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December 27, 2015




Last updated: October 1, 2018

Every pet owner has to make peace with the fact that there will simply be some
pet hair. Likewise, you've probably already accepted that you have regular
vacuuming to do to get rid of it, but here are some ways to reduce your overall
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Do you have a Dogenstein or a Catzilla? It can certainly feel like you’re
battling a super-villain when it comes to pet hair—get rid of it, and it seems
like mere moments later there’s twice as much as before. If you’re going to
rescue the city—I mean, your home—here are, paws down, the best ways to manage
pet hair!


Unique Holiday Gift Ideas | 2018 Gift Guide
It can be difficult to find the perfect gift for someone. When I look for gifts
I look for long lasting, high quality, truly useful items that won't just sit on
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To some degree, every pet owner has to make peace with the fact that there will
simply be some pet hair. Likewise, you’ve probably already accepted that you
have regular vacuuming to do to get rid of it. But here are some ways to reduce
your labor on the floors.


Instead of a vacuum, switch to an electrostatic dust mop for hard floors, at
least for a first pass. Vacuum exhausts can send hair flying around back onto
surfaces, defeating the whole purpose of vacuuming. Even the action of a broom
can send hair flying.  Instead, something like a Swiffer will actually catch the
hair in its place. You can even switch out the disposable wipes with a
microfiber cloth, which also has that essential electrostatic charge. (I like
this option since you can reuse the cloth several times, and it gets laundered
instead of tossed.)


Before vacuuming, dust baking soda over the carpets (no surprise coming from me,
right?). This helps loosen the hair and also deodorizes at the same time (double

You can also use a dry rubber squeegee or rubber broom to lift up any pet hair
from carpets. It might freak you out slightly and cause slight rage at your
vacuum (why is it missing so much?!), but man, does it ever work. Just “rake” an
area with the tool in short, fast strokes and you’ll see hair peeling up off the

If your carpet corners and edges are darkened, it means you’ve got a hefty hair
build-up you need to deal with. Put on a rubber glove, wet the pointer finger,
then drag it across the area where the carpet meets the baseboard. (Insert shame
face here.)

Finally, if you’ve got the budget for it, get a robot vacuum. This machine
doesn’t complain, it just vacuums all day and all night, on your command,
managing pet hair so you don’t have to. Plus, it totally amuses the pets!


You may have noticed that I’m going against my usual rule to clean a room from
the top down—I don’t recommend touching your furniture until you’ve vacuumed or
Swiffered/swept the floors first, or else hair will just fly around and
re-settle, and you’ll be caught in a never-ending battle of you vs. rogue pet
hair (I’ve been there—guess who wins?). For pet owners, my rule is to sandwich
the cleaning of the rest of the room between two solid floor-vacuuming sessions
(annoying, I know, but it really works)!


To deal with pet hair on non-upholstered furniture, like wood, laminate, or
glass, consider using a microfiber cloth lightly spritzed with just water. The
electrostatic charge of microfiber will attract the hair, and the water helps
make it slightly sticky. That’s really all you need to do—but be mindful of how
full of hair the cloth gets, and be prepared to change it often so that you
don’t re-deposit hair all over the place.


For hair on upholstery, you can, of course,e use a vacuum or a lint roller, but
you can also try this hack: Dampen a clean sponge, rubber glove, or rubber
squeegee, then rub the item along the upholstery and watch the hair come up. You
can also pick up a specialty product for this, like a Lilly Brush.


If your pet has a favorite hot spot on your furniture, place a washable blanket
right on it, to prevent it from becoming fur-niture. We have blankets all over
our sofa and ottoman, and when guests come over, we get rid of them. They really
do help manage the hair.

Speaking of blankets, if you have a pet bed, wash it frequently to prevent
odors. Just follow the instructions on the care label.


Pet owners, get your air ducts cleaned as regularly as you can swing. Hair and
dander settle there and can get re-circulated, meaning more hair to clean for
you. Same goes for your furnace filter: change it frequently to help rid the
house of accumulated pet hair and dander.


Of all the pet hair questions we get asked, this one has to be the biggest area
of concern. Many of you still see pet hair on freshly cleaned clothes (happens
to me too). Here’s the best trick I’ve learned to do away with pet hair on clean
clothes: Loosen the pet hair up before washing, before the agitation of the
machines actually weaves the hair more deeply into our duds, and we’ll have a
good chance of getting rid of it.

Start by placing clothing in the dryer for 10 minutes on a heat-free,
tumble-only cycle. This will help loosen the hair. Remember to empty your dryer
vent. Smart, right?!

