easycakesusa.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: http://easycakesusa.com/
Submission Tags: check4phish
Submission: On May 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

GET https://sugarspunrun.com/

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POST https://app.convertkit.com/forms/4994635/subscriptions

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        <h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>SUBSCRIBE</strong>​<br>​<br>​<span style="font-size:32px"><strong> SPRING CAKES RECIPE SERIES</strong></span></h2>
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        <p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:12px"><span style="color:#010101">Find your new favorite spring cake in this guided email series! These recipes are perfect for celebrating birthdays, showers, Easter, or Mother's
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Home » Desserts » Cake


March 7, 2022 By Sam 1,420 Comments

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You’ll love this wonderfully moist, perfectly spiced Carrot Cake Recipe. This
cake is surprisingly simple to make and includes a step-by-step video for
no-fail results every time. Top everything off with a simple cream cheese
frosting for what truly might be the perfect cake.

If I had to choose a favorite cake recipe on my blog, I think this carrot cake
recipe would be it. Maybe I’m biased, but even though I’m wildly in love with my
white cake, vanilla cake (a reader favorite!) and chocolate cake, this carrot
cake is hands-down the one I will reach for first every time.

There’s something about its deliriously moist crumb, the perfect amount of
spices, and yes, that all-time favorite cream cheese frosting of mine. It’s
sweet without being too sweet, carefully crafted with both butter and oil and
just the right amount of carrots –the flavor is so good that even Zach reached
for a second piece.

I know you are going to love this one just as much as we do, so let’s dig in!


Here are a few of the key ingredients that make this carrot cake recipe the

 * Flour. All-purpose flour works great here. I don’t recommend using cake flour
   for this recipe; it tends to yield a lighter crumb, and we want our carrot
   cake to be on the denser side.
 * Sugar. A combination of granulated sugar and brown sugar (either light or
   dark) makes for a moist, flavorful cake.
 * Spices. Both cinnamon and nutmeg create the perfect spice profile that pairs
   so well with the brown sugar, carrots, and nuts.
 * Oil AND butter. This is the ultimate dynamic duo for cakes! Oil adds moisture
   (canola or vegetable oil will work) and unsalted butter adds a rich flavor.
   Don’t substitute one for the other–we really need both here!
 * Eggs. Room temperature eggs work best, so set yours out ahead of time. If you
   forget, you can just place your eggs in a bowl of warm water for 10-15
   minutes before using.
 * Vanilla. We’ll add a full tablespoon of vanilla for some extra flavor. If
   you’ve got some homemade vanilla laying around, definitely use it here!
 * Carrots. Do not use pre-shredded or “matchstick” carrots! They are way too
   thick to use in this carrot cake recipe, unless you like biting into
   discernible chunks of carrot (I do not!). I usually need about 4 carrots for
   this cake, and I always peel my carrots before grating them. You could use a
   box grater, but I prefer to use my food processor.
 * Nuts. You can use either chopped walnuts or pecans, or you can leave them out

This carrot cake recipe is made complete with my cream cheese frosting. It’s so
simple and a big favorite on my site. Here’s what you need:

 * Butter. Since we’re adding salt ourselves, stick with unsalted butter and
   make sure it’s softened.
 * Cream cheese. Use the brick-style cream cheese–not the spreadable kind in a
   tub. Your cream cheese should also be softened so it can incorporate nicely.
 * Vanilla. A teaspoon rounds out the flavor of this frosting.
 * Powdered sugar. We’ll add this for structure and sweetness.

Remember, this is just an overview of the ingredients I used and why. For the
full recipe please scroll down to the bottom of the post!

SAM’S TIP: To grate your carrots in the food processor, first use the “shred”
blade. Once your carrots are shredded, switch to the standard blade and briefly
pulse until the carrots are fine pieces. Don’t overdo this step or you’ll end up
with carrot puree (this is also why I start by using the shred blade on my
processor; I’ve found that just tossing the carrots in with my standard blade
quickly breaks down the carrots too much).


 1. Whisk together the flour, sugars, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and
    spices in a large mixing bowl.
 2. Add the oil and butter and mix well. Then, add the eggs one at a time,
    stirring well after each addition. Finally, stir in your vanilla extract.
 3. Fold in your carrots and nuts.
 4. Evenly divide the batter between two 8″ baking pans that have been greased,
    floured, and lined with parchment circles. Bake at 350F for 40 minutes or
    until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with a few moist crumbs.

 5. Let the cakes sit in their pans for 10 minutes after baking, then invert
    them onto a cooling rack. Allow the cakes to cool completely before
 6. Prepare your frosting, frost your cake, and serve!

SAM’S TIP: While a single batch of frosting will cover this cake, I typically
increase the recipe by 50% (or even double it!) to allow for a thicker coating
and decoration.


Can I use this carrot cake recipe for cupcakes?

