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Creating havoc since 2006. Fair use is claimed for images on this site, but they
will be removed (if owned) on request out of politeness. movingnorth@gmail.com


“What’s all this talk I hear about you fooling around with the college widow? No
wonder you can’t get out of college. Twelve years in one college! I went to
three colleges in twelve years and fooled around with three college widows.” –
Horse Feathers

In this episode, Gilligan eats the last cookies on the island.  Ginger snaps.

The “traditional” path for students with good grades was to “go to college.” 
Honestly, this was pretty good advice for a long time.  The number of high
school graduates that went to college bounced between 40% and 60%, of course
being higher during the Vietnam draft.  When my uncle was in Vietnam, he killed
a dozen soldiers.  Next year we’re going on vacation to a different country.

Around 1974, however, the percentage boomed, with over 80% of high school
graduates at least attending some college by 1978 or so.  The rationale was that
a college education was a ticket to a better life.  Again, for the most part,
the common wisdom was right.

But why?  In 1971 after a Supreme Court decision, companies could no longer use
I.Q. tests for employee selection, they had to use something because, despite
what the Simpsons™ might suggest, you really want smart people operating nuclear
power plants.  Certificates and credentialism had always been nice, but now
businesses desperately needed some way to select employees that were smart
enough to do the job.

What did Three Mile Island say to Fukushima?  “Nuke, I am your father.”

Thus:  college degrees.  The more selective the college, the greater the ACT® or
SAT™ score required to get in.  ACT© and SAT™ scores are actually a very good
proxy for intelligence, so, graduate from a good school?  That shows a (likely)
innate intelligence along with enough foresight and planning to defer
satisfaction until the degree was granted.

In 1970, going to college at Harvard™ could be paid for with the (current 2021)
equivalent cost of $22,000 or so a year.  Now it’s over $75,000 for the sticker
price.  College prices went up because demand went up.  Harvard’s© prices went
up more because they were more selective – it was harder to get in so they were
a better sifter for I.Q., I mean, who would have guessed that Hawking had the
same I.Q. as Evel Knievel?  I mean, they both loved ramps . . . .

But another factor was the increase in money available.  Politicians looked for
ways to encourage people to go to college.  So, colleges increased prices to
better soak up all of the student loan dollars available.  Getting students
morphed from “here’s where our graduates work” to “here’s what our climbing wall
looks like.”  Millions were invested to make a college more of a theme park than
a serious place of learning.  They raised prices so high that during COVID,
college even became the most expensive video streaming service.

Along the way, though, standards decreased to get more students in the door. 
Not only was it easier to get in, inflation hit grades as well.  Right now, the
average grade at Harvard© is an A-.  The average.

Harvard®, the vegan Crossfit™ of colleges.

Even now, though, Harvard™ is still a great rate of return for students.  It’s
not the education, it’s who a student meets.  Harvard® is useful for the
connections with wealth and power a student can make.  Get in good with the
right family?  A student can become engaged with that class, though often
there’s a cost.

Harvard® is still a good investment, even though it’s supposedly hard to get
in.  Heck, I got in.  They don’t even lock most of their windows.

Some colleges are horrible investments.  Going to Podunk U in North Central BFE
and majoring in Anthropology of French Basket-Weaving Poets?  Yeah, that’s also
known as majoring in pre-barista.  But that student could have been a barista
without rolling up $50,000-$75,000 in student loan debt.  And, if the student
majored in philosophy, they can ask, “Why do people want fries with that?”

The Mrs. told me I needed to grow up.  I was speechless.  It’s hard to talk with
45 gummy bears in your mouth.

So, if I were giving general advice to a kid who was determined to go to
college, I’d suggest that they avoid anything that someone can do over the
Internet from Bangladesh.  I can hire 45 Bangladeshis for approximately half of
a Slim Jim© an hour, so why compete against tens of millions?  Engineering is
good, if you have the knack.  Medical fields are constantly in demand – I saw an
ad here in Modern Mayberry for nurses.  Five-figure signing bonus – and that
wasn’t $199.99, it was over $10,000.  That’s probably a good idea.  The short
answer is that it’s not 1970 anymore.  A student can’t just do any degree – they
have to major in something that will pay the cost of the college degree.

Is college a good idea?  Not for all of the 80%.  Probably, college is still a
good idea for 40%, at most.

So, what about trades?

Just like college, the economics has been twisted there, too.  Just like supply
and demand has tossed prices for college into the stratosphere, an oversupply of
laborers has cratered the cost of many trades.  Except for carpenters who build
stairs – they’re always thinking a step ahead.

Where did the labor come from?  Immigrants, illegal or not.  Entire construction
trades in many parts of the United States are completely staffed by people who
speak less English than Pepé Le Pew.  Whereas they often do great work, they are
part of the reason that wages are stagnant in many trades.  Sure, in 2022 there
are shortages everywhere putting an upward pressure on wages, but that’s a
short-term event.

I had one plumber who was very polite.  When he looked at my sink he said, “I am
at your disposal.”

Certainly, some trades are doing well.  Which ones?  Once again, those that
require credentials and those that require citizenship.  Anything that lowers
the competition.

Regardless, the time when most trade jobs had pensions has passed – many have
the promise of . . . Social Security.  And in 1970, getting a job that supported
a family just out of high school without a college degree?  It was possible. 
Tough?  Certainly.  But possible.

It’s still possible today.  A small-town plumber in Modern Mayberry does pretty
well, so well that he became a Christian missionary overseas – I guess he’ll
bless the drain down in Africa.  The local HVAC guy makes a killing, too.  And
power linemen?  They live in some of the nicest houses in town.

Are there still paths for a young person in 2022?  Yes.  It’s far tougher than
it was in 1970 for a kid today, though.  The traditional paths are difficult.

Now thank me I didn’t find a picture of Rosie in a bikini – I bet she has a
hairy back.  Oops.  Sorry about putting that thought in your head.

The path, like the path between Scylla and Charybdis, is narrow.  On either side
are monsters.  It’s sort of like being caught between Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi
Goldberg – you’re always safer if you have a pocket full of hot pizza rolls to
distract them.

Author JohnPosted on February 2, 2022February 2, 2022Categories Big Thoughts,
Complacency, I.Q., Sexy Economics, Wealth11 Comments on Choosing A Path In Life,
2022 Edition


“Do I look like the kind of clown that can start a movement?” – Joker

Mainly memes today to go with the Monday post.  I’ll respond to comments on both
of them before my Wednesday post . . . all memes are “as found” on the ‘net –
veracity not assured.





Author JohnPosted on February 1, 2022February 1, 2022Categories Uncategorized14
Comments on Clown World 2022 Early Edition


“Can’t stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.” –

I wonder if Putin got his doctorate in Russian political leaders?  If so, does
that make him a Stalin grad?

As technology has changed, so has the information that is available to us. 
Starting with radio, the ability of that technology to influence public opinion
increased.  Radio was a voice in the night that broadcast the opinion of one to
many.  Then, after the invention of FM radio, radio became stereo-typical.

Film increased the ability to spread messages, and in a much deeper way.  There
is something about moving images coupled with sound that draws human attention
and consciousness.  Measurements of human brain activity while watching
television showed that the brain “shut off” while watching television, entering
an alpha wave state – a state normally associated with resting.

It isn’t that way when talking, or reading.  Beta waves, associated with active
thought processing jump back into play when we read.  In a very weird way,
television puts us into a trance, where we receive and don’t think about the
message.  If ever there was a way to put propaganda into the heads of everyone
watching, television is your answer.  It also caused the problem of losing the
controller.  I always found mine in some remote area.

Also, congratulations to drugs for winning the war on drugs.