Now, shake each garment out before placing in the washing machine to rid it of
any extra hair, and wash as you normally would. You can even add in ½ cup of
white vinegar, which will help the fabric fibers relax, and of course, loosen
any extra hair.

Once the wash is done, shake each garment out again before placing into the
dryer.  Dry using a regular tumbling cycle. Dryer sheets can help reduce static
cling, which helps break the bond between remaining hair and clothing. You can
also use dryer balls—I use as many as I can find per load!


Remember, every hair you can manage to remove from your pet is one less hair you
have to clean up.


We have a Furminator and a few other similar brushes. Malee really, truly loves
it and asks to be groomed often. Paislee on the other hand, feels it’s torture!
So, we go easy on her. But oh boy, does that Furminator get rid of hair. Malee
sheds less whenever I use it. The same tool is available for dogs, and the same
concept applies. I highly recommend it.

When brushing, if you have a dog or outdoor cat and the weather permits, do it
outside so that the hair can fly around out there and not inside your house. If
you have to do it indoors, lay your pet on a towel while brushing to catch more


Yes, cats bathe themselves, but giving them a bath every now and then rids them
of excess dander. Just be prepared for some cartoon-level resistance. Monthly
bathing is best for dogs. Here’s a neat dog groomer’s secret I came across: if
you want to get all the shedding undercoat out, start by brushing the dog, then
shampoo twice and use conditioner. Rinse really well each time to get rid of
clumps of hair. Finish off by drying the dog (be sure to cover his or her ears,
and do not use the dryer on any sensitive parts!). Brush well after completely
dry and then—wait for it—repeat the entire process! I know how it sounds. But if
you do it twice, you’ll get rid of so much extra hair! If the thought of this
overwhelms you, take your dog to a professional groomer and have them perform a
special shedding treatment twice a year (which is basically what this is). This
is especially helpful to do during shedding season (spring and fall).


Dyson makes an animal hair attachment called the Groom Tool. Essentially, you
can vacuum your pet (if they’ll let you, mine sure won’t!) and clean as you go.

I hope these tips enlighten you and give you hope for a pet hair-free home (at
least, a much more pet hair-free home). It does take a few changes to your
cleaning routine, but you will notice a big reduction in the volume of pet hair
around the house. When in doubt? You can always grab your trusty lint roller.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from
qualifying purchases on
 * baking soda
 * pet hair
 * pets
 * squeegee
 * vacuum

Melissa Maker
Melissa Maker is an entrepreneur, cleaning expert, founder of Toronto’s most
popular boutique cleaning service, and star of the Clean My Space channel on
YouTube (but she still hates to clean!). Every week, Melissa delivers new videos
dishing expert advice on cleaning products, tools, DIY substitutes, and
practical, timesaving solutions to everyday problems. Melissa has appeared on
the Today Show, and has been featured in InStyle, Real Simple, and Better Homes
and Gardens.


