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Malaysia-China One-Belt-One-Road Trade Expo 2024
马来西亚 - 中国 ''一带一路'' 贸易博览会 2024

Online Booking Form for Exhibition Booths & Sponsorship for the 50th Anniversary
Malaysia-China One-Belt-One-Road Expo 2024-(13-15 SEPT 2024, Malaysia)- please
complete and press submit when completed- Do print a copy for your reference. 
For any enquiries please email us. 

2024 年马中 ''一带一路'' 博览会 50 周年展位及赞助在线预订表(2024 年 9 月 13 至 15

NOTE this booking form is an actual contract for the rent of the Exhibition
Booths and the T&C will apply upon submission of this online booking form. If
you are only enquiring, DO not submit this form - you can email us instead. 



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Company & Contact Person Info
1.Company Name 公司名Single line text.

2.Key Contact Person Name 主要联系人姓名Single line text.

3.Designation 职务Single line text.

4.Direct Email 电子邮件Single line text.

5.Mobile HP number 手机号码Single line text.

6.Company Address (for invoicing purpose) 公司地址(用于开具发票)Multi Line Text.

7.Company website 公司网站Single line text.

8.Country 国家Single line text.

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