In many cases, the idea wasn’t only to put propaganda into heads, it was also to
entertain.  Why would I watch a television show that I didn’t like?  No, shows
competed for market share, too.  If the propaganda was too strong, the show
would fail.  But many of the messages of globalist, Leftist thought were still
put into skulls relentlessly, slipped in as special episodes, or by painting
ideas that violated The Narrative in the most negative light possible.

Even the news, though, was part of the same message, which we now call The
Narrative.  The Narrative is strong.  Honestly, I am still finding elements of
The Narrative that I believed to be true.  It’s more or less like The Matrix,
but Elon Musk doesn’t keep forgetting that Keanu Reeves is the good guy.

Now here’s a narrative I could get behind. (meme not an original)

One example was that The Narrative that drove the United States both getting
into and getting out of the Vietnam War.  It was the first war that was
televised on a daily basis.  And, regardless of our recent fiascos, presidents
dream of being a “War President” which gives them nearly unrivaled political

A case in point was the attack on the Twin Towers.  Whoever did it, the
beneficiaries were George W., Lockheed-Martin®, and everyone who didn’t like the
United States.  It’s unlikely that George W. would have been re-elected because
of messy economy.  W. drove the “Left” every bit as insane as Trump did, and
would have (no doubt) driven them to the same level of coordination to bring him
down in 2004 as they spent on Trump in 2020.  Except?  9/11.

I think Sleepy Joe would love nothing more than the power and prestige that
comes with a War footing in the country.  Or at least someone would.  Hence,

They asked Joe what he thought of this meme, but he’d forgotten Biden.

I don’t know exactly what the game is.  It appears that the Ukrainians are a lot
less concerned about the Russians than we are, and that Joe is far more
concerned about Russians crossing the Ukrainian border than the millions that
he’s inviting to cross our border.

Why not?  If get gets the Russian Bear just grumpy enough, I think the calculus
is, he can turn Putin into a figure to unite the country.  If Corona-chan
couldn’t do it, well, trot out the (spins wheel) Russians.  And we’ll have a
united country, and the whole economic mess will get solved when spending even
more billions with weapons manufacturers!

First, we’re no longer a serious nation when it comes to anything military. 
Yes, I know that we have a long, proud tradition.  But have you seen the
military in 2022?

I had a friend that joined the Army and killed a lot of people.  He’s a horrible

Second, although the people of the United States were in favor of going to get
Osama Bin Laden, the wars overseas soon became background noise.  Without a
significant loss of Americans, say, a carrier battle group, there is little
chance of getting the rank and file American citizens would support a war in
Ukraine.  Outside of, say, loss of a carrier battle group.

And, finally:  What, exactly, is this about?  Ukraine and Russia are similar in
the national corruption index scores – it’s not like Ukraine is remotely on par
with Denmark or even Albania.  Yes, Albania is less corrupt than Ukraine.

A Russian wedding used to be called a Soviet Union.

Even the Ukrainian president, Zelinsky, told Biden to chill out on fanning the
flames of war.  Russia has a long sense of paranoia, and isn’t interested in
having NATO camp out right next door.  Honestly, I have no idea why we have
troops in Europe in 2022, let alone trying to pull Ukraine into NATO just to
irritate the Russians.

Oh, yeah, because international tension takes away from the intractable problems
Joe has at home.

The problem that Joe faces is a simple one:  the old model of a single source
delivering a single Narrative is gone.  Places exist all over the Internet the
question The Narrative.  That’s crucial.  Heck, they’re even questioning The
Narrative in Canada.

Politely, but they are.

From Trudeau:  “They only hate me because I’m black.”

And the Signal is getting out.  I have only listened to a few minutes of Joe
Rogan.  It was okay, but not enough to keep me coming back.  But he’s irritated
the gatekeepers of The Narrative.

Or at least Neil Young.  Neil Young, who hasn’t had a headline since Nixon was
in office, decided that he was so in favor of free speech that he’d pull his
music from Spotify®, who sponsors Joe Rogan’s podcast.

It’s unlikely that Spotify™ will cave to Mr. Young, even though he’s now been
joined by Joni Mitchell, Liza Minnelli, and maybe Wolfgang Mozart.  Of course,
The Mrs. and I made fun of Mr. Young on our podcast.  When I checked on it the
next day, I found that our podcast was gone.

There are fates worse than death.  (not my original meme)

The Mrs. had used a music bed for a parody commercial.  The music bed was one of
Mr. Young’s songs.  The next day, we were pulled down for copyright infringement
(no strike).  The Mrs. is getting ready to re-upload an edited version.  I
really don’t think Mr. Young had anything to do with it personally.  So, our
podcast hits dozens of visitors sometimes.  Joe Rogan hits millions.

They try to censor the small when we deviate, but the large they must take down,
in public.  If the Canadian trucker protest were not so large, there would be a
complete lack of news coverage.  As it is, the coverage will be small as they
can make it, except to cover whatever trivial outrage can be manufactured.

I hear some of the protesters are semi-retired.

The important thing is, large or small, there is an alternative to The
Narrative.  I try to be as honest as I can be in every single post.  In many
cases what I say is slightly different from The Narrative.  Sometimes it’s a lot

And there are thousands of other voices out there, too, willing to defy The
Narrative, in ways both big and small.  This is new.  Television and radio gave
us the grand wave of propaganda that led to The Narrative being so powerful. 
They’ll stop at almost nothing to stop us from seeing that the emperor has no

But it’s too late.  The signal is out.  It’s even covered in maple syrup

Question:  how many trees did mankind have to suck before they found maple

Tomorrow, there will be a rare Tuesday version of Wilder Wealthy and Wise, just
memes and examples of The Narrative being exposed.

Author JohnPosted on January 31, 2022January 31, 2022Categories Uncategorized20
Comments on Genie Out Of The Bottle


“The Mandela Effect has been an Internet meme for almost a decade. It’s always
been called that.” – The X-Files

According to National Geographic™, 80% of Americans can’t find Ukraine on a
map.  They’re really ahead of the news!

Got in fairly late tonight, so it’s memes for dinner for everyone.  Back to
original content on Monday – these memes are “as caught” in the wild.  I’ll note
that on the podcast side, apparently, Neil Young didn’t like us making fun of
him, so we had our first podcast pulled down.  I hope Neil Young will remember,
this blogger don’t need him around, anyhow.  Since they pulled him from
Spotify®, I hope he does okay.  I hear that he’s going to concentrate on


Author JohnPosted on January 28, 2022January 28, 2022Categories Uncategorized19
Comments on Friday Memes


Attention – this is a repost from 2019, though still very, very valid.  Had a
mechanical issue to fix around the house (stuff you don’t want to freeze) but
that’s all (fingers crossed) fixed.  Regardless, no time for a new post.  Enjoy!

“Good job, isn’t it? Type something will ya, we’re paying for this stuff.”
– Ghostbusters

I like guns.  And butter.  Especially cocoa butter.  Admit it – you’ve never
enjoyed economics more.

Economics means choices.

One choice presented by Marxist economics professors to hung-over sophomores in
college is between “guns or butter.”  This is a classic economic model.  In it,
a choice is presented:  produce guns for defense, or food for the people, or
another shot of Jägermeister© before Calc 201.  I added the Jägermeister® for
the sophomores.  No one should have to learn 3-space vector calculus sober.

The idea is that there is some balance where government can feed people just
enough so that they can make guns for beautiful Marxist bikini soldiers to take
over the world with love and kindness and AK-47s.  In this fable, once the world
chooses peace (that means Marxism), guns will no longer be produced and the
glorious workers will now luxuriate in a worker’s paradise.

