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Aus RetroShare

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 * 1 RetroShare 0.6 And Tor
   * 1.1 What is Tor
   * 1.2 Why use Tor
   * 1.3 Requirements
 * 2 Retroshare 06 Hidden Node Set-Up Quick Overview
 * 3 The Onion Router (Tor) Installation
   * 3.1 Different ways
   * 3.2 RetroShare 0.6 Modes of Use With Tor
   * 3.3 Obtaining Tor
   * 3.4 Reference Linux Files
 * 4 TBB Configuration With Regular RetroShare 0.6 [Beginner Level]
 * 5 Vidalia-Tor Bundle Regular RetroShare 0.6 and Hidden Node RetroShare 0.6
   through Tor as a Hidden Service Configuration [Advanced Level]
 * 6 Using only the Tor binary system file for Regular RetroShare 0.6 and Hidden
   Node RetroShare 0.6 thru Tor as a Hidden Service Configuration [Expert Level]
 * 7 Extra Tor Information
   * 7.1 Configuration of Tor Bridges
   * 7.2 How do I find a bridge relay?
   * 7.3 How To Use Bridges
   * 7.4 Higher Security
   * 7.5 Links for More Information
   * 7.6 More Information For The Curious
 * 8 External links



The Onion Router (Tor) is a connection-oriented anonymizing communication
service. Tor users choose a source-routed path through a set of nodes and
negotiate a "virtual circuit" through the onion routed network. Each node knows
its predecessor and successor but idealy no others. Traffic flowing down the Tor
Network circuit is unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node, which reveals the
downstream node.

The term "onion routing" refers to application layers of encryption, nested like
the layers of an onion, used to anonymize communication. Tor encrypts the
original data, including the destination IP address, multiple times and sends it
through a virtual circuit comprising successive, randomly selected Tor relays.
Each relay decrypts a layer of encryption to reveal only the next relay in the
circuit in order to pass the remaining encrypted data on to it. The final relay
decrypts the innermost layer of encryption and sends the original data to its
destination without revealing, or even knowing, the source IP address. Because
the routing of the communication is partly concealed at every hop in the Tor
circuit, this method eliminates any single point at which the communication can
be de-anonymized through network surveillance that relies upon knowing its
source and destination.

Tor Reference:


For RetroShare 0.6 users, Tor provides a distributed network of servers or
relays ("onion routers") they can use after following the steps and examples
listed in this wiki page. Tor users bounce their TCP streams — web traffic, ftp,
ssh, etc. — around the onion routed network, and recipients, observers, and even
the relays themselves have difficulty tracking the original source of the
datastream. For RetroShare 0.6 users, Tor provides an added layer of security
and anonymizing ability which additionally cloaks their local IP address.


 * You must be using RetroShare v0.6+ (released mid 2015) either from a
   downloaded package or compiled by yourself.
 * The Tor binary must be installed and running on your operating system.

Before starting installing and configuring Tor, please read and understand all
of the information, as most problems are caused by not correctly completing one
step before proceeding to the next.

If you need help visit the RetroShare public chat lobbies, or IRC
( port 6697 #Retroshare channel).


 * Install onto your operating system the files of : tor and tor-geoipdb

 * Create a folder for your Hidden Service

 * Add the Hidden Service,Directory,Port information to your torrc file:

HiddenServiceDir /home/name/hideserv <-- Use your path,filename (example)
HiddenServicePort 11040 <-- Use your ports numbers (examples only)

 * Start Tor to generate your hostname,private_key files in your Hidden Service

 * Use a text editor to open your hostname file to obtain your onion address

 * Add your Onion Address,Tor Port (11040 example) and Local port number (12080
   example) information you added to your torrc file to the required fields as
   you create a new Hidden Node RetroShare 0.6 instance.

 * Now bootup your new Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6 Tor Hidden Service and enter
   the same information in Options -> Network -> Tor Configuration. Select OK.



Tor can be installed in a number of ways. In these steps, we'll outline and
describe step-by-step 3 distinct ways to setup and successfully use Retroshare
0.6 thru the onion router (Tor):

 * [Beginners Level] Tor browser bundle (TBB). This can be used as the Tor
   Router as it includes its own Tor binary. This is enough if you are just
   going to be using the Tor Bundled browser for your Tor Internet connections.
   This is useful for occasional regular Retroshare 0.6 routed through Tor to a
   friends Retroshare 0.6 Hidden Node (Tor Hidden Service). The Tor browser
   bundle must be up and running for the Tor connection to be enabled and is
   shut-down when the Tor browser bundle is exited or closed.

