ko-fi.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:10::6816:fca  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://starmancy.com/
Effective URL: https://ko-fi.com/starmancy
Submission: On May 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 9 forms found in the DOM

POST /Account/LogOff

<form action="/Account/LogOff" id="logoutForm" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="5c8i7Of_1eNVq9roLKMcPkhaas7hehUt-AxPixtRQifrswMJaRrAX7XRpvWDbb_HsW__pWLTB92MtZ7a6XLpWX5Tt1D-OAY6l7pdMh0lDIk1"> <a class="kfds-btn-sidemenu" href="javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()">
                <i class="far fa-sign-out-alt fa-fw"></i><span class="kfds-lyt-pdg-start-end-medium">Log Out</span>

<form id="shop-search-form" onsubmit="return false;" class="kfds-lyt-flex-vert-center kfds-c-srf-search-bar kfds-c-form-border kfds-lyt-width-100">
  <div class="kfds-left-mrgn-16 kfds-right-mrgn-4"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></div> <input type="search" id="shop-search-input" placeholder="Search Starmancy Studio's shop" size="46" maxlength="100" autocomplete="off"
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POST /Buttons/GoToPayPalExpressCheckoutGiveGold?buttonId=Z8Z8VC2U

<form action="/Buttons/GoToPayPalExpressCheckoutGiveGold?buttonId=Z8Z8VC2U" class="giveGoldForm" method="post">
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          <p class="mb">Boost Starmancy Studio's page by gifting a Ko-fi Gold Membership with a one-time payment.</p>
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              <svg style="fill: #fff;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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              <svg style="fill: #fff;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path d="M20.285 2l-11.285 11.567-5.286-5.011-3.714 3.716 9 8.728 15-15.285z"></path>
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                <path d="M20.285 2l-11.285 11.567-5.286-5.011-3.714 3.716 9 8.728 15-15.285z"></path>
              </svg> $99 - 2 Year Membership (one-time payment) </label>
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<form id="stripe-payment-form">
  <div id="stripe-cardpayment" class="ds-stripe-payment-form-wrapper kfds-c-form-border"></div>
  <div class="error" role="alert" v-for="error in paymentMethodsContext.stripeCheckout.elements.errors" style="display: flex; justify-content:center">
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="17" height="17" viewBox="0 0 17 17" style="margin-right: 10px; ">
      <path class="base" fill="#e25950" d="M8.5,17 C3.80557963,17 0,13.1944204 0,8.5 C0,3.80557963 3.80557963,0 8.5,0 C13.1944204,0 17,3.80557963 17,8.5 C17,13.1944204 13.1944204,17 8.5,17 Z"></path>
      <path class="glyph" fill="#FFF"
        d="M8.5,7.29791847 L6.12604076,4.92395924 C5.79409512,4.59201359 5.25590488,4.59201359 4.92395924,4.92395924 C4.59201359,5.25590488 4.59201359,5.79409512 4.92395924,6.12604076 L7.29791847,8.5 L4.92395924,10.8739592 C4.59201359,11.2059049 4.59201359,11.7440951 4.92395924,12.0760408 C5.25590488,12.4079864 5.79409512,12.4079864 6.12604076,12.0760408 L8.5,9.70208153 L10.8739592,12.0760408 C11.2059049,12.4079864 11.7440951,12.4079864 12.0760408,12.0760408 C12.4079864,11.7440951 12.4079864,11.2059049 12.0760408,10.8739592 L9.70208153,8.5 L12.0760408,6.12604076 C12.4079864,5.79409512 12.4079864,5.25590488 12.0760408,4.92395924 C11.7440951,4.59201359 11.2059049,4.59201359 10.8739592,4.92395924 L8.5,7.29791847 L8.5,7.29791847 Z">
    <span class="message" style="font-size: 14px; color: #e25950">{{ error }}</span>
  <button type="submit" class="kfds-btn-primary kfds-font-bold kfds-lyt-width-100 kfds-btm-mrgn-16 custom-color-solid-bg" style="font-size: 18px; margin-top: 15px; height: 47px;">Pay now</button>