These are the deep thoughts of a dimwitted socialist like Kamala Harris, or of
an overly caring 11 year-old who is earnestly trying to solve the world’s
problems.  But I repeat myself.

Don’t be mean to Kamala.  She already enough difficulty explaining to her
husband why she’s in the top results for “slept her way to the top” on a Google®
image search (this is true).

Just because Marxists were wrong about economics doesn’t mean that economies
that there aren’t economic choices to make.  There are.  The biggest actual
economic choice to make is whether to spend the output of that economy on
building additional productive capacity or on Free Stuff.

Building additional production is investment in the economy.  Sure, Leftists
like to use “investment” as just another word for Free Stuff, but investment, by
definition, produces a return.  In the case of investment in an economy, after
the investment is done the economy produces more than it did before.  Instead of
dividing a finite economic pie between guns or butter, the genius of investment
is that it creates a bigger pie for everyone.  By definition, that’s a win,
because it also means more guns for everyone!

There is a time to tell the truth, and a time to lie.  If she’s holding an AK,
it’s time to lie.

This was self-evident in Western Civilization during the Cold War.  We picked
the strategy that we invest in our economies so that they became larger, and
we’d defeat Communism by out producing them.  In order to do that,
we increased freedom of the free market so that instead of handfuls of
production bureaucrats and commissars guessing what should be produced, millions
of free people experimenting in an open economy would make that choice.  The
winners were selected by the market, and even when things like the Hula-Hoop® or
Justin Bieber became wildly popular, industrial capacity was increased all
across Western Civilization (and Japan, which had largely adopted all of the
winning parts of Western Civilization).

I would try to Hula Hoop©, but last time the neighbor called an ambulance
because they thought I was having a seizure.

We allowed this to guide our military spending, too.  Multiple companies
competed to produce new jet fighters that were more capable, missiles that were
more accurate.  The technical prowess of the military came not from a top-down
dictate, but from the companies competing to produce better defense products. 
Sure, some of them were horrible, but most of our equipment and doctrine was
better than the Soviet stuff.  How much better?  Ask Saddam Hussein.

As the focus of our economy was growth, the economy grew.  How big did it grow? 
It grew to the point where Reagan could consciously bankrupt the entire guns and
butter Soviet economy through pretending that the Star Wars™ missile defense was
going to make intercontinental ballistic missiles obsolete.  The economy of
Western Civilization was such a potent weapon because it harnessed the ingenuity
of everyone through capitalist incentives and rewards.  The system of capitalism
was so obviously successful that China®, Inc. decided to copy it for their
economy and get rid of the silly Maoist collectivism.  Keep in mind, capitalism
does not mean freedom.

Economies still have limits.  There’s a maximum amount of “stuff” that the
economy can produce, and certainly there’s a limit based on sheer physics, if
nothing else, though we’ve yet to see it.  The real choice isn’t guns or butter,
it’s investment versus Free Stuff.  It used to be that money mattered, but that
was in the time before Modern Monetary Theory (The Worst Economic Idea Since
Socialism, Explained Using Bikini Girl Graphs) fans tossed bottles of
Jägermeister© into Congress and told ‘em to spend as much as they wanted.

If Venezuela had a dollar for every time giving out Free Stuff worked, they’d
have zero dollars.  Oh, that’s exactly what Venezuela has.  Never mind.

What Free Stuff do the Leftists want to toss out?

 * “Free” Healthcare – for everyone. Including illegal aliens.  You might think
   that they don’t give it away now – they do.  A pregnant illegal alien show
   ups to have a baby?  You get to pay for that right now.  I guess the good
   news is you don’t have to change it’s diaper.
 * “Free” Daycare – for everyone. Why?  Because who could be better at raising
   your children than the state.  They do such a good job at the DMV.
 * “Free” College – for everyone.  That kid that sat behind you with his finger
   up his nose, who talked about how he wanted to ride a tyrannosaurus on Mars? 
   When he was a senior in high school?  Yeah, he gets free college, too. 
   Although riding a tyrannosaurus on Mars does sound cool.
 * “Free” Income – for everyone.  Why not give everyone $1000 a month for free. 
   It won’t distort the economy at all.
 * “Free” Reparations – not for everyone. People who were never slaves would get
   paid by people who never had slaves, for the sin of slavery.  Makes about as
   much sense as the rest of this list.
 * “Free” Housing – just not in the gated communities where Congressmen live.

Oh, and don’t forget regulations, since regulations is another way to give Free
Stuff.  They take freedom from the economy and create winners and losers.  The
Green New Deal is an example of this – the idea of the Green New Deal has
nothing to do with the environment – it’s all about creating a socialist
economy.  In the words of AOC’s advisor:  “Do you guys think of it as a climate
thing?” Saikat Chakrabarti asked. “Because we really think of it as a
how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Regulations are used to change the economy.

Take a look at all of the innovation spawned by Communism!

At some point Free Stuff will grow to encompass the entire economy
leaving nothing for productive growth.  Ever notice that every Communist economy
freezes at the technology level (outside of military technology) that existed
when it went Commie?  Cuba is a great example, what with all of the vintage 50’s
Ford® and Chevy© rust buckets and fine Soviet cars they have on the streets.  If
only they would have waited until the 1970’s to go Communist they could have had
Ford© Pintos™.  That would have made driving exciting!

The same thing happened in Venezuela.  PDVSA was a very profitable oil company
before Hugo Chavez gutted it to provide Free Stuff to the Venezuelan people. 
Now?  PDVSA is deeply in debt and incapable of producing as much oil as it did
in 1998, despite having 77.5 billion barrels of reserves.

Yeah.  Free Stuff can make a country bankrupt.

The nice thing about this concept is that it also applies to individuals.  Every
day each of us has a choice:  do we work to make ourselves better, or do we goof
off?  The choice is an important one.

Do you invest time in increasing your capabilities every day?  Do your work to
make yourself better?  I mean, really work?  Take Steve Martin’s advice – “Be so
good they can’t ignore you.”  (“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”-Steve Martin
Plus? A sniper joke.)

You have the choice.  And time is running out.  And I’m certain you can’t afford
Free Stuff.

Author JohnPosted on January 26, 2022January 26, 2022Categories Lame Repost23
Comments on Bikini Economics, Guns, and the Problem with Free Stuff


“When dreams become more important than reality, you give up travel, building,
creating. You even forget how to repair the machines left behind by your
ancestors. You just sit, living and reliving other lives left behind in the
thought record.” – Star Trek (The Cage)

After creating the Nile, God became a podcaster, “Check out my stream!”

Philip K. Dick said, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it,
doesn’t go away.”

It’s a pretty simple definition, and it mostly works unless you have really
persistent hallucinations.  Persistent hallucinations just like Philip K. Dick
probably had.  This may explain a lot of his fiction and his fascination with
reality.  And as for 2021, I’d say reality has great graphics, but horrible

In 2022, though, we live in a world where reality seems to be split, and split
along ideological lines.  One generally reliably Left member of the media (but I
repeat myself), Bill Maher, just gave up on the fiction:  “It’s just gone on too
long, nobody cares anymore.  I don’t want to live in your mask paranoid world
anymore.  You go out, it’s silly now.  You have to have a mask, you have a
booster, they scan your head like you’re a cashier and I’m a bunch of bananas. 
I’m not bananas, you are.”

Still not on your side.

With that, the cracks of reality on where we’re at with COVID have swung wide
open.  There is the fiction that has the single, double, triple, and mega-vaxxed
living in constant fear.  The Mrs. was reading the comments to me from some
Lefties on a website she frequents.  One particular set of comments was of
Lefties looking for test kits like they were looking for crack.  One commenter
had consumed at least four instant kits (without a positive result) because they
were certain that they had . . . the Rona.

