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The FBI wanted poster for Dmitry Khoroshev, who is accused of leading the
LockBit ransomware gang.
Alexander Martin
Martin Matishak
May 7th, 2024
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Editor’s Note: Story updated 3:45 p.m. Eastern U.S. time with additional

LockbitSupp, the pseudonymous leader of the LockBit ransomware group, was
identified as a Russian national called Dmitry Khoroshev on Tuesday as the
United States, United Kingdom and Australia imposed financial sanctions against

A 26-count indictment has been unsealed in the U.S. charging Khoroshev, 31, with
developing and operating the LockBit ransomware service. He is accused of
growing LockBit “into a massive criminal organization that has, at times, ranked
as the most prolific and destructive ransomware group in the world.”

The reveal of Khoroshev’s identity had been teased on the ransomware group’s own
darknet extortion site, which was seized by the United Kingdom’s National Crime
Agency (NCA) earlier this year. The site now hosts a wanted poster offering a
reward of up to $10 million for information leading to his arrest and/or

According to the NCA, Khoroshev had “thrived on anonymity” and had himself
“offered a $10 million reward to anyone who could reveal his identity.” In an
interview with the Click Here podcast, he had claimed investigators had
overstated how much they knew about him.

While the LockBit site had previously been used to publish stolen information
from the ransomware gang’s victims, under the control of the NCA it is instead
showing off how much information investigators have obtained from the service’s

On Tuesday, police uploaded a wanted poster featuring two pictures of Khoroshev
to the site, alongside posts detailing insights their investigation has produced
so far.

Speaking to Recorded Future News on the sidelines of the RSA Conference in San
Francisco, Brett Leatherman, the FBI's deputy assistant director for cyber
operations, said “no Russian hacker should feel secure that they haven't been
identified by the U.S. government.”

LockBit “represented one of the most prolific ransomware variants across the
globe, causing billions of dollars in losses and wreaking havoc on critical
infrastructure, including schools and hospitals,” said FBI Director Christopher
Wray in a written statement.

“The charges announced today reflect the FBI’s unyielding commitment to
disrupting ransomware organizations and holding the perpetrators accountable,”
Wray added.


LockBit had been the most impactful and prolific ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS)
organization in operation over the past four years. It monetized cyberattacks
disrupting thousands of businesses worldwide, including Boeing and Royal Mail.

The ransomware service “caused untold damage to schools, hospitals and major
companies across the world, who’ve had to pick up the pieces following
devastating cyber attacks,” said the NCA's director general Graeme Biggar.

LockBit-linked cyberattacks had repeatedly sought to profit by risking lives,
including by forcing two major hospitals in upstate New York to divert
ambulances, and, just days before Christmas, attacking Toronto’s Hospital for
Sick Children, causing diagnostic and treatment delays for its patients — as
well as extraordinary distress for the families affected — because clinical
teams were struggling to receive lab reports and imaging results.

Similar to software-as-a-service companies, RaaS gangs provide a platform to
customers. The customers were hackers (known as “affiliates” within the
ransomware ecosystem) who after breaching a victim, then paid to access a
LockBit control panel from which they use the service to encrypt devices on the
target network and/or steal data and threaten to publish it on the platform’s
darknet site unless an extortion fee was paid.

LockBit claimed that the affiliate responsible for targeting the children’s
hospital back in 2022 had been blocked. But according to the NCA, this was a lie
and the affiliate received multiple ransom payments after this attack and
“remained an active LockBit actor until our operation in February.”

LockBit consistently published the data of more victims who refused to pay a
ransom to its darknet extortion site than any other outfit, over 2,000 according
to the latest count — more than its closest three competitors (Conti, AlphV,
Clop) combined.

Khoroshev is accused of creating an effective RaaS enterprise — functioning more
as a chief executive than a support account or an administrator as his moniker

According to Jon DiMaggio — the chief security analyst at Analyst1 who told the
Click Here podcast about infiltrating the LockBit group — Khoroshev upended the
ransomware ecosystem by putting affiliates in charge of the extortion
negotiations, with an automated system in place that saw LockBit collect roughly
20% of the extortion fee as a commission.

The indictment alleges “Khoroshev alone allegedly received at least $100 million
in disbursements of digital currency through his developer shares of LockBit
ransom payments.”


The Russian national is the sixth LockBit member to be charged with
participating in the LockBit conspiracy. Earlier this year in February, Russian
nationals Artur Sungatov and Ivan Kondratyev, also known as Bassterlord, were
accused of deploying the ransomware against numerous victims.

Another suspect, Ruslan Magomedovich Astamirov, also a Russian national, is
currently in custody awaiting trial over his alleged participation with the
cyber extortion service following a criminal complaint filed in June of last

A month earlier, two indictments were unsealed against Mikhail Matveev, also
known as “Wazawaka,” with using LockBit to attack a large number of victims in
the United States.

Back in November 2022, a dual Russian-Canadian national called Mikhail Vasiliev
was also accused of being a LockBit affiliate. Vasiliev is currently in custody
in Canada awaiting extradition to the United States.

The FBI’s Leatherman said: “If you look at the indictments, the sanctions
against Russian actors, all of these have effect because those actors now know
that if they want a better life outside of Russia, if they want to travel and do
business, if they want to travel and vacation elsewhere, if they are under
indictment or sanctions in the United States, they can no longer do that. And
that should serve as a deterrent. That should serve as kind of a cold wind in

Despite the latest action, there remain affiliates who have historically been
involved with LockBit. 

"We still have to hold them accountable for targeting U.S.-based companies,"
Leatherman said. "There's still money out there that has been extorted from
victims that are in the hands of criminals. We want to understand where that
money is and, if there's any opportunity to, get that money back."

Philip Sellinger, the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, said:
“Dmitry Khoroshev conceived, developed, and administered Lockbit, the most
prolific ransomware variant and group in the world, enabling himself and his
affiliates to wreak havoc and cause billions of dollars in damage to thousands
of victims around the globe.

“He thought he could do so hidden by his notorious moniker ‘LockbitSupp,’
anonymous and free of any consequence, while he personally pocketed $100 million
extorted from Lockbit’s victims. Through relentless investigation and
coordination with our partners at the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and
Intellectual Property Section, the FBI and abroad, we have proven him and his
coconspirators wrong.”

In an “Away” status message on the messaging service Tox, LockbitSupp has denied
being Dmitry Khoroshev. “The FBI is bluffing, I’m not Dmitry, I feel sorry for
the real Dmitry))) oh, and he’ll get fucked for my sins))),” the Tax account

Additional reporting from Click Here’s Sean Powers.


 * LockBit
 * United States
 * United Kingdom
 * Australia
 * Ransomware
 * Indictment
 * FBI
 * National Crime Agency (NCA)
 * Department of Justice (DOJ)
 * reward

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Alexander Martin

is the UK Editor for Recorded Future News. He was previously a technology
reporter for Sky News and is also a fellow at the European Cyber Conflict
Research Initiative.

Martin Matishak

is the senior cybersecurity reporter for The Record. Prior to joining Recorded
Future News in 2021, he spent more than five years at Politico, where he covered
digital and national security developments across Capitol Hill, the Pentagon and
the U.S. intelligence community. He previously was a reporter at The Hill,
National Journal Group and Inside Washington Publishers.


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