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URL: https://www.restlesschipotle.com/buttermilk-bread
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Home » Recipes » Buttermilk Bread Recipes


Published: Jun 26, 2022 Last Updated: Dec 18, 2020 by Marye 2555 words. | About
13 minutes to read this article.

This easy buttermilk bread recipe rises high, light, and fluffy! Honey gives it
a little touch of sweetness that's just delicious! It's a simple country loaf
that the whole family will love!

Total time 5 hours 15 minutes
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If you love warm bread fresh from the oven (with butter melting on top) as much
as we do you'll find tons more homemade bread recipes here.

Don't you just want to spread a ton of butter on a thick, warm slice of this
honey buttermilk bread? I do!

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 * 🧾 Ingredients
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 * There's nothing like the taste (and smell!) of homemade bread!
 * Over 900 5 star reviews plus lots of rave reviews on Pinterest and Facebook.
 * This easy bread recipe has been in the top 3 on Google since I published it
   in 2008!

This truly is a no fail buttermilk bread recipe - millions of readers have tried
it and loved it because it comes out delicious, light and fluffy every time!

If you've never worked with homemade yeast dough before take a look at this
breadmaking guide before you get started. It answers about any question you
could have.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Definitely 5 Stars Thank You for posting these awesome recipes. Having you
with your background and experience post for all of us who are always looking to
find a better way of preparing delicious food is remarkable!! I personally want
to Thank You for your kindness and thoughtfulness!💕💕💕. Debra A.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Just made this for the first time, I have never made bread like this. I
was worried because the buttermilk mixture was so fluffy but this bread turned
out AMAZING! Such a good flavor! It’s subtly sweet and has great texture. Thanks
for the recipe! Stacy


This is an overview of the ingredients. You'll find the full measurements and
instructions in the green recipe card (printable) at the bottom of the page.

Honey buttermilk bread is so unbelievably light that no one will believe it's
made from scratch.

Here are the ingredients for this soft sandwich bread.
 * I used active dry yeast but you can use rapid rise if you want - just follow
   the instructions on the packet of yeast.
 * Buttermilk in bread adds a little flavor but mostly it creates that soft,
   tender crumb we all love. If you don't have any you can make homemade
 * Salt - kosher salt was used. If you use regular table salt cut the amount by
   about ¼th or so.
 * Bread flour - you can use all purpose flour if you like. There might be a
   tiny difference in how high it rises. Take a look at this list of different
   types of flour and how to use them.


This is an overview of the instructions. Full instructions are in the green
recipe card at the bottom of the page.

Just follow the images to see how to mix, knead, and shape this easy, homemade
sandwich loaf.


How to mix and knead homemade buttermilk bread.

 1. Mix the sugar, ginger, yeast, and warm water in a small bowl and set aside
    until foamy.
 2. Whisk the buttermilk, honey, salt, and baking soda together in a large bowl.
 3. Add it to the yeast mixture.
 4. Pour into the bowl of a stand mixer.
 5. Add three cups of flour and mix until smooth, about 3 to 5 minutes on low
    speed of a stand mixer.
 6. Pour in the butter and blend.
 7. Switch to kneading hook (dough hook attachment). Add the rest of the flour,
    one cup at a time, keeping mixer on low speed.
 8. When buttermilk dough pulls from the sides of the bowl remove it from the
    mixer to a lightly floured work surface. Knead it by hand a few times until
    elastic and smooth
 9. Place dough in greased mixing bowl, turn to grease the top, and cover with a
    clean tea towel. Let rise about 1 ½ hours.


How to shape homemade sandwich bread step by step.

 1. Punch dough down. You'll want to give it a gentle kneading for a minute or
    two but nothing like the first time! Don't over-knead it.
 2. Shape into loaves.
 3. Place loaves in bread pans and let rise until double. Bake.
 4. Remove finished loaves from oven. Brush with butter.
 5. Cool on a wire rack and slice.
 6. Perfect!


Many of you have asked how to make buttermilk bread in a bread machine. One
reader, Debbie, did and this is what she said:

"If you want to make it and bake it in a bread machine cut the buttermilk bread
recipe in half, set it on white bread setting, and add ingredients in this order
(or according to your manufacturer's instructions):

 1. Water
 2. Buttermilk
 3. Butter
 4. Honey
 5. Sugar
 6. Salt
 7. Flour mixed with ginger and baking soda
 8. Yeast


Click on the image to watch me knead this. (Video opens in a new tab).


