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Gretas Haus schockiert die ganze Welt, der Beweis in den Bildern
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House of the Dragon (2022) Season 1 S01 + Extras (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 HEVC
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(2022) - S01E01 - The Heirs of the Dragon (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
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Dragons Built (2022) - S01E02 - The Rogue Prince (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv710.19 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E03 - Second of His Name (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv633.42 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E04 - King of the Narrow Sea (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv740.45 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E05 - We Light the Way (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv758.02 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E06 - The Princess and the Queen (1080p HMAX WEB-DL
x265 t3nzin).mkv826.00 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E07 - Driftmark (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv755.86 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E08 - The Lord of the Tides (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv731.73 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E09 - The Green Council (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv687.88 MBFeaturettes/The House That Dragons Built/The House That
Dragons Built (2022) - S01E10 - The Black Queen (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv742.46 MBHouse of the Dragon (2022) - S01E01 - The Heirs of the
Dragon (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv2.19 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) -
S01E02 - The Rogue Prince (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv1.80 GBHouse of the
Dragon (2022) - S01E03 - Second of His Name (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv2.11 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) - S01E04 - King of the Narrow Sea
(1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv2.09 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) - S01E05 -
We Light the Way (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv2.00 GBHouse of the Dragon
(2022) - S01E06 - The Princess and the Queen (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv2.25 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) - S01E07 - Driftmark (1080p HMAX
WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv1.96 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) - S01E08 - The Lord of
the Tides (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv2.25 GBHouse of the Dragon (2022) -
S01E09 - The Green Council (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv1.93 GBHouse of
the Dragon (2022) - S01E10 - The Black Queen (1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265
t3nzin).mkv1.97 GBSoundtrack/01-Main Title (From Game of Thrones Season 5)-Ramin
Djawadi.flac19.81 MBSoundtrack/02-The Heirs of the Dragon-Ramin
Djawadi.flac23.25 MBSoundtrack/03-Reign of the Targaryens-Ramin
Djawadi.flac16.19 MBSoundtrack/04-Rhaenyra's Welcome-Ramin Djawadi.flac17.57
MBSoundtrack/05-A Pack of Hounds-Ramin Djawadi.flac27.71 MBSoundtrack/06-The
Tournament-Ramin Djawadi.flac18.32 MBSoundtrack/07-An Impossible Choice-Ramin
Djawadi.flac16.29 MBSoundtrack/08-The Rogue Prince-Ramin Djawadi.flac16.36
MBSoundtrack/09-The Prince That Was Promised (from House of the Dragon)-Ramin
Djawadi.flac42.03 MBSoundtrack/10-Compromise and Consequences-Ramin
Djawadi.flac29.20 MBSoundtrack/11-The Power of Prophecy-Ramin Djawadi.flac24.63
MBSoundtrack/12-Trouble in the Stepstones-Ramin Djawadi.flac23.11
MBSoundtrack/13-Surrender-Ramin Djawadi.flac40.10 MBSoundtrack/14-King of the
Narrow Sea-Ramin Djawadi.flac67.34 MBSoundtrack/15-Lanterns at Nightfall-Ramin
Djawadi.flac49.39 MBSoundtrack/16-Whatever May Come-Ramin Djawadi.flac27.16
MBSoundtrack/17-House Velaryon-Ramin Djawadi.flac25.65 MBSoundtrack/18-The Green
Dress-Ramin Djawadi.flac28.65 MBSoundtrack/19-First Dance-Ramin
Djawadi.flac10.51 MBSoundtrack/20-Celebration Dance-Ramin Djawadi.flac22.38
MBSoundtrack/21-Targaryen Dance-Ramin Djawadi.flac19.04 MBSoundtrack/22-We Light
the Way-Ramin Djawadi.flac23.96 MBSoundtrack/23-Destiny-Ramin Djawadi.flac27.34
MBSoundtrack/24-Pass Judgement-Ramin Djawadi.flac42.45 MBSoundtrack/25-Funeral
by the Sea-Ramin Djawadi.flac31.91 MBSoundtrack/26-Daemon and Rhaenyra-Ramin
Djawadi.flac24.80 MBSoundtrack/27-Aemond Rides Vhagar-Ramin Djawadi.flac32.91
MBSoundtrack/28-The Hard Truth-Ramin Djawadi.flac24.37 MBSoundtrack/29-Sealed in
Fire and Blood-Ramin Djawadi.flac39.98 MBSoundtrack/30-Protector of the Realm
(from House of the Dragon)-Ramin Djawadi.flac33.14 MBSoundtrack/31-The Silent
Sisters-Ramin Djawadi.flac31.91 MBSoundtrack/32-The Language of Girls-Ramin
Djawadi.flac15.56 MBSoundtrack/33-A Warning-Ramin Djawadi.flac21.51
MBSoundtrack/34-Lament-Ramin Djawadi.flac28.93 MBSoundtrack/35-Fate of the
Kingdoms-Ramin Djawadi.flac30.79 MBSoundtrack/36-Interests of the Realm-Ramin
Djawadi.flac36.71 MBSoundtrack/37-Coronation-Ramin Djawadi.flac12.54
MBSoundtrack/38-Dragons Will Rule the Kingdom-Ramin Djawadi.flac17.51
MBSoundtrack/39-The Crown of Jaeharys-Ramin Djawadi.flac34.55
MBSoundtrack/40-Dragons Do Not Fear Blood-Ramin Djawadi.flac14.34
MBSoundtrack/41-Death and Rebirth-Ramin Djawadi.flac15.30 MBSoundtrack/42-True
Meaning of Loyalty-Ramin Djawadi.flac31.63 MBSoundtrack/43-Bloodlines Will
Burn-Ramin Djawadi.flac44.63 MBSoundtrack/44-The Promise-Ramin Djawadi.flac23.04
MBSoundtrack/Cover.jpg667.65 kBTrailers/Official Trailer.mkv38.65 MB


