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dalkey history

Now well known for its stunning scenic surroundings on ‘Ireland’s Amalfi Coast’,
the town of Dalkey near Dublin City Centre, Ireland, has an ancient, rich and
varied history. It rose to prominence through great surges of activity and
rested as a sleepy fishing village in the intervening times.

Taking its cue from “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, Dalkey
comes from the Old Irish Name for Dalkey Island, ‘Deilg Inis’ which means ‘Thorn
Island’. This was later changed to Deilg–ei by the Vikings, Dalk-ei by the
Normans and later anglicised to Dalkey.

Some artefacts date inhabitation of Dalkey Island to 4,500 B.C. A skull, filled
with periwinkle shells, was found during an excavation in the 1960’s which was
dated to 2,500 B.C. The earliest written record of Dalkey is from the ‘Annals of
the Four Masters‘ which refer to a time in 1699 B.C. when Heremon and Heber
assumed joint sovereignty of Ireland and Dun Deilginis (the fort of thorn
island) was built.

In the 5th and 6th centuries, the most northern point of Dalkey Island was
indeed the home of a strategic fort. In archaeological digs of the ruins, bronze
pins, glassware and wine jugs from all over the world were found. Some were
imported from as far away as Greece, North Africa and the Dalmatian coast,
suggesting Dalkey was always a busy trading port.

Dalkey initially grew as a small village around the Early Christian Church of
the virgin saint, St Begnet around the 7th Century, a resting point as pilgrims
made their way to the monastic site at Glendalough. A holy well and church ruins
associated with St. Begnet can be found on Dalkey Island. Here at Dalkey Castle
& Heritage Centre, our 10th Century granite Church ruins are thought to have
replaced an earlier 7th Century wooden church on the site.

The Vikings arrived in longboats to Dublin in 795 AD and settled from 841 AD
onwards. During their reign Dublin became the most important town in Ireland as
well as a hub for the western Viking expansion and trade. It is in fact, one of
the best known Viking settlements.

Dalkey’s prominence in the world markets continued throughout the time thanks to
boats struggling to anchor in the shallow waters of the River Liffey in Dublin.
Dalkey was the easier port and trade thrived. During this time, Dalkey Island
also had a dark history as the holding place for Viking slaves and prisoners. A
hoard of Viking coins found in Victorian times in Castle Street, Dalkey have the
head of King Edgar who ruled from 959-975 A.D. They are now in the British

With the defeat of the Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014, Dalkey was a
sleepy village again comprising some cabins, a few inns, burgages and gardens.
It awoke once more with the Norman invasion of Ireland which took place during
the late 12th century.

This growth in trade was again influenced by the anchorage provided for large
Norman ships in Dalkey Sound. From the mid-1300s to the late 1500s, large Norman
ships could not access Dublin, as the river Liffey was silted up. They could
however anchor safely in the deep waters of Dalkey Sound.

In 1358, the Dublin Merchants succeeded in an application to the Crown to use
the deep and sheltered waters of Dalkey Sound to off- load goods bound for
Dublin. The ships were lightened and the goods were either brought by road to
store houses in Dalkey or went by shell boat into Ringsend.

With all that trade, the town was often subject to marauding attack by the
riotous O’Byrne and O’Toole clans from deep within Wicklow, so in 1390, Seven
defensive Medieval Castles were built in Dalkey by the merchants to protect the
goods before transportation to Dublin.

Eventually, Dalkey acquired the dubious renown of being a hub for smuggling, a
town of Pillaging Pirates! In fact, things got so serious that a water bailiff
was commissioned for the area to ensure that only the right cargo was being
removed from the ships and that the right taxes were paid. Underground tunnels
exist between Dalkey Island and mainland Dalkey, although these days they are
blocked up to prevent wayward explorers from getting hurt, lest they cave in!

In 1482, Dalkey was granted a licence to hold a weekly market on Tuesdays,
possibly to regularise an existing market. There was an Annual Fair on the feast
of St Begnet on 12th November. The shopkeepers in the town had to close their
shops and set up stalls outside the town and pay a tax to the Archbishop of
Dublin who used this money for the upkeep of the walls and pathways. This was
referred to as murage and pavage.