Cleaning Hacks


Cleaning Hacks


Cleaning Motivation



 1.  Alina April 27, 2021 At 3:17 am
     Wow! Within 5 minutes of reading your article I was scraping the cat hair
     from my carpet with a rubber squeegee. Then I tried a dampened squeegee on
     a chair and pillow. Both were amazingly effective and I didn’t have to buy
     a special-purpose tool or get an expensive vacuum to do it. Excited to try
     the other tricks on the list too (particularly the cat hair on clothes,
     which is what brought me here). Thank you so much for this.
 2.  Susan M Dimmick March 8, 2021 At 8:46 am
     I have been using the dryer on u le air for years now & it is a great help.
     I also use wool balloon the dryer & cheap hair catchers in the wash. I’m
     excited to try the static cleaning spray! My newest problem is I’ve redone
     both bathrooms in my home & the toilets seats in particular have become
     hair magnets, no matter what I use or try, the hair will hide in a clump
     somewhere & spread out as soon as I leave the room, help!! It must look to
     others like I have fur toilets.
 3.  Aditi M January 9, 2021 At 5:38 pm
     Melissa, thank you so much for your helpful tips- my mom and I are both
     huge fans. One question: once you clean the floor with a reusable
     microfiber cloth (I’m using Bona), how do you get the pet hair out of the
     microfiber cloth itself?
 4.  Hannah September 16, 2020 At 6:55 pm
     This is just all the help need thanks a lot.
 5.  Asprucedhome July 27, 2020 At 4:15 pm
     I was looking for some serious help on this issue and finally found your
     blog and I’m going to share it on my social media platform. Thank you for
     your effort.
 6.  Daniel Adamo July 24, 2019 At 3:54 pm
     i am owned a dog. Dog/pet hair isn’t worthy to me as we like dog. I think
     it my regular job to clean my dog hair from furniture,floor,and bed .
     Usually, I use rubber broom, vacuum,other cleaning soda when that needs.
     but rubber broom usually you can use for all the purpose.
 7.  Tara May 13, 2019 At 1:52 pm
     I have a golden retriever, 2 cats and an angora Rabbit, so I know a little
     about fur. Lol. I have accepted it and don’t stress about it for the most
     part. I do my basic cleaning, then occasionally do a deeper cleaning on
     things like the couches that my dog rubs up against and covers in fur. I
     have found that a rubber bristle broom works extremely well for furniture
     and carpet to pull up the fur that the vacuum misses. For my hard surface
     floors, I gave up on sweeping and bought a robotic vacuum. We set it to run
     while we sleep and in the morning my floors are fur free.
 8.  Anneliese Reitz March 2, 2019 At 4:55 am
     Can I just shave my dogs hair off instead? My dog has a short Chihuahua
     coat. I itch terrible. I even considered taking my clothes to a profession
     cleaners for help. I suspect I am allergic to my animals.
     * Alexa May 24, 2021 At 1:06 am
       NO! Animals regulate body temperature through their layers of coat not to
       mention how uncomfortable it is for a dog or cat to be shaved. You need
       to identify the source of your potential allergy first then make
       reasonable changes. Shaving is reserved for extreme cases of matted fur
       or something hazardous all over the fur.
 9.  Jeanmarie October 10, 2018 At 12:33 pm
     Some good suggestions here, but I can’t wrap my brain around putting dirty
     laundry into the dryer. Yuck. Then I’d have to clean the dryer before using
     it! That sounds like more work than daily brushing and sweeping, weekly
     vacuuming, which are good to do anyway.
     * Juan L. Torres November 8, 2018 At 8:19 am
       It ain’t easy being cheesy
 10. Jeremy October 4, 2018 At 2:24 am
     Very helpful, will try on my own. Dog hair on my shag carpet is a
     challenge. Hope it will work
 11. Easy Home Vacuum September 18, 2018 At 1:38 am
     The article is quite interesting. My house has dogs and cats, it makes me
     feel uncomfortable and it takes a lot of time to clean up.I have read and
     have a lot of good skills from cleanmyspace.Thank you very much !!!
 12. Vanita May 30, 2018 At 3:47 am
     My pets are friendly and cuddle. So I keep a couple of small blankets in
     places like sofas and bed.are there any safe fragrance free cat shampoos or
     cat wipes you’d recommend?
     * Joanne March 11, 2019 At 2:20 am
       Ask your vet. They could tell you what’s safe.
 13. Helen Cantrell May 20, 2018 At 2:18 am
     I love that Method is cruelty-free and works so well! Thanks for sharing
     your cleaning supplies!
 14. Ada May 17, 2018 At 10:37 pm
     Thank you this dog hair is too much
 15. Anrn Walna April 21, 2018 At 9:29 pm
     I use a used dryer sheet or two in the wash cycle. They catch most hair and
     also pick up hair from the dryer
     lint filter. Just sayin’ . Also helps kill suds in deep rinse cycle. Love
     your helpful vids!!
 16. Noah April 5, 2018 At 1:48 am
     having pets is really cool. but cleaning them becomes a headache, I use
