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HomeGuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog


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API Reference
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HomeGuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog
API ReferenceIntroductionError HandlingTest cardsTemporary Authentication
KeysAuthentication optionsTemporary keysCreate Temporary KeyDelete Temporary
KeyDirectSendAboutAPI KeysMoving from V1 to V2Error handling in
DirectSendTokenization JS LibraryDirectSend Test CardsVisa Best Practices Guide
for Response CodesDirectSend Pull and Push Transaction API FlowFraud
PreventionV2 Token Validation EndpointsTokenization V1Create Token: Payment
CardTokenization V2Create Token: Payment CardFinancial AccountsCreate Financial
AccountAccount HoldersAccount HoldersCreate AccountHolderShow Account
HolderUpdate AccountHolderDelete AccountHolderTransactionsTransactionsShow
TransactionCreate Pull TransactionCreate Push TransactionCreate Reverse
TransactionEscrowGet Escrow BalanceCard IssuingIntroductionCard Issuing API
Quickstart GuideAPI FlowsCodes, Statuses and ErrorsCIP/KYC VerificationKYC
Result CodesKYC Test CasesKnow Your Client - Cardholder
ScenariosTransfersCard-to-Card TransfersVisa Direct PaymentsEFT PaymentsACH
TransactionsKYCE-Transfer Push PaymentsE-Transfer Pull PaymentsE-Transfer
CancellationACH IntegrationCardholder Creation ValidationAuthorization &
Transaction CodesCard Issuing Certification and OnboardingSecondary
AuthorizationsCard Issuing Webhook NotificationsWebhook (event) schemaSimulate
Authorization and SettlementGet Card Order StatusLinked Cards with Shared
Balance - CanadaExternal AccountsList External AccountsCreate External
AccountGet External AccountUpdate External AccountDelete External
AccountCardholdersList CardholdersCreate CardholderGet Cardholder DetailsUpdate
CardholderAccounts and CardsGet Account DetailsGet Account By Processor
ReferenceGet Account BalanceGet Account TransactionsGet Account
AuthorizationsGet Card Order StatusModify Account StatusActivate CardRetrieve
PINGenerate One-Time TokenRetrieve Sensitive DataValue LoadsList Value LoadsGet
Value Load DetailsCreate Value LoadCreate Value UnloadProgramsGet ProgramGet
Program BalanceRecipient AccountsCreate Recipient AccountList Recipient
AccountsGet Recipient AccountUpdate Recipient AccountDelete Recipient
AccountCard TransfersCreate Card To Card TransferList Card To Card
TransfersExternal TransfersCreate External TransferGet External TransferACH
AccountsList ACH Accounts by Account IDCreate ACH AccountGet ACH AccountUpdate
ACH AccountDelete ACH AccountList ACH AccountsList ACH Accounts by Cardholder
IDDebt CollectionsCollectionsList CollectionsCreate CollectionGet Collection
Transactions HistoryGet CollectionUpdate CollectionVoid CollectionReturn
Collection3D SecureIntroduction3DS Status Codes3DS Test CardsVersion 23DS -
AuthenticateBrowser3DS - Get StatusService StatusStatusHealth Check




 * Introduction
 * Error Handling
 * Test cards


 * Authentication options
 * Temporary keys
   * Create Temporary Keypost
   * Delete Temporary Keydelete


 * About
   * API Keys
   * Moving from V1 to V2
   * Error handling in DirectSend
   * Tokenization JS Library
   * DirectSend Test Cards
   * Visa Best Practices Guide for Response Codes
   * DirectSend Pull and Push Transaction API Flow
   * Fraud Prevention
   * V2 Token Validation Endpoints
 * Tokenization V1
   * Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 * Tokenization V2
   * Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 * Financial Accounts
   * Create Financial Accountpost
 * Account Holders
   * Account Holdersget
   * Create AccountHolderpost
   * Show Account Holderget
   * Update AccountHolderput
   * Delete AccountHolderdelete
 * Transactions
   * Transactionsget
   * Show Transactionget
   * Create Pull Transactionpost
   * Create Push Transactionpost
   * Create Reverse Transactionpost
 * Escrow
   * Get Escrow Balanceget


