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Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola
Selaković at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the report on the work of
UNMIK (October 18, 2022)
Mr. President,

Madam Special Representative,

Ladies and gentleman,
It gives me honor to address this distinguished body once again and to discuss
the latest report of the Secretary-General on the work of the UNMIK.
I would like to thank the Secretary-General and the Special Representative for
submitting the report. We take note of the efforts that Ms. Ziadeh makes in
performing this very responsible duty, especially bearing in mind the necessity
of a comprehensive overview and the complexity of the situation on the ground.
I also take this opportunity to underline that the Republic of Serbia highly
values the activities of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, established under UN
Security Council Resolution 1244. We advocate for its continued operation in an
unchanged and undiminished scope and capacity, especially bearing in mind that
the Mission has not yet achieved the main goal of its mandate - a peaceful and
normal life for all citizens of our southern province.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Unfortunately, the last few months have not brought more stability in Kosovo and
Metohija and the situation in the Province is not exactly as presented in the
report. Unilateral moves of Pristina continue to consciously and systematically
deepen ethnic differences, causing discrimination against the non-Albanian
population. To our knowledge, 105 ethnically motivated attacks have been
recorded since the beginning of this year. In addition, Pristina is actively
working on administrative and bureaucratic obstacles, by taking measures that
were not agreed upon in the dialogue as the basic mechanism for negotiations and
reaching solutions between Belgrade and Pristina. Pristina’s approach is
problematic in many ways. This irresponsible conduct of Pristina is consciously
sabotaging the efforts not only of Belgrade, but also of the EU and other
involved parties of the international community, with the clear intention of
achieving two goals - the first being to avoid the implementation of assumed
commitments. The second, the ultimate and far more alarming goal is the
intimidation, marginalization and persecution of Serbs.
In all previous statements before this this distinguished body, Pristina focused
on what happened in the past while failing to mention, which is painful to
witness, how non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija live today. Serbs are still
intimidated in different ways, forced to leave their homes, villages and cities.
Those displaced are discouraged from returning to where they were born and lived
their lives. 
The provisional institutions work systematically to remove and
erase as much as possible of the cultural and national diversity that is left.
At the same time, Pristina is consciously fueling inter-ethnic tensions using
all available methods. 
Attending religious celebrations seems to be a crime in Kosovo and Methohija. It
is the case of Nikola Nedeljković who was arrested for allegedly "inciting
ethnic hatred and intolerance", but actually his imprisonment was for attending
the St. Vitus Day (Vidovdan) celebration. 
Nikola was sentenced to eight months in prison without any material evidence. On
the other hand, let me remind you that even to this day there is not a single
perpetrator held legally accountable for the more than 1,000 Serbs killed since
1999. Due to planned intimidation, almost all towns and villages in Kosovo and
Metohija are ethnically cleansed. Representatives of Pristina are ignoring the
suffering, insulting the open wounds of the Serbs who had to leave their
ancestral homes, and I underline, there are more than 200,000 of them. Such
conduct has not change for last 23 years and is in complete opposite to the
democratic values and principles that the provisional institutions of
self-government often promote in their statements. 
Therefore, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the true political will of
the involved international actors and Pristina is necessary in order to create
the conditions for the beginning of the end of discrimination on a national
basis and common life in the Province.
Esteemed members of the Security Council,
I would like to draw your attention to the rigid, problematic and extremely
irresponsible conduct of the other negotiating party within the dialogue. In
achieving the above-mentioned goals, Pristina applies the so-called policy of
reciprocity, a well-thought-out, malicious strategy that, unfortunately, was not
constructed independently. By continuously insisting on mutual recognition as a
central part of the dialogue, the so-called policy of reciprocity demonstrates
the essential unwillingness of the current political leadership of Pristina to
find any compromise solution. Let me remind you that the talks between Belgrade
and Pristina did not start with last elections in Pristina, but have been in
progress for 11 years since the technical dialogue started (8 March 2011).
Therefore, we assess as inadmissible attempts to disregard the current format of
the dialogue, and annul the agreements only because they are not to the liking
of the current political factors. It is unacceptable that the current
geopolitical circumstances are being used to simply erase what has been
painstakingly worked on for years. Belgrade, I underline, was institutionally
involved in the dialogue from the very beginning, while the commitment of the
other side has varied and continues to vary depending on the political option
that is in power.
The harsher political rhetoric and narrative of the current leadership of the
provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina are accompanied by
concrete destabilizing steps. In the reporting period, measures on license
plates were imposed, disguised as attempts at alleged integration into society.

