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Mark Sullivan – Professional Hunter



All DVDs just $29.95 $14.95 each!
Books just $49.95 $25 each!

It is with great pleasure that I announce the biggest sale Nitro Express
Productions has ever offered. But before I do let me give you a little
background you might enjoy.


As many of you know, the first movie I ever made was “Africa’s Black Death!”
This great blood-on- your-shoes movie was filmed in 1990 and premiered at the
1991 Safari Club Convention in Las Vegas. It sold for the amazing price of
$49.95 and was available only on VHS. But that didn’t stop folks from buying.
What was then a small gathering of hunters I sold over 400 copies at that show.
From that rather surprising beginning other movies soon followed. Each one
unique and each one dedicated to hunting dangerous game the way I think it
should be done. To date I have 14 fabulous movies, online and ready for
streaming, 12 DVD titles left and have authored and published two books; “Death
and Double Rifles” and “Fear No Death”. One of my DVD titles, “In the face of
Death” is completely “sold-out” and will not be reissued. Eventually that will
happen to all my movies and books as once I sell out of my inventory that’s it.
They will be gone and so will I. Yes, it’s all coming to an end.

So I have decided to slash prices across the board. Instead of $29.95 you can
buy any movie you want for just $14.95 each. Yes, you heard right; buy one, buy
two, buy them all…it doesn’t matter. They are just $14.95 each and this includes
FREE SHIPPING anywhere within the Continental U.S.

And my books get the treatment too. Instead of $49.95 each you can buy them for
just $25 each and this includes FREE shipping. And if I’m in town when your
order crosses my desk I will personally and richly autograph each one.

But keep in mind, once my movies and books are gone – they’re gone. So my advice
is…you better hurry while supplies last.

Mark Sullivan – Professional Hunter

So you ask, “Why am I doing this?” That’s a valid question and it deserves a
proper answer. Well, I’m getting old and just like the dugga boys I hunt and the
rogue bull hippo I track down and kill I’m looking to do other things.

For example, in addition to Tanzania I now offer Cape buffalo hunts in South
Africa for just $12,500. Now that’s affordable. And in my opinion this is the
finest buffalo hunt for the money in all of Africa. Look for details of this
hunt somewhere on my website. You’ll be amazed at what you get for your money!

In the year (2017) I applied for and got my apprentice guide license in Alaska
where I am now guiding for brown bear and moose. This is a real
kick-in-the-pants and if you’re one of those guys who needs one of these
critters then give me a call. The hunting is fabulous and you know I’ll give you
100% of everything I’ve got.

So there you have it. Mark Sullivan is changing gears and is a man-on-a-mission.
But before I go I want to thank all of you. That’s right, all of you for your
support over all these years, buying my movies and books, giving them away as
gifts, watching them so many times you wear them out and just supporting me
every step of the way.

I owe my life to you. For without your support and friendship I would never have
been able to live the life I have. Yes, I have risked my life so many times I
cannot count trying to give you the blood-on-the-shoes footage you so
wonderfully enjoy. And I should have died a hundred times trying, but I
prevailed and for reasons I will never understand.

From the bottom of my heart “Thank You”. I will forever be in your debt.

With Best Regards forever,

Great Hunting & Best Wishes,

Professional Hunter




PO Box 414 Northport, AL 35476


Mark Sullivan
Phone: (602) 956-3551


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