 * Introduction
   * Card Issuing API Quickstart Guide
   * API Flows
   * Codes, Statuses and Errors
   * CIP/KYC Verification
   * KYC Result Codes
   * KYC Test Cases
   * Know Your Client - Cardholder Scenarios
   * Transfers
   * Card-to-Card Transfers
   * Visa Direct Payments
   * EFT Payments
   * ACH Transactions
   * KYC
   * E-Transfer Push Payments
   * E-Transfer Pull Payments
   * E-Transfer Cancellation
   * ACH Integration
   * Cardholder Creation Validation
   * Authorization & Transaction Codes
   * Card Issuing Certification and Onboarding
   * Secondary Authorizations
   * Card Issuing Webhook Notifications
   * Webhook (event) schema
   * Simulate Authorization and Settlement
   * Get Card Order Status
   * Linked Cards with Shared Balance - Canada
 * External Accounts
   * List External Accountsget
   * Create External Accountpost
   * Get External Accountget
   * Update External Accountput
   * Delete External Accountdelete
 * Cardholders
   * List Cardholdersget
   * Create Cardholderpost
   * Get Cardholder Detailsget
   * Update Cardholderpost
 * Accounts and Cards
   * Get Account Detailsget
   * Get Account By Processor Referenceget
   * Get Account Balanceget
   * Get Account Transactionsget
   * Get Account Authorizationsget
   * Get Card Order Statusget
   * Modify Account Statuspost
   * Activate Cardpost
   * Retrieve PINpost
   * Generate One-Time Tokenpost
   * Retrieve Sensitive Datapost
 * Value Loads
   * List Value Loadsget
   * Get Value Load Detailsget
   * Create Value Loadpost
   * Create Value Unloadpost
 * Programs
   * Get Programget
   * Get Program Balanceget
 * Recipient Accounts
   * Create Recipient Accountpost
   * List Recipient Accountsget
   * Get Recipient Accountget
   * Update Recipient Accountput
   * Delete Recipient Accountdelete
 * Card Transfers
   * Create Card To Card Transferpost
   * List Card To Card Transfersget
 * External Transfers
   * Create External Transferpost
   * Get External Transferget
 * ACH Accounts
   * List ACH Accounts by Account IDget
   * Create ACH Accountpost
   * Get ACH Accountget
   * Update ACH Accountput
   * Delete ACH Accountdelete
   * List ACH Accountsget
   * List ACH Accounts by Cardholder IDget


 * Collections
   * List Collectionsget
   * Create Collectionpost
   * Get Collection Transactions Historyget
   * Get Collectionget
   * Update Collectionput
   * Void Collectionpost
   * Return Collectionpost


 * Introduction
   * 3DS Status Codes
   * 3DS Test Cards
 * Version 2
   * 3DS - AuthenticateBrowserpost
   * 3DS - Get Statusget


 * Status
   * Health Checkget



 * Introduction
 * Error Handling
 * Test cards


 * Authentication options
 * Temporary keys
   * Create Temporary Keypost
   * Delete Temporary Keydelete


 * About
   * API Keys
   * Moving from V1 to V2
   * Error handling in DirectSend
   * Tokenization JS Library
   * DirectSend Test Cards
   * Visa Best Practices Guide for Response Codes
   * DirectSend Pull and Push Transaction API Flow
   * Fraud Prevention
   * V2 Token Validation Endpoints
 * Tokenization V1
   * Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 * Tokenization V2
   * Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 * Financial Accounts
   * Create Financial Accountpost
 * Account Holders
   * Account Holdersget
   * Create AccountHolderpost
   * Show Account Holderget
   * Update AccountHolderput
   * Delete AccountHolderdelete
 * Transactions
   * Transactionsget
   * Show Transactionget
   * Create Pull Transactionpost
   * Create Push Transactionpost
   * Create Reverse Transactionpost
 * Escrow
   * Get Escrow Balanceget


