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POST /solutions/gateway/

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="gform_5" action="/solutions/gateway/" data-formid="5" novalidate="">
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            <option value="Travel &amp; Tourism">Travel &amp; Tourism</option>
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            <option value="Other Industries">Other Industries</option>
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        data-js-reload="field_5_5"><label class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_5_5">Nett Annual Income</label>
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            <option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">Please select your revenue per annum</option>
            <option value="Less than 4.5M ZAR">Less than 4.5M ZAR</option>
            <option value="More than 4.5M ZAR">More than 4.5M ZAR</option>
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        data-js-reload="field_5_9" data-conditional-logic="hidden" style="display: none;"><img id="green-tick-pf">Our <strong> Gateway </strong> solution is best suited for you
        <a id="gform_submit_button_signup" class="get-started-btn" href="">Get Started</a>
        <a class="learn-more-btn" href="">Learn more</a>
      <div id="field_5_8"
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        data-js-reload="field_5_8" data-conditional-logic="hidden" style="display: none;"><img id="green-tick-pf">Our <strong> Aggregator </strong> solution is best suited for you <a id="gform_submit_button_signup" class="get-started-btn" href="">Get Started</a>
        <a class="learn-more-btn" href="">Learn more</a>
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 * Solutions
   * GatewayPaygate offers your business a fully supported payment gateway
   * EcommerceReceive payments instantly on your online store
   * InvoicingAllow your customers to pay your invoices online
   * Event TicketingSell event tickets on a platform or your website
   * Accepting DonationsRaise funds online and benefit from reduced fees
 * Features
   * Payment MethodsEnable 18+ different payment methods
   * Onsite PaymentsEnable an onsite checkout experience
   * SubscriptionsSchedule payments at regular intervals
   * Payment RequestAccept payments via email
   * TokenizationAccept recurring credit card payments
   * Merchant RefundRefund your customers directly
   * Multi-Currency PaymentsAccept payments in almost any currency
   * Split PaymentsInstantly split a payment with a 3rd party
   * Easy AdvanceAccess business funding
   * PaybillGateway e-billing
   * PaybatchGateway batched payments
 * Integration
   * PluginsChoose from 70+ existing platforms
   * Pay Now ButtonsAdd payment buttons wherever you need them
   * Custom IntegrationCreate a custom integration with Payfast
   * Submit Plugin SolutionList your plugin on our website
   * Developer Documentation
   * Getting Started
   * API Integration
   * Split Payments
   * Testing and Tools
   * Developer FAQ
 * Fees
 * Resources
   * ResourcesPayfast resources to help your business
   * BlogThe latest Payfast news and updates
   * Merchant FAQsMost popular FAQs answered
   * Knowledge BaseFind answers to all your Payfast questions
   * Case StudiesHow businesses of all sizes are using Payfast
   * Press ReleasesPayfast in the news
 * About Us

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 * Solutions
   * GatewayPaygate offers your business a fully supported payment gateway
   * EcommerceReceive payments instantly on your online store
   * InvoicingAllow your customers to pay your invoices online
   * Event TicketingSell event tickets on a platform or your website
   * Accepting DonationsRaise funds online and benefit from reduced fees
 * Features
   * Payment MethodsEnable 18+ different payment methods
   * Onsite PaymentsEnable an onsite checkout experience
   * SubscriptionsSchedule payments at regular intervals
   * Payment RequestAccept payments via email
   * TokenizationAccept recurring credit card payments
   * Merchant RefundRefund your customers directly
   * Multi-Currency PaymentsAccept payments in almost any currency
   * Split PaymentsInstantly split a payment with a 3rd party
   * Easy AdvanceAccess business funding
   * PaybillGateway e-billing
   * PaybatchGateway batched payments
 * Integration
   * PluginsChoose from 70+ existing platforms
   * Pay Now ButtonsAdd payment buttons wherever you need them
   * Custom IntegrationCreate a custom integration with Payfast
   * Submit Plugin SolutionList your plugin on our website
   * Developer Documentation
   * Getting Started
   * API Integration
   * Split Payments
   * Testing and Tools
   * Developer FAQ
 * Fees
 * Resources
   * ResourcesPayfast resources to help your business
   * BlogThe latest Payfast news and updates
   * Merchant FAQsMost popular FAQs answered
   * Knowledge BaseFind answers to all your Payfast questions
   * Case StudiesHow businesses of all sizes are using Payfast
   * Press ReleasesPayfast in the news
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Paygate offers your business a fully supported payment gateway that is secure,
scalable and efficient to help your business grow in a competitive digital

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Select the answers that best describe your business to get started.

