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Text Content

The Wedding of

Ezra & Claresta


Open Invitation

God’s Word

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor”

Ecclesiastes 4:9

By the blessing and grace of God, we cordially invite you to virtually attend
our wedding

Ezra Erlangga

The Son of:

Mr. Rudi Hartono


Mrs. Yohana Nurhakim

Claresta Constantine

The Daughter of:

Mr. Ko Hoa Sing (Acing)


Mrs. Sim Khie Hoa (Eva)

Save the Date

Holy Matrimony







Live Streaming

Kindly join us virtually to share our joyous occasion via Live Streaming below :

Live Streaming


Your Wishes For Us


Rudi Hartono / Djan Ju Lok
Selamat menempuh hidup yang baru,semoga menjadi awal yang membahagiakan,GBU

Ii aten
Selamat menempuh hidup baru ..semoga berbahagia selalu ya ..amin

Johanito D Santosa
بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِيْ خَيْرٍ
(Bârakallâhu laka wa bâraka ‘alaika wa jama‘a bainakumâ fî khairin). “Semoga
Allah memberkahimu dalam suka dan duka dan semoga Allah mengumpulkan kalian
berdua di dalam kebaikan” TUHAN YESUS MEMEBERKATI AMEN.

Happy wedding Claresta & Ezra. Hope your wedding always happy and God bless you

Mailina Dewi Turnip
Happy Wedding Ezra & Claresta...Happily ever after. God bless

Gabrielle Dwi
Truly happy for both of you Clar and Ezra! I hope both of you will always rely
on God for everything, for all the good and bad things, on your happy days, bad
days, when you are sick, or healthy. God bless your family abundantly. I pray
there will always be love and laughter in your household <3 Semoga bisa ketemu
soon ya :(

Diana Lo
Wish you happily ever after. Selamat menempuh hidup baru.

Andrian Simangunsong
Happy Wedding Claresta & Ezra. Selamat menempuh hidup baru. God bless

Juliani Lim
Selamat berbahagia dan saling membangun cinta Eta & Ezra God Bless

Meily Nurhakim
Wish u a happiest life & long last till forever.

Aq Aman dan keluarga
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Angga dan istri, Semoga bahagia selalu .. Tuhan

Simon Sujanto dan keluarga
Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk Angga dan istri, semoga bahagia selalu dan
penuh berkat.

Daru Febriani
Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga kebahagiaan dan keberkahan selalu menyertai
keluarga kalian :)

Defri kurniawan
Happy wedding may your life together continue to be bless...

Inggrid Fortuna
Congratulations Ci Eta and Ko Ezra! May Jesus your journey abundantly.

Petrus Joskamianto
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Angga dan Claresta. Semoga kebahagiaan menyertai
sepanjang hidup berkeluarga kalian sampai kakek dan nenek . Tuhan memberkati

selamat mas dan mbk semoga selalu bahagia sampai seterusnya

Nyoman waciks
Selamat menempuh hidup baru, berbahagia Ezra Erlangga, sukses, lancar semua

Martina jusuf djanting
Selamat berbahagia buat kedua mempelai Dan seluruh keluarga besar kedua belah
pihak. Semoga bahagia selalu. Amin

Diana Sabana
Selamat membina keluarga yang harmonis dan Allah SWT senantiasa mencurahkan
banyak kebahagiaan pada pernikahanmu”.

Hendra sujanto & keluarga
Semoga bahagia untuk kalian berdua.. selamat menempuh hidup baru.. sukses,
lancar dan bahagia selalu sampai akhir hayat.. tuhan berkati kalian..

Akien pontianak
Semoga bahagia utk kedua mempelai n selamat menempuh hidup baru ya. Sukses &
lancar.. Tuhan berkati selalu...

Erwin Wirastama
Congrats Cla & Ezra..!!! Happily ever after

Congrats Claresta & Ezra! Wishing both of you a lifetime of happiness

Ari Susanti
Congrats Claresta & Ezra..Semoga bahagia selalu yaa

Samudra Tandi
Congratulations to Ezra and Eta on your upcoming wedding! May your love and
happiness grow with each passing day. Wishing you a lifetime of joy together.
God bless you both!