As Dublin port was dredged and developed, through the later 1500 and 1600s, the
town of Dalkey became unimportant to the merchants who had so needed it and the
town slipped into decline. By 1630, St Begnet’s Church here was reported to be
abandoned and roofless. Dalkey reverted to a sleepy fishing village.

During the Napoleonic Wars, 26 Martello towers were built along the coastline
for defence against a possible French invasion. One of these towers can be seen
on Dalkey Island, the other one nearby is in Sandycove, and now houses the James
Joyce Museum. We run Bloomsday Events, Guided Literary Walks and Luxury
Experiences related to James Joyce at Dalkey Castle.

November 19th 1807 was a tragic day in the area’s history. Several ships left
Dublin carrying troops bound for the Napoleonic Wars. The next day, two ships,
The Rochdale and the HMS Prince of Wales, having been caught in gale force winds
and heavy snow, were lost. The bodies were washed up for weeks afterwards along
the shore. A number are buried here in St Begnet’s Graveyard. The loss of almost
all of the four hundred lives on board was a catalyst for the building of the
Dun Laoghaire harbour, which began in 1817.

This led to Dalkey’s next rise to prominence with the excavation of granite in
Dalkey Quarry around that time. The coming of a new invention, the Dalkey
Atmospheric railway in 1844, and a successful quarry which had provided the
stone for Kingstown (now Dun Laoghaire) pier, meant good fortune for the people
of Dalkey. The railway used part of the quarry industrial tramway (see if you
can spot the old tramyard in town). The arrival of the railway also meant that
people could now work in Dublin City but live in larger homes out on the coast
and take in the clean sea air and stunning scenic views.

The Dalkey Gold Rush began in 1834 when Miss Etty Scott, a miner’s daughter,
dreamt that a horde of Viking gold was buried under Dalkey Hill. According to
Gaskin’s Irish Varieties of 1869, Etty told her family and friends, “Wait with
patience…for the secreted treasure of the Dane will be surely found if you
hearken to my voice”.

The miners living on the Commons of Dalkey all rushed to stake claims and this
led to the establishment of a Dalkey Goldmining Society. It all ended in tears
when some prankster Trinity College medical students left a bag of fluorescently
painted cats to be discovered and no gold was found.

There was a happy ending for the Dalkey miners however. A case around the same
time involving squatters on Ballymore Eustace held that they were entitled to
ownership of the land occupied by them for the past twenty or so years. They
sold their plots (on which most of the big houses of Dalkey were subsequently
built) to building speculators for substantial sums of money. Sadly, the fair
Etty (described by ballad singers of the day as ‘Dalkey’s beautiful dreamer’)
failed to benefit from the sale of her father’s plot. She died of consumption,
or possibly embarrassment, not long after the failure of her gold mining

During the 18th and early 19th century, the wealthy residents of Dalkey would go
on a Grand Tour of Europe. When they reached the Bay of Naples, they noted a
similarity between its stunning scenery and the stunning scenery surrounding us
here in Dalkey. This inspired them to give their Dalkey villas Italianate
place-names such as Amalfi and Sorrento when they returned from their travels,
hence Dalkey’s tagline today of ‘Ireland’s Amalfi Coast’.

Tour Options

Dalkey Castle History

Dalkey Castle, Dublin, Ireland is a 14th Century Medieval Castle & an Irish
Recorded National Monument & Landmark.

It is a Rare Medieval Townhouse Castle given that it is the only remaining one
of seven, open to the public. These Fortified Castles were built in 1390, in
Dalkey, by Medieval merchants looking to protect their goods, before
transportation to Dublin City Centre.

The other 6 Castles were Dungans, Yellow Castle, Wolverton’s, House Castle,
Black Castle and Archbold’s Castle (a portion of which also remains in town
today). Ground plaques along Dalkey’s streets indicate the original sites of all
the Castles. See if you can find them all or let us show you on one of our
guided walks.

The Medieval Castles have some excellent defensive features to protect the goods
from being plundered. These are all still visible in Dalkey Castle; the
Machicolation, the Murder Hole, the Battlements with its Warders’ Walk, and slit
arrow-loop windows. You will also see a fine example of barrel-vaulted ceiling
and traces of the wicker work that supported it. Many niches have been exposed
on the walls where precious goods may have been stored. We have a replica of the
Stocks which these days acts as your selfie point!

