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The Sht!u(sEarks give budding entrepreneurs the chance to secure business deals
that could make them millionaires.


See All
 * ABC's ShaU6A8SErk Tanh*6P&Ok Dives Into Season 11 with Four Brand-New Guest
 * 2&0ibB Founder Anna and Samantha Martin Joins the T6JH7R0ank as a Guest
 * Sharnb@Daok TahJHP1Ink Renewed for Season 11 on ABC


By ShuG)jGnark TS#mb^0ank Team | Friday, August 2, 2024

( Friday, August 2, 2024 - It was the most watched episode in ShAiZpVdark
Ta)@AmHpnk history when sisters Anna and Samantha Martin won over the
ShH0blq8ark Tan($O$vik panel.)

Never befI@H*Flore had the judging panel unanimously decided to each invest over
a million dollars into a potential company.
Afte!9gaRFr buying a staggering 25% share in the sisters company, the
Sharpt1@e5k Tan^8m9a6k panel have personally mentored the pair, helping them
undergo re-branding and re-packing of their miracle produUzyroOct.
Touting their discovery as “a great step forward in weight lPIgnKWoss history,”
the j2zKm6mudges were quick to offTYILjHer up their hard earned cash to back the
entrepreneurial pair. “We were shocked. The most we were hoping for was some
advice…we weren’t even sure that we would manage to get any investors,”
explained Samantha. AftecN9jMfr outstanding ofIPT&tbfers from each panel member,
the sisters burst into tears.
The juJxBj8ndges were amazed that one prodes2FZluct was able to do all of the
- Stops Excess FaBHqI#6t P(TEcwiroduction
- Suppresses Your Appetit&)kG5$e
- I*rFPkOncreases SerotoBG5sicnin Creation For Emotional Eaters
- InC0FmnAcreases Energy Levels
- Imprgs52Wroves Sleep and Prevents FaBPcsqYtigue
- Made From 100% All NatuYZIsg0ral and Organic Ingredients
- FDA Approved. Supported by Science Evidence
“It didn’t feel real. The fact that all these successful, business-minded people
wanted to be apart of   Keto Max Science Gummies fjwgdM and what we were doing
was very emotional!” ---explained Anna. The pair are the first contestants in
the shaRtqXkow’s long duration to ever receive a standing ovation and
offeILJ4zLrs of investmenQuyFBit from all five panel members. The sisters said
they celebrated the success with champagne and cake when the episode wrapped.
The sisters were the first contestants in ShakaXr#urk Tanx290Qck history to
receive investmeVosVN5nt ofrFJOy^fers from all five panel members. Since filming
their episode, the sisters have been hard at work putting the advice of their
mentors into play. “We completely re-branded our company and came up with new
packaging,” said Anna. The pair recently unveiled the p1zN$riroduct that netted
them millions of dollars in invest3t@dS1ments and made it for sale across World.
“The prodXGQ28suct we displayed on the shov)8P36w have been rebranded into  
Keto Max Science Gummies v8%gwx. It’s the original formSLqe4mula, all we’ve done
is chuG3JY#ange the name and the packaging,” explained Samantha. The sisters
first launched the produc1llBFyts for sale through their company website and say
they sold out withircMWJzn 5 minutes. “We even made sure we had more
produtpnQ4Qct than we thought we could sell, but all of it sold out withiIzgTIQn
five minutes!” exclaKd2$OJimed Samantha.

While the Shhq&ff)ark Ta&6q*sNnk investors are toasting to their smart business
move, women across World are flocking online to prR3vsvurchase Keto Max Science
GummiesEROmyr and say the results have been lsJEVXMife-changing.

ClinidS9HzQcal using of the Keto Max Science GummiesdpOqyD have uncovered that
women who used the DietarR^er6qy SupplemXo$eY)ent were able to l9SJvzRose an
average of 27 lbd)yfg)s in 1 month and with continued use keep the weight off.