     dyson with groom tool , I think its by far the best I have used.
 17. Rochelle January 27, 2018 At 10:50 pm
     Thanks for all the good suggestions, but have a big problem that I can’t
     seem to conquer. We have a Black Cane Corso and he sheds like the dickens.
     I thought this breed didn’t shed that much because they’re short haired.
     Whenever I’m mopping, I see our dog’s hair as I wipe the excess water up
     with the mop, so literally, the mop holds on to the hair then redistributes
     it on the freshly mopped floor as I’m going back and forth. How do I go
     about removing the hair from the mop while it’s wet and becomes a hair
     * Gail S Deel April 6, 2019 At 9:17 pm
       Try vacuuming first before you mop..that should pick it up first
 18. Nadine November 9, 2017 At 8:00 am
     Prevention is key! I brush my furbabies several times a week and it cuts
     shedding down dramitically. They are double coated breeds so an undercoat
     rake works best on them. They didn’t care for the furminator so I now use
     the paws pamper undercoat rake which is far better at reaching and removing
     the undercoat plus it doesn’t pull, makes it super easy to get it out
     before it ends up all over the house. The little shedding I do have to
     clean up, between the vacuum and swifter, its a piece of cake!
 19. Christine Gunter September 9, 2017 At 3:41 am
     I like running stuff through the dryer on air fluff for about 15 minutes
     prior to washing. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats and a Shark that I love and I
     vacuum all the time! But my washer has never gotten clogged up if I run
     things through the dryer first.
 20. Trus September 2, 2017 At 8:18 pm
     Thank you for the tips, we have to black cats at home- it’s a hairy affair.
 21. ladylynne213 April 16, 2017 At 11:00 am
     If you’re going to use vinegar in the washer, please only use half vinegar
     and half water mixture. Straight vinegar will eat the washers rubber seals.
 22. Alexander Zi April 9, 2017 At 4:54 pm
     Use a squeegee that is long enough to push along the floor. The rubber will
     pull up the pet hair and make it easier to vacuum away.
 23. greenfireleopard March 23, 2017 At 8:24 pm
     My Mom was on to something, she always cleaned the fridge with baking soda
     and water <3
 24. pamela bourque March 2, 2017 At 1:34 pm
     I so appreciate the article. Not even a furminator can get a handle on my
     siamese lynx point! The biggest fight we have around here is about the cat
     hair. I have a squeegee, and can’t ait to try it. I did find a great lint
     roller, but still. It comes out into the clean laundry, I’m going to try
     dryer balls.
     Thank you
     * Colette Hugh April 16, 2017 At 11:31 pm
       I have a flame point Siamese and I’ve never had such a problem with cat
       hair with any other cat! She’s not a long-hair, but her coat is dense and
       fine–it’s a constant battle. I have to pet her very gingerly to avoid
       massive amounts of hair floating into the air. Love her to pieces, but it
       gets frustrating.
 25. vasantha sri kantha February 19, 2017 At 12:35 pm
     is it toxic to dog and cat
     * Jean June 22, 2017 At 2:08 pm
       WHAT is toxic?
 26. December 3, 2016 At 10:33 am
     I do use a SHARK vacuum every day. I don’t like the swifers, not throwing
     away those clothes or even cleaning a micro fiber clothe after. I empty the
     dust collector once for downstairs and once upstairs and wash the filters
     almost every other week. I vacuum his upstairs and downstairs bed every day
     and I dust with a microfiber cloth, brush the dog regularly and basically
     decide that a little pet hair would be great to have as our biggest problem
     in life. Love that doggie (Oscar the great!)
 27. Lucy November 18, 2016 At 8:52 pm
     I use an old scuba shoe. The kind that has a mesh top and a flexible rubber
     sole. It is great for hairy carpeted stairs, upholstery. It pulls the hair
     out. Just rub it in one direction and the hair will collect in a pile.No
     refills needed. A rubber glove is good, too.
     * Clean My Space November 21, 2016 At 3:16 pm
       Very creative solution! It’s always great when you can use what you have
       on hand.
 28. saraann pritchard November 16, 2016 At 9:11 pm
     I started with my cats when babies , wiping them off with baby wipes twice
     a day. I never have trouble getting them wiped off. I use baking soda all
     the time when I clean up after them.
     * Clean My Space November 21, 2016 At 3:12 pm
       Baking soda is amazing isn’t it?
 29. JB November 12, 2016 At 9:13 pm
     I had a blanket to wash that we keep in the car for our dog. I put it in
     the dryer for about 15 minutes, no heat, tumble dry. When I took out the
     blanket and placed it in the washer, I checked the lint filter and
     voila…there was the dog hair. I washed the blanket and there was NO HAIR on
     it when I put it in the dryer. The lint filter was free of hair (only lint
