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     * Moana
     * Monkey Love
     * My Little Pony
     * Pastel Farm Animals
     * Paw Patrol Girls
     * Peppa Pig
     * Pink Dino
     * Pink Princess
     * Pirate
     * Pretty Princess
     * Princess Unicorn
     * Pug Party
     * Purple Galaxy
     * Purrfect
     * Rainbow
     * Selfie Celebration
     * Shimmer & Shine
     * Shopkins
     * Sloth
     * Snow Flakes
     * Sparkling Sapphire
     * Spirit Riding Free
     * Spongebob
     * Stranger Things
     * Super Hero Girls
     * Swan
     * Sweets & Treats
     * Teletubbies
     * The Incredibles
     * The Secret Life of Pets
     * Toy Story
     * Trolls
     * Twinkle Star
     * Twinkle Toes
     * Under The Sea
     * Unicorn
     * Unicorn Party
     * Vampirina
     * Wiggles
     * Wild Jungle
     * Wild Birthday
     * Partying Dino
 * Party Supplies
   * Party Supplies
   * Party Favours
     * Party Favours
     * Accessories
     * Award Ribbon
     * Badge
     * Blowouts
     * Bubbles
     * Candles
     * Colour Powder
     * Electronics
     * Favours & Toys
     * Games
     * Gift bag
     * Gift wrap
     * Glow Sticks
     * Hair Spray
     * Hats
     * Invitation
     * Loot Bags
     * Mask
     * Party Kit
     * Party Pack
     * Photo Props
     * Pinatas
     * Poppers
     * Sash
     * Sensory Toys
     * Sign It
     * Signature Books
     * Sparklers
     * Thank You Note
     * Treat Box
     * Wigs
     * Water Balloons
   * Decorations
     * Decorations
     * Banners
     * Bunting
     * Centerpiece
     * Chalkboard Signs
     * Confetti
     * Curling Ribbon
     * Deco Fan
     * Door Curtain
     * Garland
     * Hanging Deco
     * High Chair Kit
     * Honeycomb
     * Inflatables
     * Lanterns
     * Scene Setters
     * Signature Blocks
     * Streamers
     * Swirl Deco
   * Cake Decorating
     * Cake Decorating
     * Candles
     * Cake Topper
     * Cupcake Kit
     * Cupcake Stand
     * Cupcake Wraps
   * Disposables - By Item
     * Disposables - By Item
     * Paper Bags
     * Paper Cup
     * Paper Plate
     * Plastic Bowl
     * Cutlery
     * Napkin
     * Cello Bags
     * Table Cover
     * Crepe Paper
     * Tissue Sheets
     * Straws
     * Eco-Friendly
   * Catering
     * Catering
     * Bowls & Platters
     * Coffee Cups
     * Glasses
     * Picks
     * Serving Cutlery
     * Serving Trays
     * Candy Buffet
     * Face Mask
     * Hand Sanitizer
     * Mini Catering
     * Premium Catering
   * Disposables - By Colour
     * Disposables - By Colour
     * Baby Blue
     * Baby Pink
     * Black
     * Blue
     * Brown
     * Burgundy
     * Emerald Green
     * Gold
     * Green
     * Hot Pink
     * Lavender
     * Lime Green
     * Neon
     * Orange
     * Purple
     * Red
     * Rose Gold
     * Silver
     * Silver Trim
     * Teal
     * White
     * Yellow
     * Kraft

