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Text Content


To comply with the requirements of BSP Circular No. 472, series of 2005, as
amended by Circular No. 549, Series of 2006 and further amended by Circular 622
Series of 2008, and BIR Revenue Regulation No. 4-2005, the borrower hereby
authorizes the Bank or any of its authorized representatives to conduct random
verification with the BIR to establish the authenticity of the Income Tax Return
(ITR) and accompanying financial statements submitted by the borrower in
connection with its credit application with the bank.

Further, I hereby acknowledge and authorize: 1.) the regular submission and
disclosure of my basic credit data (as defined under Republic Act No. 9510 and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations) to the Credit Information Corporation
(CIC) as well as any updates or corrections thereof; and 2.) the sharing of my
basic credit data with other lenders authorized by the CIC, and credit reporting
agencies duly accredited by the CIC.


“I hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and communication of any
information relating to all of my accounts or any information thereon, or any of
my properties or investments with Legazpi Savings Bank, Inc. to any of the
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives of
Legazpi Savings Bank, Inc. and third parties selected by any of them, wherever
situated, for use (including in connection with the provision of any service or
product relating to your accounts, properties or investments and for data
processing and storage, anti-money laundering monitoring, review and reporting,
statistical and risk analysis, and risk management purposes). In addition to the
foregoing, Legazpi savings Bank, Inc. and any office, branch, subsidiary,
affiliate, agent, representative or third party may transfer and disclose any
such information as may be required by any law or regulation. I agree to hold
Legazpi Savings Bank, Inc. free and harmless from any liability that may arise
from any transfer, disclosure or storage of information relating to my accounts,
properties or investments.”


Legazpi Savings Bank Inc. (the “Bank”) is committed to protecting your personal
and account information. We abide by strict rules of confidentiality and
regulations. We will not disclose to any person or entity any information that
you will provide to us without your express permission, unless we are required
to do so by the law.


Our privacy policy values and protects your personal information under the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 and the laws of the Philippines. Personal information simply
means any information or data that can be used to distinguish, identify or
contact you.

This Privacy Policy Statement explains how we process, obtain, collect, record,
organize, store, update, modify, use, access, protect, and share your
information when you access our websites, mobile app and/or apply for and avail
of any of our products and services.


The data privacy practices explained in this Statement are for individuals
and/or Bank’s clients, employees, third-party vendors, and business partners
(“Stakeholders”) that is designed to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012
(R.A.10173) and its implementing rules and regulations.


When accessing our corporate website and/or availing of our products and
services, you acknowledge and agree that your information may be transferred to
and processed in the Philippines following legal and regulatory standards for
data protection.


If you apply or avail of any Legazpi Savings Bank’s products and services or
when you interact with our employees and authorized representatives, we collect
your personal information. This may include, among others:

 * Basic personal information like your name, date of birth, gender,
   nationality, address, and identity supporting documents such as government ID
 * Your contact details like billing address, telephone number, mobile phone
   number and email address;
 * Specimen signatures; and Employment and Business details;
 * Images via CCTV and other similar recording devices and processes which may
   be observed when visiting our offices and/or using our other facilities; and
   voice recordings of our conversations with you.
 * Account transactions, movements, and interactions with third parties such as
   merchants (e.g., utility companies, etc.)

We may, as and when necessary, seek to verify this information with third-party
entities including government regulators, judicial, supervisory bodies, tax
authorities or courts of competent jurisdiction and, in the process, gain
additional information about you.

We also collect, use, process and analyze your personal information to help us
improve our products and services.

In the course of availing our products and services, we also collect information
about your transactions and dealings which include your account activities,
movements and interactions with third parties such as merchants and utility

When you access our websites, we may provide information about the Bank as well
as information regarding our products and services. In the course of using our
network of websites, we may collect non- personal information such as those
provided by your device which may include the IP address, operating system,
browser type and version, and other machine identifiers. We may track your
location if you use our location-based content such as branch or ATM locators.
We may likewise use web analytics tools, including those of third parties, which
use cookies to collect anonymous information and data generated in connection
with your activities when you visit the pages and our websites.

To improve our service delivery, we may also collect, use and keep your personal
opinions or comments made known to us via feedback or responses to surveys or
any other interaction that you had with our employees, authorized
representatives, agents and service providers.