Back in the 1600s, Dalkey Castle was known as Goat Castle. Contrary to some
myths this was not after the goats on Dalkey Island, but rather a
mispronunciation, as it was named for the Cheevers family who owned the Castle
in the 1600s; ‘Chevre’ being the french word for goat. You can see the ground
plaque for Goat Castle outside the door and the flag with goat motif flying high
above the Castle when you come to visit.

Tour Options


In the early 1890s, Dalkey Town Hall was built onto Goat Castle to host
community events. The ground floor of the Castle became the Foyer to the new
Town Hall. The upstairs room of the Castle was used as a meeting room for the
Dalkey Town Commissioners.

The building has hosted ‘dramatic’ events since the early 1900s. Eamon De Valera
addressed a rally here in the 1930s. Hugh Leonard frequently referred to it in
his memoir ‘Home Before Night’ and, in his play ‘A Life’, the young Desmond
delivers a speech in the Town Hall.

Over the years the space has been a dance hall, a voting venue, a library, a
temporary Church, a sports arena & a theatre. The hall continues to be a
valuable community space with dance & exercise classes and community plays. The
All-Ireland award winning drama group, Dalkey Players stage their productions

The complex is a very popular cultural attraction & venue which hosts a
multitude of events including Writers’ festivals, exhibitions, product launches,
brand activation events, award ceremonies, filming location, client & staff
entertainment, team building, networking and corporate events, even acting as a
civil wedding venue occasionally.

A unique venue, steeped in history and in an atmospheric location, it is perfect
for your next event! To book one of our luxury experiences for your staff,
client or corporate group or to discuss venue hire, submit an email and a member
of the team will liaise with you.




The atmospheric 10th Century granite Church named after the virgin Saint, St.
Begnet, probably replaced an earlier wooden church dating back to the 7th
Century Early Christian period.

A Church and Holy Well to St. Begnet are also on Dalkey Island.

Much of the story of St. Begnet is lost in the mists of history. Her name is
recorded in the genealogies of Irish saints as Becnat, daughter of Colman, from
an aristocratic family of Dal Messin Corb. This family ruled Leinster, but in
700AD lost their power and were confined mainly to the Wicklow mountains. St.
Kevin of Glendalough was also thought to be from the same family line. Kilbegnet
(Church of St. Begnet in Irish) was considered to be a pilgrimage stop on the
way to the great monastic settlement at Glendalough so this would make sense.

St. Begnet supposedly fled to Britain to escape an arranged marriage where she
converted and returned to Ireland as a missionary. She founded her churches and
baptized new converts in the well on the Island. Today the well is associated
with the curing of scurvy, which seems appropriate being the point of the
passage of so many sailors and merchants down through the years.

St. Begnet is now the patron saint of Dalkey and her feast day is on the 12th
November, as recorded in the medieval Book of Obits of Christ Church Cathedral,

Stop in to the Church of the Assumption opposite Dalkey Castle to see an icon of
St. Begnet in which she sports a fancy gold bangle which legend has it was given
to her by an angel on her conversion. A bangle was said to have been preserved
for some time as a relic of Saint Begnet in Saint Bee’s convent in Britain.

The Nave of the Church here at Dalkey Castle dates to the 10th Century. The
Bellcote, Chancel & Chancel Arch were added in the 13th Century. The belfry has
twin bells which were struck by hand. The East window of the Chancel was added
during the 16th century. Besides the low doorways there are a number of other
interesting features to look out for in the church. Inside the Nave on the
eastern side of the doorway is a Stoup and there is an Ambry built into the
southern wall of the chancel. Of particular note, on the northern side of the
church is a rare Tau Cross.

The area around the church was thought to have been used as a burial ground from
the 13th Century but the early graves are not marked.

Dalkey Castle does have one of the best examples of a Viking gravestone known as
a Rathdown slab. You can find others built into the walls at St. Patrick’s
Cathedral in Dublin. This particular slab is one of the finest examples and,
standing at about 5 ft tall, one of the largest. It is thought the slab may have
been decorated originally with Viking art such as cup marks, but that a number
of christian symbols such as the large ring with a cross in the centre, may have
been added later.

