Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission Tags: phishingrod
Submission: On June 25 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: form1POST /

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                function isNumber(o) {
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                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;" class="bx-clone"> "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a
                            number of shirt options, helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I
                            could not be any happier. " <div class="quote_attribute_05">Margaret W, Owner</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;"> "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt
                            options, helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any
                            happier." <div class="quote_attribute_01">Margaret W, Owner</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;"> "The biggest tradeshow of the year was quickly approaching and, of course, we forgot to order premium items. Our team was panicked, but Nitro
                            Incentives came to the rescue. They were able to recommend premium items that we can produce in time, that fit our budget and our brand. I was amazed (and very happy) at what they were able to do for us. They had 5,000
                            premium items shipped directly to the conference, which were waiting for us when we arrived. I highly recommend working with them." <div class="quote_attribute_02">Kristen G, VP of Purchasing</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;"> "We had a great promotional idea but could not find the right packaging to pull it all together. Proforma Nitro was a fantastic partner in
                            helping us make this promotion a reality. They first looked for existing bags and pouches, but nothing fit perfectly for what we needed to place inside. Fortunately, they were capable of designing and sourcing custom
                            packaging to help us create the perfect pouch. The custom pouch fit all of the products perfectly and was designed to elegantly feature our logo. Their custom solution gave us a more premium image and allowed us to launch
                            a very successful customer promotion. Plus, the owner Mike personally made sure everything was perfect." <div class="quote_attribute_03">John V, VP of Marketing.</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;"> "Our company wanted to implement a customer loyalty program and needed some premium items to provide to different tiers of clients including
                            VIPs. We had a set budget, but didn’t know what items to purchase. The Nitro team jumped in with some extremely creative suggestions. They came up with ideas that I had no idea even existed. There were so many options
                            available and they helped to find the most unique for our company. It’s great to have such a creative partner. " <div class="quote_attribute_04">Mark R, Customer Service Manager</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;"> "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt
                            options, helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any
                            happier. " <div class="quote_attribute_05">Margaret W, Owner</div>
                          <li style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; width: 1200px;" class="bx-clone"> "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a
                            number of shirt options, helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I
                            could not be any happier." <div class="quote_attribute_01">Margaret W, Owner</div>
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                  <h3>WELCOME TO NITRO INCENTIVES!</h3>
                  <p style="text-align: center; "><span
                      style="font-size: 18px;"><b>We will help build your business with custom branded merchandise to showcase your logo on products that capture the essence of your company. Having direct connection with your brand can help build a stronger relationship with your audience.</b></span>
                  <p style="text-align: center; "><span
                      style="font-size: 18px;"><b>Increase traffic at a tradeshow, recognize staff or provide branded marketing materials to your newest office with the help of our 25+ years of experience in the development of branded merchandise programs.&nbsp; Nitro Incentives can help select the ideal branded merchandise withinyour bidget to create a marketing program that will help achieve your goals.</b></span>
                  <p style="text-align: center; "><span style="font-size: 18px;"><b>If you need assistance or want to learn about custom programs, <a href="/ContactUs/" style="">contact us today</a>.</b></span></p>
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                    <h3>End-Buyer Research: Retail</h3>
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                      <p>37% plan to incease their promo spending in 2024. </p>
                      <p>ASI’s exclusive research reveals client buying habits in eight markets and across multiple demographics. </p>
                      <p>ASI Research has launched a new series profiling the people distributors work with most closely: end-buyers. Each week we’ll release a new data set that spotlights one of eight markets and looks at end-buyers through
                        demographics such as gender, region and company size. </p>
                      <p>This week, our research focuses on the retail industry, which has been marked by a period of robust spending and growth in the first quarter of this year. The retail industry is trending toward sustainability and greener
                        approaches, but consumers are putting the onus on companies to prove their claims. Social commerce on apps like TikTok and increasing integration of artificial intelligence are also impacting this industry’s growth, according
                        to Forbes. </p>
                      <p>Retail end-buyers of promotional products include department stores, convenience stores, warehouse retailers, boutiques, supermarkets and specialty stores. Giants within the industry consist of companies like Walmart, Amazon,
                        Costco and The Home Depot. According to Counselor State of the Industry data, the retail market generated 5.9% of total promo industry sales in 2022, which equals roughly $1.5 billion. </p>
                        <img alt="Infographic" src="" style="margin:0 auto;">
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                      <a id="ctl03_ctl23_rptRssFeed_ctl00_hlReadMore" href="">Read More</a>
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                <img id="ctl03_ctl24_imgProduct" src="" alt="30x60 Terry Velour Promotional Beach Towel 11 Lb per Dz." style="border-width: 0px; display: inline;" data-original="" data-fail="">
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                  <h4><a id="btnProductDetail" href="javascript:onProductDetailPOTD(4512801, 38228097, 0, 0)">30x60 Terry Velour Promotional Beach Towel 11 Lb per Dz.</a></h4>
                  <span class="prodNum">CPN-6514307</span>
                  <p class="prodDescr">30x60 Beach towel with one side velour. This is our best selling promotional beach towel, available in 21 colors. This towel weighs 11.0 lbs. per dozen and has a nice dobby border finish. This is a great towel
                    if you are buying quantities and are looking to save money.</p>
                  <div class="prodLink notranslate"><a id="btnProductDetailPrice" href="javascript:onProductDetailPOTD(4512801, 38228097, 0, 0)">$7.50 and up</a></div>
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Phone: (972) 407-6100



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 * Custom Solutions
   We bring ideas to life ranging from totally custom to personalized
   promotional products.