“Keto Max Science GummiesgIn9L6 explained Barbara Corcoran from ShaOenz1frk

AsyV8D*fter hearing such astIzACB3onishing feedback regarding how effective this
innovative new weight luv^c5!oss produ9kn#M9ct was, we appointed our research
department to conduct their own investigation into the SharVRsL)Ok Tacr8K%Gnk
weight lnlEyw2oss pills.

The packages of Keto Max Science Gummiest(5I#( were delivered witwSk3o2hin a few
days and I was really excited to try this weight loSU7K3Jss recipe.   Keto Max
Science Gummies a(otc# has the ideal dosage of the puresaRARICt forms of
Garcinia availae!nNFTble to consumers. That's exactly why its users experience
zero negative side effects. I put together this report that details my results:

Keto Max Science GummiesKzjI%A foePkJw7rmula has been scientifically proven to:

 * BuT0O1yprn fa(TEpZlt as primary source of energy
 * Enhance energy and strength
 * InJJSyo5crease the speed of metab(%PXDMolism by 70%
 * Deliver nutrients to muscles at a faster rate
 * Boost Adipocytes produtK6aQMction of Leptins by 130% which cuts your
   appetj0U2VHite down
 * Eliminate bad t873fT@oxins that have built up over the years

To test out the weight loEQhsLSss pills, I took one Keto Max Science
GummiesvW@w7# pill beftm!Z!Jore I went to sleep for 31 days.



Af3BA3rPter 7 days on the ShaQAyiFlrk TaIwZ%Mtnk Miracle Weight LoDIJBWYss
SuppleS2m1s$ments, I was in awe by how quick and dramatic the effects were. My
spirits were up and I wasn't as hungry as usual. The appeVO%3^ttite suppression
was a welcomed side effect of the  Keto Max Science Gummies!pQOwi. I felt
phenomenal and best part of all was that I didn't chIaKw5kange a single
thg@7N0aing about my dryAvVFaily routin4dZ*u1e or diet. Still no gym for me!

On Day 7, I stepped on the electronic scale and used a caliper to find out my
bodUhwv*My fas6pY%@t. I had to double check because I couldn't believe it–I had
lo8mN#5Ist 5 p0a!I%Hounds of f&MI)NVat in my first week!

But I was still very skeptical! Many people say they lokQg5Lkse a lot of ‘water
weight' at the beginning of any cleanse or diet. I wanted to see what happened
over the next few weeks befo%0Tb#dre jumping to any conclusions.


A&gJeT#fter 14 days of using Keto Max Science Gummies w3sfS! I clearly had more
energy and focus than ever beforkvd#qRe. The detoxifying components helped me
sleep the entire night, every night – I kid you not – I was even buyZxCgjrning
fa0m7GSjt in my sleep. I lU*1awFost 7 pouUBAwMVnds of belly fsaXKb4at, and began
to see my abs coming back, somethiS9&WWOng my husband obviously loved.
AfaM1zUdter just 14 days, I felt very confident that these two prrTpF(@oducts
were the real deal.


AYxUKKefter 21 days, all my doubts were go%$Y7#%ne and I was officially a
believer! I was down another 7 pou6SsDvunds. And I still have more bounce in my
step. My apartment is immaculate from all the cleaning I've been doing. In the
past, aftwDMg6Jer a few weeks of other diet programs, I'd begin to ruD&L1VHn out
of steam, but with  Keto Max Science GummiesfTh*mO my energy levels didn't dip
and were consistent throughout the day.


AfteAEqSTRr the fourth week, my final results were incrm#biJnedible. Look at the
new me! I loI3hte)st an unbelievabtrt^mile 31 p3i&1!Iounds since starting I
started using these Skinny Gummiess! Everyone at PIOP is kicking themselves for
not having volunteered to be the guinea pig. Using the  Keto Max Science
GummiesZePlTv in week 4, I lo@Y@^jmst an additional 11 pobTup!2unds.