The slab, dating back to around the 10th Century, was discovered in the
graveyard accidentally in 1826 when ‘Red Bill’ Harwood, an old seaman, pointed
out the place where he wished to be buried. A short while later, when he passed
away, workmen digging his grave unearthed the Dalkey Rathdown Slab.

Scattered throughout the graveyard are a number of decorated headstones. The
earliest named gravestone is of someone called Cornelius in 1738. “King of
Dalkey”, Hugh Dempsey, is buried on the south side of the church. A number of
bodies from the ship wrecks of troops bound for the Napoleonic Wars in 1807 are
also buried here. The most recent headstone is Kavanagh in 1930. The graveyard
is now closed as a place of burial.

Names of those buried from the 1700s to 1900s can be found on a Map in the
Heritage Centre.

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The “King of Dalkey”, a mock elective monarchy associated with Dalkey Island, is
a local tradition which dates to at least 1787, although some accounts suggest
Hugh Dempsey had been crowned as far back as 1780. “King” Dempsey is buried on
the south side of St.Begnet’s church here at Dalkey Castle.

“King of Dalkey” started when a group of freemen of Dalkey formed a club into
which they brought wits, poets and thinkers. They summoned a “Pimlico
Parliament”, named after the Pimlico Liberty of Dublin, and “hurled broadsides”
at the perceived pomposity of Dublin Castle.

Seen as a good reason for a bit of a party, several thousand people reputedly
attended the regal procession and carnival in August 1787 as Stephen Armitage
(pawnbroker and printer) became “King Stephen the First, King of Dalkey”. The
bombastic full title given was “His Facetious Majesty, King of Dalkey, Emperor
of the Muglins, Prince of the Holy Island of Magee, Elector of Lambay and
Ireland’s Eye, Defender of his own Faith and Respecter of All Others, Sovereign
of the Illustrious Order of the Lobster and Periwinkle”. The coronation ceremony
was held, with “mock gravity and ceremony”, in St. Begnet’s Church on Dalkey

Although the tradition of electing a mock “King of Dalkey” was interrupted
around the time of the 1798 Rebellion, it has been revived occasionally over the
years, firstly in 1850, then in 1934 as a British Pathe clip illustrates, in
1965 and again in 1983 when King Larry the First was enthroned. As of 2014, the
title is bestowed on the local sacristan, Finbarr Madden.

These days a vibrant Lobster festival is held annually in August to showcase the
area’s local seafood with visitors from around the globe in attendance. You can
see video footage of the crowning of the ‘King of Dalkey’ in the Heritage

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Findlater’s, the first grocery store, opened in 1897. The Carnegie Library
opened in 1902. James Joyce taught in the Clifton School in 1904. Dalkey became
a heritage town in 1995. The Heritage Centre was opened in 1998 and it has won
numerous awards at national level.

The Heritage Centre offers a deeper dive into the history of the area, with
scaled models, interactive touchscreens presenting information in twelve
languages, and a timeline from the earliest settlers on the island, through
Early Christian, Viking, Medieval and Victorian times to the present day.

Delve deeper into Dalkey’s history. There is a wealth of interesting historical,
and sometimes anecdotal, information. Switch between the engineer’s drawings of
Dalkey Town Hall and the newspaper cuttings of the Dalkey Gold Rush to the Pathé
news footage of the crowning of the ‘King of Dalkey’.

The Heritage Centre also has an impressive Writers’ Gallery featuring 45
renowned Irish writers and creative artists from James Joyce to Bono, Hugh
Leonard, Flann O’Brien, G.B. Shaw, Samuel Beckett and Maeve Binchy, all of whom
have associations with Dalkey.

To find out more about these writers, you can join a Guided Literary Walk that
tours local landmarks and shares anecdotes about the writers and the characters
they created.

Modern Dalkey is a vibrant town with a village vibe. It is famously home to a
host of celebrities including U2’s Bono and The Edge, Neil Jordan, Van Morrison,
Pat Kenny, Ryan Tubridy and Enya.