Let me remind you again, there was no agreement on such measures in the
dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. I believe, ladies and gentlemen, that
even today we will hear from the representative of Pristina that their side has
fulfilled all obligations, but the decision on re-registration of license plates
shows that Pristina is not only failing to fulfill what has been agreed upon,
but it nullifies the results of the dialogue, creating a new crisis all over
again. The effect of such forcibly imposed measures is best illustrated by the
fact that since the decision was made a single-digit number of re-registered
vehicles with Serbian license plates has been recorded, of which only two are
Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This is another indicator that
Pristina does not enjoy full support, but that, on the other hand, it
continuously provokes the natural reaction of the Serbian population, which
cannot endlessly be subject to the arbitrariness of temporary institutions.
I believe that even today we will hear already known narrative of
representatives from Pristina who try to present every reaction of the Serbs in
Kosovo and Metohija as an activity organized by Belgrade in alleged attempts at
destabilization. Such claims are simply not true. Serbia, for its part, cannot
in any way contain the revolt present among the non-Albanian population of
Kosovo and Metohija. It is an undeniable fact that citizens' protests represent
a voice against many years of institutional violence and the deprivation of
rights of the non-Albanian population, which, in this case, is denied the right
to peaceful enjoyment of private property acquired in a legal manner. 
does not cease in its attempts to confiscate property, and, as is well-known,
one of the targets is the Serbian Orthodox Church. By calling into question the
return of property to the Dečani Monaster Pristina paradoxically does not
execute the decisions of its own so-called Constitutional Court.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I thought for a long time how to best illustrate the true picture of everyday
life of the non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija. I will mention only
some of the facts. Numerous ethnically motivated incidents, hate speech,
intimidation, violations of the right to a fair trial, threats to the right to
freedom of movement and religious rights, desecration of churches and graves
were recorded in the last reporting period as well. The frequent attacks on the
sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church are also unacceptable, and especially the
humiliating attitude towards the Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage,
including the 4 monuments that have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage
List. Numerous administrative and technical barriers are imposed on priests and
monastic communities, making it difficult and even impossible for them to
survive on church properties.
When it comes to civil rights, try to imagine that the basic political and civil
right to vote has been taken away from you. 
This is precisely what the Serbs in the Province have experienced along with
frequent intimidation and violent incursions of the ROSU special forces, which
are an instrument for the implementation of Pristina's goals under the pretext
of allegedly fighting crime. 
In December last year Bratislav Nikolić the president of municipality of Štrpce
has been detained, as suspected of the organized crime and corruption - still
not charged, kept in detention unit in Podujevo, only for the reason to make
additional and final pressure on the Serbian community living in the enclave of
Štrpce. How can this be justified as the fight against crime when special forces
are used to raid village festivals, schools and kidnap drivers of ambulance
transporting infusion containers and medicines? What are the motives behind and
how can one rationalize these actions? Just try to imagine and put yourself in
the shoes of Ms. Dragica Gašić, the only Serbian returnee in Djakovica. Imagine
that you are still not allowed to buy bread because of your origin and
nationality, because you live in a municipality that the local Albanians proudly
consider forbidden to non-Albanians. Imagine that as many as eleven Albanian
civil society organizations demand your expulsion, as well as a ban on any
non-Albanian ever returning to that town. Then you will realize the level of
intimidation that Serb returnees are facing. It will be clear to you why the
percentage of returnees is below 2% and why it is still one of the lowest in the
world. Let me pose a question - are these the characteristics of a society that
presents itself to the world as a fully fledged democracy and a factor of
stability in the region?
We are aware that the dialogue has a wider dimension and that it can affect the
situation in the entire region. 
This is reflected in every statement given by Serbian officials, including the
President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. "It is better to
negotiate for a hundred years than to fight for a day" are the words of our
President that best describe the policy of peace, reconciliation, and regional
cooperation pursued by the Serbian leadership, which is guided by the vision of
building a common and prosperous future of the Balkans.
I believe that it is a duty of today's leaders to create a clear common vision
for the future generations. Such a vision was shown by the leaders of Belgrade,
Skoplje and Tirana by creating Open Balkan, an initiative from the region for
the region, which is already producing concrete results. Serbia has on several
occasions reached out to Pristina inviting it to join this initiative. We
counted on an awareness of the importance of economic connectivity and progress
for the benefit of the citizens of the entire Balkans. However, our invitation
was not met with understating from the other side. 
