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Brownstone » Brownstone Institute Articles » Kulldorff Deleted: Famed
Epidemiologist and Early Opponent of Lockdowns Banned by LinkedIn


By Jeffrey A. Tucker   January 28, 2022 January 28, 2022   History, Policy,
Society   6 minute read

Just a few days ago, I linked to an epic article in the history of the pandemic
response. It was posted April 10, 2020, less than a month after lockdowns. The
legendary Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, whose impeccable academic
record includes writing statistical packages used the world over to assess
vaccine safety, could not find a publisher for a piece opposing lockdowns.
Finally, he decided to post it on his LinkedIn account. 

The posting of this article was an important moment in the modern historiography
of lockdowns and the response. It became very easily the most important
English-language dissent against the unprecedented and catastrophic response
deployed by states all over the world. LinkedIn made this possible because it
allowed its users the freedom to post their thoughts. 

Today, if you try to look at that piece, you will find that it is completely
gone. Not only that, but LinkedIn, a platform originally designed to empower
workers and professionals to network and find job opportunities to improve their
lives, has deleted him as a person. 

The full banning is so new that Google still believes that the page is there:

In fact. It is not:

[Note: Kulldorff’s account access was restored by LinkedIn several hours after
this article was posted and an explosion of outrage against the company. How
many others have not had such access to platforms to defend them against being
cancelled? Brownstone is thrilled that his account is back but things should not
work this way. And spare us please notes claiming that this was some technical

Not even seems to have a snapshot of this page. 

One of the world’s important voices for traditional public health practice and
the deployment of science in a pandemic has been deplatformed by this Microsoft

Here is where Martin’s personal page resided until just a few hours ago. Here is
where his April 10, 2020, article appeared. If you click on that link, you only
have a few seconds to observe that it is gone before the software erases reality
and replaces it with something else. 

Here is where the copy of his article resides (and another version),
and thank goodness for which (for now) somehow prevents the Internet
from plunging fully into a complete memory-hole-driven version of an Orwellian
model in which we pretend what happened never actually happened. 

This article is posted on Brownstone where anyone can read it. But Google makes
this complicated. If you look up the exact title of this article, the first link
is to the now-defunct LinkedIn version. I scrolled through ten pages of search
results and found nothing about the Brownstone version. 

DuckDuckGo gives better results, such that the reprinted article on Brownstone
appears on page 3. Part of this is algorithmically driven: original versions get
much higher search results. What happens when the original version is summarily
deleted by the whole platform, without warning, without notice, without
announcement? It could take months for the search results to reflect the change,
and perhaps the reprinted version will never appear. One never knows. 

It’s impossible to avoid the sense that the whole history of the pandemic and
the response are being rewritten in real time by Big Tech to cover up what
happened, who wrote what and when, and how the thing fleshed itself out in real
time. That Kulldorff used the Great Barrington Declaration as his cover picture
gives you a hint of where this is going. 

And this is only one case about which we currently know. How many others have
been deplatformed, made to disappear, vanished from history, deleted from the
narrative? This is Orwell stuff, not fiction but reality. And it is going on
everywhere. One might have supposed that LinkedIn would somehow be above the
fray engaged by low-end platforms like Facebook and Twitter, that it would
behave more professionally. Alas, that is not the case. 

It’s not just about content. It’s about people’s lives. Martin, like so many
millions of others, has invested vast time and focus on his LinkedIn profile.
Now the entire thing is deleted – not even in response to anything he lately
posted but mostly likely in retaliation for his role in crafting the Great
Barrington Declaration, a document which is now on the verge of global fame for
being 100% correct on the best-possible response. 

Now Martin himself has been deplatformed from the world’s most important
professional social network – as if he does not matter as a professional or even
as a human being. And to be clear: this was not a retaliatory measure against
some specific content that he posted lately. It seems to be an attempt to delete
his professional influence as a human being. 

This is personally very devastating to me because I’ve written so much in
defense of LinkedIn as a worker empowerment tool that grants individuals rights
to choose their institutional affiliations and carry with them from place to
place their own personal networks and thus not to be depersoned by large

I actually wrote the following (another link to this piece), making points that
two years later LinkedIn itself would use in its own corporate promotion:

> The genius of LinkedIn: it permits you to say constantly on the job market –
> cultivating a network – without seeming to be disloyal to your colleagues and
> managers and bosses. It is a completely unobjectionable thing to put your name
> up here. And because LinkedIn allows you to create networks based on your
> current employer, it is even seen as a benefit by your firm. It suggests that
> you care about your firm. It suggests that you care about your job and are
> happy to have it be part of your identity…. And contrary to population
> perception that social media is goofy and that the main purpose of technology
> is to push more gizmos, LinkedIn really has improved people’s lives and
> transformed the nature of the job and employee hunt. It has worked to
> dramatically reduce the information asymmetries that exist between buyers and
> sells in the labor marketplace. 

Sure, all that’s great until – until LinkedIn itself decides to make you and
everything you have written and posted suddenly disappear, making it seem as if
you do not exist and never have existed. And the company can do this to anyone
without exception and for no apparent reason. The tool of “worker empowerment”
has become the tool of worker disappearance. 

My friends, please take this seriously. Things are changing fast. The history is
being rewritten. It seems designed to whitewash the lockdowns, pretending as if
there was never any credible opposition. Great scientists are being made to
disappear before our eyes. It’s no longer possible to believe that this is some
kind of mistake, some fluke in the technology, an overly scrupulous algorithm
accidentally targeting the wrong person. This is intentional. This is
aggressive. This is being done by human hands with intentionality. 

And why? It’s about dogma, about rewriting history, about deplatforming dissent
in all its forms, and about an attempt to impose an orthodoxy in which the
lockdowners and mandaters are and always were correct. These platforms we once
trusted as our friends, places that make our speech freer and our lives better,
have become handmaidens of the forces that have taken freedoms from us. 


 * Jeffrey A. Tucker
   Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute and
   the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press
   and ten books in 5 languages, most recently Liberty or Lockdown. He is also
   the editor of The Best of Mises. He speaks widely on topics of economics,
   technology, social philosophy, and culture.




By Vinay Prasad / January 28, 2022 January 28, 2022

Weathervanes have no historical perspective of medicine. They are among the
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By Joakim Book / January 28, 2022 January 28, 2022 / History, Policy

The authors are pretty severe in their final conclusions. Lockdowns didn’t
meaningfully reduce Covid-19 mortalities: “the effect is little to none.”

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By Jeffrey A. Tucker / January 27, 2022 January 28, 2022 / Media, Policy,

This is the largest and latest example of the revolt and one that could make the
biggest difference yet. But it is only one sign…

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