www.openbugbounty.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.openbugbounty.org/reports/2161523/
Submission: On October 13 via api from GB — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM


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Name: frmfixrequestPOST

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                  <p>This feature enables you to send additional notifications to the website owners or admins after the vulnerability is submitted. The total number of additional notification is limited to 10, and to 1 in 24 hours.</p>
                  <p>Notify specific security contact: </p>
                  <input name="email" id="email" value="" class="ui-input" type="text">
                  <p>To my best knowledge this email belongs to the website owner/admin <input id="agree" name="agree" value="1" type="checkbox" onchange="check_agree();"></p>
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          <input value="Cancel" name="fixreqcancel" onclick="showhide(0); return false;" type="button" style="width: 100px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #f77a00; float: left; border: 1px solid #ff8208; border-radius: 4px;  cursor: pointer;">


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OpenBugBounty.org  >  OBB-2161523

Are you sure you want to delete the vulnerability?

Yes No

This feature enables you to send additional notifications to the website owners
or admins after the vulnerability is submitted. The total number of additional
notification is limited to 10, and to 1 in 24 hours.

Notify specific security contact:

To my best knowledge this email belongs to the website owner/admin

REPORT ID: OBB-2161523

Security Researcher Cyber_India Helped patch 25923 vulnerabilities
Received 9 Coordinated Disclosure badges
Received 141 recommendations , a holder of 9 badges for responsible and
coordinated disclosure, found Improper Access Control security vulnerability
affecting benchmarksixsigma.com website and its users.

Following the coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of
the ISO 29147 standard, Open Bug Bounty has:

      a. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence;
      b. notified the website operator about its existence.

Technical details of the vulnerability are currently hidden ("On Hold") to give
the website operator/owner sufficient time to patch the vulnerability without
putting any of its systems or users at risk. Once patched, vulnerability details
can be publicly disclosed by the researcher in at least 30 days since the
submission. If for a reason the vulnerability remains unpatched, the researcher
may disclose vulnerability details only after 90 days since the submission.

Affected Website:benchmarksixsigma.com   Open Bug Bounty Program:Create your
bounty program now. It's open and free. Vulnerable Application:[hidden until
disclosure] Vulnerability Type:IAC (Improper Access Control) / CWE-284 CVSSv3
Score:[hidden until disclosure] Disclosure Standard:Coordinated Disclosure based
on ISO 29147 guidelines Discovered and Reported by:Cyber_India Helped patch
25923 vulnerabilities
Received 9 Coordinated Disclosure badges
Received 141 recommendations Remediation Guide:OWASP Access Control Cheat Sheet


Vulnerability Reported:12 October, 2021 04:45 GMT Vulnerability Verified:12
October, 2021 04:59 GMT Website Operator Notified:12 October, 2021 04:59 GMT

a. Using the ISO 29147 guidelines b. Using publicly available security contacts
c. Using Open Bug Bounty notification framework d. Using security contacts
provided by the researcherPublic Report Published [without technical details]:12
October, 2021 04:59 GMT

Scheduled Public Disclosure:  A security researcher can delete the report before
public disclosure, afterwards the report cannot be deleted or modified anymore.
The researcher can also postpone public disclosure date as long as reasonably
required to remediate the vulnerability.10 January, 2022 04:45 GMT


Please read how Open Bug Bounty helps make your websites secure and then contact
the researcher directly to get the vulnerability details. The researcher may
also help you fix the vulnerability and advice on how to prevent similar issues:

For remediation best practices, please also refer to OWASP remediation
guidelines. More information about coordinate and responsible disclosure on Open
Bug Bounty is available here.

DISCLAIMER: Open Bug Bounty is a non-profit project, we never act as an
intermediary between website owners and security researchers. We have no
relationship or control over the researchers. Our role is limited to independent
verification of the submitted reports and proper notification of website owners
by all reasonably available means.


Website Overview and Rating

Alexa Global Rank:117,961 SSL/TLS Server Test:A+    View Results Web Server
Security Test:B    View Results Malware Test:Click here Domain Health
Report:Click here

Latest Submissions

OBB-ID Reported by Status Reported on
Cyber_India Helped patch 25923 vulnerabilities
Received 11 Coordinated Disclosure badges
Received 141 recommendations
On Hold


 13.10.2021 backlog.com
 13.10.2021 gainsight.com
 12.10.2021 mobt3ath.com
 12.10.2021 elearning.lavoro.gov.it
 12.10.2021 dicionarioinformal.com.br
 12.10.2021 ulakbim.gov.tr
 12.10.2021 csai.cn
 12.10.2021 mmu.edu.my
 12.10.2021 groupbuya.com
 12.10.2021 moj.gov.vn


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26.08.2021 by PyaePhyoThu98
eG Manager v7.1.2: Improper Access Control lead to Remote Code Execution

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Interview With Open Bug Bounty

25.05.2021 by 0xrocky
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25.05.2021 by ShivanshMalik12
Testing for XSS (Cross Site Scripting)


    11 October, 2021


Thanks for your reporting and making our platform secure. We appreciate your

    10 October, 2021


Thanks a lot for the notification, and for the explanations that allowed us to
fix the vulnerability !

    10 October, 2021


Thank you for informing us about an issue with our webserver configuration.

    8 October, 2021


Our team would like to thank you for finding vulnerability on our website.

    8 October, 2021


Reported multiple critical vulnerabilities of our platform with very good
explanations and suggestions. Help much appreciated. Thank you again!

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