As a celebrity haunt it has welcomed numerous stars from George Clooney, Sean
Penn, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Tara Reid, Olivia Wilde, Pierce Brosnan, Frances
McDormand, Russell Crowe, Jane Seymour, Niall Horan, Lewis Capaldi, Harry Styles
& Matt Damon hence its other tagline of the ‘Hollywood Hills of Ireland’. The
local community prides itself on maintaining a level of respect and privacy for
visitors. It is a much sought-after place to live.

Matt Damon said of it: “This is one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever
been….It’s absolutely gorgeous…Even in the 2km lockdown, we’ve got trees and
forest and woods and ocean. I can’t think of any place you’d rather be in a 2km
radius of…It’s a little like a fairytale”.

The local community are proud of their rich ancestral heritage and welcome all
visitors to share the ancient history of their home town.

Dalkey has a wealth of boutique shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants and is a
charming place to spend a day. There are a multitude of local attractions to
visit as part of a day tour from Dublin.

Dalkey wins many awards in the National Tidy Towns competitions.

The town also hosts a number of festivals throughout the year.

Dalkey Vintage & Classic Car Festival kicks off proceedings at the beginning of
June. Then we have Bloomsday celebrating all things James Joyce on the 16th
June. Dalkey Castle runs Joycean events and experiences surrounded by the
beautiful colour of the occasion.

Dalkey Book Festival runs in tandem with this in mid June each Year. It has been
referred to as “The best little festival in the world….The scale of the town is
small but the size of the ideas are gigantic”. Festival contributors have
included Salman Rushdie, Amos Oz, Seamus Heaney, Edna O’Brien, Roddy Doyle,
Maeve Binchy, Joseph O’Connor, Tim Pat Coogan, Derek Landy, Jennifer Johnston,
Robert Fisk and Dawn O’Porter.

The town also hosts the Dalkey Lobster Festival in late August, which showcases
local seafood and global musicians.

Echoes Festival, a Writers’ Festival celebrating Maeve Binchy & Other Irish
Writers is held in October.

Dalkey Castle also holds seasonal events for Halloween & Christmas.

Book a Tour


A dedicated team of Tour Guides and Volunteers ensure the successful running of
the Living History Tour, Guided Walks and other Events & Experiences at Dalkey
Castle & Heritage Centre.

Community Employment (CE) and TUS provide personnel who are trained
professionally in-house as tour guides, supported by Department of Social


Manager & Festival Director ECHOES


Reception & Training Supervisor






living history theatre company


Supported by Community Services Programme of Pobal, Deilg Inis Theatre Company
are the only full-time professional theatre company devoted to helping people
tell their unique stories – in terms of physical place, social history, and
literary heritage. They specialise in site-specific drama that brings history to
life and life to history make it live and breathe through costumed, professional

Founded in 2003 by the late, renowned, Irish dramatist, Shay Linehan (best known
as an adapter for the stage of 3 of Maeve Binchy’s novels: ‘Light a Penny
Candle’, ‘Minding Frankie’ and ‘Aches and Pains’), the Deilg Inis actors provide
a live theatre performance as part of every Living History tour at Dalkey
Castle. These days the troupe are led by professional actor, Mr Michael Heavey.



Dalkey Castle won the Overall National Heritage Award in 2016, the Failte
Ireland Excellence in Customer Care Award 2018 and CIE Award of Excellence &
TripAdvisor Certificates of Excellence in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2019 and 2023 from customer satisfaction surveys. Tours consistently receive
glowing 5-star reviews from our visitors.



 *   Well, the long planned, awaited and anticipated tour of Dalkey Castle with
   our grandchildren finally came about today. The old adage that good things
   come to those who wait rang... read more truer than ever! There can be no
   better way to learn about and experience history than through the immersive
   interaction with real life characters, dressed in their medieval garb, and
   telling their stories. An experience NOT TO BE MISSED by visitors to and
   residents of Dublin alike!
   April 23, 2023
     What a Gem - Well what a super tour. Video to set the seen,live guide but
   then the actors who stay in character as they explain what life was like for
   them in the... read more castle.
   Wonderful stories & dressed in clothes of the time . They interacted with the
   group and got us all involved .Nice fun activity for all at the end .Suitable
   for ages 2-100!!
   Úna C
   April 20, 2023
     Excellent, fun tour - Our family of four (2 adults & 2 children aged 9 &
   11) recently visited Dalkey Castle and we were all so impressed with the
   tour. The actors were brilliant,... read more never breaking character and
   injecting plenty of humour throughout. The tour guides were so friendly and
   knowledgable. The whole experience was fantastic and very much enjoyed by us
   April 11, 2023