 * Personalized Service
   We provide convenient online ordering or contact us for personalized service.

 * Satisfaction Guaranteed
   Because we spend the time to do it right, we boast some of the highest
   satisfaction ratings in the industry.

Contact us today to explore some ideas for explosive growth



 * "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several
   custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt options,
   helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would
   have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all
   of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any happier. "
   Margaret W, Owner
 * "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several
   custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt options,
   helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would
   have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all
   of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any happier."
   Margaret W, Owner
 * "The biggest tradeshow of the year was quickly approaching and, of course, we
   forgot to order premium items. Our team was panicked, but Nitro Incentives
   came to the rescue. They were able to recommend premium items that we can
   produce in time, that fit our budget and our brand. I was amazed (and very
   happy) at what they were able to do for us. They had 5,000 premium items
   shipped directly to the conference, which were waiting for us when we
   arrived. I highly recommend working with them."
   Kristen G, VP of Purchasing
 * "We had a great promotional idea but could not find the right packaging to
   pull it all together. Proforma Nitro was a fantastic partner in helping us
   make this promotion a reality. They first looked for existing bags and
   pouches, but nothing fit perfectly for what we needed to place inside.
   Fortunately, they were capable of designing and sourcing custom packaging to
   help us create the perfect pouch. The custom pouch fit all of the products
   perfectly and was designed to elegantly feature our logo. Their custom
   solution gave us a more premium image and allowed us to launch a very
   successful customer promotion. Plus, the owner Mike personally made sure
   everything was perfect."
   John V, VP of Marketing.
 * "Our company wanted to implement a customer loyalty program and needed some
   premium items to provide to different tiers of clients including VIPs. We had
   a set budget, but didn’t know what items to purchase. The Nitro team jumped
   in with some extremely creative suggestions. They came up with ideas that I
   had no idea even existed. There were so many options available and they
   helped to find the most unique for our company. It’s great to have such a
   creative partner. "
   Mark R, Customer Service Manager
 * "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several
   custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt options,
   helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would
   have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all
   of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any happier. "
   Margaret W, Owner
 * "I want to thank Anita at Nitro Incentive for helping with creating several
   custom t-shirts for my business. She provided a number of shirt options,
   helped with the designs, color selections and sizing. Without her I would
   have been lost. Anita was so patient with me as we selected and designed all
   of the shirts. They came out perfectly and I could not be any happier."
   Margaret W, Owner




We will help build your business with custom branded merchandise to showcase
your logo on products that capture the essence of your company. Having direct
connection with your brand can help build a stronger relationship with your

Increase traffic at a tradeshow, recognize staff or provide branded marketing
materials to your newest office with the help of our 25+ years of experience in
the development of branded merchandise programs.  Nitro Incentives can help
select the ideal branded merchandise withinyour bidget to create a marketing
program that will help achieve your goals.

If you need assistance or want to learn about custom programs, contact us today.

Read More


37% plan to incease their promo spending in 2024.

ASI’s exclusive research reveals client buying habits in eight markets and
across multiple demographics.

ASI Research has launched a new series profiling the people distributors work
with most closely: end-buyers. Each week we’ll release a new data set that
spotlights one of eight markets and looks at end-buyers through demographics
such as gender, region and company size.

This week, our research focuses on the retail industry, which has been marked by
a period of robust spending and growth in the first quarter of this year. The
retail industry is trending toward sustainability and greener approaches, but
consumers are putting the onus on companies to prove their claims. Social
commerce on apps like TikTok and increasing integration of artificial
intelligence are also impacting this industry’s growth, according to Forbes.

Retail end-buyers of promotional products include department stores, convenience
stores, warehouse retailers, boutiques, supermarkets and specialty stores.
Giants within the industry consist of companies like Walmart, Amazon, Costco and
The Home Depot. According to Counselor State of the Industry data, the retail
market generated 5.9% of total promo industry sales in 2022, which equals
roughly $1.5 billion.

Read More




30x60 Beach towel with one side velour. This is our best selling promotional
beach towel, available in 21 colors. This towel weighs 11.0 lbs. per dozen and
has a nice dobby border finish. This is a great towel if you are buying
quantities and are looking to save money.

$7.50 and up












 * Twist action pen with laser pointer and flashlight
 * Multi-Purpose Pen
 * Jotter Ball Pen/ Pencil Set
 * Waterman Expert Stainless GT Roller Ball Pen
 * Southlake Vivid Pen
 * Satin Pen
 * The Nash Pen - Highlighter
 * Montina Ballpoint Pen
 * Baxter
 * Paper Mate® Inkjoy Gel - Black Ink
 * Parker IM Roller Ball Pen
 * Alvin Gel Soft Pen

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