POST /Onboarding/SocialLogin

<form action="/Onboarding/SocialLogin" id="social-onboarding-form" method="post"> <input type="hidden" v-model="intent" name="intent">
  <input type="hidden" v-model="intentPayload" name="payload">
  <input type="hidden" name="provider">
  <input type="hidden" name="token">
  <div id="socialLoginList">
    <div class="col-xs-12 ds-c-target-with-cta kfds-btm-mrgn-16" v-if="shouldShowSocialOption('Twitter')">
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  <input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="dUstrtIDcm7VGcsSSY3KNDH2J-w7MkdUJNalwD1mhsLBRwIvkdzITCBfX89CRkTUT872JSFKQj_kiza7MUUm9zYenDGLxL38duOJQg5Wydg1">
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POST /Report/Content

<form action="/Report/Content" method="post" role="form" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" id="ReportedPageId" name="ReportedPageId">
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POST /Account/Register

<form action="/Account/Register" class="form-horizontal" id="signupForm" method="post" role="form" novalidate="novalidate"><input id="ReCaptchaToken" name="ReCaptchaToken" type="hidden" value="">
  <div class="validation-summary-valid" data-valmsg-summary="true">
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        id="Name" name="Name" placeholder="Display Name" type="text" value="">
      <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="Name" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
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        onblur="$(this).val($(this).val().trim())" placeholder="Email Address" spellcheck="false" type="email" value="">
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POST /Account/ExternalLogin

<form action="/Account/ExternalLogin" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="TIgISkkopRu_9Lpy72MyWUIfma9B_I6igMSJWOBDPlB40TS_YoxRJMZLTlBzMnCMAEMSl_K9TV8rDkaeNnMEQT0_srAaFMD_m4U5CdmwYXk1">
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      if (typeof invokeCSharpAction === "function") {

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Vulpetale Coding
45% of $300 goal
Commission Me

Soooo i am super slow at getting any kind of coding done, so this is to get a
premade framework! you can take a look at what i plan on getting at:

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Yo, I'm Caoil, aka Comatose. 🌈NB artist and writer!🌈 Donations appreciated but
not expected 🤘 Wonderful banner by PeachTabby!

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Soap - Caramel Coffee Shop

Soap - Forbidden Fruit
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2 slots left
Starmancy Studio

> Welcome to Starmancy Studio! Here you will be able to find all my art junk
> including commission posts and membership rewards. Check those out, by the
> way! There are plenty of art tiers that get monthly art rewards from sketches
> to custom characters. Members who join my discord may also participate in a
> pre-alpha game I am working on called vulpetale!
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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio Creator · 13 days

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after a bit of radio silence here on ko-fi, i bring to you the creator demo for
vulpetale! let me know here or on discord if you spot any trouble. note: this is
not optimized for mobile or, apparently, super wide screens?? i'll be messing
with the layout design a bit in the coming weeks so stay tuned for a responsive
update :) vulpetale.com/creationdemo.php you can join the discord at the
following link to get more timely updates about game progress, bases, sales and
other such things: discord.gg/EmCgeBeWkM
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Bearskull gave a tip! · 1 month ago

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

became a member! 💎
· 2 months ago

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio · 2 months ago

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Game Progress!
not sure how secure the login system is, but it is up and running as well as
half of the coding for the fox demo. over on my discord, i've been posting
previews of sketches and finished bases for supporters to peek at if you want to
see more ;)

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
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Inghelene gave a tip! · 2 months ago

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Thank you so much for the support <3
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio · 3 months ago

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Kahoku Reference!
so uh, i've had this character for several years, made her a while back and only
had sketches and doodles to go off of with no actual reference sheet despite
deciding to make her the mascot for starmancy. poor peachtabby had to work off a
really bad sketch for the logo (still killed it though). i finally, finally sat
down and made her a reference sheet including her alternative forms. my
handwriting is still awful.