     was on it) after the blanket was dry. I wiped out the washer and, unlike
     other times I’ve washed the blanket, the inside of the washer was clean!!!
     THANK YOU….THANK YOU for the suggestion. It worked so well. I’ll be sure to
     use it when I was the dog bed covers.
 30. jnet0519 October 18, 2016 At 1:22 pm
     Do you have any suggestions or product recommendations on how to wash pet
     blankets and bedding in the washing machine without clogging the washer and
     dryer up with tons of hair? I’ve seen bags for washing these items but it
     seems like the hair would just stay on the blankets inside a bag.
 31. Kass Johns October 3, 2016 At 8:32 pm
     Great video! Thank you! I have a yellow lab as my office dog (and black
     leather sofa), plus 4 cats at home (red leather sofa). I use the rubberized
     grid shelf liner as my “sweep” for pet hair. It also works well on fabric.
     I just cut a square of it off (15×15 or so) and keep several handy for a
     quick wipe-down. Also keep one in the car!
 32. Alyssa September 4, 2016 At 7:59 am
     Love your video! Thank you for the tips! I have a question. I have to pay
     each time I use the washer and dryer n my building, and the dryer is on a
     timer once you put the money in. Do you have suggestions for pretreating
     pet hair on laundry if you can’t use the dryer first?
 33. Shana Wheat-Taylor July 19, 2016 At 5:43 pm
     To make bathing a cat easier…place a harness on the cat with a leash and
     attach the leash to your tub. I have a bar over my soap dish I use. Tie it
     up tight enough to prevent cat from reaching edge of tub and voila! You can
     now use both hands and still have firm control over the cat. It has worked
     for me with all 4 of my cats. I rub them all over while I run a shower head
     over them (being careful to avoid their faces) and just watch the loose
     hair on their bodies rinse off. Less hair to begin with helps the problem
     in the long run!
 34. Jennifer L July 18, 2016 At 1:43 am
     are there any safe fragrance free cat shampoos or cat wipes you’d
     recommend? many seem to have scents or essential oils which I’m not
     comfortable using.
     * Amber February 1, 2017 At 8:29 pm
       Years ago I needed to bathe my cat once, since I shave them & didn’t want
       to waste money on a big bottle of harsh cat shampoo that I’d use once &
       throw on the shelf till it expired. I was told By a vet/vet tech friend
       to use just a tiny bit of mild unscented baby shampoo. You can just get a
       tiny travel size for that, or if you get bigger you can use on
       yourself/kids or to wash your delicates & unmentionables, so then it
       doesn’t just get shoved somewhere making clutter but a multipurpose
       shampoo. Made their coat soft & smell good. But you might want to double
       check with your vet on that, every vet & cat are different. It’s the only
       thing I use now when I need to bathe any of my 4 cats, & as far as I know
       there’s no essential oils or scents in it… 🙂
 35. Catherine McFarland June 20, 2016 At 10:55 pm
     I’d hesitate to use a standard lint roller to pick up hair (the kind with
     sticky tape). Yes, it’ll pick up the hair nicely but it leaves a sticky
     residue that just attracts more hair and dust. Using the rubber glove trick
     works best for me.
 36. Lorr May 26, 2016 At 3:42 pm
     Great ideas. Thank you! On tile and wooden floors you can ‘puff’ a light
     dusting of baby powder (do not breathe it in or allow pets to breathe it
     in). Once it settles – sweep. You will be astonished at the fur that is
     collected. Damp mop afterwards as the powder will make your floors
     slippery. I learned this trick (to sweep up those teeny stray human hairs)
     years ago when working at a hair salon.
 37. Zhang Z April 27, 2016 At 3:35 pm
     I am from china and i saw ur video by accident . I really like ur sharings
     and hope u be good!
 38. jodi April 2, 2016 At 3:59 pm
     love the info and videos. keep coming back for more hints and tips. thank u
     for that. gotta a good one for you…i think…my white cat jack has been
     sleeping on my audi convertable canvas top for weeks. daughter got a new
     car. anyway, getting ready to sell the car so im cleaning it up. im gonna
     try the rubber technique, soon as iget a chance to buy one. any other
     suggestions? thx so much
 39. Dana March 20, 2016 At 8:39 pm
     Baking soda does not loosen fur from carpet. To loosen fur, you need
     motion. Simple physics tells you that dusting carpet with a powder, even
     baking soda, does not cause the motion needed to loosen fur. Plus, powders,
     such as baking soda, can clog vacuums, thus reducing their power and
     longevity. (Although baking soda does, in fact, help to eliminate funky
     smells.) The long and short of it: Baking soda is NOT a hair loosener and
     it can reduce the productivity of your vacuum!
 40. nickwilkinson26 March 15, 2016 At 12:02 am
     I have two dogs myself and they shed a lot of hair whilst sitting on the