While you could, I personally found this carrot cake recipe to be a bit too
heavy for cupcakes. Because of this, I developed a carrot cake cupcake recipe
that I would recommend using instead. It’s still flavorful and delicious, but
not so moist that it requires a fork for eating.

If you’re interested in more carrot cake variations, I also have a carrot cake
cookie recipe you can try out, too.

Can I add raisins to my cake?

Yes, you can. I’d recommend stirring in a heaping cup when you add the carrots
and (optional) nuts. The amount is up to you, about a cup should be a good

Why did my carrot cake turn green!?

The best way to prevent a green carrot cake is to peel your carrots before
shredding. If this step is skipped, the peels sometimes take on a green color
after baking. This is harmless and the cake can still be enjoyed, but it’s not
quite as attractive.
Some sources also claim that your cake may turn green if you accidentally use
too much baking soda or if you don’t mix your dry ingredients well enough (and
the baking soda isn’t evenly distributed).


Let’s bake together! I’ll be walking you through all the steps in my written
recipe and video below! If you try this recipe, be sure to tag me on Instagram,
and you can also find me on YouTube and Facebook.


A wonderfully moist, perfectly spiced carrot cake recipe.  This cake is
surprisingly simple to make and includes a step-by-step video for no-fail
results every time.

Be sure to check out the how-to video!

4.96 from 650 votes

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Course: Cake
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 30 minutes minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes minutes
Total Time: 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes
Servings: 14 slices
Calories: 533 kcal
Author: Sam Merritt


 * ▢ 2 ½ cups (315 g) all-purpose flour
 * ▢ 1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
 * ▢ 1 cup (200 g) light or dark brown sugar¹ firmly packed
 * ▢ 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
 * ▢ 1 teaspoon baking powder
 * ▢ 1 teaspoon salt
 * ▢ 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
 * ▢ ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
 * ▢ 1 cup (235 ml) cooking oil use canola, avocado, or vegetable oil
 * ▢ ½ cup (113 g) unsalted butter melted
 * ▢ 4 large eggs room temperature
 * ▢ 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
 * ▢ 3 cups (340 g) grated carrots² peel before grating
 * ▢ 1 cup (125 g) chopped walnuts or pecans optional


 * ▢ ½ cup (1 stick) (113 g) unsalted butter softened
 * ▢ 8 oz (226 g) cream cheese softened (brick-style, not spreadable)
 * ▢ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 * ▢ ¼ teaspoon salt
 * ▢ 4 cups (500 g) powdered sugar


 * ▢
   2 8" round cake pans (see notes for using different sized pans)
 * ▢
   Mixing bowls

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 * Preheat oven to 350F (175C) and prepare two 8-inch pans⁴ (see note for using
   different sized pans) by lining the bottoms with parchment paper and lightly
   greasing and flouring the sides.
 * In a large bowl, whisk together your flour, sugars, baking powder, baking
   soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
   2 ½ cups (315 g) all-purpose flour, 1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar, 1 cup
   (200 g) light or dark brown sugar¹, 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon
   baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon
   ground nutmeg
 * Add your canola oil and melted butter and stir well (batter will be pretty
   stiff and thick at this point, I usually use an electric mixer or my stand
   mixer to combine everything nicely).
   1 cup (235 ml) cooking oil, ½ cup (113 g) unsalted butter
 * Add eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each addition.
   4 large eggs
 * Stir in vanilla extract.
   1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
 * Stir in carrots and nuts (if using) until ingredients are well-combined.
   3 cups (340 g) grated carrots², 1 cup (125 g) chopped walnuts or pecans
 * Evenly divide carrot cake batter into prepared baking pans and bake on 350F
   (175C) for 40 minutes (toothpick inserted in center should come out mostly
   clean with only few moist crumbs).
 * Allow cakes to cool in the pans for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the
   edge and invert onto cooling rack to cool completely.
 * Allow cake to cool completely before covering with cream cheese frosting.


 * Combine butter and cream cheese in a large bowl and use an electric mixer to
   beat until creamy, well-combined, and lump-free.
   ½ cup (1 stick) (113 g) unsalted butter, 8 oz (226 g) cream cheese
 * Add vanilla extract and sprinkle salt into the bowl and stir well to combine.
   1 teaspoon vanilla extract, ¼ teaspoon salt
 * With mixer on low, gradually add powdered sugar until ingredients are
   completely combined (be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl with
   a spatula).
   4 cups (500 g) powdered sugar
 * Once your cake has cooled completely, cover with frosting.



Either light or dark brown sugar will work fine, dark brown sugar will make your
cake slightly more moist and rich, but light brown sugar works perfectly if you
don’t have dark on hand.


For me, this usually requires about 4 large carrots. I always peel my carrots
before grating. Make sure to use the small shred of your box grater. Another way
I like to prepare my carrots is to use the “shred” setting on my food processor
and then switch to the blade and briefly pulse the carrots so that you have fine
pieces of carrot (don’t over-do it though, or you’ll have carrot juice!).
Whatever you do, don’t use store-bought “matchstick” carrots, they’re not nearly
thin enough!