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   Accessories Balloon Pumps Balloon Weights Hi-Float Ribbon Sticks, Clips, Dots
   Foil Balloons Foil Age Foil Air Walker Foil Letter Foil Number Foil Printed
   Foil Solid Colour Orbs & Ultra Shapes
   Latex Balloons 60-90 cm Latex Balloon Kit Bubble Balloons Bubbles Confetti
   Balloons Printed Latex Water Balloons Pack 8 & 10 Solid Pack 25 Solid Pack 50
   Solid Pack 100 Solid Modelling Balloons
   Balloon Decorations
 * Birthday
   Birthday 1st Birthday 16th Birthday 18th Birthday 21st Birthday 30th Birthday
   40th Birthday 50th Birthday 60th Birthday 70th Birthday 80th Birthday 90th
   Birthday 100th Birthday Happy Birthday
   Theme Balloon Bash Birthday Burst Birthday Cheers Black & Silver Blue Ditsy
   Floral Garden Party Flower Power Glitter Birthday Glitzy Birthday Gold
   Confetti Birthday Gold Marble Golden Birthday Golden Bumble Bee Happy Balloon
   Happy Birthday Dots Hello Spring Show More
 * Costume
   Adults Costume 1920s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Bucks Party Cavemen
   & Cavewomen Christmas Easter Egyptian Greek Hens Night Medieval Nun & Vicar
   Oktoberfest Show More
   Kids Costumes Baby & Toddlers Boys Costume Girls Costume Book Week Halloween
   Licensed 300 Movie 80S, 90S & 00S icons Addams Family Alice in Wonderland
   Baby Shark Barbie Batgirl Batman Beetlejuice Blues Clues Captain America Care
   Bears Catwoman Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Cobra Kai Cruella DC other
   Show More
   Non-Licensed Animals Back in Time Celebrations Clown & Circus Cops & Robbers
   Food & Novelty Decades Cowboy Funny Hawaiian Inflatable International Pirates
   Scary Skills & Careers Storybook TV & Movie Show More
   Accessories Beard & Moustache Contact Lenses Ears & Tails Glasses Gloves Hair
   Spray Hats & Tiaras Headbands & Boppers Leg Wear Leis & Boas Masks Novelty
   Items Ties Tutu's Weapons Wigs & Caps Wings Show More
   Dress Up By Colour Black Blue Burgundy Gold Green Light Blue Lime Green Neon
   Orange Pink Purple Rainbow Red Silver White Yellow Show More
 * Occasions
   Events 4th of July Anniversary Aussie Supporters Australia Day Book Week
   Bridal Shower, Hens & Bucks Chinese New Year Christening/Baptism Christmas
   Coronation Party Easter Eid al-Fitr Engagement Father's Day Graduation
   Halloween International Show More
   Baby Shower Baby Boy Baby Girl Gender Reveal Balloons Favours & Games
   Easter Balloons Chick, Rabbit & Eggs Decorations Dressup Accessories Sugar
   candy eggs Tableware
   St Patrick's Day Balloons Decorations Dressups & Accessories Tableware
 * Theme Party
   Adult 20's - Flapper 50's - Rock & Roll 60's - Hippie 70's - Disco 80's -
   Retro Bachelorette / Hens Night Casino Fiesta Party Hawaiian Party
   Hollywood/Awards Night Mexican Western Checkered
   General Balloon Bash BBQ Party Birthday Burst Birthday Cheer Boho Birthday
   Boho Fiesta Catalina Colourful Balloons Flower Power Garden Party Gingery Ray
   Glitter Birthday Glitzy Gold Party Gold Confetti Birthday Gold Marble Golden
   Birthday Happy Birthday Dots Show More
   Boys Theme Ahoy Birthday Aladdin Alligator Party Animal Jungle Animal Safari
   Astronaut/Space Avengers Baby Shark Barnyard Birthday Basketball Fan Batman
   Battle Royal Fortnite Big Dig Construction Birthday Boy Blue Blast Off
   Birthday Block/Lego Party Bluey Show More
   Girls Theme Aladdin Animal Jungle Animal Safari Baby Shark Ballerina Balloons
   & Rainbow Barbie Barnyard Birthday Basketball Fan Beauty & The Beast Birthday
   Blossom Birthday Girl Pink Block/Lego Party Bluey Buzz Lightyear Care Bears
   CoComelon Show More
 * Party Supplies
   Party Favours Accessories Award Ribbon Badge Blowouts Bubbles Candles Colour
   Powder Electronics Favours & Toys Games Gift bag Gift wrap Glow Sticks Hair
   Spray Hats Invitation Loot Bags Show More
   Decorations Banners Bunting Centerpiece Chalkboard Signs Confetti Curling
   Ribbon Deco Fan Door Curtain Garland Hanging Deco High Chair Kit Honeycomb
   Inflatables Lanterns Scene Setters Signature Blocks Streamers Show More
   Cake Decorating Candles Cake Topper Cupcake Kit Cupcake Stand Cupcake Wraps
   Disposables - By Item Paper Bags Paper Cup Paper Plate Plastic Bowl Cutlery
   Napkin Cello Bags Table Cover Crepe Paper Tissue Sheets Straws Eco-Friendly
   Catering Bowls & Platters Coffee Cups Glasses Picks Serving Cutlery Serving
   Trays Candy Buffet Face Mask Hand Sanitizer Mini Catering Premium Catering
   Disposables - By Colour Baby Blue Baby Pink Black Blue Brown Burgundy Emerald
   Green Gold Green Hot Pink Lavender Lime Green Neon Orange Purple Red Rose
   Gold Show More

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 * 4th of July
 * Sparklers 90cm 4 Pack

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RRP $9.99
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 * Description
 * Specifications
 * Reviews

Preorder : Stock Dispatched from 27th March, 2023

Product Details:

 * Includes 4 Sparklers
 * Measures 90cm each
 * Perfect for Birthday's, Weddings and other events
 * For Outdoor Use Only
 * Follow Instruction Carefully.

*Please note sparklers cannot be sent Express due to regulations. If you add
sparklers to your express order, your shipping will default to regular post and
a refund will be processed for the Express shipping portion."


SKU PJS218509A Brand PJSAS

 * Free Shipping On Orders Over $75
 * Click & Collect Available
 * Ships in 1-3 Business Days
 * 100 Day Money Back Guarantee




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   1300 764 097
   (Sumner Park store)
   (online inquiries)
   58 Spine Street, Sumner Park QLD 4074


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ABN: 27610145778

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