I have no idea what induces that level of fear in a healthy person.  When one of
them pointed out that they were consuming tests that could have been better used
by people in nursing homes, this entirely common-sense idea was shouted down by
a sea of Leftist fear.

This is a denial of reality.  COVID has killed quite a few people, but it’s no
Black Death.  Everyone in my family has had it, and for us it ranged from two or
three days in bed (The Mrs.) to an afternoon of fever (me).  I’d go so far as,
having had it, to bet that millions of people have had it and don’t even realize
it.  For two years, these people have managed to live every moment dripping in
abject fear.

How a Leftist imagines a trip to COSTCO®.

Beyond the impact of the fear, there’s the impact of the Vax itself.  There is
more than sufficient anecdotal evidence that the mRNA shots have significantly
more complications than any vaccine ever delivered.  No one can say what the
long-term implications are.  With any luck, the negative health impacts are over
more quickly than the protections offered by the shot, but there are no

Especially not a guarantee from the manufacturer.  Hmmm.

The “adverse health impacts”, of course, are being denied as well.  But such an
overwhelming amount of data leads to even the monolith of “jab good, deniers
bad” being breached at an official level.  The current shot does nothing against
the current strain of COVID, and it appears the current strain of COVID leaves
those that get it immune to certain other forms of COVID.

Huh.  It’s almost like the virus is attenuating like, oh, every virus, ever and
becoming progressively more infectious and less lethal.  Even Bill Gates is
ready to call this one over.

We know that Bill Gates didn’t invent COVID – none of his other products come up
with new versions this frequently.

This isn’t the only reality the Left is denying.  It’s not even the most
important reality that is being denied.

What’s falling apart, that Leftists say isn’t?

Well, the economy, but I’ve been on and on about that, so I’ll give you a rest. 
Besides, Wednesday is a better day for bikini economics.  For whatever reason,
Biden owns the economy now.  In this, I’ll give him a pass.  He’s like the last
player in a game of Jenga® where you know the tower is going to go, but he’s
gotta try to make it one peg higher.  More on that later.

Our border.  The character of a country is in its people, and so is the
success.  I do believe that the traditions of our great nation led to the great
prosperity that we had.  That, and having thousands of nuclear warheads.  Yeah,
having great traditions is nice, but having the ability to obliterate anyone who
disagrees with you never hurts.

Regardless, there’s a group that actively says that the United States, “has no
culture” which is like a fish wondering what water is.  The fact is that the
culture of the United States was so successful and pervasive that people didn’t
recognize its influence because it is literally everywhere.  Is American culture
perfect?  No.  But it certainly has remade the world, in some ways for the good,
in others for the not so good.

I killed an Australian spider with my shoe.  I’m glad he wasn’t big enough to
carry both of them.

But if you replace the people, you’ve replaced the culture, and the Magic Dirt
won’t make them prosperous.  Just like if you replaced the Japanese with (spins
wheel) Argentinians, it wouldn’t be Japan anymore, you can’t replace Americans
with (spins wheel) Japanese and expect anything but another Japan.

The Left somehow thinks the thousands of people in the medical professions
(doctors, nurses, administrators, etc.) are magically going to be replaced when
they refuse the Clotshot®.  No.  These are skilled positions requiring education
and practical training.  Replace these professionals with idiots like me, and
you’d end up with every solution being amputation.  They don’t call me “John
Wilder, Civil War Surgeon” for nothing.  It did cut down on the owies my kids
brought me, though.

Our relationship with each other.  At every level this is breaking down.  That’s
not fair.  At every level, people are being pushed apart.  On a racial level,
everyone is being taught that, even when there’s no intent, one group of people
is awful and the other is blameless.

One of the most pernicious things that can be done is to create a victim class. 
No matter what happens, they are told, they have no responsibility.  If they
behave badly, well, it couldn’t be helped.  Why not?  Well, something happened
three hundred years ago, you see.

It’s nonsense.  I know Scott Adams has been taking a few lumps recently, but a
while back he had a thought experiment I felt was interesting:  what would
happen if you asked an alien about the situation of blacks in the United States
and if reparations were owed.  If the alien looked over the situation, Scott
seemed to think that it might say, “Well, comparing your life span, material
goods, and general standard of living compared to if you had stayed in Africa,
you probably owe the white people.”

Women drinking coffee.  My three favorite things.

Probably not a popular idea to float in 2022, but the constant stream of
victimhood replacing any sort of rational assessment will end up doing only one
thing:  tearing us further apart.  Which is just what Leftists want.

We are on the road to many reckonings.  From the looks of them, they won’t be
delivered sequentially.  I tend to think the big trigger will be the economy,
but regardless of the trigger, there comes a point where, regardless of what we
believe, reality will set in.

I hope it doesn’t have too much Kardashian.

Author JohnPosted on January 24, 2022January 24, 2022Categories Big Thoughts,
Civil War, Communism, Corona, COVID, Health, Inflation Nation, Phillip K. Dick,
Wealth37 Comments on Ignoring Reality Catches Up With All Of Us


“Your brain, for example, is so minute, Baldrick, that if a hungry cannibal
cracked your head open there wouldn’t be enough inside to cover a small water
biscuit.” – Black Adder Goes Forth

Cows don’t make sounds after they run out of milk.  Udder silence.

One of the main battles that the United States is losing is to . . . fat.

There are plenty of reasons for this.  The first is that we have a culture where
billions of dollars are made by corporations to sell stuff.  What stuff?  Stuff
that tastes good.  I don’t fault them for that – they’re responding to
incentives.  People want nachos covered in cheese and steak and sour cream and .
. . dang, now I’m hungry.

That’s one reason.  The other is that we live in a culture that’s obsessed with
food.  “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” say people whose
paychecks are tied to everyone eating breakfast.  And, meals are more than just
consuming calories – they’re also social occasions.  People get together to
feast – not about the food, but about the sharing, or close-quarters combat as
it’s known at our house.

And you thought I was going to ask what he wants on his omelet.  Easy.  One with

There are also some amazingly unhealthy ideas out in society.  One of them is
“healthy at any size.”  That’s provably false, yet now we see models who
wouldn’t fit in a semi.  Or a semi-trailer.  Flatbed.

I understand the idea not to bully people who are overweight, but the idea of
idolizing them and holding this condition out to be virtuous is damaging.

Losing weight is, though, astonishingly simple to do.  As the math shows, simply
eat less than what your body burns.  Simple as.

The problem is that requires willpower.  And the other problem is that food
today is often very calorically dense:  a single McDonalds milkshake can have as
much as 700 calories.

So, nothing but problems, right?

Muslims won’t go to McDonalds® anymore.  The go to Burka King™ now.

No, not at all.  There are many solutions.  When I was younger, all I had to do
was amp up the exercise and I could drop weight amazingly quickly.  Now that my
knees seem to be coated internally with sandpaper after that first mile, that
solution is a bit more difficult.

One thing that works very well for me is something a bit more radical:  not
eating.  It’s amazing, because this particular diet costs nothing.  There are no
pills or powders to buy.  There is no special club to join.  Just don’t eat.

For how long, twenty minutes?

No.  There are several strategies.  One is just eating one meal a day – the
nerds call this OMAD.  Only eat once a day.  And, honestly, that has always
worked just fine for me, and was a pretty easy habit to get into.  I don’t lose
weight just eating one meal a day, but I don’t gain it, either.

And the meal isn’t breakfast.

And who made this?  Where’s the bacon?