Please select your industryAmusement, Entertainment, TicketingAuctionsBeauty &
Cosmetic StoresBettingBusiness ServicesCar Rental CompaniesClothing &
AccessoriesContracting ServicesCourier ServicesDiscount
StoresEducationElectronicsFinancingFood & DrinkFurniture & Home
FurnishingsGames, Toys, Hobbies, StationaryGeneral MerchandiseInsuranceIT
ServicesLoansLodgingMarketplaceNewspapers, Books, PublishingOrganisations
Charitable & Social ServicesPharmacyProfessional Services &
MembershipsSpeciality RetailTelecommunicationsTeleservicesTobacco, Cigarettes,
Cigars & VapesTravel & TourismUtility ServicesOther Industries
Nett Annual Income
Please select your revenue per annumLess than 4.5M ZARMore than 4.5M ZAR
Our Gateway solution is best suited for you Get Started Learn more
Our Aggregator solution is best suited for you Get Started Learn more

Fully supported payment infrastructure for enterprise applications

Multi-user access control tailored to suit your business

Reconcile transactions 
and view intuitive reports from a single dashboard

Acquirer agnostic across all major institutions in South Africa


With infrastructure designed to support complex applications, our payment
gateway solution provides peace of mind to not only some of South Africa’s
largest online retailers, but also to the leading banking institutions in the
country, as a trusted online payment gateway. 

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Built by developers, our gateway solution offers integrations into leading
plugins, shopping carts, and booking systems for safe and quick deployment. 


Protect card holder data with the highest level of compliance achievable in the


We are trusted by some of South Africa’s leading enterprises to securely manage
and process their digital transactions with our proactive approach to fraud and


Our online payment methods offers you the ability
to accept payment securely from multiple localised payment methods and globally
recognised card associations.




With years of technical experience, we continuously enhance our systems to
support some of South Africa’s largest industries such as tourism, gaming and
retail. Our sales team offers support for the most bespoke solutions.


Designed with developers in mind, we take the guess work out of choosing
the right solution for your client or your business with easy to use APIs and
pre-built integrations


An easy and secure way for a customer to make payments via a hosted payment page
on the merchant’s website.

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Our enterprise API provides flexible integration with a host of applications
supporting ecommerce, mobile payments and many more.

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An easy and secure way for a customer to make payments via a hosted payment page
on the merchant’s website.

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Our enterprise API provides flexible integration with a host of applications
supporting ecommerce, mobile payments and many more.

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Choosing between a Payment Aggregator and Payment Gateway is an important
decision for your business. We’ve taken a bit of the guess work out to show you
a few key differences.




 * Plug and play shopping cart or custom integration options available
 * Onboarding between 24 to 48 hours
 * Net settlement every 48 hours
 * Alternate payment methods available immediately on a verified account
 * Caters for small to medium enterprises
 * Scalable solutions offered for larger enterprises requiring unique




 * Ecommerce Shopping Cart Plugins and integrations with leading travel &
   hospitality booking engines
 * Non redirect integration options available for PCI compliant merchants
 * Bank dependent onboarding
 * Real-time gross settlement
 * Alternate payment methods direct with providers
 * Suited to enterprise and complex business applications
 * Merchants process through their own banking relationship
 * Virtual Point of Sale available to process card not present transactions

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 * Solutions
 * Gateway
 * Ecommerce
 * Event Ticketing
 * Invoicing
 * Accepting Donations

 * Features
 * Payment Methods
 * Subscriptions
 * Tokenization
 * Split Payments
 * Onsite Payments
 * Payment Request
 * Multi-Currency Pricing
 * Merchant Refund
 * Easy Advance

 * Integration
 * Plugins
 * Pay Now Buttons
 * Custom Integration
 * Submit Plugin Solution
 * Developer Documentation
 * System Status
 * Gateway System Status

 * Contact
 * + 27 (0)21 300 4455
 * Top FAQs
 * Help Center
 * Contact Sales

© 2024 - Payfast | All rights reserved
Legal Compliance PCI-DSS Level 1 Service Provider Modern Slavery Act


 * About Us
 * Solutions
   * Solutions
   * GatewayPaygate offers your business a fully supported payment gateway
   * EcommerceReceive payments instantly on your online store
   * Event TicketSell event tickets on a platform or your website
   * InvoicingAllow your customers to pay your invoices online
   * Accepting DonationsRaise funds online and benefit from reduced fees
 * Features
   * Features
   * Payment MethodsEnable up to 18+ different payment methods
   * SubscriptionsSchedule payments at regular intervals
   * TokenizationAccept recurring credit card payments
   * Split PaymentsInstantly split a payment with a 3rd party
   * Onsite PaymentsEnable an onsite checkout experience
   * Merchant RefundRefund your customers directly
   * Multi-Currency PricingAccept payments in almost any currency
   * Easy AdvanceAccess business funding
   * Payfast DashboardManage your Payfast account and access real-time reports
 * Integration
   * Integration
   * PluginsChoose from 70+ existing platforms
   * Pay Now ButtonsAdd payment buttons wherever you need them
   * Custom IntegrationCreate a custom integration with Payfast
   * Submit Plugin SolutionList your plugin on our website
 * Fees
 * Resources
   * Resources
   * Payfast Guide To Going OnlineHow to start and run your online store
   * Payfast BlogThe latest Payfast news and updates
   * Merchant FAQsMost popular FAQs answered
   * Press ReleasesPayfast in the news
   * Dev Docs
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