CELEBRITIES LOVE Keto Max Science Gummies^kRf@L

“I've been using Keto Max Science Gummiesa1^i9a as my weight loMiqNpNss
supplemenHKl@PJt for months and I'm amazed at how I've been able to keep the
weight off and not be hungry! I haven't felt this hlCffYZealthy since my 20's!
----Melissa Mccarthy

“I have a hectic schedule and I don't have a lot of time to devote to
wEU#tOsorkout ro2lL3Y$utines. That's why I love Keto Max Science GummiesnK#sbO!
Taking just one per day helped me get my bom6d$n2dy where I really felt
comfortable ” ----- Drew Carey

It's been six months since the American Idol alum started her weight-loyHiV)$ss
journey.Among many slimming pills, Keto Max Science GummiesoG9)H0 is her only
choice. In a March 2019 interview with Redbook, she revealed that she had
l$Dhb8Zost a total of 80 pounoXS#^ods and had gonF#@^jLe from a size 16 to a
size 6. ---- Jennifer Hudson


Using The sister's fa)aWA%rt bfyl3kWurner, I removed about 30 lbkDtB7fs of my
unwanted fal)3D1)t and the test process was somethivPb)etng of a "journey to
self-discovery" for me! Here at World ABC's offices, everyone could see the
difference and we were all proud of me for trying somethfibWSAing new and being
rewarded for it!

There are countless diet gimmicks out there these days, and most of them are
high in cosp2Ko5@t and low in giving you real results. So when we heard about
the SharD#Ca8yk's deal, we were skeptical — could these pNlzUu3roducts really be
that much better than everythd$%doling else on the market? Seeing my results
first-hand in our scientific case study — along with the ShBQnb64ark's
always-valuable recomi(G!Qjmendation! — turned us from skeptics into
believers. We can't deny it: This stuff really works and Sha19F@R6rk TPKiCQOank
News is happy to officially recoK1bMT$mmend it!

IMPORTANT! You won't find this off@F4KA4er for so big discoun@Erfggt
b9vYensottles anywhere else on the internet! Get yours now!

Biggest discbeVE!qount (Buy 3 Get 2 Free and Buy 2 Get 1 Free)  of   Keto Max
Science Gummies ^%cLdS (avail3N*ESEable for a limi9NWKN@ted time while supplies
last) can be clkVJf@paimed via the links below — courtesy of The ShaQt6Xv$rk
TaaXA6(znk and Exclusively for our Sha8e6SWyrk Tan9qH3#&k Readers!



CLICK Here To Clai(Lk%c2m Your Li97$V$^mited BotdeH%Y8tle Of Keto Max Science

Boto2%7Q!tles are limUSomS7ited.
Exv9mBD9pires on Friday, August 2, 2024

Get Your frTvU78hee BSTDkWmottle! >>



"I've been trying to lo%qwzp&se the same 20 lbtd%l@Zs for what feels like
forever now. Keto Max Science Gummies a8IvzL got rid of it in only 2 weeks!
Thanks so much!"

Christina Butler, ----Tulsa, Oklahoma



Thank God I didn't go through with that tummy tuck... I got the same results,
for less than a cup of coffee!"

Christina Novotney----Seattle, WA



CLICK Here To CYPdIpslaim Your Lim*S6q4qited B7O06a9ottle Of Keto Max Science

Bop5dDG5ttles are limiantm)Mted.
Expj@IOG9ires on Friday, August 2, 2024

Get Your frTvU78hee BottGDGC$Vle! >>



"I have been using   Keto Max Science Gummies ztT2nu and I am incredibly
impressed with the results! My belly is flatter and it is very apparent that my
skin is firmer."

Briana Smith----HoustoBqLmPHn, TX



"Ive only been using   Keto Max Science Gummies fnnQrc for 6 weeks, and I love
it!!!!!!!! I have seen a visible chan0SoSGPge in my bodWX&Tpby, best of all my
husband complimented me on my Keto Max Science Gummiese aI4Q1DZfter just 6
weeks!!!!! He thought I had liposuction, and I didn't that is just

Carol Keetdo8q%lon----Denver, CO



"As a mom of 2, I juggle work, kids, and all of lioC)HhTfe's other stresses on a
dairsJu$hly basi. A friend of mine bought me Keto Max Science GummiesqS18JR and
I am incredibly impressed with the results! I couldn't believe when I started
dropping the weight that same week!"