 * [Advanced Level] The Vidalia-Tor Bundle. This is the preferred Windows Users
   installation because it is both tiny and fast. You simply instruct your
   system to start the Vidalia Gui as your system boots up. The Tor binary ( The
   Onion Router ) only uses a small amount of systems resources which in nearly
   all cases is hardly even noticed. The outlined steps can be used following
   the included examples and applied to all computer platforms supporting

 * [Expert Level] The Tor (compiled) binary alone (which is installed in the
   system files). Many RetroShare 0.6 through Tor users following the suggested
   outlined steps and examples are fully capable of doing this themselves.


RetroShare 0.6 thru Tor can be used in one of two ways:

 * Regular RetroShare 0.6 thru Tor to a RetroShare 0.6 hidden node routed
   through tor. This method relies on the tor binary, geoip, geoip6 tor library
   and the torrc configuration file which is installed with the TBB (Tor Browser
   Bundle), or the Vidalia-Tor Bundle or the Tor system file with the
   tor-geoipdb files.

 * Hidden Node RetroShare 0.6 through Tor operating as a hidden service. This
   method outlined in steps 2 and 3 below does not rely on the Tor Browser
   Bundle and requires above average computer knowledge and abilities.


Download the newest Tor Binary and install it on your system via this URL: . For other GNU/Linux
Systems the latest Tor Binary Stable as well as unstable builds can also be
found there.

For more information about installing on:

 * Windows, visit If
   you want to use Tor as a client for other applications, download one of the
   Vidalia bundles and turn it into a client (Settings -> Sharing -> Run as a
   client only). Use Vidalia for configuration and testing operation on Windows.
 * MacOSX, visit


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubun-tor/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb vidalia


Once the Tor Browser Bundle is installed on your system, to connect to a
Retroshare 0.6 friend who is operating a Tor based Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6,
all that is required is set your Retroshare 0.6 Tor Configuration to port 9150.

TOR Socks Proxy (Port) 9150 Outgoing

You make this tiny change in Retroshare 0.6 Options -> Network -> Tor
Configuration where you simply adjust the outgoing port to 9150. A shiny green
button should confirm your Tor router is operating (The Tor Browser Bundle must
be concurrently running).

To briefly test your ability to now connect to Tor confirm your Tor connection
via accessing this link: If you are connected
successful via Tor that page will tell you. To see which Tor exit node nation
you are currently using and other specific Tor exit node information you can now
learn that via this link:

These temporary tests serve to confirm you are successfully running Tor. The Tor
Browser Bundle is built to specifically allow beginners and advanced users surf
the internet and various Tor onion websites with as much privacy and security as

With the tiny adjustment of the outgoing port in the Retroshare 0.6 Tor
Configuration area (to 9150) you can now connect your Regular Retroshare 0.6
thru Tor to your Retroshare 0.6 Tor Hidden Node friends, provided you are
concurrently running your Tor Browser Bundle.


Regular, persistant users of the Tor Router generally want to run the tiny Tor
Binary alone or in conjunction with the Vidalia Gui interface without the need
to have the Tor Browser Bundle running full time to remain connected to the Tor

The Vidalia Gui interface also provides an efficient system tray icon showing
your Tor status and the Gui interface provides users with functions similar to
those found in the Tor Button on the Tor Browser and additional Tor user editing

Although the Vidalia Gui application has not been actively upgraded during the
past 2yrs, it is often bundled with Windows Tor applications but left out of the
Tor Project non-Windows Tor bundles. Non-Windows system repositorys often still
offer vidalia for users to optionally install if they chose.

The Vidalia configuration settings and file must point to where you have
tor,torrc,geoip and geoip6 files stored.

Tor System Files Locations (linux examples)

/usr/bin/tor <-- tor binary file
/etc/tor/torrc <-- torrc file (tor configuration file)
/var/lib/tor/geoip <-- geoip file
/var/lib/tor/geoip6 <-- geoip6 file
/home/name/.vidalia/vidalia.conf <-- Vidalia configuration file

It is best to copy torrc,geoip and geoip6 into a user created data folder
instead of using the restricted system file system area. This also allows the
use of a custom torrc file just for private use with Vidalia while keeping the
system file area torrc file for use solely with my systems tor binary alone.