Homemade bread doesn't last long after it's baked. You can wrap it tightly in
plastic wrap or place in an airtight storage container and keep it at room
temperature for about 2 days.

For longer storage cool completely, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, then aluminum
foil, and freeze for up to 3 months.

I like to cut it in slices and freeze with a piece of wax paper or parchment
paper between the slices. That way I can just thaw what I need without thawing
the whole loaf.

To freeze unbaked dough you'll want to double the amount of yeast called for in
the recipe and then freeze the dough after shaping it into loaves.

When ready to bake let the loaves thaw overnight in the refrigerator then finish
rising at room temperature. It will take a bit longer to rise than normal.

Bake as directed in the recipe.

Buttermilk bread has the softest crumb and velvety texture!


This is one of those easy bread recipes that you can change up by adding other

 * Knead in raisins and add sugar and cinnamon before shaping for a wonderful
   cinnamon raisin bread - use shaping instructions in this cinnamon swirl bread
 * The rich texture of buttermilk bread makes it perfect for slicing thickly and
   making into French toast.
 * If it gets a bit stale make it into bread pudding. Yum!
 * This makes a great buttermilk dinner rolls recipe, too! Just shape into rolls
   and bake at 375f for 10 to 15 minutes.


Expert tip: You may need more or less flour than called for in the recipe.
Weather and climate can affect your ingredients - humidity will often mean
you'll need at least an extra ¼ cup or so of flour. If you bake bread on a rainy
day it will rise higher than on a clear one due to air pressure!

 * Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature.
 * Use yeast that is within the sell by date. If your bread dough isn't rising
   well it could be that the yeast is too old.
 * If you're short on time you can let the bread rise in the refrigerator
   overnight for either the first or second rising time.
 * The baking soda does two things… It works with the acid in the buttermilk to
   help the bread rise high and light and balances any off tastes from the acids
   in the buttermilk.
 * Make sure your liquids are not hotter than 110F. Check with an insta-read
   thermometer. If the liquids are too hot the yeast will die.
 * Be sure to fully knead the dough. It develops the flavor and texture - and
   will take 8 to 10 minutes by hand of kneading vigorously.
 * Grease the top of the dough before rising.
 * Let dough rise in a warm spot. A draft-free place is best.
 * If you like the crust a darker golden brown brush it with egg yolk mixed with
   a teaspoon of water just before putting in the oven.
 * Cool the baked bread in the pan for 10 minutes then turn out to finish
 * Brush the loaves with butter while still hot and then cover with a clean tea
   towel while cooling for soft crusts.
 * Here's how to use up that leftover buttermilk!


If you're having problems with yeast doughs and homemade bread I have answers!

 * Yeast Bread Baking Tips Part 1
 * Yeast Bread Baking Tips Part 2
 * Yeast Bread Troubleshooting

Also - these tips on getting your homemade bread to rise properly are what keep
mine high and light!

👩‍🍳 FAQS

Can you substitute sugar for the honey in this buttermilk bread recipe?

Yes! This bread recipe is made with honey but you can use sugar in it instead.
Use an equal amount or slightly less sugar.

What bread pans are best?

My favorite is glass.
The loaves bake evenly and the crust is perfect. I've heard good things about
cast iron but I haven't tried it yet. Aluminum or metal pans are fine if that's
what you have - your crust may brown faster so watch it.

How do you keep homemade bread crusts soft?

Rub the crusts with butter and cover with a tea towel as soon as you bring them
out of the oven if you like soft crust.

How do you keep crust crispy?

If you want a crusty bread don't cover it as it's cooling. You can also brush it
with egg white blended with 1 teaspoon of water before baking.

How do I know when it is done?

You can use an insta-read thermometer if you like. Push it into the side of the
loaf - the center of the bread should be about 200F.
You can also turn the loaf out and tap the bottom. It will sound hollow. After
you've baked bread a few times you'll just know.

How to make fluffy bread

Try removing a tablespoon of flour and adding a tablespoon of wheat gluten for
every cup of flour you add to the bread. This helps it rise better and stay
light and fluffy.

Can I use a food processor instead of a mixer?

Sure, you'll need to halve the recipe and follow the manufacturer's
instructions. Be careful not to overknead.

Keep the crust soft by brushing it with butter while it's still hot then
covering with a tea towel.