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
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Starmancy Studio · 4 months ago

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icon commissions!
done a few icon commissions and haven't really posted them anywhere so here they
are! commissioners were: jeezers, mirage, and lightstream

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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
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shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio added a post! · 4 months ago

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a starmancer's 2024 goals
oh boy, it's already over a week into the new year. seems like time is going too
fast! this year i...
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currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
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shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio Creator · 5 months ago

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i am home! also for soaps and stickers, they are guaranteed to arrive by the
25th if the order is placed before the 18th. any time after that, you will be
taking a gamble with usps and their shipping times.
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio Creator · 5 months ago

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i am *super* bad at updating things. oops. any way, travel notice! i'll be out
of town from nov 29 to dec 6. my mother is having her shoulder replaced and i
have decided i want to help her out for a week or so. i'll be bringing a small
supply of soaps with me so i can still mail those out if anyone orders but
commissions will have to wait until i get home since i only have a netbook for
computer stuff off my desktop.
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False

Starmancy Studio · 6 months ago

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Soaps soon!
making soaps! hot process made with limited ingredients and such. they will be
live in the shop in about a week when i finish curing them :) the one featured
is.. name pending. made to look like an ocean and smells like tropical fruit

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a starmancer's 2024 goals
9 Jan
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$5,00  per month

Summoned from the depths, you find yourself offered the opportunity for growth
as the familiar of a draconic sorceress. You agree and become a tiny fox friend.
You begin to feel your new powers and have started being surrounded by small
floating bits of your soul manifested. The dragon tells you, it is called
foxfire and is a normal process for your familiar type. Foxfire tier members
will get: - Role on Discord - Commission Access - P2U Bases for free - Early
access to YCH and character sales

 * Discord Access

$10,00  per month
9 places left

You have leveled up through study and training. Your foxfire has suddenly
condensed into a bright pearl, you're awakening into your fox powers! With this
tier, you will receive: - All From Foxfire - Ability to commission a ★ Veliae -
Custom B&W bust sketch OR an icon (stack for a full body B&W sketch or Sprite) -
Ability to make requests for specific bases or P2U lines Members who join after
the 12th will not be eligible for the art reward and will have to wait until the
following month.

 * Discord Access

$20,00  per month
10 places left

With more study and ample dedication to your mistress, that pearl of yours has
grown in strength and is now a true starball! That means you have gained enough
wisdom to start working toward the next level of your power. Starball tiers
receive: - All From Foxfire - Ability to commission a ★ Veliae - Ability to make
requests for specific bases or P2U lines - Flat colored bust (stack for a full
body or additional character) OR Semi-custom squish - Soap! shipped to your door
monthly~ - 5% off commissions totaling $20 or more Members who join after the
12th will not be eligible for the art reward and will have to wait until the
following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Exclusive Requests
 * Merchandise

$25,00  per month
8 places left

Little fox, you have grown another tail now that your starball is complete!
You're getting more powerful and wise every day. Foxes get: - All From Foxfire -
Flat Chibi (stack for an additional character OR for shading) - Ability to
commission a ★ Veliae - Ability to make requests for specific bases or P2U lines
- Soap! shipped to your door monthly~ - 5% off commissions totaling $20 or more
Members who join after the 12th will not be eligible for the art reward and will
have to wait until the following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Exclusive Requests
 * Merchandise

Fey Fox
$45,00  per month
5 places left

Powers are blooming! You are now known among the Fey as one of their own,
blending in seamlessly even though you are a simple familiar. Fey foxes get: -
All From Foxfire - Shaded Chibi OR stack 4 for a ★ veliae - Ability to
commission a ★★ Veliae - Ability to make requests for specific bases or P2U
lines - Soap! shipped to your door monthly~ - 10% off commissions totaling $20
or more Members who join after the 12th will not be eligible for the art reward
and will have to wait until the following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Exclusive Requests
 * Merchandise

