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                  honesty and ability to work with me and stay within my budget. I would recommend her to any person who is searching for high quality, personally fitted clothing."</em></p>
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              <p itemprop="reviewBody"><em>"Ben's service and knowledge of the Tailoring needs of the busy Brisbane professional market is exceptional. His attention to detail and willingness to ensure the clients expectations are met and exceeded
                  will ensure plenty of repeat and referred customers ... The suits and sport jackets always attract attention as well."</em></p>
              <p itemprop="author"><strong>Scott Moses</strong><br>Practice Principal at Ardent Private Wealth</p>
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"Sarina is very personable and easy to work with. She offers in-depth knowledge
of, and a favorable eye for, coordinating all forms of men's clothing; both
professional and business casual. I appreciate her honesty and ability to work
with me and stay within my budget. I would recommend her to any person who is
searching for high quality, personally fitted clothing."

Michael Leibundgut
Vice President Human Resources




"Ben's service and knowledge of the Tailoring needs of the busy Brisbane
professional market is exceptional. His attention to detail and willingness to
ensure the clients expectations are met and exceeded will ensure plenty of
repeat and referred customers ... The suits and sport jackets always attract
attention as well."

Scott Moses
Practice Principal at Ardent Private Wealth





Learn more about our product & services from a world-class clothier and see if a
professional wardrobe service fits your lifestyle.

If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at
your conveinience.

We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use
your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe
consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.

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If you are wondering if our service is a good fit, our clothiers would be happy
to talk with you and evaluate your current and future wardrobe needs.

We serve busy, successful professionals by meeting them in their homes or
offices, on the go, or wherever is convenient.


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