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As you turn older, you might witness the signs of skin aging like wrinkles, fine
lines, blemishes, and dull skin. That said, looking young should never be a
challenge, as the cosmetic industry offers a wide range of anti-aging skincare
products. Be it dark circles, aging spots, fading eyebrows, or stubborn
wrinkles, here are a few effective tips for fresh-faced makeup for aging skin:
Use a primer Using a primer before applying foundation is an important skin care
tip for mature skin, as it helps smoothen the skin, tighten pores, and retain
the makeup for longer. You can also choose primers specifically designed for the
eyelids and lips. Choose the right foundation Foundation is heavier than regular
BB or CC creams and offers more coverage. A heavy foundation has a large amount
of powdery content that makes the skin look dry, whereas a light foundation
gives a dewy and hydrating appearance to the skin. Blend your foundation with a
blending sponge or flat-top makeup brush and ensure that it’s properly absorbed
into the skin. Apply concealer after foundation This is a crucial tip for
fresh-faced makeup for aging skin. If you have dark circles, blemishes, age
spots, or eye bags, you can choose a suitable concealer.
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If you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
you should make changes to the kinds of foods you eat every day. While your food
does not actually cure the condition, it helps you become stronger, improves
your immunity, and prevents constant infections. Here are expert tips on what to
eat if you have COPD. Grass-fed meat In the list of expert tips on what to eat
if you have COPD , grass-fed meat is placed on top. Meat is a rich source of
proteins, which is important to build your respiratory muscles and prevent
muscle loss and tissue damage. Grass-fed meat is the healthiest of all kinds of
meat and will prevent symptoms of COPD like weight loss and body pain. Nuts and
seeds Many people with COPD have lower BMI levels and lack the necessary
nutrition needed for everyday functioning. Including lots of healthy nuts and
seeds in your everyday diet will help put on healthy weight and muscle mass. You
can eat nuts and seeds raw or roast them for extra taste. You can also add these
as toppings and dressings with your soups and salads. Complex carbohydrates over
simple carbs Carbohydrates are essential macros needed to fill you up.


Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer amon g men in the
country. The risk of developing this form of cancer increases with age. This
type of cancer is most often diagnosed in men over the age of 65. Diet plays a
vital role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Listed below are some
nutrition tips for prostate cancer. Increase your consumption of fruits and
vegetables  In addition to fiber, fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins,
antioxidants, and minerals. Hence, they have excellent cancer-fighting
properties and are able to reduce inflammation. Including a variety of fruits
and vegetables in your diet is one of the beneficial  nutrition tips for
prostate cancer.  You can try cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, kale,
cabbage, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. Tomatoes,
watermelon, and other red fruits contain a powerful antioxidant known as
lycopene, which could lower your risk of developing prostate cancer. However,
studies are ongoing to prove the same. Don’t consume too much animal protein
Another one of the  nutrition tips for prostate cancer  is to limit your
consumption of animal protein such as red meat, which includes beef, lamb, pork,
and dairy products that contain animal fat.


Following a healthy diet when diagnosed with ovarian cancer is an ideal way to
combat the disease. Eating a balanced diet will provide your body with the
nutrients it needs to cope and manage your condition better. Healthy eating is,
therefore, necessary during and after treatment. Some of the foods to eat and
avoid when having ovarian cancer are listed below. Foods to eat and avoid for
patients with ovarian cancer Foods to consume Antioxidant-rich fruits and
vegetables You would find these foods listed at the very top on all the lists of
foods to eat and avoid for ovarian cancer. This is because fruits and vegetables
are packed with minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that the body
requires for overall good health, especially when fighting a cancer condition.
Examples of these are apples, blueberries, peppers, and strawberries. Foods rich
in selenium According to a research study published in BMC Cancer, consuming
foods rich in selenium such as Brazil nuts, turkey, eggs, baked beans, shrimp,
and tuna could reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. This is because this mineral
acts as an antioxidant in the body and reduces cell damage caused by free
radicals. Foods containing lignans Flaxseeds, beans, berries, pumpkin seeds,
whole grains such as oats, barley, and rye contain a substance known as
lignans.  According to a study , lignans can help to prevent ovarian cancer.


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Cancer that affects the body’s lymphatic system is referred to as lymphoma. If
diagnosed early, this medical condition can be treated effectively. Hodgkin’s
and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are the two common types of lymphoma that occur. As
this cancer takes a toll on natural immunity, there tend to be secondary
infections that hamper the health. So, it is essential to know about the risk
factors and prevention tips for lymphoma. Risk factors and prevention tips for
lymphoma Risk factors While non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is common mostly in people
over the age of 60, Hodgkin’s occurs in senior years or between the ages of 15
and 40. Having a family history of lymphoma is one of the most common risk
factors associated with it. Patients with other types of cancer after having
received chemotherapy or even radiation-based treatment are at higher risk of
developing lymphoma. Like most other cancer types, the risks of lymphoma also
increases with exposure to various hazardous chemicals or herbicides. Agent
Orange is one such chemical that is linked to lymphoma risks. People with other
health conditions that lead to a fragile immune system should be extra cautious
about early warning signs of this type of cancer. Prevention tips People who
have a family history of this type of cancer should learn about the other risk
factors and prevention tips for lymphoma.