Ladies and gentlemen, 
We categorically reject Pristina's argumentation regarding the alleged
unconstitutionality of the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. It
is clear that Pristina's attitude towards this obligation reflects its attitude
towards the Serbian people in the Province. It also indicates that Pristina is
against Serbian people being organized as an ethnic community and thus
exercising their collective rights. 
The aim of their approach, as a preferred
model, is a community without Serbs, such as those in Pristina, Djakovica or
Pec, or some similar localities in the Province. For our side, it is
unacceptable that Pristina has refused to fulfil its obligations and discuss the
formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities for as much as 3,470 days but
I assure you that, regardless of this fact, Serbia will not give up on its
efforts to find a compromise solution for the current situation.
I will remind you that the representatives of Pristina, although they often
repeat in their statements that the case of the so-called Kosovo is a fait
accompli, continue not to be recognized by the majority of UN member states for
14 years now. If the so-called Kosovo's independence is a reality, how come that
we have the dialogue? And how come that Belgrade is faced with increasing
pressures as regards the need for mutual recognition? What the current political
leadership of Pristina refuses to accept is that Belgrade cannot be left out in
the search for a final solution. The same also applies to the case of the
increasingly frequent indications about Pristina's upcoming membership in
international organizations. Will these moves help to create the necessary
atmosphere for dialogue? Are we, in this way, rewarding Pristina's destructive
behaviour and refusal of dialogue? Our view is that the attempts of the
so-called Kosovo to join international organizations are an unacceptable act and
Serbia will work decisively against such steps.
During the last session in April this year, we could hear the calls of some
members of the UN Security Council to reduce and even terminate UNMIK, with the
explanation that Pristina has its own functional institutions. However, the
circumstances I have presented to you and the situation on the ground remind us
again that international presence in our southern province is still necessary.
In this regard, we support the efforts made by UNMIK, KFOR, EULEX and OMIK
within their mandates. The Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo
and Metohija has the highest confidence in the international presence and
considers it a guarantor of security, which additionally confirms that
international missions need to remain engaged in an undiminished scope and
capacity in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
In conclusion,
I would like to point out that lately in all international forums
we keep hearing calls for respect of the principles of the UN. We support the
territorial integrity of all UN member states. But, what about Serbia? I would
like to ask the esteemed members of this distinguished body whether the need to
implement the principles of the UN Charter applies only to some or all of its
members? As a country that consistently respects international law and still
suffers the consequences of it being violated, we believe that the UN Charter
and international law, including the territorial integrity and sovereignty of
states, should be respected by all and apply indiscriminately to all UN member
Ladies and gentleman,
It was this body that more than two decades ago adopted Resolution 1244, which
confirmed the territorial integrity of Serbia. This fact did not prevent certain
countries from recognizing the so-called “Kosovo” and thus violating the UN
principles, but also the resolution that they adopted, by adjusting
international law to their interests and goals. Precisely because of this, the
more and more frequent mentioning of the case of "Kosovo" is an indication that
the precedent made opened a Pandora's box, because the strength of each
principle rests on its full and universal application and unconditional
You will notice that I posed a lot of questions in my statement and I express
hope that today we will hear answers to at least some of them from you, esteemed
members of the UN Security Council and representatives of Pristina, because the
inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, of any nationality, whether they are Serbs
or Albanians deserve it.
All the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija have every right to expect an
improvement in the atmosphere and the reduction of tensions on the ethnic level,
which are a prerequisite for a normal life. For such a step to be made, we need
constructiveness, which is not lacking on the Serbian side, genuine support of
international actors. I emphasize that Serbia has always been and remains deeply
committed to finding a sustainable solution by peaceful means, for the sake of
peace, stability and a common future.
Thank you.



Further strengthening of economic, political ties with Japan (September 28,
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today that during her two-day visit to Japan,
she had important discussions with the officials of that country and that she
hopes that they will contribute to the further development of bilateral
In her address to the journalists, Brnabic said that in those meetings the focus
was on the issue of Ukraine and Serbia's attitude towards that issue, adding
that the curiosity of these political meetings, including the one with Prime
Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida, is that this topic is very present.
The meetings in Japan were a good opportunity to once again explain Serbia's
principled position, the Prime Minister stated and expressed the hope that it
would be useful because Japan is a country where the arrival of investors
depends on the recommendation of the government.
In this context, Brnabic assessed that the meeting with the Japanese Prime
Minister was good and that we will use these talks to further build political
and economic ties with Japan.