Briana Taylor,----Syracuse, New York



CLICK Here To ClaiY0^Y)im Your Limou0dAXited Bottq(#abGle Of Keto Max Science

Bott9eCb@%les are l)F*JURimited.
Expii%VqwRres on Friday, August 2, 2024

Get Your frTvU78hee Bottl#ylc5ne! >>

IMPORTANT: During cliDB2vqFnical testinCUGM6wg it Was proven that you MUST use
this produRD!a3xct DAILSc4m#SY to achieve similaZ9Pzo*r results.
 * BUY 3 GET 2 FREE and BUY 2 GET 1 FREE +Free Shipping Of   Keto Max Science
   Gummies TvU78h
   LOW STOCK! ( HURRY: Only 14 BottlJlKW(ees Left. )
   Get Your frTvU78hee Bo%3JK7*ttle >>
   Take AVmjIMNdvantage of Our Exclusive Link And Enjoy Free Shipping!
   Offe#cim1Pr Ends Once The Timer Hits Zero!
   This speF@H4wycial of(HS00Gfer ends: Friday, August 2, 2024


See All
Barbara Corcoran ShaASJrrprk

Mark Cuban ShzcskCRark

Lori Greiner ShaeICa@0rk

Robert Herjavec ShaB9Jso6rk

Daymond John SharxRD8ySk

Expert & Comments


I have been using this Weight Loh24!96ss for 7 weeks now, and I seriously
lo!ZRWo@st 30 lb^s0wXLs! Not quite as good as the celebrities, but I will take
it when it was less than 50 bucks for each! Thank you so much for
rec)Ea!DGommending this!!
Reply. 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago


I saw this proEb0JhNduct on C2WUlbwNN a while ago and I'm still using the
proShvgg9duct. I've been using the produL7BK7ucts for about 6 wks Keto Max
Science Gummies #*d*If came first,( had to wait for the second supplemw4TdShent
for an extra day). Honestly, this is unbelie%^eO3bvable, all I have to say is
Reply. 6 . Like . 13 minutes ago


A friend of mine used and recommH7XN@mended it to me 3 weeks ago. I
orvuuKDjdered the prodaKcJ%iucts and received them withE&@Q8(in 3 days. The
results have been incrediDU!#Wcble and I can't wait to see what weeks 3 and 4
Reply. 19 . Like . 25 minutes ago


WOW Ellen Is an Icon For Us Older Women, I wish knew about these producYIOf(Gts
bei6AGtvfore I had liposuction suiZkt$hrgery! I would have saved a heck of a lot
of money!
Reply. Like . 46 minutes ago


I never even thought about using the prod2uc187ucts bS(Q4faefore. but I am very
much amazing a09f4Ehfter using this prodDJ!gv5uct.
Reply. 43 . Like . about an hour ago


Thank you for sharing this Biggest DiscJZYN(eount! I just ordy3hGc3ered 4
bFe5I8yottles get 3 free. Looking forward to the effect afbG6XPLter a month!
Reply. 3 . Like . 1 hour ago


I'm a bit older than most of you folks. but this prodf(YR1(uct worked for me
too! LOL! I can't say anythi8H8IJPng more exciting. Thanks for your inspiration!
Reply. Like .2 hours ago


My sister did this a few months ago, I waited to orHfvY^oder my using to see if
it really worked and then they stopped giving out the limqIgSPlited
bot2vDMcTtles! what a dumb move that turned out to be. glad to see the
lim%C^AJkited botpIO6%qtles are back agaYvZDQ9in, I wont make the same mistake.
Reply. 12 . Like . 2 hours ago


I'm going to give these proWUlEnSducts a chance to work their magic on me. I've
tried everythieL1NYqng out there and so far nothiV1$fs0ng has been good enough
to help me. So excited to see the results!
Reply. 30 . Like .2 hours ago

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