www.mms-lite.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://mms-lite.com/
Effective URL: https://www.mms-lite.com/
Submission: On May 19 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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slide: About/Contact

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about dave

eLearning Production and Instructional Design

About: Multimedia Services Lite is a sole-proprietorship working on a contract
basis with clients to produce e-learning content and other educational products.


The “Multimedia” in the company name is based on the creative and judicious use
of text, images, graphics, video, music, sound effects, and voiceover to produce
visually and aurally pleasing content.


The “Lite” in the company name is based on the business model that the more work
(or “sweat equity”) a client puts into the project up front, the lower the
production costs will be. This is reflective of the MMS-Lite motto, “Economical
services for clients with tall ambitions and short budgets.”

Contact: Dave Neuweiler


(561) 459-5445

About: Mulmedia Services Lie is a sole-proprieorship working on a conrac basis wih cliens o produce e-learning conen and oher educaonal producs. The “Mulmedia” in he company name is based on he creave and judicious use o ex, images, graphics, video, music, sound eecs, and voiceover o produce visually and aurally pleasing conen. The “Lie” in he company name is based on he business model ha he more work (or “swea equiy”) a clien pus ino he projec up ron, he lower he producon coss will be. This is reecve o he MMS-Lie moo, “Economical services for cliens wih all ambions and shor budges.”
Contact: Dave Neuweilerdneuweiler@mms-lie.com(561) 459-5445

client gallery
about dave
eLearning Production and Instructional Design

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