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by SubZeroWins
C++ Questions (1,2,3,...,8,9,10,11)   [Beginners]
1) Why does "&myChar " act differently in 2 different contexts? [code] char*
pointer = &myChar[0]; //ALSO WORKS!!! [/code] Above, it actually return th...
Apr 18, 2024 at 12:07am2024-04-18T07:07:45.000Z
[201 replies] Last: I have been dinkin' around with VS since VS 6 in an AMD 1Ghz
single co... (by George P)

by SubZeroWins
What windows/gui library? (1,2)   [Lounge]
What windows/gui library would you fellas recommend for someone starting out as
their first entry? I know some SDL, but I am curious what you would have
Apr 17, 2024 at 10:51pm2024-04-18T05:51:03.000Z
[30 replies] Last: How do you treat these books and how much have you memorized
vs refer... (by zapshe)

by Duthomhas
Finally switched to Linux Mint (1,2,3)   [Lounge]
Got a new PC (finally) and since it is really nice, modern hardware I am finally
making the move from Windows. I liked[/i] Windows 7. Very clean, good OS. Wi...
Apr 17, 2024 at 8:23pm2024-04-18T03:23:16.000Z
[44 replies] Last: I think the last time I actually had to reinstall[/i] an OS
that I ma... (by Duthomhas)

by zapshe
I've been working an odd job   [Lounge]
I've been doing this remote job where you train an AI. You give the AI a prompt,
it does the code, you evaluate and critique the code if need be. Pays pretty
Apr 16, 2024 at 10:00pm2024-04-17T05:00:48.000Z
[5 replies] Last: app.dataannotation.tech There is a coding assessment you have
to pass... (by zapshe)

by Cplusc
C1090 error (1,2)   [General C++ Programming]
I am getting the following annoying and frustrating error which appeared
suddenly out of nowhere. the code was working just fine and I don't know what
Apr 16, 2024 at 8:42pm2024-04-17T03:42:30.000Z
[22 replies] Last: What makes Windows 11 so significantly different that it has
incompat... (by George P)

by PacR
Read nested structures from file.   [General C++ Programming]
Hi guyz im having trouble reading structures from text file containing: // this
is example.txt structname1{ hp 50 mp 10 structname2{ ...
Apr 16, 2024 at 2:46am2024-04-16T09:46:09.000Z
[19 replies] Last: As another take on this, consider: #include <iostream>
#include <fs... (by seeplus)

by lostwithcpp
How to find the Type of a struct that is passed as an argument and the template
arguments for a lambda function?   [General C++ Programming]
The question I have pertains to the type of the structs that are passed as a
function argument into this function template<class Arg> Result operator()(A...
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:08pm2024-04-15T01:08:53.000Z
[5 replies] Last: thanks for all the help (by lostwithcpp)

by seeplus
Guidelines are not rules   [Lounge]
See: https://arne-mertz.de/2024/03/core-guidelines-are-not-rules/
Apr 14, 2024 at 12:40pm2024-04-14T19:40:57.000Z
[9 replies] Last: There were rules?[/quote] "There are rules, and then there are
[b]rul... (by George P)

by cn00by
"large" project, crashes, variable "overlap", gdb   [General C++ Programming]
hello, i searching for days for an Segmentation fault. What i ve done: i try: -
valgrind - gdb - comment the most c++ code out my problem, if i comme...
Apr 12, 2024 at 8:01am2024-04-12T15:01:52.000Z
[1 reply] : The code that you have posted does not contain any header files. If
t... (by Peter87)

how can I generalize a structure using templates?   [General C++ Programming]
Hi, This is something I don't want to write for each table in a database and am
sure templates would be excellent for this kind of work.. but how? struct Pa...
Apr 10, 2024 at 4:48pm2024-04-10T23:48:50.000Z
[5 replies] Last: used templates! (by JUANDENT)

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