$60,00  per month
4 places left

Fox friend! You have worked so hard your coat is lightning! All that power has
awakened you, strengthening your magic and making you more wise and clever.
Awakened foxes receive: - All From Foxfire - Tarot Illustration OR simple
reference OR stack 3 for ★★ veliae - Ability to commission a ★★ Veliae - Ability
to make requests for specific bases or P2U lines - Soap! shipped to your door
monthly~ - 10% off commissions totaling $20 or more Members who join after the
12th will not be eligible for the art reward and will have to wait until the
following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Exclusive Requests

$75,00  per month
3 places left

Nearly there, my guy! Your power has grown so strong you are now golden! Your
draconic mistress has gifted you with a charming bell to help with your magic
channeling and has told you how proud of you she is that you have come so far.
Now that you are ascended, you receive: - All From Foxfire - Experimental art OR
tarot card OR reference OR stack 2 for ★★★ veliae - Guaranteed commission slot
each month - Ability to commission a ★★★ Veliae - Ability to make requests for
specific bases or P2U lines - Soap! shipped to your door monthly~ - 15% off
commissions totaling $20 or more Members who join after the 12th will not be
eligible for the art reward and will have to wait until the following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Exclusive Requests
 * Merchandise

$100,00  per month
2 places left

Welcome to the celestial plain. You have been set free from your familiar bonds
to become your own creature. The power of nature flows through you and the
possibilities are endless! Those roaming the celestial plain receive: - All From
Foxfire - Experimental art OR tarot card OR reference OR ★★★ custom veliae -
Guaranteed commission slot each month - Ability to commission a ★★★★ Veliae -
Ability to make requests for specific bases or P2U lines - Soap! shipped to your
door monthly~ - 20% off commissions totaling $20 or more Members who join after
the 12th will not be eligible for the art reward and will have to wait until the
following month.

 * Discord Access
 * Exclusive Content
 * Exclusive Requests
 * Exclusive Discounts
 * Merchandise

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Starmancy Studio · 13 days
after a bit of radio silence here on ko-fi, i bring to you the creator demo for
vulpetale! let me know here or on discord if you spot any trouble. note: this is
not optimized for mobile or, apparently, super wide screens?? i'll be messing
with the layout design a bit in the coming weeks so stay tuned for a responsive
update :) vulpetale.com/creationdemo.php you can join the discord at the
following link to get more timely updates about game progress, bases, sales and
other such things: discord.gg/EmCgeBeWkM
 * Report Abuse

Starmancy Studio · 2 months ago
Game Progress!
not sure how secure the login system is, but it is up and running as well as
half of the coding for the fox demo. over on my discord, i've been posting
previews of sketches and finished bases for supporters to peek at if you want to
see more ;)


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Starmancy Studio · 3 months ago
Kahoku Reference!
so uh, i've had this character for several years, made her a while back and only
had sketches and doodles to go off of with no actual reference sheet despite
deciding to make her the mascot for starmancy. poor peachtabby had to work off a
really bad sketch for the logo (still killed it though). i finally, finally sat
down and made her a reference sheet including her alternative forms. my
handwriting is still awful.


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Starmancy Studio · 4 months ago
icon commissions!
done a few icon commissions and haven't really posted them anywhere so here they
are! commissioners were: jeezers, mirage, and lightstream


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Starmancy Studio added a post · 4 months ago
a starmancer's 2024 goals
oh boy, it's already over a week into the new year. seems like time is going too
fast! this year i...
Read more

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Starmancy Studio · 5 months ago
i am home! also for soaps and stickers, they are guaranteed to arrive by the
25th if the order is placed before the 18th. any time after that, you will be
taking a gamble with usps and their shipping times.
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Starmancy Studio · 5 months ago
i am *super* bad at updating things. oops. any way, travel notice! i'll be out
of town from nov 29 to dec 6. my mother is having her shoulder replaced and i
have decided i want to help her out for a week or so. i'll be bringing a small
supply of soaps with me so i can still mail those out if anyone orders but
commissions will have to wait until i get home since i only have a netbook for
computer stuff off my desktop.
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Starmancy Studio · 6 months ago
Soaps soon!
making soaps! hot process made with limited ingredients and such. they will be
live in the shop in about a week when i finish curing them :) the one featured
is.. name pending. made to look like an ocean and smells like tropical fruit


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Starmancy Studio · 6 months ago
Commission [Gnomes]
i need to remember to post updates. oops! this is a ref commission i did for
gnomes on discord of her character prairie :)


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Starmancy Studio · 7 months ago
tomorrow my halloween stickers will be up in the shop! these two skull designs
as well as two others will be posted around 6pm pst so keep an eye out!