It is possible to use the system files area torrc with the needed changes and
geoip,geoip6 as is or chose to Optionally copy those files into a user area
created data folder and work on those as a regular user, not restricted to doing
this as an administrator,root,superuser,debian-tor user.

A user-created data folder is easily done by creating a Vidalia-Data folder,
copying your torrc, geoip, geoip6 files to it and then reconfiguring your torrc
file and Vidalia Gui settings to the new torrc and tor data path.

Make a new user folder

mkdir vidalia-data

Copy the torrc and tor data files Either from the Tor Browser Bundle Or from
your system files to your new vidalia-data folder.

cd ~/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor
cp * ~/vidalia-data


cp /etc/tor/torrc ~/vidalia-data
cp /var/lib/tor/geo* ~/vidalia-data

If required, change, update your ownership on these files

sudo chown name -R /home/name/vidalia-data

Your new vidalia-data user folder should now contain the torrc, geoip and geoip6

Using the Vidalia Control Panel (Settings --> Advanced tab) Or a text editor on
the vidalia.conf file, update to the new paths for DataDirectory and Torrc to
point to your new vidalia-data folder.

cd ~/vidalia-data/vidalia.conf
DataDirectory=/home/name/vidalia-data <-- Use your path to vidalia-data folder
TorExecutable=/usr/bin/tor <-- Use your path to tor binary file
Torrc=/home/name/vidalia-data/torrc <-- Use your path to torrc 

Example complete torric file cd ~/vidalia-data/torrc

[text_editor] torrc
ControlPort 9051
DataDirectory /home/name/vidalia-data <-- Use your path to folder
DirReqStatistics 0
GeoIPFile /home/name/vidalia-data/geoip <-- Use your path to geoip
GeoIPv6File /home/name/vidalia-data/geoip6 <-- Use your path to geoip6
# Uncomment Hidden Service Dir,Port later if running Hidden Node
#HiddenServiceDir /home/name/hideserv <-- Use your path,filename, example
#HiddenServicePort 11040 <-- Use your ports, example only
Log notice stdout
SocksPort 9050

Upon confirmation the Tor router is operating properly on your system then start
your regular Retroshare 0.6.0 instance and in your Options window -> Network ->
select Tor Configuration then check that your TOR Socks Proxy port is set to

TOR Socks Proxy 9050 Green Light Outgoing Okay!

Congratulations, you can now connect to Hidden Nodes even as you run RetroShare
standard nodes operations and to those that run Hidden Services, they can now
swap their Tor RetroShare v0.6 public keys with you.

Shut down your tor binary if it is running. On a Gnu/Linux system confirm using


or issue

killall tor 

First, create your hidden-service folder using something similar to this

mkdir /home/name/hideserv

Next add the Hidden Service path and ports to your torrc configuration file:

Add the following to your torrc file using a text editor and save it. If you are
using my suggestion option of a user created vidalia-data folder then that is
the torrc file you will be editing. Example

gedit /home/name/vidalia-data/torrc <-- Your path will differ

and add

HiddenServiceDir /home/name/hideserv
HiddenServicePort 11040

Note, You can change either port to another port number as you wish prior to
creating your hostname, private_key files. Of course your HiddenServiceDir
folder path is going to be different so use my example only as an example also.

Using the Vidalia Control Panel GUI Interface to Configure Hidden Service Data Information


[General Tab] Start the Tor software when Vidalia starts /usr/bin/tor <-- Where
your tor binary file is found [Sharing Tab] Run as a client only [Services]
Onion Address: xa76giaf6ifda7ri63i263.onion <-- Yours will be different Virtual
Port: 11040 <-- From the above Port example Target: <-- From the
above Stepped Port example Directory Path: /home/name/hideserv <-- From the
above example Enabled [Advanced Tab] Tor Control Use TCP connection
(ControlPort) Address Tor Configuration File
/home/name/vidalia-data/torrc <-- Example yours will vary Data Directory
/home/name/vidalia-data <-- Example yours will vary

Optionally use a text editor to configure Vidalia Hidden Service Data information

Using a text editor, open vidalia.conf in the ~/.vidalia folder Make your
changes following these examples. Note: Again,your file paths will differ and
your onion address will certainly be different. Lines 24-37





Now start Vidalia which should start tor, the Tor Binary then will write two
files into your user created hideserv folder (hostname and private_key) if not
encountering errors in your torrc file or failure to bind the needed tor port.

