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As a Google Workspace administrator, you can contact Google directly for
support. Support options vary depending on your subscription, but there’s always
a way for you to get in touch.

Have Essentials Starter edition? To contact support, you need to switch to
Enterprise Essentials edition.


To contact a support specialist for help with your Google Workspace account:

 1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.
    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

 2. At the top right of the Admin console, click Get help .
 3. In the Help window, click Contact support.
 4. At the bottom of the Help window, describe your issue and click Send . 
 5. If a Help article that relates to your issue is listed, click it to review.
 6. If you still need help, click This didn't help, continue to Support.

Having trouble accessing the Admin console? For help, see Can’t sign in to the
Admin console.



Administrator Help Center: Search documentation for managing Google Workspace
users and services.


Google Workspace status dashboard: View status of core services (Gmail,
Calendar, and so on).


Google Workspace Community: Ask troubleshooting questions and get answers from
Google Workspace product experts and other administrators. 


Google Workspace for Admins Community: Join this community to view the latest
news and resources for Google Workspace, including peer-to-peer conversations,
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@askworkspace: Follow our Twitter channel to receive timely support, incident
communications, and quick self-help tips.


These policies apply only for administrators.

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How we prioritize your issue

We investigate your issue according to priority level and time of submission.
You can expect an initial response within 1 business day or less.

Priority and type of issue Example P1: Critical service-access issue affecting
more than one user. Service unavailable or unusable, with no workaround.
Widespread email delays affecting the majority of email being sent or received.
P2: Critical service-access issue affecting one user, or an issue affecting
collaboration among users. Product doesn't work as expected, with no feasible
workaround. A user can’t access email and receives a 500 Error page. P3: Product
doesn't work as expected, but a workaround is available. Unable to delete a
group forum post using the Delete button, but the message can be deleted with
URL changes. P4: Product doesn't work as desired, but functions and a workaround
isn't necessary. A user can’t easily add new words to the spell-check


Additional investigation

We might need to gather more information from you to conduct additional testing.
In these cases, we might ask you to:

 * List the exact steps that cause the issue
 * Follow troubleshooting steps
 * Collect and send additional information, such as log files or message headers

We might also route your issue to a specialized team for further investigation.
Resolution times vary, depending on the complexity of your issue and the
availability of troubleshooting data.
Possible solutions

Regardless of your issue, our commitment is to offer you a solution. Depending
on your issue, the following solutions are possible:

 * We fix your issue, provide a solution, or answer your question.
 * We confirmed that the issue you reported is a missing feature. You can submit
   your issue as a Feature Idea in Google Cloud Connect. 
 * We can’t reproduce the issue, but provide recommendations for further
 * We ask a third-party product team to help, and put you in contact with them
   for further assistance.
 * We can’t resolve the issue you submitted, or determine it isn't supported.
 * We resolve an outage tracked on the Google Workspace status dashboard and, at
   your specific request, send you a service credit and/or incident report.

When your case is resolved, you'll receive an email survey about how we handled
your case. Your feedback is crucial in making improvements to our support
structure and our products.

As your business grows, so does ours. To meet the support needs of our growing
customer base, we engage with a select group of trusted support service
providers. Like our customers, these service providers are diverse. They speak
many languages and are strategically located to ensure we can support you
whenever you need help. Each service provider goes through a rigorous selection
process to ensure they have the required technical expertise, and we maintain an
appropriate level of security and privacy so that together, we can provide you
with a consistent support experience.


 * Scope of support
 * Key information the support team needs
 * Support for other Google Cloud products

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 * 1 of 8
   Google Workspace Support offerings
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   Contact Google Workspace support
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   Before you contact support: Gather key information
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   Find your Google Workspace phone support PIN
 * 5 of 8
   Use the Customer Care Portal
 * 6 of 8
   Contact your Google reseller
 * 7 of 8
   Submit ideas for Google Workspace
 * 8 of 8
   Privacy best practices when working with Google Cloud Support

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 1.  Deutsch‎
 2.  español‎
 3.  français‎
 4.  Indonesia‎
 5.  italiano‎
 6.  Nederlands‎
 7.  polski‎
 8.  português (Brasil)‎
 9.  svenska‎
 10. Tiếng Việt‎
 11. Türkçe‎
 12. русский‎
 13. ‏עברית
 14. ‏العربية
 15. ไทย‎
 16. 中文(简体)‎
 17. 中文(繁體)‎
 18. 日本語‎
 19. 한국어‎
 20. English‎

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