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URL: https://www.extendoffice.com/
Submission: On August 19 via manual from PL — Scanned from DE

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 * Excel
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 * Excel
 * Word
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 * Excel tutorial – Send emails from Excel
 * How to find the top 5 or n most frequent text or numbers in Excel?
 * How to highlight weekends and holidays in Excel?
 * How to highlight cell if value is greater than another cell in Excel?
 * How to highlight approximate match lookup in Excel?
 * How to color alternate rows for merged cells in Excel?
 * Excel Checkboxes: Add, select, delete and use checkboxes in Excel
 * Excel: Use shortcuts to quickly expand drop-down list
 * Excel: How to expand or collapse all fields in Pivot Table
 * Excel: How to expand cell to show all contents when click

More Tips and Tricks for Excel...


 * Find and replace texts in Word document, header and footer
 * How to delete all images from a Word document?
 * How to view two pages at a time in a Word document?
 * How to remove a watermark from one certain page in a Word document?
 * How to place watermarks in a vertical position in Word document?
 * How to insert watermark in certain pages instead of all pages in Word
 * How to go to specific page by clicking in Word document?
 * How to click to enlarge or expand image in Word document?
 * How to change the font and font size in all text boxes in Word document?
 * How to batch convert .doc format files to .docx in Word?

More Tips and Tricks for Word...


 * How to spot phishing emails in Outlook?
 * How to report junk and phishing emails in Outlook?
 * How to collapse or expand all color categories by default in Outlook?
 * How to automatically color categorize emails based on subject in Outlook?
 * How to assign and edit color categories to Outlook items?
 * How to Recall a Meeting Invite When You Are Not the Organizer in Outlook?
 * How to Modify or Delete Multiple Quick Parts and AutoText in Outlook?
 * How to Rename and Edit Quick Parts Entries in Outlook?
 * How to Add Quick Parts to Quick Access Toolbar and Use it in Outlook?
 * How to Add Quick Parts to Outlook Ribbon?

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 * Kutools for Excel
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 * Alternately insert blank rows or columns every other rows / columns in Excel
 * Change working area size: show or hide ribbon, formula bar, and status bar in
 * Completely clear all formatting of a range in Excel
 * Convert cell reference to relative / absolute reference in Excel
 * Copy a cell formatting from one cell to other cells in Excel
 * Easily delete blank or hidden rows (columns) in Excel
 * Easily encrypt and decrypt selected cell values or contents in Excel
 * Easily protect multiple sheets / worksheets at a time in Excel
 * Easily reading / viewing a large number of rows and columns in Excel

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 * Quickly print comments by exporting all comments to a document in Word
 * Quickly restore or reload current document to the last time you save in Word
 * Quickly resize all images or multiple images at once in Word
 * Quickly manage and open multiple documents with a group in Word
 * Quickly export and save all tables from document as images in word
 * Quickly save papers by adjusting spacing between words
 * Quickly import or export and set default custom dictionary in word
 * Quickly import or export and customize Autocorrect entries in word

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 * Quickly import and export auto text (quick parts) in Outlook?
 * Quickly create, edit, delete, and reuse quick parts (autotext) in Outlook
 * Never block multiple emails by message senders in Outlook
 * Quickly create auto reply without exchange server when out of office in
 * Automatically cc or bcc when sending emails in Outlook
 * Batch updating links between detached attachments and emails in Outlook
 * Easily rename one attachment of email in Outlook
 * Easily block multiple sender domains at once in Outlook
 * Never block multiple emails by message sender domains in Outlook

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