If tor errors out being unable to bind to the needed tor port, its likely to
have encountered another tor instance running already which must be shut-down
before trying again. If this happens at this stage then select in Vidalia
shut-down tor and then on your terminal command line enter these commands:

tor --service state stop

Or alternatively

kill [tor PID]


 killall tor

Upon successfully creating a new Tor Circuit wait a few minutes then in Vidalia
choose shut-down tor.

Using a text editor, open the /home/name/hideserv/hostname file and copy the
onion address listed inside it. Make a note of the onion address along with the
hiddenservice port information you placed into your torrc file such as
(HiddenServicePort 11040 as these are needed when next creating
the new hidden RetroShare node.

After ensuring that Tor is operational with your new HiddenService torrc
additions and the tor binary has generated your new hostname, private_key files,

Now, Generate your new RetroShare 0.6 Tor as a Hidden Service instance. Select
at RetroShare start-up 'Manage and nodes...' and check-mark the 'Create a new
Identity' box and the 'Create a hidden node' box and then as the certificate
information is requested manually adding the Tor generated Onion address where
Tor Address is requested and Port 11040 .

Once the RetroShare hidden service has started and you are logged in, select the
Options tool:

 * RS06 Options -> Network -> Tor Configuration -> Incoming TOR Connections
 * Set Local Address to port 12080
 * Set Onion Address to what you copied from your hostname file and port 11040
 * Chose OK to close and save your changes


 * RS06 Options -> Server -> Network Configuration
 * Recheck your Local Address which should now reflect Port 12080

Again both of the above port numbers used are simply as an example, you are free
to use them as given or change them at as noted.

Congratulations, this completes the steps to successfully enable a Hidden Node
Retroshare 0.6 instance thru the Vidalia-Tor bundle as a Tor Hidden Service.


The use of the system files Tor binary alone (not using Vidalia) is termed
'Expert' level by the Tor project developers. Administrative (Windows) or
Root/Superuser (Linux) level permissions are needed and used to access, read,
write the resulting torrc updates and Hidden Service files. The following steps
will help you accomplish this but at this Tor user level you should already know
how to proceed step by step in this Expert Tor level if you go this route. .
Many Non-Windows users will want to bypass the previous Beginner (Tor Browser
Bundle) and Advanced Vidalia-Tor Bundled steps previously outlined as the
Vidalia gui is no longer being updated nor bundled with the Tor binary for
non-windows platforms. Although the sole use of the tiny systems file binary is
considered expert level, its not difficult for most computer savy users and
administrators to follow the following examples and successfully apply them on
their Windows,Linux,Mac systems with few changes from the examples provided

Install the newest Tor binary onto your system files using the following
reference links. Many Linux repositorys also have the newest Tor binary also.

Tor Binary Only Downloads from Windows Windows
Unix,Linux, BSD Source

From Linux Ubuntu PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubun-tor/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb

Test for system Tor binary version

tor --version
Tor version <-- Should be the same or newer.

Once installed then change the tor and tor folders ownership from its existing
administrative/superuser/root/debian-tor only ownership. Using Linux as an

whereis tor
tor: /usr/bin/tor /usr/sbin/tor /etc/tor /usr/bin/X11/tor /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/etc/tor /usr/share/tor /usr/share/man/man1/tor.1.gz

locate torrc

locate geoip

Copy the geoip, geoip6 files to the system folder you have the torrc file in
these steps and examples.

cd /var/lib/tor
cp geo* /etc/tor

Change folder and files ownership:
sudo chown username -R /usr/bin/tor <-- location of system tor binary
sudo chown username -R /etc/tor <-- location of system torrc,geoip,geoip6 files

Note: Older versions of the Tor Binary were stored in other system file
locations, if you see those in the whereis command then rename or eliminate them
entirely to prevent them from accidently getting autostarted and running
concurrently in the background.