 * Introduction
   * Card Issuing API Quickstart Guide
   * API Flows
   * Codes, Statuses and Errors
   * CIP/KYC Verification
   * KYC Result Codes
   * KYC Test Cases
   * Know Your Client - Cardholder Scenarios
   * Transfers
   * Card-to-Card Transfers
   * Visa Direct Payments
   * EFT Payments
   * ACH Transactions
   * KYC
   * E-Transfer Push Payments
   * E-Transfer Pull Payments
   * E-Transfer Cancellation
   * ACH Integration
   * Cardholder Creation Validation
   * Authorization & Transaction Codes
   * Card Issuing Certification and Onboarding
   * Secondary Authorizations
   * Card Issuing Webhook Notifications
   * Webhook (event) schema
   * Simulate Authorization and Settlement
   * Get Card Order Status
   * Linked Cards with Shared Balance - Canada
 * External Accounts
   * List External Accountsget
   * Create External Accountpost
   * Get External Accountget
   * Update External Accountput
   * Delete External Accountdelete
 * Cardholders
   * List Cardholdersget
   * Create Cardholderpost
   * Get Cardholder Detailsget
   * Update Cardholderpost
 * Accounts and Cards
   * Get Account Detailsget
   * Get Account By Processor Referenceget
   * Get Account Balanceget
   * Get Account Transactionsget
   * Get Account Authorizationsget
   * Get Card Order Statusget
   * Modify Account Statuspost
   * Activate Cardpost
   * Retrieve PINpost
   * Generate One-Time Tokenpost
   * Retrieve Sensitive Datapost
 * Value Loads
   * List Value Loadsget
   * Get Value Load Detailsget
   * Create Value Loadpost
   * Create Value Unloadpost
 * Programs
   * Get Programget
   * Get Program Balanceget
 * Recipient Accounts
   * Create Recipient Accountpost
   * List Recipient Accountsget
   * Get Recipient Accountget
   * Update Recipient Accountput
   * Delete Recipient Accountdelete
 * Card Transfers
   * Create Card To Card Transferpost
   * List Card To Card Transfersget
 * External Transfers
   * Create External Transferpost
   * Get External Transferget
 * ACH Accounts
   * List ACH Accounts by Account IDget
   * Create ACH Accountpost
   * Get ACH Accountget
   * Update ACH Accountput
   * Delete ACH Accountdelete
   * List ACH Accountsget
   * List ACH Accounts by Cardholder IDget


 * Collections
   * List Collectionsget
   * Create Collectionpost
   * Get Collection Transactions Historyget
   * Get Collectionget
   * Update Collectionput
   * Void Collectionpost
   * Return Collectionpost


 * Introduction
   * 3DS Status Codes
   * 3DS Test Cards
 * Version 2
   * 3DS - AuthenticateBrowserpost
   * 3DS - Get Statusget


 * Status
   * Health Checkget


Branded money, delivered intelligently

The Berkeley API, provides a Restful JSON API for clients to pay customers,
suppliers, and employees, around the world via physical prepaid cards, virtual
prepaid cards, and real-time transfers with DirectSend. Our PCI-compliant
platform delivers real-time transactions using new payment rails and transfer
services, supported by Visa and Mastercard. It is fast, secure, and reliable.


Staging Environment: <>

Production Environment: <>


This API documentation includes details required to integrate to any of our
product APIs, including:


This set of API endpoints allow you to create Prepaid Card Programs within the
Berkeley Payments platform. You can issue physical or virtual Visa or Mastercard
prepaid cards.


DirectSend enables real-time fund transferring direct to any Visa cardholder.
Funds reach the recipient’s account within 30 minutes. You’ll receive real-time
authorization of a transaction’s success. The recipient only needs to provide
card details to the sender; no bank routing numbers.
You can use these endpoints for real-time funds disbursements, P2P transfers and
Prepaid Loads.


This set of API endpoints allow you to provide your Collections team the ability
to receive payments on outstanding collections in real-time.


This set of API endpoints can be combined with DirectSend transactions to reduce
chargebacks and shift liability.


All POST Requests should be made using JSON and include a Content Type header
and an Accept header. For an example of header format, please refer to example
requests below.


The Berkeley API supports idempotency for transaction requests. This allows
users to retry transaction requests without actually performing the same action
more than once. For example, if a transaction request fails due to a network
connection error, you can send another transaction request with the same
idempotency key to ensure that the transaction is not created again.

To perform idempotent transaction requests, provide an additional
idempotency_key in the body of the request. This key must be unique (we suggest
using GUID/UUIDS) for each transaction operation in a 24 hour period.

Updated 11 months ago


Error Handling
Did this page help you?