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Starmancy Studio · 7 months ago
vulpetale art :3 starball, young and adult stages


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Starmancy Studio · 7 months ago
Item Art
Just a little bit of item art for Vulpetale :D I'm not good with objects so this
was good practice!


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Starmancy Studio · 7 months ago
Veliae Species Sheet
after several months of struggling to do anything art, i have *f...


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 * All
 * adoptable base
 * Handmade Soap
 * Tag Base
 * vinyl stickers

Free +
F2U Vaugely Fox This is a free base! Download and share at your leisure. I only
ask that you do not remove the credi... by CreatorName
$2 +
UwU cat this is a cute but customizable adopt base of a little cat! this
contains: 18 expressions 9 ears 5 ... by CreatorName
Soap - Caramel Coffee Shop entering this coffee shop leads to the wafting scents
of rich caramel and dark coffee with mild pump... by CreatorName
Soap - Forbidden Fruit The forbidden fruit of knowledge is debated between being
a pomegranate or a golden apple. These two... by CreatorName
Soap - Moonlit Orchard This invokes thoughts of a quiet night in a citrus
orchard. It is a beautiful blend of white tea and... by CreatorName
Short-eared Dog Base the short-eared dog is a south american caninae and the
only species in it's genus of Atelocynus. it... by CreatorName
Soap - pack of 4 Because shipping prices are stupid high, i am offering a
bundle! You will have to message me here or... by CreatorName
Soap - Autumn Home Invoking the smells of a small cottage home during the fall
season, this spice, cheesecake and caram... by CreatorName
Soap - Universal Center Moddled after the scents of the universe, it is
dominated by raspberry with notes of vanilla, honey ... by CreatorName
Soap - Mixup Madness REBATCH - These are recycled off-cuts rebatched into fresh
useable bars. The scents are mixed and *v... by CreatorName
Soap - Starmancer's Expirment LIMITED EDITIONS; Coma personally doesn't like
these scents but it is always fun to experiment! Fl... by CreatorName
Soap - Seraphim's Elixir Described as 'heavenly' by my 80 year old gran, this is
a blend of poppies, vanilla, honey, almonds ... by CreatorName

2 Slots Left

Custom Prints
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Please Contact me before ordering this! US domestic shipping only, sorry
international people! This is a digital painting which will be professionally
printed for you on semi-gloss acid free poster paper then shipped to your home.
Size is negotiable, default is 24 x 36. Options for framing and canvas are also
available. Expect 4-8 weeks for the product to be finished and 3-5 days shipping
time. You will be updated consistently throughout the process to make sure you
get a product you are happy with.

Add-ons available

Request this
Custom Soap!
 * Report Abuse

With this you can customize your soap! From scents to colors. You will receive a
full loaf, about 10-11 3.5oz bars, shipped to your door. Once the order is
placed, it takes one week to make and cure the hot process soap then another day
to slice and bag for shipping, a total of 8 days. They'll be shipped via USPS
and you will be provided with a tracking number. Please note, sales on soaps are
final so be sure you want the scents requested!

Add-ons available

Request this
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Squisy little creatures! these can be semi-custom designs, fully custom designs,
a complete surprise or a premade design just on cute chibi-adjacent lines.

Add-ons available

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Lil' Icons
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super tiny 100 x 100 images! Cute and great for character sites :)

Add-ons available

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Symmetrical headdie
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This is a 300x300px image of your character drawn with a symmetrical ruler!

Add-ons available

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Pixel Sprites
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120x150 pixel sprites!

Add-ons available

Request this
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