     sofa. The best product i have found is called a Wicked Or What Carpet Hair
     Remover It works on various surfaces such as carpets, sofas and clothing.
 41. phy coll February 28, 2016 At 3:49 pm
     Some good ideas I’d never heard. Here is one thing I do. My pets are
     friendly and cuddle. So I keep a couple of small blankets in places like
     sofas and bed. I put the blanket on guest or me like a bib and over lap
     then allow the pets to climb in the LSP and cuddle. Then have the blanket,
     not the guest, to clean.
 42. Linda February 23, 2016 At 7:20 pm
     Wonderful information! Thank you. I am not able to afford the cleaning
     tools recommended, but your and your readers offered affordable solutions
     as will. TY TY
 43. Caroline Mecham February 15, 2016 At 3:58 pm
     Great info, definitely going to try it!!!
 44. Melody February 14, 2016 At 2:46 pm
     If you use a sponge to clean upholstered furniture, how do you get the pet
     hair out of the sponge when you are finished?
     * Dena May 13, 2016 At 3:31 pm
       Melody, I am a home cleaner. I’ve found that throwing the sponges I use
       while I work in with my cleaning towels gets rid of the pet hair they’ve
       collected. Also, you can buy sponges very, very cheap at a dollar store.
       Since you don’t need the scrubby part, I usually find them in multipacks
       for less than a dollar.
 45. cindy granata February 14, 2016 At 2:54 am
     love your site!!! thanks for all the amazing info!!!
 46. Debbie February 14, 2016 At 2:19 am
     I’ve had great luck with my Bissell handheld pet hair vacuum for use on my
     furniture. Works wonderfully, and it’s only $25 on Amazon.
 47. Debi January 28, 2016 At 7:33 pm
     Thanks for all the information. It sounds great & your a very good
     spokesperson. Keep up the good work.
 48. Nancy Bjorking Blunt January 2, 2016 At 6:42 am
     Great tips and here are a few more. Vent filters stop the gunk from getting
     into and blowing out of vents, especially floor vents. Make your own dryer
     balls. Wipe your cat or dog with a used fabric softener to help decrease
     pet static and they smell good too. Adding a bit of oil to their food in
     the winter, they get dry skin too and it will help with sheading.
     * Kimber January 30, 2016 At 3:51 am
       Great suggestions, except I wouldn’t use dryer sheets on pets or on
       furniture where they sleep or at all really. They are toxic. It’s easy to
       find info by googling.
 49. Alison December 30, 2015 At 9:36 pm
     Great info!
 50. margaret ellis December 30, 2015 At 7:45 pm
     a damp sponge of the car=washing size works best on carpet/soft
     furnishings; no special cleaning products needed;
 51. Mary December 28, 2015 At 6:42 pm
     Great ideas!
 52. Elizabeth Davis December 22, 2015 At 2:42 am
     Loved your video!!! I have 4 cats and a German Shorthaired Pointer. I made
     the mistake of using my one vacuum just for cleaning my “cat room” the
     other day which I didn’t think was going to be so bad but then I realized
     that when I went to clean the vacuum out (it’s bag- less) it still smelled
     “horrible!” I have done everything to get rid of this smell. I don’t want
     to use it in any other room in the house, but I can’t use it in the cat
     room because it will make the room smell. Help Me!!!!
     * Kimber January 30, 2016 At 3:54 am
       We sprinkle baking soda on carpets before vacuuming, as suggested in this
       post. I also mix with essential oil and mix with a fork to break up
       clumps. Whatever fragrance you like- lemon, tangerine, bergamot,
       anything. Vacuuming it up freshens the vacuum too.
     * Dana March 20, 2016 At 8:42 pm
       Put some potpourri in the canister of bagless vacs or in the bag for
       vacuums with bags. It prevents smell build-up. Also, you can put a piece
       of cut up flea collar into either of the above mentioned items to kill
       fleas and their eggs when you vacuum, should they come into your home on
       your four-legged family members.
 53. Sheree December 13, 2015 At 1:07 pm
     Great information on the wash. I will definitely try it with my sweaters.
     Also the swifter is a great idea to use first. I have an upright shark it’s
     great with the pet hair attachments but what I did to solve some of the
     problem of flying hair was tape a thin cardboard to the underside at an
     angle and then to the side so it still vents well but doesn’t blow as much
     hair around. I also use a Casablanca duster. It’s a great first start for
     furniture and great for ceiling fans and blinds because the hair clings to
     it. I went through a few of these that matted with washing. I now clean the
     pet hair out with the hose of my vaccum. It removes hair, fuffs it back and
     it maintainseems it’s statc clinging properties.
 54. Mary November 18, 2015 At 2:53 pm
     Loved the video. Really personable lady with great ideas.
 55. Matt Humlicek November 6, 2015 At 3:54 pm
     A raw egg a day in their food reduces pet hair fall out by half. Not an