We use the information collected to deliver and provide the products and
services that you have availed to:

 * fulfillment, delivery, support, and maintenance of Legazpi Savings Bank
   facilities, products and services;;
 * approve, facilitate, administer and process applications and transactions;
 * respond to queries, requests and complaints and improve how we interact with
 * communicate with you including the sending of statements and/or billings,
   administrative communications about any account you may have with us or about
   future changes to this privacy statement;
 * design new or enhance existing products and services provided by us;
 * perform demographic and behavioral analysis to understand market’s needs,
   wants and trends to be able to improve and recommend suitable products and
 * personalize the appearance of our websites and include location-based
   services such as finding the nearest ATMs or branches;
 * communicate with you regarding the Bank’s products and services information,
   including offers, promotions, discounts, rewards; advisories and for
   personalizing your experience with our various touch points such as branches,
   ATM, telemarketing, e-mail, SMS, Chat Messaging Service (CMS), Social
   Networking Services (SNS) and other marketing channels;
 * perform certain protective safeguards against improper use or abuse of our
   products and services including fraud prevention;
 * comply with our operational, audit, administrative, credit risk management
   processes, policies and procedures, the terms and conditions governing our
   products, service facilities and channels, Legazpi Savings Bank’s rules and
   regulations, legal and regulatory requirements of government regulators,
   judicial, supervisory bodies, tax authorities or courts of competent
   jurisdiction, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time;
 * to utilize data analytics that will help the organization improve and develop
   customer experiences and assistance;
 * comply with applicable laws of Philippines and those of other jurisdictions
   including the United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), the
   laws on the prevention of money laundering including the provisions of
   Republic Act No. 9160 (Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA), as amended
   and the implementation of know your customer and sanction screening checks;
 * comply with legal and regulatory requirements such as submission of data to
   credit bureaus, credit information companies, the Credit Information
   Corporation (CIC) (pursuant to RA No. 9510 and its implementing rules and
   regulations) responding to court orders and other instructions and requests
   from any local or foreign authorities including regulatory, governmental, tax
   and law enforcement authorities or other similar authorities;
 * background checks through character reference verification; and
 * perform such other activities permitted by the law or with your consent.

Further, if you are, become, or apply to become a client of any of our
affiliates or parent bank, Legazpi Savings Bank and the parent bank and/or
affiliate/s concerned has the option, but not the obligation to, rely upon, use,
and share your relevant personal and/or account information for any of the
following purposes:

 * to facilitate your account opening or application with the concerned
   subsidiary/ies or affiliate/s;
 * to validate, consolidate or update your customer information records and/or
   credit history;
 * to provide consolidated billings, deposit or investment summaries or other
   reports as you may request;
 * to send you advisories, reminders, announcements, promotions, offers,
   invitations and other notifications;
 * for research purposes or to design banking, financial, securities and
   investment or other related products or services for your use;
 * additional background checks through character reference verification; and
 * to comply with a legal obligation to which Legazpi Savings Bank or the
   concerned parent bank or affiliate/s is subject.

We may transfer, store, and/or process your personal data outside the
Philippines (i.e. entering into a cloud-based system) pursuant to any business
purpose that you have authorized or due to a legal obligation and mutual
agreements with other jurisdictions in light of relevant laws and jurisprudence.
In doing so, we will comply with the Data Privacy Act and its implementing rules
and regulations.


We may share personal information with various units within Legazpi Savings Bank
in order to better understand the way you use our products and services. This
will allow us to improve our services and offer you opportunities to obtain such
other useful products and services that may deliver greater value to you.

We may share information with our parent bank and affiliates to likewise offer
you additional products and services that we believe you might find interesting.

We may share with outsourced service providers and perspective outsourced
service providers that we engaged to support us in delivering our services to
you. These may involve anonymous or aggregated information to help improve our
products, services, and content.

We may also engage third parties to help us operate our business. These include
support in:

 * verifying your personal information
 * assisting in business operations
 * complying with legal requirements such as court orders;
 * enforcing our terms of use including, among others, our rights as creditor to
   customers availing of our loan or credit products, or such other applicable
   policies with respect to the services that we provide;
 * addressing fraud, security or technical issues, to respond to an emergency or
   otherwise to protect the rights property or security of our customers or
   third parties; and
 * carrying out all other purposes set out above.