Leukemia is the type of cancer that affects the blood cells in the body. There
are different types of leukemia based on the cells targeted and the speed of
onset. Acute and chronic conditions can both be managed efficiently by altering
the regular diet and lifestyle. Are you looking for  nutrition tips for leukemia
 patients? Here are some of the most reliable ones: Nutrition tips for leukemia 
Increase the frequency of eating Instead of going with the traditional three
large meals each day, opt for smaller meals. This would help you maintain your
energy levels throughout the day. It is also easier for the body to digest food
when you stick with smaller portions. When you are on medications for leukemia,
this little trick can be even more helpful. Reduce bodyweight In case your Body
Mass Index (BMI) is beyond the healthy range, focus on getting it normal.
Shedding the extra weight can make your treatment more effective. But make sure
that your weight loss plans all stop once your regular medication begins. Sudden
loss in weight can leave you feeling tired too often. Following the above tip of
reducing the time between meals would ensure that your body weight is maintained
without any drastic changes.


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has become a major problem among men, regardless of
their age. In this condition, men find it difficult to achieve or sustain an
erection, which further impacts their self-esteem and mental health. Although
many opt for surgery and medications, natural remedies can also bring about
significant improvement. Listed here are some effective ways to treat ED
naturally at home: Regular exercise:  A bunch of lifestyle changes are
recommended to improve ED, and exercising daily can have the greatest beneficial
impact on patients’ health. Exercising regularly improves blood flow, especially
in the genital area, and can help patients who face the condition due to poor
blood circulation. Also, testosterone is an important factor in erectile
strength, and it can be enhanced with various weight-bearing exercises.  Healthy
diet:  While looking for different ways to treat ED naturally at home, men can
follow a healthy diet. Studies suggest that the food one eats can have a direct
impact on ED. A diet containing fruits, veggies, whole grains, and fish can
reduce the severity of the condition. Other than this, a healthy diet can
prevent obesity, which can otherwise cause diabetes and vascular diseases, two
health problems that contribute to ED.


Dry eyes is a condition that can be temporary or chronic. The temporary
condition is most often caused due to environmental factors. However, chronic
dry eyes could be a result of an underlying condition. There are a number of
treatments available for dry eyes such as OTC eye drops and prescription
medications. Listed below are some of the alternative remedies for dry eye.
Natural alternative remedies for dry eyes – There are quite a few natural
treatments that can help to soothe chronic dry eyes. Some of these are:
Massaging the eyelids – Close your eyes and use a mild soap or baby shampoo to
gently massage your eyelids with your fingertips. A warm cloth – Placing a warm
wet cloth over the eye for 5 minutes can help relieve dry eyes. Omega-3
supplements – Although research is ongoing in this area, increasing your intake
of omega-3 rich foods such as fish, including salmon and sardines or flax seeds,
can provide relief from dry eyes. You can also opt for omega-3 fatty acid
supplements. Castor oil – Using castor oil eye drops can reduce the evaporation
of tears and moisture from the eye, relieving symptoms of dry eyes. You can use
artificial tear eye drops that contain castor oil.


Making healthy food choices is important for overall good health. However, for
those who have been diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), the
food choices they make are vital as some foods can increase blood pressure. Here
is a list of foods to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Salt – Limiting
or avoiding the consumption of packaged foods is essential when you have PAH.
Check the salt content in snacks such as potato corn chips, salted nuts, and
pretzels before you buy them. Pickled and canned foods are food to avoid in
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, as they most often contain salt as a
preservative. Hence, limit your use of packaged or bottled sauces such as
spaghetti sauce and curry sauce. Using and consuming fresh ingredients such as
herbs and spices, including basil, ginger, and rosemary to flavor your food,
might be a good way to reduce your consumption of salt. Also, tasting your food
before adding salt could be useful. Avoid using condiments such as soy sauce,
sweet relish, and mustard as they too contain high amounts of salt. If you limit
your use of salt gradually over time, you will hardly notice the difference.
Processed meats – Limit or avoid consuming processed meats such as hot dogs,
bacon, and sausages as they contain high amounts of sodium.


Headaches and migraines can be caused due to a number of reasons. However,
making a few lifestyle changes to manage migraines could be beneficial in some
cases. Listed below are some lifestyle changes to manage migraines that you
could consider making. Avoiding certain foods and beverages – You could be aware
that certain foods and beverages such as aged cheeses and chocolate could
trigger a migraine. Therefore, knowing your trigger foods and avoiding them
could help prevent migraines. Beverages such as coffee and alcohol, especially
wine, can also result in headaches and migraines. Excessive consumption of
alcohol could result in hangovers and headaches. Keeping a diary to track your
trigger foods could help you to avoid them. Diet – In addition to avoiding
trigger foods, you should eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables,
lean proteins, and whole grains. Ensure that you do not remain hungry for long
periods of time, as hunger can trigger or worsen a migraine. Hence, avoid
skipping meals or excessive fasting. Follow a sleep schedule – Another
well-known trigger of migraines is not getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential
for good mental health as it helps prevent depression and anxiety, making one
feel relaxed.

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