 * Whole Wheat Bread Recipe is similar to this buttermilk white bread but in a
   whole grain loaf.
 * English Muffin Bread (Takes an Hour) is an easy, no knead bread that tastes
   exactly like an English muffin! It's one of the most popular bread recipes on
   Restless Chipotle.
 * Honey Oatmeal Bread is a soft sandwich bread that's perfect for peanut butter
   & jelly sammiches!
 * Rustic Bread in a Cloche is an artisan loaf with a crispy crust. SO good.
 * Multigrain Bread is nutritious and full of omega-3s BUT it's also delicious!
 * Muesli Bread is my favorite for morning toast.
 * Sour Dough Bread (no knead) is perfect for beginners.
 * Jewish Rye has that tangy rye flavor - I have the secret!
 * Clover Leaf Dinner Rolls are just like Grandma used to make! Soft and fluffy.

 * Overnight Pecan Cinnamon Rolls
 * Cinnamon Swirl Bread Recipe
 * Whole Wheat Bread Recipe: Honey Cracked Wheat
 * Angel Biscuits Recipe : Easy Biscuits Made with Yeast


This bread makes delicious sandwiches! Try it with -

 * Tuna salad
 * Chicken salad
 * Pimento cheese
 * Ham salad
 * Tomato sandwiches


This country white bread is a classic recipe that you'll use again and again!

If you click on the number of servings in the recipe card you can adjust the
measurements up or down for the exact number of servings you need. Don't forget
that you can click on "add to collection" to save it to your own, private recipe

If you love this recipe please give it 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


4.62 from 1113 votes


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This easy buttermilk bread recipe rises high, light, and fluffy! Honey gives it
a little touch of sweetness that's just delicious! It's a simple country loaf
that the whole family will love!

Course Yeast Bread
Cuisine Amercian Heritage

Prep Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Rising time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Total Time: 5 hours 15 minutes

Servings:20 (2 loaves)
Author:Marye Audet-White
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


 * ▢
   Heavy Duty Stand Mixer
 * ▢
   Glass Bread Pans You can use metal bread pans if you want. I just prefer


 * ▢ 1 tablespoon yeast, or 1 packet
 * ▢ 1 pinch powdered ginger
 * ▢ 1 teaspoon sugar
 * ▢ ¼ cup water, warm, 105F - 110F
 * ▢ 2 cups cultured buttermilk, warm, 105F - 110F
 * ▢ ⅓ cup honey
 * ▢ 1 teaspoon kosher salt, if using table salt use ¾ teaspoon
 * ▢ ¾ teaspoon baking soda
 * ▢ 6 cups bread flour, you may use all-purpose flour
 * ▢ ¼ cup butter, melted and cooled so that it is warm to the touch but not

US Customary - Metric


 * In a medium sized bowl mix the yeast, ginger, sugar, and 110F water.
 * Set aside for 5 minutes or until foamy.
 * Whisk the buttermilk, honey, salt, and baking soda together and add it to the
   yeast mixture.
 * Add three cups of flour and mix until smooth, about 3 to 5 minutes on low of
   a stand mixer.
 * Pour in the butter until it is totally mixed into the batter.
 * Add the rest of the flour, one cup at a time, keeping mixer on low speed.
 * When dough pulls from the sides of the bowl remove it from the mixer to a
   lightly floured surface. Knead until elastic and smooth. You can also knead
   in your mixer according to manufacturer's directions.
 * Place in greased bowl, turn to grease the top, and cover bowl with a clean
   tea towel.
 * Allow the dough to rise for 1 ½ hours, or until double.
 * Punch down and form into two loaves. Place each in a greased loaf pan with
   seam sides down. Grease tops.
 * Cover, and allow to rise in a warm place for 45 minutes, or until it is just
   about to the tops of the bread pans.
 * Preheat oven to 375F.
 * Bake for 30 minutes. You can cover the tops with foil if they brown too fast.
 * Remove from oven and brush top of the loaves with melted butter. Place on
   cooling rack.
 * Allow to cool in pans for 10 minutes.
 * Gently run a knife around the edge between the bread and the pan to loosen
 * Turn out and cool completely on a rack.
 * Cover the loaves if you want soft crusts.


You can use any bread pans that you have - I just prefer glass. The ones I use
are 9x4 pyrex which I believe are the 1.5 quart size.