There is an even more radical idea – actual fasting, for days at a time.  Now,
I’m not a doctor, but there are actual doctors who recommend this.  Jason Fung
is one.  Fung’s story is a simple one.  He had diabetics showing up for
treatment due to failing kidneys.  Fung is a kidney specialist.

They told Fung that the only thing to do for these folks was to help them
along.  They’d die (eventually) from the complications due to diabetes.  Fung
rejected that, and started experimenting with fasting.  And, of course, all of
his patients drink all of the water, coffee, or tea that they want.

It worked.  He actually increased positive outcomes for his patients.  Again,
I’m not a doctor and if you want to consider this, well, don’t say “the internet
humorist seemed to think it was a good idea.”  No.  You go see a doctor or
whatever it is you do to make medical decisions.

Last time I was in the hospital it was because I was confused about what the
Dyson© Ball™ cleaner was for.

Me?  I stumbled upon this a few years ago.  It works for me, pretty well when I
keep up with it.  For me, what I do to lose weight is just not eat between, say,
Sunday and Friday.  I will tell you that if you’re not eating for 140 or so
straight hours, you tend to notice it.

Oddly, the feeling I feel is mostly not hunger, but rather the idea that I
should be eating.  And when I’m fasting if The Mrs. cooks up something
especially tasty that smells wonderful, it does make me really, really want to

Am I completely willpowerful?  No.  I do “cheat” during the fast.  Pickles have
(for instance) nearly zero calories, and are salty.  When I’m not eating, I’m
not getting electrolytes (which, I hear, plants crave) and so salty pickles
solve two problems at once.

Business lunch?  How about a side salad that’s just lettuce and tomato?  Vinegar
or mustard as a dressing turns that into about . . . 20 calories.  I really
don’t sweat it on a fast day if I consume less than 100 calories.  And, if I
break that (I haven’t so far) I don’t consider it a loss – I just pick back up
and keep going.

My ex-wife was so bad that she’d make a cannibal order the house salad.

This month (so far) I’ve done three fasts:  one was four days, one was five and
a half, and the one I’m on right now is (as I write this) 128 hours on the way
to at least 140.  From personal experience, the first day is the easiest, the
second day is the worst, and after that they’re okay.  I stop when I do to eat
with family on Friday and Saturday.

So, yeah, fasting means not eating.  And it sucks.  But there are bonuses at the

The first time I ever did an extended fast I ended it with a grilled cheese
sandwich and tomato soup.  That soup was the best I’ve ever had in my life.  The
second bonus is that my stomach shrinks over five days.  It takes only a small
amount of food to make me feel full.  Finish a steak dinner?  Nope.  Can’t do
it.  Just not enough room.

Of course, there’s also the other benefit – the scale.

And with the experience I’ve gained new perspectives.  Whenever I see a story on
the news about, “Local man stuck in car for three days, survived on Taco Bell®
Fire Sauce™ packets,” I know that’s a joke.  The average person in the United
States is already walking around with decades of Taco Bell© already strapped to
their bodies.

Taco Bell® is like DNA.  Just four ingredients combine to make infinite

When it comes to prepping, the same lesson applies.  Whenever I see lists of
things to go into bug-out bags, I always see food listed.  After fasting, I know
the truth – unless there’s a medical condition that requires food, it can safely
be skipped in almost every bug-out bag, unless it’s planned for use for over a

So, nationally we have a problem.  The answer is simple:  stop eating so much. 
For me, though, I’ll be the happiest man in the county around dinner time

Author JohnPosted on January 21, 2022January 21, 2022Categories Happiness,
Health, Purpose56 Comments on Fasting: Why Not?


“Pirate Ghost would suggest that a pirate died and became a ghost, but a Ghost
Pirate is a ghost that later made a conscious decision to be a pirate.” – South

What decongestant does the Federal Reserve© ban?  Sudafed™.

Most of the time when a train story hits the news, it involves the comically
overloaded trains in India.  The typical headline in a newspaper (back when
those existed) was on page 7, and went something like this:  Train Derails In
India, 471,320 Dead.  The news story was typically right near, “Local Cat Makes

It’s been a while since I saw much about trains in the news.  Imagine my
interest when I found out that people were hopping on trains in Los Angeles
(Translation From Spanish:  Tarp City) and looting them.  What the Corsairs from
Compton Boulevard are looking for is . . . merch.  Amazon® packages.  Best
Buy™.  Nike©.

If Amazon® delivered by drone, for these folks that would just be skeet
shooting, with prizes.

It’s really piracy on the rails.  Mobs attack the slow-moving trains and proceed
to loot them.  They’ll load up on televisions and laptops and video game systems
and almost everything that you can order online.  Except for books.  And,
probably, work boots.

The fact that this is tolerated is a symptom that Los Angeles is now,
officially, the Somalia of the West Coast.  There appears to be no effort to
stop the mob, and no effort to arrest any participant.  Recent news reports
would indicate that an ax-murderer, after arrest, would be given his (oops,
California!) xir ax back after getting booked and not even have to post bail.

But try to smuggle a plastic straw in?  It’s off to Workers Leisure and
Re-Education Camp #495 for you.

When you think about it, using a straw is just like snorkeling in reverse.

The fact that land pirates are actually a thing in 2022 means that, in Los
Angeles at least, the rule of law has broken down completely in areas. 
Thankfully, that hasn’t translated to other parts of the country, right?

Well, about the Federal Reserve® . . .

It’s not as if the Fed™ governors have been caught in a scandal where they
unethically traded stocks.  Oh, they have?  Dallas Fed© President Robert Kaplan
and Boston Fed™ President Eric Rosengren and Fed® Vice-Chairman Richard Clarida
all resigned in disgrace after trading based on future Fed© decisions that
hadn’t been made public?

Say it isn’t so!  Oh, wait, it’s completely so.  Apparently, the Fed© treats
their “management” of fiscal policy just as seriously as the Watts Porch Pirates
treat their “management” of Amazon® freight logistics.

Well, at least they’ve done well with the economy, preserving the purchasing
power of money over time, right?

Of course . . . not.

I’d point out how bad this graph is, but somehow I don’t feel as sad with this

In reality, monetary policy since the Fed™ started has been to make your cash
worthless, over time.  You can see what a great job they’ve done since 2000.  In
effect, the Fed© has been in your bank account, robbing it bit by bit, just like
the Hollywood Buccaneers have been boosting freight out of the train yard.  They
just leave a bit less trash.

But certainly, they’ve been operating now as a sober bunch.


No!  They’ve taken every Fed® interest rate record since 1955 and smashed it! 
They are, absolutely provably, so drunk on Jack Daniels® that they can’t feel
their collective jaws.  They are knee-walking, porcelain-grabbing drunk.

Wolfstreet.com called them . . . The Most Reckless Fed® Ever.  (LINK)

They put together a nice graph (below) that shows that if you take the Fed™
funds rate (what they charge to borrow money) and subtract inflation, we’re at a
LIFETIME level of irresponsibility.  The Quantitative Easing (ahem, helicopter
cash) and Stimulus Bills (ahem, more helicopter cash) have pushed inflation up.

The reckless bit is on the right.  No, farther right.  Yes, farther. 

So, all of the “Fight for $15” folks are quiet now, because whatever the minimum
wage is, $15 is attainable doing temp work.  Everyone not making big bucks?
 Inflation is eating the raises of most people.  So who’s winning?  I mean,
besides the insider traders at the Fed™?

People who own stuff.  Inflation makes cash worth less, and eventually
worthless.  Owning things makes sense in a world where cash is becoming
worthless.  Who owns things?  Rich people.  They’ve done very, very well.  Why
is Tesla®, which made 936,000 cars last year, has a market cap of $1.1 trillion
dollars.  Doing the math . . . that has Tesla© worth $1,175,214 . . . per car
they made.

