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Submission: On August 01 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form autocomplete="off" class="c-form">
  <div class="c-form-field">
    <div class="c-form-field-wrapper"><input id="input-title" type="text" tabindex="-1" maxlength="100" placeholder="Enter your suggestion here..." value=""></div>

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BirdSend Feedback
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Have an idea or suggestion for improvement / new feature for BirdSend?

We implement based on the volume of requests, and we prioritize existing
customers over non-customers.

Post them below and we'll see what we can do! 😎


More detailed optin form creation

Be able to create an optin form that lets us do an "ASK Method" type survey so
we can send them to specific landing pages depending on their answer

on the main contact page I want to see tags

I would like to be able to see at a glance what tags are associated with each


This is already on the to-do list.

Assign conversion to contact manually

I have a customer that wasn't recorded as conversion because I think he didn't
visit my thank you page or he closed the browser in the middle of funnel.

It would be great if I can assign a conversion to this customer manually.


While waiting for this to be implemented, there is a workaround for now.

Import your contact and then use this feature that we've released recently:

to bring over your "Conversion".

This works when importing new as well as existing contacts.

Change Sequence number manually

At the moment you can assign and delete sequences from a contact but you cant
change the number in the "[ ]" brackets.

Send a webhook when a rule is triggered

This is useful when you want to notify external scripts/services of certain
events that happened.

Introduce the valuation of contacts

Introduce the valuation of contacts according to your commitment to our

What links or buttons are working best within the body of the message?

Enter this feature:

Within the body of the email there are a series of links, how can we know which
links or buttons have worked best?

That way we can better determine our calls to action and buttons to capture the
attention of the prospect or client

More options for custom fields

Currently you can only select text or text area for custom fields. Please also
allow "drop down list" where visitor can select from a list of options.


This is planned.

Pass custom fields to thank you page url

So that we can grab the custom fields data.


This planned.

Track how many people responded / replied to email

I would love to have a tag or similar for people who already responded. Or a
value like "responded 4 times". That way I could send special email broadcasts
only to people who responded more at least 2 times so I can be sure that these
people are valuable customers.

Allow conditional content in an email

So there could be a paragraph that excludes a tag so people with that tag (maybe
they already bought a product) don't get that paragraph.

Ability to record conversion for recurring offers

This is useful when we are selling subscription-based offers.


This is planned.

Embed sign-up URL in Contact Info

I have a sign-up form in my footer on all pages of my site. I would like to see
what URL/page on my site they signed up from. (I could see this in Aweber when I
clicked on a contact to view their details).


We have this is mind!

Provide the ability to change the font in emails (Verdana, Georgia, etc)

Let me send winner of a split test to unopens after x hours

I love the feature to let me send the winner of a split test to unopens but the
only option is after days not hours. Often, an offer expires that night and so I
want people to see it later in the day. Since it's only going to unopens, I
don't think anyone will mind. I'd like to be able to set it to 5 hours later,
for example.

Let me limit the sequence-analytics for a date range

I want to be able to see what my changes in an email did to e.g. click through
rate or open rate. Please let me limit the sequence analytics for a date range,
like I only want to see the analytics for the last week or for 1st february to
1st march.

Can we connect our Zaxaa account to Birdsend to do sales tracking?

I'd like to do this instead of setting up conversion tracking on my website as I
have many websites that direct sales to my Zaxaa account. It would be much more
convenient for me to track sales by installing some kind of tracking within my
Zaxaa account rather than having to install the tracking code on multiple

Add raw opens

Currently the system is set to show us unique email opens.

Please include raw opens.

So if John opens an email 2 times, show us also that the raw open = 2.


Resend Option

Please adding new resend option to unopened email for less than 24 hours after
sending first broadcast....

Search for people who don't have a tag

Sometimes, I forget to tag an import or just make a mistake so I want to be able
to make sure everyone has a tag. Right now, there's no way to search for people
who have no tag.

Refer to previous emails as I could with Aweber

Hello, with Aweber I could refer back to a previous email (aweber provided a
link to the previous email). I can't find where that is in Birdsend. So if I
want to say in an email "if you missed me explaining that, you can catch it in
this email from a week ago" (And give the link). How can I do that in Birdsend,
please? Thank you.

request "required" feature

Hello, I want to need a required feature that works in the plugin Genesis eNews

Can you help me?

thank you

Suggested time for higher open rates

I would like to see the ability to have suggested time for higher open rates for
my emails.

Tree-style visual campaign builder like in Mautic, Activecampaign, and

Tree-style visual campaign builder gives a lot more flexibility when selling
multiple products.

Let's say you have Product A and Product B. When someone purchases Product A,
you want to send emails that promote Product B.

But if they purchase both Product A and Product B, you want to send emails that
promote Product C.

It's theoretically possible to do this in the current interface, but it's way
too confusing, and it doesn't actually work.


We do have plans for this.

Passing conversion variables dynamically through the BirdSend conversion pixel

The ability to dynamically pass through variable such as "Product Price" and
"Product Name" through the BirdSend conversion pixel.

Currently I'm doing it via Forms, by using a "Post-Sumission Automation" ->
"Record a conversion", and a conversion value associated with the conversion.

However, this doesn't work when I am running say a 50% off sale on the same
product. I could create a separate form and a separate conversion for this, but
this is a lot of extra work.

allow automations to be scheduled for specific times in future

I would like it if I could be able to have individual contacts to start an
automation campaign on specific dates in the future. Right now if I want to
begin an automation campaign for a client on a specific date in the future, I
would need to mark it down on my calendar to remind me to do it manually. Thank

ip address of contacts at opt in

I would like to see the IP address of my contacts of at least the computer
they're using when they opt in. It can sometimes help determine if it's a legit
optin when I look up the IP address. It would also allow me to block abusive IP
addresses from accessing my site.

Pageview -> (un)subscribe

Hi guys,
since I have the pixel on all websites, it would be great to take someone who
hits my thank-you page after buying something from my normal optin sequence
(unsubscribe) and automaticall subscribe them to my clients sequence

Ability to change the image source for an existing image

The ability to click on an image and change the image source. Right now you have
to delete the present image, insert a new image then update the Title, caption,
etc.. By being able to edit the current image, it would save a few steps since
some of the information often remain the same.

show custom field on contacts page

e.g. I would like to see ORGANISATION name (in addition to email / name)
It take time to have to click thru to the details

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