Also, as she said, at the working breakfast with the representatives of the
Parliamentary Friendship League of Japan and Serbia, she had the opportunity to
explain Serbia's principled and clear position on the issue of Ukraine, which,
as she said, will contribute to a better understanding of our position and that
it has no effects on additional investments from Japan.
Accordingly, she added that she is returning to Serbia with a lot of optimism
that we will have good news regarding Japanese investments, if not this year,
certainly in the next year.
Japanese politics are quite different from those in Europe and other parts of
the world. They do not exert pressure, but they are interested in hearing what
our position is, why we did not impose sanctions on Russia, how our position
coincides with theirs, and it is essentially the same, Brnabic presented.
We are not neutral on the matter either. Our position is clear, we joined the UN
resolutions and EU declarations and condemned the aggression, the Prime Minister
reminded and noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia clearly said
that we will not recognize the results of the referendum in the Ukrainian
According to her, the only difference is that we don't want to impose sanctions
on Russia, and we have well-reasoned reasons for that.
The Prime Minister stated that an invitation has been opened to the Japanese
imperial family to visit Serbia, and that she has extended an invitation to
visit her Japanese colleague as well.
She reminded that earlier today she had a meeting with the former Minister of
Foreign Affairs and now Minister for Digitalisation of Japan Taro Kono, who
visited Serbia in 2019.
We talked about the fact that it would be good to sign an agreement on
cooperation between the Japanese Agency for Digitisation and our Office for IT
and eGovernment, and that might be an opportunity for him to visit Serbia again,
she said.
The Prime Minister said that she will try to ensure that our country continues
to nurture relations with Japan because these relations, both economically and
politically, are important to us.



Serbia, Japan committed to development of friendly relations (September 28,
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out today, in a meeting with Prime Minister
of Japan Fumio Kishida, that she is honoured to represent Serbia at the state
funeral of Shinzo Abe, who was our great friend and who worked a lot to
strengthen the partnership, political and economic relations between Serbia and
The Prime Minister stated that in Tokyo she also spoke with businessmen who are
investing in Serbia, and added that we have taken advantage of the fact that we
are home to companies like "Nidec", "Yazaki", "Toyo Tires".
Kishida, expressing gratitude to Brnabic for coming to the state funeral of the
former Japanese prime minister, noted that Abe visited Serbia in 2018, after
which Japanese investors invested.
He added that Serbia and Japan are celebrating 140 years of diplomatic
relations, and accordingly pointed to the friendship and cooperation between the
two countries.
Brnabic spoke in Tokyo this morning with representatives of the Serbia-Japan
Parliamentary Friendship League about all issues concerning the relations
between the two countries.
At the working breakfast, Brnabic reminded that the two countries are
celebrating 140 years of friendship and diplomatic relations this year, and that
yesterday was the day when those relations were established almost a century and
a half ago.
I would like to hear from you how Japan views all the events in Europe and the
challenges we all face in the world, said the Prime Minister and expressed her
gratitude for their commitment to building ties and friendship with Serbia,
assessing that it means a lot to us in every sense – political, economic and
The parliamentary friendship group with Serbia in the Japanese parliament is led
by Ichiro Aisawa for years, as well as honorary consul general of Serbia in
Osaka and the president of the company “Kincho” Naohide Ueyama and former
ambassador of Japan to Serbia Tadashi Nagai, who is also the president of the
Serbia-Japan Society and an honorary citizen of Belgrade.
Aisawa welcomed the Prime Minister of Serbia and said that he will continue to
contribute to the development of relations between Serbia and Japan.
Today in Tokyo, Brnabic spoke with the Minister of Digitisation of Japan Taro
Kono, about the importance of digitalisation and the development of electronic
administration, which are crucial for citizens and the economy.
We are looking forward to the start of the implementation of the "Ninja"
accelerator (Next INnovation with Japan), a three-month accelerator program
intended for startups in the phase of intensive growth, which is implemented by
"Digital Serbia" in partnership with JICA (Japan International Cooperation
Agency), she stated.
The Prime Minister presented the potential of Serbia in the field of digital
transformation to the Japanese minister, especially the potential for
cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence with the Serbian Institute
for Artificial Intelligence and the BIO4 campus.
She presented her interlocutor with a Monograph on 140 years of diplomatic
relations, which the two countries are celebrating this year, as well as Serbian
wine intended for the Japanese market, while Kono reciprocated with a birthday
gift for the Prime Minister. /Tanjug



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