Congrats and Happy wedding Eta & Ezra Be happy forever and always! God bless
your marriage abundantly

Congratulations Claresta & Ezra. May your marriage be blessed and filled with
joy & happiness! God bless you...

Congratulations Ezra & Claresta. Wishing you happiness & blessing for this new
chapter in your lives

Happy wedding to Ezra and spouse. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

Congrats angga and partner Semoga lancar yahhhh

Jeffrey Winatra
Happy Wedding! Semoga selalu terberkati dalam Tuhan langgeng sampai tua

Nathania Wiguna
Congrats Ezra & Claresta ! God bless u both

Tati Herawati
Congratz ya zraa.... Semoga langgeng dan bahagia menyertai perjalanan baru
kalian... . . Happy Wedding for both of you....

Dini Soeharto
Selamat ya Clares dan suami...semoga Bahagia dan Rukun selalu

Congrats Claresta and Ezra for your marriage ya ! May your life journey be
forever in His guidance and blessings, Aamiin !

Congrats guys!! Happily ever after

Happy wedding Claresta & Ezra, so happy for you! Wish you the very best on your
marriage life

Melissa Kartjito
Congratulations Claresta and Ezra! Have a blessed marriage life

Dear Ezra & Claresta, wish you all the best for your marriage!! May your future
be happy, healthy, wealthy and lovely

Selamat berbahagia mas Ezra , God bless you both

Congrats to the wonderful two of you !! Semoga selalu diberikan berkat & suka
cita aamiin.

Ezra & Claresta, your love has found its perfect match in each other. May your
marriage be filled with endless adventures and unforgettable moments.

Funny Watulingas
Congratz Bro & Sis... Pernikahan adalah sebuah perjanjian yang sakral, dan
sebuah ikatan yang disatukan oleh Tuhan. Semoga kasih-Nya akan selalu menyatukan
kalian berdua selamanya. Semoga Bapa di Surga mencurahkan kasih-Nya kepada
kalian berdua dan memberkati kalian berdua dengan kebahagiaan yang kekal. Tuhan
Yesus memberkati

Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!

Samuel YB
Finally dream come true!! Best wishes for you two ya

Congrats Ezraaa.. semoga lancar sampe hari H yaaa

Arief Budiman
Selamat membangun mahligai hidup baru... Tuhan memberkati mempelai berdua

congrats ma bro!!! langgeng terus bro!!

Congrats my bro!! Mantabb!! Semoga selalu dalam lindungan tuhan yesus baik ezra
maupun istri, cepat dapat momongan!!

I congratulate and wish you both a lifetime of happiness!

Helfina Soraya
Best wishes for a long and happy life together Claresta & Ezra

Congratulations Claresta and Ezra! May both of you have a fulfilling and happy
life together ahead

Azmier Adib
Wishing you a beautiful wedding day and an enduring love.

Charisma Dilantika
Selamat berbahagia, Ezra dan Claresta, mudah2an sukses dalam menempuh hidup
baru. All the best!

Ata aditya wardana
Congratulation for one of the most outstanding student I have, Claresta. God
bless you

Bayu Meindrawan
Congrats Claresta. Smg berbahagia.

Semoga jadi keluarga yang diberkati Tuhan, sehat, dan sukses.

Possible Wedding
Congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you
build your new life together.

Wedding Gift

We appreciate your love & prayer in celebrating our special day & beyond. We
understand that some of you may wish to extend your well-wishes through a
tangible expression of love.

If you want to give a gift, kindly tap the button below.

Wedding Gift



a.n. Ezra Erlangga

Copy Number



a.n. Claresta Constantine

Copy Number

Love Story

First Met

Coincidentally crossed path during “internship” back in 2019, we felt a direct
comfort with each other. However, the busyness of pursuing other priorities at
that time, made us apart for years.

Our Commitment

Love will always find a way, though the timing might not be right at the
beginning. In 2021, fate brought us together again and we officially intertwined
in a warm & affectionate love story.

In Love Forever

God always has a perfect plan, that He provides us equal partner for each other.
And now, we will cherished the sacred path for the rest of our lives.

Counting Days

The clock was ticking so fast, between thrilling moments that we had never felt
before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends to witness our blessing
vows on a happy day.

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See You on Our Big Day


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