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(630) 682-9844
1333 N Main Street
Wheaton, IL 60187-3579

3/4 mile north of Downtown Wheaton/1 mile north of Wheaton College/1.5 miles
north of Metra Station

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The Jon Mock State Farm Insurance office is proud to serve all of Illinois,
Indiana and Wisconsin with Insurance and Financial Services. Located in Wheaton,
IL, we strive to help our neighbors protect what matters most to them. As a
husband and father of three young daughters, Jon takes pride in watching those
same neighbors live worry-free as they realize their dreams.

Our team of licensed Insurance Professionals are here to help get you the
correct insurance coverage for your specific needs. Not only can we help with
Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Life Insurance and Financial Services in
the Northwest Suburbs, but we are also able to assist small business owners with
their Commercial lines of Insurance.

Give us a call or stop by the office today for a free, personalized Insurance
Quote! We look forward to welcoming you to our State Farm family!

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Auto Homeowners Condo Owners Renters Life Hospital Income Medicare Supplement
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Auto Homeowners Condo Owners Renters Life Hospital Income Medicare Supplement
Pet Insurance

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About Me


The Jon Mock State Farm Insurance office is proud to serve all of Illinois,
Indiana and Wisconsin with Insurance and Financial Services. Located in Wheaton,
IL, we strive to help our neighbors protect what matters most to them. As a
husband and father of three young daughters, Jon takes pride in watching those
same neighbors live worry-free as they realize their dreams.

Our team of licensed Insurance Professionals are here to help get you the
correct insurance coverage for your specific needs. Not only can we help with
Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Life Insurance and Financial Services in
the Northwest Suburbs, but we are also able to assist small business owners with
their Commercial lines of Insurance.

Give us a call or stop by the office today for a free, personalized Insurance
Quote! We look forward to welcoming you to our State Farm family!



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1333 N Main Street
Wheaton, IL 60187-3579

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Simple Insights® Articles


   Joint universal life insurance can cover two people with an income tax-free
   death benefit paid to beneficiaries. Read more

   Proper boat safety starts with these simple safety precautions, such as
   taking a boat safety course and knowing the best boat emergency equipment.
   Read more

   Laundry room rules and safety tips, including ways to prevent fire,
   poisoning, injury and other accidents. Read more
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For your protection, please do not include sensitive personal information such
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Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of this online
e-mail form or via voice mail. To make policy changes or request additional
coverage, please speak with a licensed representative in the agent's office, or
by contacting the State Farm toll-free customer service line at (855) 733-7333 .

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Our mission is to provide insurance and financial services to our community with
the highest level of integrity. We seek to become your first choice for all of
your insurance needs by establishing a personal relationship with you and
helping you understand the risks you face every day. We focus on Auto Insurance,
Home Insurance, Renters Insurance, Life Insurance, and Commercial Insurance
throughout the Wheaton, IL area and all of Illinois. When the unfortunate
occurs, we commit to protecting what is most important to you. We do this with
the ultimate goal of helping you achieve your dreams.

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Account Manager
License #19785319

Brian comes to us from the auto industry. He made the switch in February of 2021
to spend more time with his family and provide for customers in a different
manner. He spends most of his time with his wife and Daughter. They typically
can be found fishing, playing disc golf or volleyball. Known as Poifextion,
another passion of Brian's is streaming video games. His positivity and humor
keeps State Farm customers laughing throughout the insurance process.

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Account Manager
License #19812349

Dave joins our team after spending more than a decade in the restaurant and
hospitality industry. His excitement and passion for providing great service
presents a great bridge to State Farm. He is very eager to build new
relationships with State Farm customers while exploring their insurance needs.
He spends most of his free time with his daughter, fiance, and their two dogs.
He also enjoys video games, poker, and fantasy football.

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Agent Licenses for Jon Mock
WI-19501607, IN-3660846

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call (630) 682-9844


Securities distributed by State Farm VP Management Corp.

Life Insurance and annuities are issued by State Farm Life Insurance Company.
(Not Licensed in MA, NY, and WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company
(Licensed in New York and Wisconsin) Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois.

Deposit products offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.

Pet insurance products are underwritten in the United States by American Pet
Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108 Please visit . For additional information and disclosures concerning
Pet insurance please see Pet Insurance From State Farm® and Trupanion® . State
Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates,
neither offer nor are financially responsible for pet insurance products. State
Farm is a separate entity and is not affiliated with Trupanion or American Pet

State Farm VP Management Corp. is a separate entity from those State Farm
entities which provide banking and insurance products. Investing involves risk,
including potential for loss.

Neither State Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice. Please consult a
tax or legal advisor for advice regarding your personal circumstances.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®

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We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you for
business, marketing, and commercial purposes. Read more

We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you such as
identifying information (name, address, driver's license number), transactional
information (products or services purchased and payment history), digital
network activity (interactions with our website, IP address), geo-location data,
audio recordings and other forms of personal information. We use this
information for business, marketing and commercial purposes, including but not
limited to, providing the products and services you request, processing your
claims, protecting against fraud, maintaining security, confirming your identity
and offering you other insurance and financial products.

For California residents, click here to view the full version of the California
Consumer Privacy Notice.

Para español, haga clic aquí para ver la versión completa del Aviso de
Privacidad del Consumidor de California. Read less