 *   Great fun - Great fun and very educational. Over 1000 years of history in
   an entertaining overview. A must do and see in Dalkey, Ireland !!!
   April 10, 2023
     Had a guided tour of Dalkey Castle and heritage centre yesterday. It was an
   excellent tour led by a lovely lady called JD. We got a very warm welcome ...
   read more on arrival by the two ladies on reception. The tour was enhanced by
   the addition of actors who gave you a flavour of what times were like in
   olden days in the castle. Well worth a visit. The castle is a two minute walk
   from the dart station. The tour takes an hour and can be booked online
   beforehand. This tour would be enjoyed by all the family.
   Mary H
   February 28, 2023
     This was a very informative and fun tour! Great for children and adults.
   The staff were very friendly, helpful, and fun! We will be back!
   February 12, 2023

 *   Really great activity. Actors were fantastic. It was interesting and very
   entertaining. Just good fun.
   January 22, 2023
     It was an awesome experience! - The acting of the staff was fantastic. They
   entertained the tourists very well! And the castle is stunning!
   January 11, 2023
     A great experience. Actors were very good. Informative and engaging.
   The audio visual set up is a bit amateurish; reminded me of primary school
   when the teacher... read more wheeled in the video player.
   January 7, 2023

 1. 1
 2. 2
 3. 3



Dalkey is on some of the most stunning coastline, with a mountainous backdrop,
just south of Dublin City Centre, en route to Co. Wicklow.

Aside from by car, the quickest way to reach the Castle is by DART. The DART
journey is a relaxing experience travelling along the beautiful coastline with
magnificent sea views. Dalkey is approx. 30 minutes from Dublin's Connolly, Tara
or Pearse stations (travelling south). Turn right on exiting Dalkey train

Dalkey is on the Aircoach route to/from Dublin Airport. From Dublin City Centre,
a number of local bus options are also available. Paid parking and coach parking
are available nearby.

Dalkey Castle postcode for Google Maps is A96 DE61.



We are open six days a week, all year round.
Closed every Tuesday.

January - May & September - December

Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 17.30
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: 11.00 - 17.30

June, July & August

Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: 11.00 - 18.00



ADULTS €13.95*


CHILD (4-12 YEARS) €10.50*


*Plus Booking Fees



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Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre
Castle Street, Dalkey, Co. Dublin,
Ireland, A96 DE61


+353 1 285 8366




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Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre,
Castle Street, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, Ireland. A96 DE61

+353 1 285 8366




 * How to Find Us
 * About Us
 * Other Attractions
 * Contact
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 * Medieval Living History Tour
 * Group Tours
 * School Tours
 * Language Schools
 * Literary Walks
 * Guided Walks
 * Bloomsday
 * ECHOES Festival
 * Halloween
 * Christmas


 * Medieval Heritage Evening
 * Discover Dalkey’s Literary Legends
 * Rejoyce in Joyce’s Dalkey
 * Maeve Binchy – The Heart of Dalkey

2022 Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre, Company No. 237466, CHY No. 2002 6363  
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   * Living History Experience
   * Group Tours
   * Guided Walks
   * FAQ’s
   * Gift Vouchers
 * Events
   * Bloomsday
   * ECHOES Festival
   * Heritage Week
   * Halloween
   * Christmas
 * About
   * Dalkey History
   * St. Begnet’s Church
   * Dalkey Town Hall
   * Local Attractions
   * Dublin Attractions
   * Where to Stay
   * Contact Us
   * Directions
 * Luxury Experiences
   * Medieval Heritage Evening
   * Maeve Binchy – The Heart of Dalkey
   * Rejoyce in Joyce’s Dalkey
   * Discover Dalkey’s Literary Legends
 * Maeve Binchy
 * Book Tickets

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