For example /usr/local/bin

Example for Tor Hidden Service Folder Name with paths,ports. Your system paths
will be different, your hidden service folder name and ports can be the same or
changed as you wish then applied to the torrc file edit. Skip these hidden
service steps if you only want Regular RS06 to connect to a Tor RS06 Hidden

HiddenServiceDir /home/name/hideserv
HiddenServicePort 11040

Create your Tor Hidden Service Folder

mkdir /home/name/hideserv

Rename the existing torrc file to torrc-original. Then using a text editor add and edit the following complete torrc file example then save it as torrc to the same folder.

Complete torrc file in /etc/tor system folder:
# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved
# The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it

Log notice file /home/name/notices.log <-- Your file path may differ
RunAsDaemon 1 <--Optional For Non-Windows run at startup in background
DataDirectory /etc/tor
GeoIPFile /etc/tor/geoip
GeoIPv6File /etc/tor/geoip6
HiddenServiceDir /home/name/hideserv <-- Only for RS06 Tor HiddenNode
HiddenServicePort 11040 <-- Only for RS06 Tor HiddenNode
## Log notice stdout
SocksPort 9050

Now in terminal mode start Tor to see if you have any errors in your
configuration and torrc file, if so then the log file should also echo the error
msgs to guide you in correcting them.

tor start

If you are ONLY going to use your regular Retroshare 0.6 to connect to friends
running a Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6 Tor Hidden Service then you are finished.
Bootup your regular Retroshare 0.6 instance, choose Options -> Network -> Tor
Configuration Port 9050 and confirm the Green Indicator that you are now
torrified, congratulations. You can now trade and accept friends public RS06
keys with RS06 Hidden Node Tor users.

If you are going to additionally create your own Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6 Tor
Hidden Service then using a text editor open the newly created hostname file
where you created your /home/name/hideserv folder.

Example: gyzp2zrhw3owqa5y.onion and copy your torrc HiddenServicePort
information Example: 11040

Note: Your Onion Address found in your hostname file will certainly be different
from the above example.

Now add that information as it is requested during your creation/generation of a
new instance Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6. Then bootup your new Hidden Node
Retroshare 0.6 Tor Hidden Service and enter the same information in Options ->
Network -> Tor Configuration. Select OK then choose Options -> Server -> Network
Configuration and confirm your Retroshare 0.6 Hidden Node local address now
reflects the correct Port. Example 12080

Congratulations, you've extended the new Retroshare 0.6.0 beta platform to now
actively have tor connections and in the additional step of adding a Tor Hidden
Service, to also operate a Hidden Node Retroshare 0.6 as a Tor Hidden Service.

Note: At the time of adding the beginning,advanced and expert tor level steps
for Retroshare 0.6, the button indicators in the Hidden Node RS06 instance
(Options -> Network -> Tor Configuration, and Options -> Server -> Network
Configuration) do not light-up green when Tor is configured correctly but remain
grey/black. This is a todo item during the Retroshare 0.6.0 beta phase.



Tor Bridges are essentially unlisted Tor Relays. As there is no public list of
them, Nations and ISP's blocking public known Tor relays very unlikely to block
private unlisted Tor bridges.

Tor Bridges represent a important push-back and resistance to any outright
blocking Tor by governments and ISPs.

Tor bridges will assist those affected RetroShare 0.6 users who are blocked from
internet access to either regular RetroShare 06 instances or RetroShare 06 Tor
users and RetroShare 06 Hidden Node Tor users.


There are two main ways to learn about a bridge address:

 * Get some friends to run private bridges for you

 * Use some of the public bridges


To use private bridges, ask your friends to run Vidalia and Tor in an uncensored
area of the Internet, and then click on Help censored users in Vidalia's Relay
settings page. Then they should privately send you the Bridge address line at
the bottom of their Relay page. Unlike running an exit relay, running a bridge
relay just passes data to and from the Tor network, so it shouldn't expose the
operator to any abuse complaints.

You can find public bridge addresses by visiting
The answers you get from that page will change every few days, so check back
periodically if you need more bridge addresses.

Another way to find public bridge addresses is to send mail to with the line get bridges by itself in the body of the
mail. However, to make it harder for an attacker to learn lots of bridge
addresses, you must send this request from a Gmail account.

Configuring more than one bridge address will make your Tor connection more
stable, in case some of the bridges become unreachable.


