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Submission: On June 23 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add" id="product-form-installment-template--19311368372523__main" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="installment caption-large" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="product"><input
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add" id="product-form-template--19311368372523__main" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate="novalidate" data-type="add-to-cart-form">
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                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_number"> Option 1 of 3 <!----></div>
                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_name"> QUOTES <!----> <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="customily-required-label"> * <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); display: none;">Required</span></span></div>
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                          id="cl-set-814a32e1-d678-4a20-9a6b-17f4cc1f9554-cl-option-7" name="properties[QUOTES]"><!---->
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" disabled="disabled" value=""> Choose an Option </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value=" When Life Became Too Frenzied She Came To Her Garden &amp; Whispered To The Plants Until Her Smile Returned &amp; Her Mind Was Calm"> When Life Became Too Frenzied She Came To Her Garden
                            &amp; Whispered To The Plants Until Her Smile Returned &amp; Her Mind Was Calm </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value="Where I Can Lose Myself When I Need To Find Myself"> Where I Can Lose Myself When I Need To Find Myself </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value="And Into The Garden I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul"> And Into The Garden I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value="All Pollinators Welcome Here"> All Pollinators Welcome Here </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value="To Plant A Garden Is To Believe In Tomorrow"> To Plant A Garden Is To Believe In Tomorrow </option>
                          <option data-v-0e6f4fef="" value="She Works Willingly With Her Hands"> She Works Willingly With Her Hands </option>
                        </select> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <small data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="help-text" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">- Choose Quote You Like</small>
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                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_number"> Option 2 of 3 <!----></div>
                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_name"> CUSTOM NAME <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="maxlength-counter">
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                          name="properties[CUSTOM NAME]" type="text" id="cl-set-814a32e1-d678-4a20-9a6b-17f4cc1f9554-cl-option-1"> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <small data-v-0e6f4fef=""
                          class="help-text" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">- Enter Your Name (Ex : JOHNSON'S)</small>
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                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_number"> Option 3 of 3 <!----></div>
                        <div data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="option_name"> CUSTOM YEAR <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="maxlength-counter">
                          </span> <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" class="customily-required-label" style="display: none;"> * <span data-v-0e6f4fef="" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); display: none;">Required</span></span></div>
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                          name="properties[CUSTOM YEAR]" type="text" id="cl-set-814a32e1-d678-4a20-9a6b-17f4cc1f9554-cl-option-2"> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <small data-v-0e6f4fef=""
                          class="help-text" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">- Enter EST Year (Ex : EST. 2023)</small>
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Regular price $34.95
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12 reviews
Size 12x8 IN
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12x8 IN - $34.95
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Housewarming Gift For Her, Him, Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom
Metal Signs Increase quantity for And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday,
Housewarming Gift For Her, Him, Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom
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Option 1 of 3
QUOTES * Required
Choose an Option When Life Became Too Frenzied She Came To Her Garden &
Whispered To The Plants Until Her Smile Returned & Her Mind Was Calm Where I Can
Lose Myself When I Need To Find Myself And Into The Garden I Go To Lose My Mind
And Find My Soul All Pollinators Welcome Here To Plant A Garden Is To Believe In
Tomorrow She Works Willingly With Her Hands - Choose Quote You Like

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Looking for a unique gift for your gardening friend or family member? Look no
further than Personalized Classic Metal Signs! Our customized signs make a
thoughtful present for any occasion, including Christmas, birthdays, Valentine's
Day, Father’s Day, Mother's Day, anniversaries, and graduations. With six
beautiful art designs to choose from, including Hummingbird, Butterfly, Bee,
Dragonfly, Flamingo, and Rabbit, you can find the perfect personalized gift for
your loved one.

Advantages of Personalized Products over Conventional Products:

 * Unique: Personalized Classic Metal Signs are one-of-a-kind, making them stand
   out from conventional gifts.
 * Sentimental: By customizing the sign with your loved one's name or possessive
   form, you're creating a gift that holds a special meaning and significance.
 * Durable: Made from high-quality, fade-resistant, lightweight metal sheet, our
   metal signs are built to last both indoors and outdoors.
 * Versatile: These signs are not just for gardens and outdoor spaces. They can
   be hung anywhere, making them a great addition to any home decor.
 * Eco-Friendly: Our metal signs are reusable and good for the environment,
   making them a sustainable alternative to conventional products.

Product Features:

 * 1mm thick aluminum sheet: Eco-friendly, lightweight, and durable
 * UV Digital Printing: High-quality, clear, and long-lasting print on the metal
 * Rounded corners and hemmed edges: Safe handling and a polished look
 * 4 pre-drilled holes: Easy hanging
 * Care Instructions:
 * To maintain the longevity of your Personalized Classic Metal Sign, avoid
   exposing it to extreme weather conditions or water. Use a dry cloth to clean
   any dirt or dust.

Benefits of Buying Multiple Products:

 * Save on Shipping: When you purchase multiple products at once, you'll save on
   shipping costs.
 * Discount Code: Use our 10%-20% discount code for all orders to save even more
   on your purchase.

In summary, Personalized Classic Metal Signs make the perfect custom gift for
gardeners and families alike. With their unique design, sentimental value,
durability, versatility, and eco-friendliness, these signs are sure to become a
cherished addition to any home decor. So why wait? Order your Personalized
Classic Metal Sign today!



We will gladly issue you a replacement item or issue a refund back to your
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$30 to $40 Best selling products Custom arts Gift for best friend Gift for dad /
husband Gift for mom / wife Gift for sister/ brother Metal sign Novelty signs
Outdoor decoration

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5.00 out of 5
Based on 12 reviews
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And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday, Housewarming Gift For Her, Him,
Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom Metal Signs


Love this so much!!

The sign is just as I ordered - have had many inquiries on where to get one!!
Note that I had a ‘frame’ from a wall planter and attached it to that for a
unique look…

And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday, Housewarming Gift For Her, Him,
Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom Metal Signs


Love my garden sign!

This sign speaks of my time in my garden. A place of peace and tranquility…and

And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday, Housewarming Gift For Her, Him,
Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom Metal Signs

Vickie Sieger

Very nice

Very nice addition to my gardens!

And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday, Housewarming Gift For Her, Him,
Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom Metal Signs

Deborha Smith

My garden!

I love how it came out. Can't wait to hang it out side in my garden.

And Find My Soul Garden Floral Art - Birthday, Housewarming Gift For Her, Him,
Gardener, Outdoor Decor - Personalized Custom Metal Signs

Erin Beal

perfectly beautiful!

Its perfectly beautiful! I love it so much.



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 * Made from high-quality, fade-resistant, lightweight metal sheet, our
   print-on-demand metal prints not only looks good but also last for a long
 * 1mm thick aluminum sheet – Eco-friendly, lightweight, very strong, and
   durable. The metal sign is strong, thick enough so that can’t be bent up
   during shipping.
 * Rounded corners and hemmed edges for safe handling and a polished look.
 * UV Digital Printing technique for high-quality, clear, and long-lasting print
   on the metal surface.
 * 4 pre-drilled holes for easy hanging.
 * Note: This product does not include nails and hangers.
 * Metal sign is reusable and good for the environment. It is the perfect option
   to create a rustic and vintage-looking or industrial interior design.

ProductWidth (in)Height (in)Horizontal Metal Sign1812Vertical Metal Sign1218