We wish to assure you that we do not, and will not, sell personal data to any
third parties. All our engagements with third parties shall be fully compliant
with our obligation of confidentiality imposed on us under the applicable
agreements and/or terms and conditions or any applicable laws that govern our
relationship with you.


The confidentiality, integrity and security of your information are particularly
important to us. We strictly enforce our privacy policy within the company and
we have implemented physical, technological and procedural safeguards that are
designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, alteration
and disclosure. Whenever we engage other companies to provide services for us,
we require them to protect personal information aligned with our own security

We fully recognize the value of your personal information particularly as it may
include sensitive personal information such as your name, contact numbers,
government-issued IDs, etc. Appropriately, we strive to maintain the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal information by
employing physical, technological and procedural safeguards. We train our
employees to properly handle your information. Whenever we engage other
companies to provide services for us, we require them to protect personal
information aligned with our own security standards.


Your personal data shall only be retained for as long as necessary:

1) for the fulfillment of the declared, specified, and legitimate purpose, or
when the processing relevant to the purpose has been terminated;

2) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or

3) for legitimate business purposes, which must be consistent with standards
followed by the applicable industry or approved by appropriate government

Retention of your personal data shall be up to its intended purpose only, taking
into consideration the retention period of documents as mandated by laws, the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and
other regulatory agencies. After cessation of legal, regulatory, or business
purposes, we retain your personal information for at least five (5) years or
pursuant to applicable laws and regulations (such as but not limited to banking
laws, statutes of limitations, the DPA, and its IRR, among others).


Your personal data shall be disposed of in a secure manner by overwriting,
degaussing, &/or shredding any personal information that is deemed no longer
necessary or no longer serves the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. In all
instances, our manner of disposal shall ensure that the personal information
shall no longer be retrieved, processed, or accessed by unauthorized persons.


Legazpi Savings Bank would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your
data protection rights under the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Every data subject is
entitled to the following:

 * The right to access – Subject to the applicable service fee, you have the
   right to request copies of your personal data from Legazpi Savings Bank.
 * The right to rectification – You have the right to request correction of any
   information you believe is inaccurate. Likewise, you also have the right to
   update and provide additional information if you believe that the personal
   information we have about you is incomplete.
 * The right to erasure – You have the right to request the erasure or deletion
   of your personal data under certain conditions. However, this may affect the
   way we provide products and services to you.
 * The right to restrict processing – You have the right to restrict the
   processing of your personal data under certain conditions.
 * The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to the
   processing of your personal data under certain conditions.
 * The right to data portability – You have the right to request the transfer of
   your personal data that we have collected to another organization or directly
   to you under certain conditions.

Additionally, you have also certain rights, which includes:

 * the right not to receive marketing promotions;
 * the right not to share your information with our subsidiaries and affiliates
   or with other companies that we have business with provided that such
   information is not critical nor required by applicable laws and regulations
   in maintaining the services that you have availed with us;
 * the right to provide you with information that we currently have about you
   subject to restrictions applied to us as a bank and a company operating in
   the Philippines by certain laws and regulations;
 * the right to update your information


For any queries, clarifications or requests on any aspect of this Statement, the
exercise of your rights pertaining to your personal information or to provide
any feedback that you may have about our processing of personal information,
please visit any of our branches or get in touch with our Contact Center at
(052) 732-3000 or email us at

You may write to our Data Privacy Officer at: DATA PRIVACY OFFICER at:

Legazpi Savings Bank Inc.
21st Floor Robinsons Galleria Corporate Center, EDSA Corner Ortigas Avenue,
Quezon City,
For complete reference on the Data Privacy Act, you may access the National
Commission Website at


We may modify or amend this Data Privacy Statement from time to time to comply
with government and regulations applicable to us or how we process, obtain,
collect, record, organize, store, update, modify, use, access, protect, and
share your personal information. Any relevant updates will be posted on the
Legazpi Savings Bank corporate website.


Personal Information – refers to any information whether recorded in a material
form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be
reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or
when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify
an individual.

Websites – corporate website, Social media pages and online banking facilities.

I hereby certify that all information supplied is true and correct. I fully read
and understood the Loan Agreement, Disclosure Statement, and Data Privacy
Statement of Legazpi Savings Bank, and give consent thereto. I assume full
responsibility for any false information given thereof.

I Agree I Disagree






FOR INQUIRIES: 0919-063-0943 OR 0917-175-1936

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