     official study, just my observation. Their fur is shiny and healthy too.
     Just dont watch them eat it or you might not want to eat eggs anymore.
 56. shanise October 8, 2015 At 1:03 pm
     I don’t get a pet….
 57. Ashley September 25, 2015 At 5:43 pm
     should i wash my clothes inside out?
     Does this help with the hair?
     **my yoga pants are the worst, and i dont want them to pill**
 58. LC August 19, 2015 At 6:06 am
     Suuuuuper helpful read! I didn’t think about putting the blankets and
     clothes in the dryer first before the washer! My boyfriend and I are moving
     in together and these tips should help so much with managing the cat hair
     and he won’t notice it so much 😉
 59. Clau July 25, 2015 At 1:09 am
     I have been living in the dark age! I adopted 2 cats, one with long and
     beautiful hair, the other with very short blonde hair but they don’t come
     with cleaning instructions!!!! Thank you so much for this video I will do
     everything you recommend! I’m desperate for a cleeeeeeeeeaaaaan apartment!
     Again THANK YOU!
 60. Tom July 14, 2015 At 11:25 pm
     I used to have trouble with my dogs hair (jackrussel whippet cross), he’s a
     short hair so moults regularly, and it’s stiff and hard so sticks in fabric
     well. I’m shocked people say in the comments they only vacuum weekly, I
     manage the hair by doing it daily, it’s only 20 minutes but worth it, I
     even do the dogs 3 beds (not that he uses any of them much), do mine daily,
     change sheets twice weekly, and find using a disposable glove is great on
     the sofa (it’s suede) but even better with a fine spray of fabreeze to
     dampen and neutralise odour. X
 61. carol tye June 15, 2015 At 1:16 pm
     LOVE THIS!! I comb my cat several times a day. I have found that “work
     gloves” they have rubber on the palms of the hand works great to pick up
     the hair everywhere. but he still has a ton of fur.
 62. b May 8, 2015 At 4:49 am
     weekly brushing of pets..outside. monthly bathing. daily sweeping
     (sometimes 2 times daily) light sweeping of entire house with a broom or
     stick vac. then a weekly thorough sweep/vac.
 63. Diane Mulford April 16, 2015 At 5:44 pm
     I love these hair care tips. I found this website by asking Google if
     putting laundry in the dryer before washing helped remove pet hair, and it
     does! My tip for protecting a bed from pet hair, this works very well for
     me. I put my nice heirloom quilts on my bed, then I use a duvet that’s
     larger than my quilts so I get full coverage. I don’t put a blanket in the
     duvet, it acts like double sheet protection and I coordinate it with my
     bedding so my bed looks nice :). It’s lightweight (and works well in the
     summer when it’s hot), I can wash it in my front load washer as often as
     needed and my bed is clean and looks nice. I used to just use an old sheet
     but my bed just didn’t look nice when the rest of the room has a decor. I
     only use 100% cotton on my bed. Some people have left comments that 500
     plus thread count cotton doesn’t release pet hair well (like on
     but I haven’t had issues with that. I always shake my bedding before
     washing, of course. With a duvet cover it’s easy to change your decor, too.
     Oh, I have a golden retriever mix, a short hair doxie and a spaniel–lots of
 64. diana berry April 2, 2015 At 5:22 pm
     very helpful tx..i would like a cover that can let air circulate for summer
     for my dog to wear. and help protect the car seats..any suggestions??
 65. Karen M March 27, 2015 At 8:27 am
     I have an issue with the pet hair clinging to the head of my vacuum
     cleaner. How can I prevent that from happening. I seem to get more on the
     head of the vacuum than in the vacuum. PLEASE HELP!
     * murray May 7, 2015 At 2:50 am
       spray your vac with Static Guard
 66. Malinda March 14, 2015 At 8:50 am
     I love seeing comments about corgis.
     We have two (one of them is a fluffy) and our poor house is just caked with
     fur at all times! We have a baby arriving soon and all I can think about is
     her being covered in dog fur just like her parents. I love these two to
     pieces though. The anti-carpet comments make me laugh, we have hardwood and
     every single strand of fur shows up. Word of advice: avoid microfiber
     couches when you have shedders!
 67. Barbara Strickland March 6, 2015 At 5:33 am
     I loved the video. I will use your ideas, I use a ton of hair removal
 68. Ambrosia March 2, 2015 At 3:36 pm
     I have a Black Lab/German shorthair mix- both breeds known *shedders*! I
     find a *completely* dry rubber glove gets hair off of EVERYTHING!! It
     doesn’t pick it up, but it gathers it and makes it able to be picked up.
     Awesome! And such a economical solution to!
     I also use an off brand of Furminator. I can’t stress how awesome that
     brush is! I got it from Walmart for $27. Best $27 I ever invested for my
 69. Davina February 20, 2015 At 11:39 pm
     Hey Melissa how do you keep your bed pet hair free since your fur babies