Updated 11 months ago


Error Handling
Did this page help you?
 * Table of Contents
 * * Base URLs
     * Available endpoints
     * Request Format
   * Idempotency

 1. API Reference
 2. Introduction
 3. Error Handling
 4. Test cards

 1. Temporary Authentication Keys
 2. Authentication options
 3. Temporary keys
 4. Create Temporary Keypost
 5. Delete Temporary Keydelete

 1.  DirectSend
 2.  About
 3.  API Keys
 4.  Moving from V1 to V2
 5.  Error handling in DirectSend
 6.  Tokenization JS Library
 7.  DirectSend Test Cards
 8.  Visa Best Practices Guide for Response Codes
 9.  DirectSend Pull and Push Transaction API Flow
 10. Fraud Prevention
 11. V2 Token Validation Endpoints
 12. Tokenization V1
 13. Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 14. Tokenization V2
 15. Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 16. Financial Accounts
 17. Create Financial Accountpost
 18. Account Holders
 19. Account Holdersget
 20. Create AccountHolderpost
 21. Show Account Holderget
 22. Update AccountHolderput
 23. Delete AccountHolderdelete
 24. Transactions
 25. Transactionsget
 26. Show Transactionget
 27. Create Pull Transactionpost
 28. Create Push Transactionpost
 29. Create Reverse Transactionpost
 30. Escrow
 31. Get Escrow Balanceget

 1.  Card Issuing
 2.  Introduction
 3.  Card Issuing API Quickstart Guide
 4.  API Flows
 5.  Codes, Statuses and Errors
 6.  CIP/KYC Verification
 7.  KYC Result Codes
 8.  KYC Test Cases
 9.  Know Your Client - Cardholder Scenarios
 10. Transfers
 11. Card-to-Card Transfers
 12. Visa Direct Payments
 13. EFT Payments
 14. ACH Transactions
 15. KYC
 16. E-Transfer Push Payments
 17. E-Transfer Pull Payments
 18. E-Transfer Cancellation
 19. ACH Integration
 20. Cardholder Creation Validation
 21. Authorization & Transaction Codes
 22. Card Issuing Certification and Onboarding
 23. Secondary Authorizations
 24. Card Issuing Webhook Notifications
 25. Webhook (event) schema
 26. Simulate Authorization and Settlement
 27. Get Card Order Status
 28. Linked Cards with Shared Balance - Canada
 29. External Accounts
 30. List External Accountsget
 31. Create External Accountpost
 32. Get External Accountget
 33. Update External Accountput
 34. Delete External Accountdelete
 35. Cardholders
 36. List Cardholdersget
 37. Create Cardholderpost
 38. Get Cardholder Detailsget
 39. Update Cardholderpost
 40. Accounts and Cards
 41. Get Account Detailsget
 42. Get Account By Processor Referenceget
 43. Get Account Balanceget
 44. Get Account Transactionsget
 45. Get Account Authorizationsget
 46. Get Card Order Statusget
 47. Modify Account Statuspost
 48. Activate Cardpost
 49. Retrieve PINpost
 50. Generate One-Time Tokenpost
 51. Retrieve Sensitive Datapost
 52. Value Loads
 53. List Value Loadsget
 54. Get Value Load Detailsget
 55. Create Value Loadpost
 56. Create Value Unloadpost
 57. Programs
 58. Get Programget
 59. Get Program Balanceget
 60. Recipient Accounts
 61. Create Recipient Accountpost
 62. List Recipient Accountsget
 63. Get Recipient Accountget
 64. Update Recipient Accountput
 65. Delete Recipient Accountdelete
 66. Card Transfers
 67. Create Card To Card Transferpost
 68. List Card To Card Transfersget
 69. External Transfers
 70. Create External Transferpost
 71. Get External Transferget
 72. ACH Accounts
 73. List ACH Accounts by Account IDget
 74. Create ACH Accountpost
 75. Get ACH Accountget
 76. Update ACH Accountput
 77. Delete ACH Accountdelete
 78. List ACH Accountsget
 79. List ACH Accounts by Cardholder IDget

 1. Debt Collections
 2. Collections
 3. List Collectionsget
 4. Create Collectionpost
 5. Get Collection Transactions Historyget
 6. Get Collectionget
 7. Update Collectionput
 8. Void Collectionpost
 9. Return Collectionpost

 1. 3D Secure
 2. Introduction
 3. 3DS Status Codes
 4. 3DS Test Cards
 5. Version 2
 6. 3DS - AuthenticateBrowserpost
 7. 3DS - Get Statusget

 1. Service Status
 2. Status
 3. Health Checkget

 1. API Reference
 2. Introduction
 3. Error Handling
 4. Test cards

 1. Temporary Authentication Keys
 2. Authentication options
 3. Temporary keys
 4. Create Temporary Keypost
 5. Delete Temporary Keydelete

