encounters are the modified form of the notorious Kill and Dump Policy inflicted
upon Baloch activists and students now executed by CTD Balochistan. It must be
noted that Balach was presented before a local court prior to his extrajudicial
killing.  Balach’s family refused to bury their child with silence and staged a
Sit-In at Shaheed Fida Chowk, Turbat. This Sit-In sparked a ray of hope for the
Victims of State Oppression and soon families of Enforcedly Disappeared Persons
from different regions of Balochistan joined the Sit-In to demand the recovery
of their loved ones. Soon, the movement transformed from chanting slogans of
justice for Balach to demand #StopBalochGenocide.

The families started their March on 06 December, 2023 from Turbat headed towards
Islamabad. Although, the State and its Security forces tried to refrain the
#MarchAgainstBalochGenocide at various places sometimes through various means by
State-backed death squads including harassments, blocking the roads and
sometimes through direct use of brute force and violence by Police. This March
witnessed the biggest demonstrations in nearly cities of Balochistan, from where
it passed. Thousands of people came out on roads to welcome the participants of
the March in Panjgor, Gresha, Naal, Khuzdar, Soorab, Kalat, Mangochar, Mastung,
Quetta, Kohlu, Barkhan, Rakhni, DG Khan, Taunsa and DI Khan till the Caravan
reached Islamabad Capital city of Pakistan. To demand justice for Baloch people
and an End to Baloch Genocide. 

Today, #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide continues in the form of a Sit-In at National
Press Club, Islamabad along with hundreds of victim families of State Oppression
and violence. Rather than addressing our concerns we are constantly being
threaten and harassed by State institutions. Recently a campaign of
disinformation and internet censorship has been launched against the March. We
turn to the good people of world just like yourself to amplify our voices and
stand with us in this crucial moment. 

In the third phase of the movement against Baloch Genocide, massive protests and
demonstrations are being recorded in different cities of Pakistan in support of
the #MarchAgainstBalochGenocide. 

Our Right full appeal

 * A fact-finding mission headed by the United Nations Working Group should be
   sent to investigate the Human Rights violations in Balochistan.

What Can You Do to help Stop Baloch Genocide?

Sign our petition to urge the international authorities to take action on Baloch
Genocide and send a fact-finding mission headed by United Nations Working Group
to investigate the Human Rights violations in Balochistan.

We require your support and attention at this crucial time to fight the
Genocidal policies of the State. We need all the conscience people of the World
to sign this petition and share it to their social media Channels and unite to
save a nation from the verge of extinction.

For more information visit the following Social Media Channels:

Baloch Yakjehti Committee (X)

Baloch Yakjehti Committee, Islamabad (X)

Baloch Yakjehti Committee, Kech (X)

Sammi Deen Baloch (X)

Mahrang Baloch (X)

Visit the following hashtags# on X:





And read the following articles:




14.543 persone hanno firmato oggi
Firma questa petizione
Firme: 17.141Prossimo obiettivo: 25.000
Prossimo obiettivo
14.543 persone hanno firmato oggi


Rome, 00123

Sì! Fatemi sapere se questa petizione vince, e come posso aiutare altre
petizioni importanti.

No. Non voglio sapere se ci sono novità su questa e altre importanti petizioni.
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Riportare una violazione delle politiche



 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   U.S. Senate

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Boris JohnsonPrime Minister

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Emmanuel MacronPrésident de la République française.

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   United Nations Security Council

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Joseph R. BidenPresident

Guarda tutto



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