Huh?  Honestly, it’s not a stock:  it’s a meme.

I guess people have to buy something.  Notice that Elon himself was selling his
stock to convert it to (temporarily) cash to convert it to . . . stuff.  Even
the tax hit wasn’t enough to deter him – he might well have the biggest tax bill
of any individual in history this year.

Why?  Do you sell a stock that you think is going to go up?  No.  You sell a
meme.  And let’s not talk about how the Fed© has force-fed banks billions of
dollars to prop them up and increase their profitability.

I hear he wears Space-Axe® body spray.

So, we have pirates looting railcars to take home blenders and game
controllers.  We’re not stopping them.

We also have much, much bigger thieves – the Freebooters of the Fed™ who have
done their very best to, first by inflation, then by recession, to drain
trillions of dollars of savings of average Americans, and it doesn’t even get
higher up in the newspaper than an Indian train accident.

Looks like the D.A. isn’t prosecuting these guys, either.  Guess they haven’t
tried to smuggle any plastic straws . . . at least then they’d get sent to
Workers Leisure and Re-Education Camp #495.

Author JohnPosted on January 19, 2022January 19, 2022Categories Big Thoughts,
Complacency, Elon Musk Week, Inflation Nation, Sexy Economics, Silly
Predictions, Wealth, Weimerica39 Comments on Pirates, Rail Looters, Fed Looters,
And Bikini Economics


“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.” – Airplane

Jill caught Joe chewing on electrical wires, so she had to ground him.

Joe Biden is having his worst week in office.  In fact, so far his time in
office has been an utter string of failure that makes the whole farce looks like
it’s on purpose.  Let’s just look at the catalog of mess (not in order) that
he’s created/made worse since last January.

I thought that Biden was in denial, but from the picture, looks like he was in
the Suez.

 * In March, that cargo ship blocked the Suez Canal. Not Biden’s fault
   (probably) but I think Kamala might have been driving.
 * Increased inflation so it is now at multi-generation highs. Biden has
   successfully turned the economy into the number one fear of Americans.  I
   guess that’s one way to solve the COVID crisis.
 * International embarrassment about fleeing Afghanistan in the middle of the
   night. Certainly, we should have left, but we left like a fat man sneaking
   away from the dessert bar with a full plate.
 * Announced a mandate for workers at companies with over 100 employees to
   force-vax as a last-ditch effort to get support, only to have the Supreme
   Court deny it. This actually was to his benefit, except that it makes him
   look weak politically.  Or like an old man with dementia.
 * Actually got in place a requirement for health care workers paid by Uncle
   Sugar to be force-vaxxed. While it might seem like a political win, the
   fallout from the health care systems will be very dark indeed – expect
   emergency levels of personnel shortages coming soon.

How does a pirate set up his Bluetooth speaker?  Parrot with his phone.

As I’ve mentioned before, Biden has made himself as popular as
morning-after-tequila breath.  People actually would rather have that volcano
that just exploded near Tonga as president, since it would certainly do less
damage to the country.  A tornado?  That would be a huge improvement on Biden –
at least the tornado stops destroying after a while.

In previous years, I would have asked the question, how could it get worse?  But
since I asked that question about 2020 “How could 2021 be worse?” I’ve learned
to stop tempting fate since I don’t want a plague of Leftist vampires with
electric cars to appear suddenly as the Sun goes nova.  So, I don’t want to push
my luck.

With good measure.  Biden’s problem is that . . . he has nothing but problems. 
I had a boss once who said, “Nothing succeeds like success.”  What he meant by
that was that when things were going well, if you could keep them going you
could end up in a virtuous circle.  Things just got better and better, and the
momentum led from one victory to the next.

Little known fact:  you don’t need a parachute to skydive.  You need a parachute
to skydive twice.

Success leads to success.  Does failure lead to failure?  Absolutely.  Joe
Biden’s life is a patchwork of failure that somehow has led to him to the most
epic failure of all politicians since Louis XVI said, “Nah, you can ignore
them.  The peasants never do anything.”

But failing politicians are like failing businesses.  They’ll do almost anything
to try to turn things around.  Businesses will borrow increasing amounts of
money while promising increasingly ludicrous deals.  Politicians will . . . do
exactly the same thing.  Except with a politician, they’ll toss in war as a

That’s just what Joe is doing.  Why would we want to increase the size of NATO
by one Ukraine?  I have no idea.  But right now, I have no idea why NATO
exists.  The Warsaw Pact and Stalin are both long gone, so who, exactly, are we
worried about attacking Europe?

And why would we care about Ukraine enough to do, well, anything?  When Putin
took the Crimean peninsula over, I was surprised – surprised he didn’t control
it already.  But, again, why would we care?  I personally wouldn’t care if
Guatemala took over Nicaragua, but that would be far more relevant to the United
States than Ukraine is.  I see no role for the United States in any of these
issues, but I’m not a politician looking to score popularity points like Joe.

I’m glad I wasn’t born in Ukraine.  I don’t speak a word of Ukrainian.

Additionally, though, Biden is playing the war card inside the United States,
defining over 80,000,000 Americans as “terrorists” that the FBI just hasn’t
organized terror plots for.  I do hear that the 2022 New Year’s Resolution of
the FBI is to make their plot planning just a little less obvious.  The big
advantage here is the government can time their schemes so they get all the
Federal holidays off.

In one sense, Trump should be happy he isn’t in office:  the economy is was
cooked for 2021 no matter what happened.  The aftermath of the COVID-19
shutdowns combined with the currency faucets spraying cash everywhere was bound
to create an additional economic catastrophe.  That was baked into the cake

But Biden took that situation and made it worse.  The biggest mistakes were (and
are) the Federal stimulus bills that have directly led to the inflation we’re
seeing today.  You can only pour so much money into an economy until it shows up

And it’s about to get spicy for Biden, the Federal Reserve® has signaled that
they’re more than fine with abandoning Biden, too.  The only real cure for an
inflating currency is to dry it up through higher interest rates.

If you had a dollar for every time you thought about me . . . you’d think about
me more often.

The higher interest rates will (eventually, and if the rates are high enough)
reduce inflation.  But the cost includes lowered prices on things people need to
borrow money to buy, like houses.  So, while interest rates make borrowing more
expensive, housing prices will drop, while rents stay high, and inflation

Joe’s approval rate is 33% now.  What will it be when that perfect economic
storm hits?

I bet that week will be even worse.

Author JohnPosted on January 17, 2022Categories Uncategorized32 Comments on
Biden’s Bad Year


“This man has no salt in his body at all.” – Star Trek, TOS

I had dinner with Bobby Fischer once.  It took him two hours to pass the salt.

In the wake of the Supreme Court (which we all know is just Regular Court with
tomatoes and sour cream), I thought I’d post some Leftist tears with plenty of
salt that we could all mine, along with a selection of “as-found” memes.

Were the rulings all we wanted?  No.  Rather than collapse the whole economy,
SCROTUS decided to keep the mandate for health care workers.  I can expect that
this will result in breathless headlines in about a month when the health care
system starts to crater (it’s never really overstaffed at the nurse/doctor
level) and the blame will go on (spins Biden’s Wheel of Blame-Shifting) to
dart-shooting ninjas.  Aesop, who is in health care, (LINK) has a take on this. 
His post is labeled as, BURNING HATRED LIKE A THOUSAND SUNS.  That might
actually understate his level of anger.

But, for tonight, let’s enjoy a selection of memes, all are “as-found” on ‘net
with zero originals.  Some of them are so full of salt that if you just add
water, they make their own sauce.