 1.  DirectSend
 2.  About
 3.  API Keys
 4.  Moving from V1 to V2
 5.  Error handling in DirectSend
 6.  Tokenization JS Library
 7.  DirectSend Test Cards
 8.  Visa Best Practices Guide for Response Codes
 9.  DirectSend Pull and Push Transaction API Flow
 10. Fraud Prevention
 11. V2 Token Validation Endpoints
 12. Tokenization V1
 13. Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 14. Tokenization V2
 15. Create Token: Payment Cardpost
 16. Financial Accounts
 17. Create Financial Accountpost
 18. Account Holders
 19. Account Holdersget
 20. Create AccountHolderpost
 21. Show Account Holderget
 22. Update AccountHolderput
 23. Delete AccountHolderdelete
 24. Transactions
 25. Transactionsget
 26. Show Transactionget
 27. Create Pull Transactionpost
 28. Create Push Transactionpost
 29. Create Reverse Transactionpost
 30. Escrow
 31. Get Escrow Balanceget

 1.  Card Issuing
 2.  Introduction
 3.  Card Issuing API Quickstart Guide
 4.  API Flows
 5.  Codes, Statuses and Errors
 6.  CIP/KYC Verification
 7.  KYC Result Codes
 8.  KYC Test Cases
 9.  Know Your Client - Cardholder Scenarios
 10. Transfers
 11. Card-to-Card Transfers
 12. Visa Direct Payments
 13. EFT Payments
 14. ACH Transactions
 15. KYC
 16. E-Transfer Push Payments
 17. E-Transfer Pull Payments
 18. E-Transfer Cancellation
 19. ACH Integration
 20. Cardholder Creation Validation
 21. Authorization & Transaction Codes
 22. Card Issuing Certification and Onboarding
 23. Secondary Authorizations
 24. Card Issuing Webhook Notifications
 25. Webhook (event) schema
 26. Simulate Authorization and Settlement
 27. Get Card Order Status
 28. Linked Cards with Shared Balance - Canada
 29. External Accounts
 30. List External Accountsget
 31. Create External Accountpost
 32. Get External Accountget
 33. Update External Accountput
 34. Delete External Accountdelete
 35. Cardholders
 36. List Cardholdersget
 37. Create Cardholderpost
 38. Get Cardholder Detailsget
 39. Update Cardholderpost
 40. Accounts and Cards
 41. Get Account Detailsget
 42. Get Account By Processor Referenceget
 43. Get Account Balanceget
 44. Get Account Transactionsget
 45. Get Account Authorizationsget
 46. Get Card Order Statusget
 47. Modify Account Statuspost
 48. Activate Cardpost
 49. Retrieve PINpost
 50. Generate One-Time Tokenpost
 51. Retrieve Sensitive Datapost
 52. Value Loads
 53. List Value Loadsget
 54. Get Value Load Detailsget
 55. Create Value Loadpost
 56. Create Value Unloadpost
 57. Programs
 58. Get Programget
 59. Get Program Balanceget
 60. Recipient Accounts
 61. Create Recipient Accountpost
 62. List Recipient Accountsget
 63. Get Recipient Accountget
 64. Update Recipient Accountput
 65. Delete Recipient Accountdelete
 66. Card Transfers
 67. Create Card To Card Transferpost
 68. List Card To Card Transfersget
 69. External Transfers
 70. Create External Transferpost
 71. Get External Transferget
 72. ACH Accounts
 73. List ACH Accounts by Account IDget
 74. Create ACH Accountpost
 75. Get ACH Accountget
 76. Update ACH Accountput
 77. Delete ACH Accountdelete
 78. List ACH Accountsget
 79. List ACH Accounts by Cardholder IDget

 1. Debt Collections
 2. Collections
 3. List Collectionsget
 4. Create Collectionpost
 5. Get Collection Transactions Historyget
 6. Get Collectionget
 7. Update Collectionput
 8. Void Collectionpost
 9. Return Collectionpost

 1. 3D Secure
 2. Introduction
 3. 3DS Status Codes
 4. 3DS Test Cards
 5. Version 2
 6. 3DS - AuthenticateBrowserpost
 7. 3DS - Get Statusget

 1. Service Status
 2. Status
 3. Health Checkget