It is important to get working Tor Bridges that do not require any pluggable
transports nor IPv6 addressing:

Set those options and choose 'Get Bridges'.

The following are some examples of Tor bridges obtained when following the above
steps: 92464dcbab62eb5e9ad6e4e1f6f020043dc988eb e7df66c4e2028d41fc9a24a7094e2785811915ca 113315c131c7be89f22c33468c3d0bb71faa1a24

Using the Vidalia Gui or Tor Button on the Tor Browser, select 'Tor Network
Settings'. Check box to 'My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network'. And
enter each of the bridge lines you received in the above steps one at a time.
Adding more than one Tor Bridge address line will make your Tor connection more
stable and added insurance in case any of the other Tor bridges become

Sharing your private Tor Bridge to help Tor friends overcome censorship and
Internet blocking.

It is also possible to setup a free Tor Bridge using the Amazon EC2 cloud
computing platform. The Tor Cloud project images quickly and easily setup your
private Tor Bridge via a Tor Bridge virtual machine cloud based image.


For higher security, obfuscation protocol plugins are used to camouflage the Tor
internal data stream in the private Tor Bridge. While this is not a Tor Exit
server, changing the Tor data relay to appear as different or as normal Internet
data streams can assist to bypass Nations and ISPs censoring and firewall blocks
which attempt to actively lock users out of all Tor access.

Some examples are

 * obfs2
 * obfs3 (this is the recommended solution),
 * scramblesuit; and
 * fte.




 * Vidalia Bridge Bundle

 A Vidalia Bundle which is already configured for the user to quickly and easily be a Tor Bridge by default to help RetroShare 06 Tor users bypass Nations and ISPs which attempt to censor and prevent users from using the Tor Network.
 Tor Project Download Page

 * Vidalia Bridge Bundle (For Windows)

 * vidalia-bridge-bundle-


The RS06 developers did not automate the process of modifying the torrc file and
creating the hidden service folder because there are different restrictions
using the system files tor binary vs the user located Tor binary in the Tor
Browser Bundle. The system files Tor binary requires
administrative/root/debian-tor permissions to read/write/modify the torrc file
in the system file and in the Hidden Service folder.

It is important for computer security to prevent third party application with
administrative/root/debian-tor permissions as a superuser on computer systems.
To use the Tor binary in system files and not have to concurrently use the Tor
Browser bundle while running multiple Tor applications including the RS06 Hidden

The Tor Browser bundled Tor binary does not reside in the system files folders
and therefore does not need administrative/root/debian-tor permissions to
access,write and modify the Hidden Service folder.

An undocumented feature in Vidalia was discovered which automatically changed
the permissions by the system files Tor binary to access/read/write/modify a
user folder torrc file and write, access, modify the hidden service folder
hostname, private_key files in a regular user created folder (for example in the
notes previously is named which I choose to name vidalia-data).

This allows the advanced Tor user to use the system file Tor binary with a user
stored, created, changed, updated torrc (tor configuration file). As outlined in
the previous RS06 Tor steps, other files need to be added such as geoip, geoip6
and cert caches to the user created vidalia-data folder by simply copying those
over from the ones created and supplied with the Tor Browser Bundle. (
/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor folder files )

If the system files Tor binary doesn't have the correct permissions to read,
write and modify the torrc file then it simply supplys some dumbed-down default
values which in the case of a Hidden Service operation are going to fail

These issues can be solved by adding the tiny Vidalia Gui interface which also
allows the user instant debugging messages as well as other features for the
user. The previous steps detailed above in the RS06 Tor pages how to use the
system files tor binary with the Vidalia Gui interface.


Useful links to visit:

 * Why Tor project disadvise file sharing inside Tor network : "How can I share
   files anonymously through Tor?"

Onion sites:

 * Caves Tor hidden retrochat: http://chat7zlxojqcf3nv.onion/
 * Silk Road 2.0 Url: http://silkroad6ownowfk.onion
 * Agora Onion Address Tor http://agorabasgefge4qo.onion
 * Utopia Market URL: http://ggvow6fj3sehlm45.onion
 * RoadSilk url: http://yjhzeedl5osagmmr.onion
 * White rabbit marketplace URL (Tor): http://rabbittorvr74veg.onion



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