Author JohnPosted on January 14, 2022January 14, 2022Categories Uncategorized49
Comments on SCOTUS, Salt Mining, And All The Memes


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 * Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition February 2, 2022
 * Clown World 2022 Early Edition February 1, 2022
 * Genie Out Of The Bottle January 31, 2022
 * Friday Memes January 28, 2022
 * Bikini Economics, Guns, and the Problem with Free Stuff January 26, 2022
 * Ignoring Reality Catches Up With All Of Us January 24, 2022
 * Fasting: Why Not? January 21, 2022
 * Pirates, Rail Looters, Fed Looters, And Bikini Economics January 19, 2022
 * Biden’s Bad Year January 17, 2022
 * SCOTUS, Salt Mining, And All The Memes January 14, 2022
 * Predictions On The Supreme Court COVID Decision January 12, 2022
 * BLM Has Killed More Blacks Than Lynching Has January 10, 2022
 * How I’m Doing My Resolutions, Complete With Rocky II January 7, 2022
 * Gold, Silver, And The End Of The World January 5, 2022
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 * A Wilder Story, or, The BB Gun, The Black Bear, The Soviets, and Me December
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 * Christmas – It’s Not About The Money December 22, 2021
 * A Day Trip To Another America December 20, 2021
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 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Signals And Panic December 6, 2021
 * COVID: “Hey, look at the mess I can make.” The Jab: “Hold my beer.” December
   3, 2021
 * Bikini Economics And The Red Queen December 1, 2021
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 * Black Friday: 2021 November 26, 2021
 * Happy Thanksgiving 2021, Wilder Style November 24, 2021
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 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Are We There Yet? (Part II) November 8, 2021
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 * Financial Advisers, Future Predictions, and Three-Breasted Mars Women October
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 * Books, Because I Was Asked To October 22, 2021
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 * General Milley, The Vanguard Of The American Caesar September 20, 2021
 * When Times Are Tough, First, Sharpen The Saw September 17, 2021
 * Shortages: Welcome To The Post-COVID Reality September 15, 2021
 * How Single Suburban Soccer Moms Are Killing The Country September 13, 2021
 * Biden’s Big Bluff September 10, 2021
 * Bikini Economics And The Money Supply September 8, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: It’s A Long Way To The Bottom September 6, 2021
 * The Fall Of Freedom In Australia In 16 Memes September 3, 2021
 * What’s To Worry? Only 11 Major Emergencies Right Now. September 1, 2021
 * The Coming Reaction To Leftist Religion August 30, 2021
 * Now Is When We Need Heroes. And Secondhand Lions. August 27, 2021
 * Are Your Decisions Being Manipulated? August 25, 2021
 * Fear And The Consent Of The Governed, 2021 August 23, 2021
 * Fear: Don’t. August 20, 2021
 * Efficiency: Not Always Our Friend August 18, 2021
 * McDonalds And The Fall of Kabul August 16, 2021
 * Remember: Your Mission Isn’t Done August 13, 2021
 * Vox Day Is Back at Voxday.net August 12, 2021
 * Bread and Circuses, 2021 Version August 11, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0: Living On The Edge August 9, 2021
 * The Jab: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? August 6, 2021
 * Debt, Trench Warfare And An End Of The World Cult You Can Believe In August
   4, 2021
 * Propaganda Attack: The Wilder Experience (Plus Bikini Ending) August 2, 2021
 * The Best Post You’ll Read About COVID This Week: COVIDIOCRACY (with bikini
   ending) July 30, 2021
 * Emotional Bank Accounts – Another Form Of Wealth July 28, 2021
 * Censorship: It’s Not Just For Government Anymore July 26, 2021
 * Who Do I Write To? July 23, 2021
 * The Command Economy, Coming Soon To A Nation Near You July 22, 2021
 * Apologies July 21, 2021
 * Crouching Tiger, Hidden Cache July 19, 2021
 * Presented Without (Much) Comment July 16, 2021
 * Cathedrals, Buzz Aldrin, And Changing The World July 14, 2021
 * Critical Race Theory: Another Communist Game July 12, 2021
 * The Greatest Game July 9, 2021
 * Investing The Oligarch Way July 7, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: F-15 And Nukes Edition July 6, 2021
 * Special July 4th Podcast July 5, 2021
 * Life: We Spend It Every Second July 2, 2021
 * They can’t stop the signal, Mal. June 30, 2021
 * Welcome To The Unravelling June 28, 2021
 * The Wilder Response To Mr. Biden June 25, 2021
 * What Advice Would You Give A Kid In 2021? June 23, 2021
 * We’re Back! Welcome to Season 2! Better, More Technically Advanced, Shiny.
   June 22, 2021
 * The 1819 Project: Restoring America June 21, 2021
 * The Beauty Of The Red Pill June 18, 2021
 * Cassandra Says: Look Out Below June 16, 2021
 * With The Left, Their First Enemy Is Truth June 14, 2021
 * Blogger Versus Evil June 11, 2021
 * Money And Computers – Disaster Coming? June 9, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0: Extreme And Inflate June 7, 2021
 * A Day In The Life Of . . . June 4, 2021
 * Money Is Not The Only Form Of Wealth June 2, 2021
 * The Way The Constitution Dies May 28, 2021
 * The Alice Cooper Economy May 26, 2021
 * The Left: Scarier Than You Think May 24, 2021
 * No Post Today . . . May 19, 2021
 * Woke Military Kicking Out (More) Officers May 17, 2021
 * Life Is A Struggle: That’s A Good Thing May 14, 2021
 * Specialization And Generalization, Take Two May 12, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Preparing For The Commissar May 10, 2021
 * Why I Write May 7, 2021
 * Specialization Versus Generalization: The Economy Chooses May 5, 2021
 * Culture Wars: The Boy Scouts And Hollywood, Including A Bikini Graph May 3,
 * Envy And Being Thankful: One Of These Is Good April 30, 2021
 * Good Advice And Bad Advice April 28, 2021
 * Watch The Latest Podcast Because . . . It Has Four Bikinis. April 27, 2021
 * The Left Has Plenty Of Plans For This Crisis April 26, 2021
 * Truth: Never Give Up April 23, 2021
 * If The Market Is Being Gamed, Why Not Cheat? April 21, 2021
 * The Latest Podcast Is Up – Watch It Because You Need A Good Laugh. April 20,
 * The Biggest Lie Of The Left: Guns April 19, 2021
 * Welcome To Being An Outsider April 16, 2021
 * Welcome To The Exponential, Including One Bikini Graph April 14, 2021
 * Equality: The god That Failed April 12, 2021
 * Funny Movie Friday: Because I Said So April 9, 2021
 * Human Action Part II: A Tool Kit April 7, 2021
 * The New Episode Is Up: Watch It Because It’s Funnier A Biden Press Conference
   (Also: Readers Write!) April 6, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: The Cold Civil War? April 5, 2021
 * r/K Biology And The Coming Cold Winter April 2, 2021
 * A Brief Guide To Human Action – Which Leads To Human Freedom March 31, 2021
 * Listen To This Because You Want Top Rated Post Apocalyptical Streetfighting
   Headshot Humor March 30, 2021
 * City And Country: The Dividing Line March 29, 2021
 * Blinded By Science: But Are We Wiser? March 26, 2021
 * When It Comes To Economics, Karl Missed The Marx March 24, 2021
 * A New Podcast? Watch It Because It’s Even Better This Week. March 23, 2021
 * Leftists, Lawnmowers, and Liberty March 22, 2021
 * When the ship lifts, all bills are paid.  No regrets. March 19, 2021
