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Text Content

House of Cars Edmonton: (780) 328-4704 Located: 6103 91 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6E
 * Search Used Cars
   * View All Used Vehicles (690)
   * 17th Ave Inventory
   * 52 Street Inventory
   * Lethbridge Inventory
   * Airdrie Inventory
   * Barlow Trail Inventory
   * Chinook Inventory
   * Deerfoot Meadows Inventory
   * Edmonton Inventory
   * Macleod Trail Inventory
   * McKnight Blvd Inventory
   * Medicine Hat Inventory
   * Olympic Park Inventory
 * Get Financed
   * Apply for Financing
   * About Finance
   * Payment Calculator
 * Value Your Trade
 * Park and Sell
 * Find The Dealership
 * About Us
   * About Us
   * Contact Us
   * Careers
   * Leave Us A Review
   * Customer Testimonials
   * Blog

Apply Now


Need a vehicle with finance options to suit your needs? Fill out our quick
10-second application below to speak with one of our sales consultants today
about new financing, refinancing options or trade-Ins. Someone will be in touch
with you shortly!
 * Name*
 * Can We Text You?
    * Yes, text me

 * Phone
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      e-communications regarding sales, promotions, events and other House of
      Cars content. I can opt out of these e-communications at any time.

 * Email
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 * (780) 328-4704
 * Get Directions


 * Search Used Cars
   * View All Used Vehicles (690)
   * 17th Ave Inventory
   * 52 Street Inventory
   * Lethbridge Inventory
   * Airdrie Inventory
   * Barlow Trail Inventory
   * Chinook Inventory
   * Deerfoot Meadows Inventory
   * Edmonton Inventory
   * Macleod Trail Inventory
   * McKnight Blvd Inventory
   * Medicine Hat Inventory
   * Olympic Park Inventory
 * Get Financed
   * Apply for Financing
   * About Finance
   * Payment Calculator
 * Value Your Trade
 * Park and Sell
 * Find The Dealership
 * About Us
   * About Us
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   * Careers
   * Leave Us A Review
   * Customer Testimonials
   * Blog



There are many pre-owned car dealerships to choose from in Edmonton, but there
is only one dealership that strives to make the buying process as quick, easy
and stress-free as possible; House of Cars Edmonton! Our experts are always
readily available to serve you.


We are a company that works to offer its clients the most expansive catalogue of
vehicles in terms of brands and models that are guaranteed to meet safety and
quality standards.

Even if you do not have good credit, we still want you to take home the car of
your dreams. You read that right: We approve both good AND bad credit.

With House of Cars, you don’t have to settle for the next best thing. Our
financial experts will design a plan that caters to your needs.

This way, you can ride a car that speaks to you without breaking the bank!

We are well-known for our financial programs and our exclusive Credit Rebuild
Program. Our finance department guides our clients, so their financing plan
meets their goals.

Applying is straightforward and quick. Just follow these simple steps:

 1. Fill out our application online.
 2. While you wait for one of our team members to contact you, browse through
    our inventory and find a car that speaks to you and your needs.
 3. Once you’re contacted by one of our team members, schedule an appointment!

It’s just that easy.


For years, our experts have quickly, easily and successfully guided thousands of
customers towards buying the vehicles of their dreams with incredible financing
options. You can be next!

Our models are of the best quality, and we have the most affordable deals on the

Contact one of our experts now and start your process at House of Cars Edmonton.

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 * Contact Us
 * Hours & Directions
 * Careers
 * Employment Application
 * Our Reviews
 * Leave Us A Review
 * Useful Links
   * Auto Dealership in Edmonton
   * Used Trucks in Edmonton
   * Used SUVs in Edmonton
   * Used Cars in Edmonton
   * Used Vans in Edmonton

 * Inventory
    * Olympic Park Inventory
    * Medicine Hat Inventory
    * McKnight Blvd Inventory
    * Macleod Trail Inventory
    * Chinook Inventory
    * Barlow Trail Inventory
    * Airdrie Inventory
    * 17th Ave Inventory
    * Lethbridge Inventory

 * Finance
    * Finance Centre
    * Apply for Financing
    * Payment Calculator
    * Value Your Trade

 * Dealership
    * About Us
    * Contact Us
    * Careers

 * Social
   Follow us online and win awesome prizes and be kept up to date on all sales.
   And don’t forget to come into our showroom to play our Spin To Win Kiosk!
 * Hours
    * Mon - Thu 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    * Fri 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    * Sat 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    * Sun Closed
      By Appointment Only

 * Contact Us
   Have a question that you can't find the answer to? Please feel free to get in
   touch with one of our specialists who will be happy to assist you.
    * First Name*
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    * Message*
    * Comments
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House of Cars Edmonton 53.4974925, -113.466401.