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World Hal Turner 02 November 2023 Hits: 17487

The armed forces of the United States deployed an unprecedented number of
military aircraft over the 48 continuous United States at about 4:30 this
morning for an unknown reason.  Most observers have **never** seen this many
MILITARY planes flying over the Continental United States (CONUS) ... ever.

Social media "lit-up" about this early this morning, with some social media
FOR THE WORST."  The map above shows **only** the military aircraft over CONUS
this morning.

Thankfully . . . . nothing happened.  At least not yet, as of the writing of
this story at 9:58 AM EDT

Over in the Middle East, things seem to be spiraling out of control, headed for
a very fierce regional war. 

Bahrain announced the Israeli ambassador has left the country, Bahraini
ambassador to Israel has been recalled, and economic relations halted with

Iran's Defense Minister, Mohammad Reza Ashtiani this morning said  "The Aqsa
Storm operation showed that the destruction of the Zionist regime is imminent."
 "If this war and the crimes of the Zionists against humanity do not stop, they
will soon receive a heavy blow in the region and beyond."  "Freedom-loving
people and Muslims around the world will not be patient much longer."

Iran's president says the US is the 'main cause' of 'Israeli crimes in Gaza.'

In another country, Iraq, Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi, Abu
Fadak: "Regional conditions herald war, and we will be with Palestine as a
government, people, and as the Hashd al-Shaabi. We emphasize the high readiness
of all our fighters in the various sectors and formations and their full
readiness to defend the country’s sovereignty and national borders." Hashd
al-Shaabi has over 300,000 fighters who are experienced in urban warfare, they
defeated ISIS.

The Kingdom of Jordan informed Yemen that it will not allow its airspace to be
used against Israel. Saudi Arabia also opposed Yemen's request to use its
airspace against Israel. But they do let Israeli airplanes use their airspace.

In Gaza, UNICEF reports - Situation in Gaza is Catastrophic "Relentless bombing,
a massive increase in the displacement of children and families, and no safe


This morning,  HAMAS issued an official statement:

'In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Press Statement

The White House’s statements regarding working on an international regional
consensus to manage the Gaza Strip after the end of the Zionist aggression on
Gaza are rude and unacceptable statements, as the free Palestinian people are
not the ones upon whom guardianship is imposed.

We say clearly that the attempts of blatant intervention by the United States to
impose a new reality that suits them and the Zionist occupation in the Gaza
Strip are completely rejected, and our Palestinian people will confront them
with all force.

The decision to arrange the Palestinian situation is the decision of the
Palestinian people, and they alone are able to determine their fate, future and

These malicious American statements and plans are pipe dreams in their minds.
Our great Palestinian people and their valiant resistance will prevail over this
fascist occupation, and our people will impose their will and seize their rights
by force to establish their independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its

Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas'


Negotiations between many countries are ongoing and one of the most informed and
influential Israeli observers, Yoni Ben Menachem, confirmed that there was
indeed information about a potential plan for Hamas leaders traveling abroad in
exchange for the release of kidnapped Israelis.

According to the observer, we are talking about the so-called “Beirut model.”
Israel is exploring the possibility that the leaders of the military wing of
Hamas will leave the strip in exchange for their safety, the creation of another
government in the strip and the release of all hostages.

Meanwhile, in Turkiye' Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has said
that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed with an idea proposed by
his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi that heads of states of the Organization
of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meet on Gaza.

More Jabber-Jawing.


As the world is keenly aware, Israel told civilians in Gaza to move to the south
of the Gaza Strip and is actively bombing the north of the strip.   Over 1
Million civilians are said to have moved south, fleeing for their lives as
Israel bombs dropped in the north.

But this morning, a very worrisome development took place: Israel began fighting

The maps below show the location of the new outbreak:

Why would Israel demand all Gazans move to the south of the strip "for their own
safety" and then commence military battle in the south?   

This development lends credence to the claims, made by many early-on, that the
actual goal of Israel is to ethnically-cleanse the entire Gaza strip and
forcibly displace all 2.3 million Palestinians!  Why else would Israel commence
battle in the south?

 In addition to what's going on with Israel in the southern Gaza Strip, IDF
Spokesperson revealed this morning that Iranian militia is fighting alongside
Hezbollah on Lebanon border in Israel's north.

An Iranian militia arrived in southern Lebanon and is assisting Hezbollah in
fighting against Israel, according to IDF Arabic spokesman Lt. Col. Avihai Adrai
on Thursday.

According to the announcement, the Imam Hussein militia was assigned to assist
in Syria in recent years, but now it is "Involved in friction with the IDF on
the Lebanese border in recent weeks and takes part in offensive activity into
Israeli territory."


Regardless of what they are all talking about, the clock is still ticking toward
Friday at 3:00 PM local time in Beirut/Tel Aviv, when the head of Hezbollah is
scheduled to make a televised speech about the ongoing hostilities between
Israel and Hamas.

Word came out yesterday that both Hezbollah and Iran allegedly told Israel and
the United States that unless Israeli hostilities HALT by sunrise tomorrow, it
will be all-out war by tomorrow afternoon.

The clock is still ticking.

If open war is declared during the Hezbollah speech, it would take place at 3:00
PM local time in Beirut/Tel Aviv, which translates to 9:00 AM on the US East

We could all wake up tomorrow morning to a world on fire.


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