A single batch of my cream cheese frosting recipe will cover this cake, but
because I like a lot of frosting and will usually pipe decoration on the top of
the cake, I sometimes increase the recipe by 50% or even double it.


The following bake times have been reported by readers who have tried making
this cake in different sized pans. Keep in mind bake time will generally be
longer when using a glass pan, and very dark pans may require less time. The
best way to test that your cake is finished baking is to use the toothpick test:
a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake should come out with a few moist
crumbs (not wet batter) or clean.

 * Two 9″ pans: bake for approximately 30-33 minutes. 
 * 9×13″ pan: bake for approximately 45-50 minutes
 * Bundt pan: bake for approximately 55 minutes.
 * Four 6″ pans: bake for approximately 40 minutes
 * Cupcakes: See my carrot cake cupcake recipe.


If you’re eating this cake the same day you make it or within 48 hours of making
it, and you are able to store it somewhere cool and dry, you do not have to
refrigerate it–though you do want to store it in an airtight container. Any
longer than that I would recommend storing in an airtight container in the
fridge where it will keep for about 5 days.



Serving: 1slice (calories calculated with frosting but without optional nuts) |
Calories: 533kcal | Carbohydrates: 86g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat:
8g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 1g |
Cholesterol: 88mg | Sodium: 448mg | Potassium: 195mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 65g |
Vitamin A: 4283IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 84mg | Iron: 2mg

Nutritional information is based on third-party calculations and should be
considered an estimate only. Actual nutritional content will vary based upon
brands used, measuring methods, cooking method, portion sizes, and more.

Tried this recipe? Show me on Instagram!Mention @SugarSpun_Sam or tag


 * Coconut Cake
 * Carrot Cake Cookies
 * The Best Banana Cake Recipe
 * Hummingbird Cake

This recipe was originally published August 22, 2018.




Find your new favorite spring cake in this guided email series! These recipes
are perfect for celebrating birthdays, showers, Easter, or Mother's Day.

« Fudge Cookies
Gooey Butter Cookies (Made from Scratch!) »



 1. Petra
    April 29, 2024 at 6:53 am
    The cake is waaaaay too sweet. I used 2/5 of recommended sugar and it’s
    still too sweet. It lacks freshness and I find it too heavy in comparison to
    other carrot cakes that I’ve tried. Disaster.
    * Sam
      April 29, 2024 at 10:12 am
      Hi Petra! This is a dessert website and unfortunately I think you may be
      better off looking for a carrot bread (or just snacking on raw carrots).
      If you only used 3/4 cup of sugar as opposed to the 2 cups called for and
      still found it too sweet, you are just simply looking for an entirely
      different sort of recipe. With the amount/ratio of sugar you used, it no
      longer even meets the standard definition of a cake. Additionally, the
      sugar called for adds to the texture and the flavor of the cake. I am not
      surprised you found both lacking when you so substantially reduced such a
      critical ingredient for a cake.

 2. Maxine Zdebiak
    April 26, 2024 at 4:39 pm
    This is by far the best carrot cake i’ve made. Thank you
    * Sam
      April 26, 2024 at 4:57 pm
      Thank you so much for the feedback, Maxine! I’m thrilled you enjoyed the
      cake and hope you’ll find more recipes on my website that you like just as
      much! 🙂

 3. Hayley
    April 24, 2024 at 1:29 pm
    Everyone raves about this cake when I make it! It’s the best carrot cake
    I’ve ever had as well! I’m making this for my husband’s birthday in a couple
    of days, and I’m wondering if it’s okay to mix the dry ingredients only, 1
    day in advance of preparing the rest do the cake. We are traveling somewhere
    for his birthday, so I want the cake to be as fresh as possible. Thank you!
    * Sam
      April 25, 2024 at 9:20 pm
      Hi Hayley! I haven’t tried it myself. My hesitation here is that the
      moisture from the brown sugar can absorb the other ingredients and dry
      things out a little bit.

 4. Kym
    April 23, 2024 at 5:27 pm
    So moist and delish. Added raisins, fresh pineapple and bananas. Cut the oil
    and brown sugar by half.

 5. Ann Hinner
    April 22, 2024 at 8:53 pm
    Can you make just the cake ahead of time and freeze it until ready to frost?
    * Sam
      April 23, 2024 at 8:52 am
      Hi Ann! You shouldn’t have any issues freezing this cake. 🙂

 6. Haley
    April 21, 2024 at 7:47 pm
    I’ve made this twice, both times everyone said it’s the best carrot cake
    they’ve ever had. I get requests now to make it for birthdays.

 7. Aditi Dhara
    April 21, 2024 at 9:52 am
    I trust her. All her recipes are full proof and can be blindly trusted.
    This cake as usual came out soft and yummy. Thanks again !!

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