     sleep with you? Thanks for all your great tips!!!
 70. meld February 17, 2015 At 2:18 am
     Great article. I’m so glad you mention the laundry which seems to be my
     biggest problem. Next big problem now is that I don’t have a clothes dryer.
     Do you have any other suggestions to keep the dog hair away from the
     washing? I’ll be having some visitors soon with a little baby and they are
     not used to pets so I’m really worried that a few too many black dog hairs
     might put them off. It really is awful pulling freshly washed clothes out
     of the machine to discover dog hair on them. Thank you.
 71. Brenda February 13, 2015 At 3:54 pm
     I know the furminator is suppose to work really nice but be careful cause
     the ends of the prongs can damage the dogs skin. The ShedMonster is nice
     cause there are no sharp prongs the ends have a curve to them so they don’t
     scratch the dogs skin.
 72. Mel January 29, 2015 At 9:43 am
     I use rubber gloves which are damp… cat hair comes off beautifully!
 73. Ellen M January 23, 2015 At 3:41 pm
     Under blankets and pet beds – you might want to edit – They are really
     prominent source of DOORS. Think that should be odors?
 74. Megan F January 14, 2015 At 8:06 pm
     I have a Corgi, definitely a Dogenstein when it comes to shedding. Luckily
     regular bathing, brushing and vacuuming help manage it indoors. My hair
     problem is in the car. Vacuuming just doesn’t quite do the job. The hairs
     stick to the seats and seems impossible to remove. Do you have any
     suggestions for getting rid of hair in the car?
     * Soma March 14, 2015 At 6:18 pm
       The baking soda trick works really well for the car, or you can get that
       carpet dust (which is basically bakind soda) and/or that ant static spray
       then vacuum. Then just use the upholstery tips above. I highly recommend
       a seat cover or a sheet though cause you protect your seats and they are
       way easier to take out and wash!
 75. Christina December 24, 2014 At 6:27 am
     We have a german shepherd – and if you know dogs you know how bad they
     (1) Blow dry after giving the dog a bath – I go to a place that lets me
     wash my dog for $5, and it has a high powered blow dryer, more than
     brushing/washing/etc. – This is what gets rid of hair. (Probably not
     helpful for cats). It also means I don’t have to deal with that mess in my
     own house. Feeding your pet a good diet is also supposed to help reduce
     shedding (at least the ones caused my nutrient deficiencies) I also use
     shampoo/conditioner that is supposed to help shedding. I’m not sure how
     effective that is though.
     (2) Carpet ‘brush’, similar to things mentioned above, but it’s big and it
     really helps get the hair loose.
     (3) Yes, Furminator and pet vac. They are the best things ever.
     (particularly the pet vac. I love mine and I swear it makes my life
     (4) A portable garment brush. Like a lint roller, but without the waste. It
     works better with textured items (like wool) that tend to claim hair the
     worst. A little ineffective on silk and smooth cotton, but still better
     than nothing. ((Although I am super excited to try the pre-dryer trick… I
     hope that helps with making sure it at least comes out clean!))
     (5) Embracing the hair. Sometimes it’s there. Whatever.
     A trick I’d like to use – not having carpet. My mother has this luxury and
     her house takes minutes to clean of pet hair with a Corgi and two cats. Of
     course, while renting I don’t have this power.
 76. Victoria November 17, 2014 At 8:52 pm
     We have eleven cats (because we used to foster kittens) and one Corgi, a
     year round shedder. Hair makes me crazy! I’m going to try these examples
     right away. Thank you Melissa!
 77. Nancy November 17, 2014 At 6:49 pm
     This is your greatest post ever.
     I have two sweet inside dogs and one is a white Great Pyrenees. The Pry is
     a shedder. White hair seems to be everywhere. I use a squeegee, dampened
     often, to get hair from large area rugs. Works very well but is, and will
     remain, a daily chore. Will use a squeegee on the furniture today.
     The laundry portion was also quite helpful. I love to wear black and all I
     have to do is walk through a room and white hair jumps to my clothes. lol
     Thanks again for this episode. I love them all but wish I could get someone
     else to do the work for me. 😉 You are doing a wonderful service for your
     many followers.
     * Nancy March 2, 2015 At 3:24 am
       Glad to hear that someone else is dealing with a Great Pyrenees. I love
       all of Melissa’s suggestions about dog grooming except doing the whole
       washing the dog twice process. I can only imagine trying to get my Pry in
       the bathtub twice in one day. Do you agree? lol
 78. Lauren S October 20, 2014 At 5:56 pm
     I spray my sofa with a static cling spray and then vacuum it up- it
     definitely makes it easier.


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