 * Expert tip: You may need more or less flour than called for in the recipe.
   Weather and climate can affect your ingredients - humidity will often mean
   you'll need at least an extra ¼ cup or so of flour. If you bake bread on a
   rainy day it will rise higher than on a clear one due to air pressure!
   * Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature.
   * Use yeast that is within the sell by date. If your bread dough isn't rising
     well it could be that the yeast is too old..
   * Make sure your liquids are not more than 110F. Check with a insta-read
     thermometer. If the liquids are too hot the yeast will die.
   * Be sure to fully knead the dough. It develops the flavor and texture - and
     will take 8 to 10 minutes by hand.
   * Grease the top of the dough before rising.
   * Let the dough rise in a warm spot.
   * If you feel the bread gets too brown at 375f bake at 350 f. 
   * Cool the baked bread in the pan for 10 minutes then turn out to finish
   * Brush the loaves with butter while still hot and then cover with a clean
     tea towel while cooling for soft crusts.

No buttermilk? Try this Amish White Bread!

Need to adjust for high altitude? Check out the instructions from Utah State


Calories: 188kcal | Carbohydrates: 33g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat:
2g | Cholesterol: 8mg | Sodium: 183mg | Potassium: 72mg | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A:
110IU | Calcium: 34mg | Iron: 0.4mg


We'll never share your email or send you spam. Pinkie swear.

This recipe has been undated from the original 2008 version to improve reader
experience. Last updated June 26, 2022 for more information and better

Free Bread Baking Mini Series

Get my bread making tips and tricks in this 2 week bread baking email mini

 * Equipment
 * Ingredients
 * Rising
 * Kneading
 * Shaping
 * Plus I'll walk you step by step through making 2 different loaves of homemade
   bread. Recipes included!

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Classic Tomato Sandwich with Mayo »
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With a 40 year focus on the importance of family and a passion for southern
comfort food, Marye Audet-White is an expert in melding the two together
effortlessly. Marye's a NY Times Bestselling author with 10 cookbooks under her
belt and her recipes have been featured in Good Housekeeping, Country Living,
Today, House Beautiful, Texas Living, Food & Wine, and many more.



 1. Susan McGuire
    July 05, 2022 at 3:38 pm
    I made this today and must say it is absolutely the best recipe I have ever
    tried. Thank you so much for an incredible recipe. Best bread I have made -

 2. Carey Roberts
    June 08, 2022 at 9:30 am
    I'm excited to make this bread but so curious what the ginger does? Never
    seen it in a bread recipe before.
    * Marye
      June 10, 2022 at 12:49 am
      It's an old trick to activate the yeast.

 3. Mayra Fernandez
    June 02, 2022 at 7:36 am
    Best bread recipe ever! Thanks!

 4. jb
    April 23, 2022 at 8:10 pm
    love this recipe. tender and the honey adds just the right touch.

 5. Anne
    April 11, 2022 at 3:33 pm
    I used 3 cups white flour and two cups w/w. I Used two tsps of vinegar in
    the milk as I didn’t have buttermilk. This bread is the best I’ve made in my
    56 yrs of bread making. Tasty and very light! Thankyou Marye!

 6. Debra
    April 07, 2022 at 2:54 pm
    I posted about the slow rise of this recipe. I will do a couple of things
    differently next time. I will put my yeast into the dry ingredients and I
    will lower the temp of the oven to 350. In my oven 375 is just too hot and
    even covered the bread got too brown. The taste of the bread is really good
    and overall the recipe works. I just have to do those two things. I will
    definitely make this again. Thanks

 7. Debra
    April 06, 2022 at 12:33 pm
    I have this bread in the oven for the first rise and it's taking so long,
    over an 1 1/2. I have a gas oven with proof and it never has failed to get
    my dough to rise. I'm used to baking bread as we never buy bread from the
    store. Mine takes about 50 minutes, I did your recipe as written so I'm
    waiting to see if it's the fact that I never put my yeast in a bowl to foam
    but mix it with the flour and add it dry to my mix. My yeast is fresh
    because I made 6 loaves the other day! I sure hope this works out. I'll let
    you know. IT sounds delicious, I'm just having some questions.
    * Barb
      April 22, 2022 at 3:28 pm
      It took longer than an hour and a half to rise. However it is a delicious
      bread and very easy to make. I have been baking Red for 50 years. I will
      be keeping this recipe and using it More frequently. The only thing
      different I would do is to let the yeast set a little longer than five
      minutes. Love the recipe I will be making this more often. My husband
      loves the spread now.

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Hey Y'all, I'm Marye.

NY Times bestselling author. Written over 10 cookbooks. Mom of 8 kids.
Homeschooling mom for 22 years. Army veteran. Nothing fazes me & together we're
going to get the kind of meals on your table that you (and your family) have
been dreaming of. 

More about me →


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