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Scatter Charcoal Throughout Your Home And Watch What Happens Overnight
Brian Finnerty | Monday, January 16, 2023
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Reports of a strange trend have been making waves in certain online circles with
a reported million Americans taking part.

Millions of Americans have started to scatter charcoal throughout their homes.

However, if it were just that, then this trend would not have made so many

At the center of this trend is a special kind of charcoal.

There’s a specific kind of activated bamboo charcoal that has been seemingly
breathing new life into homes.

The specially formulated charcoal has three unique properties that people are
taking advantage of.

 1. It attracts and draws in airborne particulates like dust, allergens, mold
    spores, moisture, and smells.
 2. The tiny structure of the charcoal is like a net, so anything that gets
    sucked in is trapped.
 3. The charcoal has a natural ability to clean the air by passive filtering.

So what’s with this new life hack of “scattering charcoal throughout your

Well here’s the thing, it’s not new at all!

This practice is actually one that can trace its roots hundreds of years ago.
Buddhist monks would scatter activated bamboo charcoal around their monasteries
to cleanse the air around them and get rid of any impurities and toxins floating

This practice is said to be a big reason why the average lifespan of monks was
so much higher than the average person. But this practice died out.


Because the conditions required to create the special activated bamboo charcoal
that monks used became rare and hard to get.

It’s never really been available for the masses until recently.

A company by the name of NatureFresh has managed to create a viable method to
create the specially formulated activated bamboo charcoal at larger scales.

Each NatureFresh Air Purifying Bag contains enough activated bamboo charcoal to
cleanse the air of any room up to 90 sqft and it lasts for 2 years.

It's so simple to use, all you have to do is place a NatureFresh bag in the
desired area, and you'll start to notice a big difference in the air you breathe
within 12 hours.

Using their “Cleancast Binchotan” method for the first time, NatureFresh is able
to mimic the exact conditions required to create this ancient activated bamboo

Since they’ve gone public with their product, millions of others have gotten in
on the trend.

Thanks to their surging popularity, many Americans have discovered new ways to
use it, declaring it the best life hack of 2023.

Here are just a few ways people are turning the NatureFresh bamboo activated
charcoal bags into their own life hacks…

Life Hack #1: "It's like a mouse trap for mold toxins"

Tammy S, mother of two young kids from Los Angeles, had a big mold problem in
her home.

"I didn't want my kids exposed to mold, and even after it was cleaned up, my
kids were still getting headaches and coughing from the mold spores floating in
the air."

She says NatureFresh was the best hack she’d ever come across!

“I placed NatureFresh bags in my living room, the kids bedrooms, the hallway and
the kitchen. After one day, I could literally notice the stale air become
fresher. After 1 week, my kids stopped getting headaches and stopped coughing!”
Life Hack #2: Turn your dusty house into a fresh air paradise without lifting a

Long-term exposure to dust and air pollution accelerates brain aging and
increases the risk of dementia even in healthy elderly people with no underlying

That’s why, after 50 years, Lynda McCarthy finally decided to do something about
her dusty house.

“The next morning – let me tell you — I woke up to what felt like much fresher
and crisper air in the house. Most important: it helped me reduce my allergy
symptoms. No sneezing, no irritated eyes... not so much as a single sniff.

When these little bamboo activated charcoal bags first arrived, I’ll admit, I
stared at them in disbelief. Now, weeks later, "I thank NatureFresh every day
for helping to get the stuffiness out of my house."
Life Hack #3: Say goodbye to smelly trashcans and stinky closets

If you have offensive odors that you want to get rid of, try placing a
NatureFresh bag next to the source of the odor. It has been said to work wonders
on everything from smelly trashcans to stinky closets to even clearing out a
room filled with cigarette smoke.

“So I bought NatureFresh, and I started with his closet. I dropped off a few
bags there, and then I made sure to keep some in his underwear and socks
drawers. Within days I felt like the entire apartment had cleared up. I was so
But what did other customers have to say online?

I did some digging to see what people from all backgrounds were saying about
NatureFresh. Here are just some of what people are saying:


Mitch L. Verified Buyer


NatureFresh has been an unexpected boon in my life. I have some pretty big
concerns about mold since we get no airflow through the bathroom but since
putting some NatureFresh bags behind the toilet, I’ve noticed a remarkable

Harold R. Verified Buyer


Good for getting rid of dust. Helps keep my lungs clear

Wendy A. Verified Buyer


I thought it was kinda goofy because you’re just putting charcoal all over the
place, but it really helped. Like unironically a good product so i guess i felt
like i had to give a good review
So naturally, I had to try it myself

Having interviewed so many people and having done so much research, I wanted to
get in on the fun for myself.

So there were three main things I wanted to tackle. I live in an older apartment
so I had some issues with

 1. Mold
 2. Moisture
 3. And Dust

The mold and moisture was a big problem in my bathroom since we had absolutely
zero circulation there.

With three people using one tiny bathroom, it ends up getting too humid which
results in mold growth.

It’s to the point where you can definitely feel the air getting thicker and
heavier. It’s kind of gross.

And after reading about how mold spores can easily travel throughout the rest of
your house, I wanted to get rid of the problem ASAP.

So I placed a couple NatureFresh charcoal bags throughout the bathroom. One went
on top of the water reservoir for the toilet and the other I just let sit on top
of the counter.

And after 24 hours…

Notable difference! The bathroom didn’t feel as stuffy and I could feel a
distinct decrease in humidity.

And after 1 month…

I saw a decrease in mold growth, and in certain areas, a complete disappearance
of mold growth.

The NatureFresh bags had handily sucked in both the moisture and the mold
spores, completely limiting their growth!

It was even so effective as to just eliminate mold colonies!

So with moisture and mold taken care of, what about dust?

When I first moved into my apartment, the landlord hadn’t done any cleaning

There was dust everywhere. But the carpet, in particular, was gross.

I vacuumed best I could, but there was still an awful amount of dust getting
kicked up from the carpet with even the slightest wind.

Anytime I opened the window, I could see the sunlight penetrating through thick
clouds of dust.

So I placed NatureFresh bags in my hallway and living room and watched.

Over the course of one week, I saw less and less dust get kicked up into the

And after a month, I saw nothing. I vacuumed my carpet to kick up some more dust
and to suck up whatever was left, but I saw nothing.

It was miraculous! Those monks really had something going for them I tell you

Final Thoughts

NatureFresh is definitely the most interesting and most useful lifehack I’ve
seen in a really long time.

I ended up saving more than $500 on repairs and services that I would have had
to shell out money for to get rid of these problems!

I mean a decent size dehumidifier would have been something like $150.

Getting the mold cleaned off would have been like another $300.

And getting a good carpet clean would have been like another $250!

I highly recommend these crazy bamboo charcoal if you’re dealing with allergies,
dust, mold, moisture, or smells!

I’ve gone ahead and bought six more bags to give to my grandparents and friends.

UPDATE Thursday, January 26, 2023 - Ever since NatureFresh was featured online,
an incredible amount of buzz has been generated and has since sold over 763,419
bags. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in
their product that they are now offering a 90 day satisfaction guarantee and are
offering their 50% off discount while supplies last. To see if they are still
available click the button below.




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