 * Read This Post Because You Want To See Why Efficiency Can Suck March 17, 2021
 * Watch This, Because You Need A Good Laugh March 16, 2021
 * The Left’s War On Truth March 15, 2021
 * The Key To A Great Job? The Right Mixture Of Important And Urgent. March 12,
 * Money Is A Meme March 10, 2021
 * Podcasts . . . Catching Up March 9, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0: Censorship And A Change In Narrative March 8, 2021
 * A Wolfe, Stab Wounds, Dolphins, And Snot March 5, 2021
 * What You Can Learn About Economics From The Big Mac March 3, 2021
 * The Great Purge Ahead March 1, 2021
 * Fear, Rats, G. Gordon Liddy And A Machine Gun Bikini February 26, 2021
 * Consequences Of The Broken Balance February 24, 2021
 * Reminder: No One Is Coming To Save You February 22, 2021
 * Rush Limbaugh, Rest In Peace February 19, 2021
 * Texas Power Outages, Global Warming, And At Least One Bikini February 17,
 * Courage: The Biggest Present A Parent Can Give February 15, 2021
 * Purpose, Virtue, Starlets, And Inexplicable Comments About Italy February 12,
 * The Funniest Article You’ve Ever Read About Bon Jovi And The Everything
   Bubble February 10, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: A Bridge Too Far? February 8, 2021
 * #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett, The Caption Contest February 5, 2021
 * GameStop: The Tip Of The Corruption Iceberg February 3, 2021
 * How To Spot Propaganda February 1, 2021
 * Health, Media, And Distrust January 29, 2021
 * Pyramids, Captain Kirk, And Skills January 27, 2021
 * In Their Own Words January 25, 2021
 * Three Kinds Of Evil January 22, 2021
 * The Post That Gave The World Bikini Economics: Why MMT Is A Bad Idea. January
   20, 2021
 * End Censorship Of The Right With This One Simple Trick January 18, 2021
 * Toxic Positivity, Because Leftists Say So? January 15, 2021
 * New Podcast: Man-Eating Squirrels, The Fall of Ancient Greece, and The Fall
   of Education January 14, 2021
 * Money In 2021? (Explained With One Bikini) January 13, 2021
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Standing At The Brink January 11, 2021
 * Presented Without Comment January 8, 2021
 * The Big Hangover: Finland and Bikini Economics January 6, 2021
 * Podcast: Jet Packs, Cold Weather, Missing Babies (along with the funniest
   commercial we’ve done) January 5, 2021
 * Penultimate Day And 2021 Thoughts January 4, 2021
 * Happy New Year 2021! January 1, 2021
 * The Funniest Predictions About 2021 You’ll Read This Year December 30, 2020
 * Podcast: 9mm COVID Deaths, Gun Culture, And The ATF December 29, 2020
 * Plato’s Cave, Bonfires, And They Live December 28, 2020
 * A Wilder Story, or, The BB Gun, The Black Bear, The Soviets, and Me December
   25, 2020
 * Bikini Economics, The Money Supply, And Dinner With Gandhi December 23, 2020
 * Next Podcast Is Up – Listen To It Because It’s Christmas December 22, 2020
 * America: Walking The Razor’s Edge December 21, 2020
 * Paranoia, Preparation, and Peace of Mind December 18, 2020
 * The Coming Financial Attack on the United States: Connecting the Dots
   December 16, 2020
 * Next Podcast Is Up – It’s Cheese-tastic. December 15, 2020
 * Declaration of Independence: Not Just A 1776 Thing? December 14, 2020
 * Studies Show: Hanging Around Victims Sucks December 11, 2020
 * Money In 2021: What’s Next? December 9, 2020
 * Phase 2 In The Wilder Plan To Dominate All Media December 8, 2020
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: At The Bank Of The Rubicon December 7, 2020
 * Fit For Service: Fat Little Dogs With ESP And You December 4, 2020
 * Luck And (Sort Of) $20 December 2, 2020
 * The United States And The Road From Abundance To Bondage November 30, 2020
 * Black Friday 2021 November 27, 2020
 * Time, Treasure, and Talent: Three Gifts To Be Thankful For November 25, 2020
 * Thanksgiving Week: Gratitude November 23, 2020
 * Time To Play B-Sides November 20, 2020
 * Fight Club: A Dystopia We Can Learn From? November 18, 2020
 * Four Boxes: Soap, Jury, Ballot, And Ammo November 16, 2020
 * A Tree Fell On My House, But I Have A Chainsaw November 13, 2020
 * The Four Best Stocks For After The Death Of The Last Human On Earth November
   11, 2020
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Fraud And Our Last Choices November 9, 2020
 * Equity And Equality – Why Leftists Cheat At Elections November 6, 2020
 * Election Day 2020: Liveblogging Post November 3, 2020
 * The Archbishop, Trump, And The Coming Great Reset November 2, 2020
 * Never Let Them Demoralize You, Complete With Gratuitous Economic Bikini Graph
   October 30, 2020
 * 2020 Isn’t Over: The 2020’s Are Just Starting October 28, 2020
 * Killing The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg October 26, 2020
 * Liveblogging: The Debate At The End Of The Universe October 22, 2020
 * Life Is A Road. I Drive A Used Car. October 21, 2020
 * Free Speech? This Week Proves It Is Not On The Menu If The Left Wins. October
   19, 2020
 * The 2020 Election: Don’t Let It Make You Crazy October 16, 2020
 * Where We Are Now: The Cthulhu Collapse October 14, 2020
 * An Important Lesson Of Life? Understand Death. October 12, 2020
 * Victim? No. You Have A Choice. October 9, 2020
 * Three Wednesday Thoughts, But They’re Hilarious. Like Your Mom (No Your Mom
   Jokes Included). October 7, 2020
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report – Worse Than You Think October 5, 2020
 * Heaven, Atheists, and Happiness October 2, 2020
 * Open Thread For Debate Comments September 30, 2020
 * Open Thread For Debate Liveblog, Plus A Prediction Of How It Will Go
   September 29, 2020
 * Fear And Loathing In Modern America September 28, 2020
 * Contrast: It Makes Your Life Worth Living September 25, 2020
 * 2020: More Strange To Come September 23, 2020
 * The Silenced Majority: How The Left Censors The Right September 21, 2020
 * Friday Movies. Because I Said So. September 18, 2020
 * Magic and Money: More Related Than You Think September 16, 2020
 * The Great Exodus And Continued Attack Of The Left September 14, 2020
 * Fragility, Resilience, Or Antifragility? September 11, 2020
 * Tesla: Overvalued, But Pays For The Best Space Program On Earth September 9,
 * Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: 56 Days To The Last Election Ever In The United
   States September 8, 2020
 * If Journalists Were Pinocchio? We Could Climb Noses And Be On Mars Tomorrow.
   September 4, 2020
 * Investing? Invest In Yourself. September 2, 2020
 * Why Would Anyone Become A Leftist? August 31, 2020
 * Have The Kenosha Riots Given The Right Our Rosa Parks? August 28, 2020
 * Houses, Money, Stocks, and Bikini Girl Graphs August 26, 2020
 * Yuri Bezmenov’s 1980’s Prediction of 2020 August 24, 2020
 * You Get To Choose Your Mood. Why Not Be Happy? No Assembly Required. August
   21, 2020
 * The Data That Drives Advertising . . . Could Decide The Election? August 19,
 * Shield Walls And Responsibility August 17, 2020
 * No Mask? No Problem. We’ll Just Reeducate You. August 14, 2020
 * Victory and Sacrifice August 12, 2020


 * Mark on Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition
 * Ohio Guy on Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition
 * Aesop on Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition
 * TBC on Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition
 * Arthur Sido on Choosing A Path In Life, 2022 Edition


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