House of the Dragon (2022)
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
n/A    -    Rating: 8.7
Paddy Considine, Matt Smith, Rhys Ifans…
An internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of its power,
172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targaryen.


IMDb (8.6/10)

GenresAction, Adventure, Drama

ActorsRhys Ifans, Fabien Frankel, Matt Smith

Plot SummaryAn internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of
its power, 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targaryen.

> Mediainfo wrote:
> General
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> Duration : 1 h 5 min
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> Subtitle #19 : Norwegian Bokmal / UTF-8 / 47 b/s / norsk
> Subtitle #2 : English / UTF-8 / 60 b/s / English
> Subtitle #20 : Polish / UTF-8 / 47 b/s / polski
> Subtitle #21 : Portuguese / UTF-8 / 57 b/s / português
> Subtitle #22 : Portuguese / UTF-8 / 54 b/s / português
> Subtitle #23 : Romanian / UTF-8 / 55 b/s / română
> Subtitle #24 : Russian / UTF-8 / 85 b/s / русский
> Subtitle #25 : Slovak / UTF-8 / 50 b/s / slovenčina
> Subtitle #26 : Slovenian / UTF-8 / 47 b/s / slovenščina
> Subtitle #27 : Serbian / UTF-8 / 44 b/s / srpski
> Subtitle #28 : Swedish / UTF-8 / 49 b/s / svenska
> Subtitle #29 : Turkish / UTF-8 / 55 b/s / Türkçe
> Subtitle #3 : Bulgarian / UTF-8 / 84 b/s / български
> Subtitle #4 : Czech / UTF-8 / 50 b/s / čeština
> Subtitle #5 : Danish / UTF-8 / 54 b/s / dansk
> Subtitle #6 : Greek / UTF-8 / 94 b/s / Ελληνικά
> Subtitle #7 : Spanish / UTF-8 / 54 b/s / español
> Subtitle #8 : Spanish / UTF-8 / 66 b/s / español
> Subtitle #9 : Spanish / UTF-8 / 52 b/s / español
> Chapters
> 00:00:00.000                             : en:Chapter 1
> 01:03:27.000                             : en:Credits

> Source wrote:
> House.of.the.Dragon.S01.1080p.HMAX.WEB-DL.DDPA5.1.H.264-NTb
> The.House.That.Dragons.Built.S01.1080p.HMAX.WEB-DL.DD2.0.H.264-NTb

> QxR wrote:
> Whilst we are happy for our releases to be re-posted on a platform we aren't
> on, please do so in an 'as-is' format. We ask that you do not create a new
> torrent, include all descriptions you see above including the QxR logo, tags,
> notes and screenshots. If you'd like to become a permanent poster on a website
> we don't post to, feel free to get in contact with a QxR member.


by HellShell
    on 2022-10-26 20:53:30

Now that is what I call a complete season with all titles subs plus extras.....
Big Thanks for that.....

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