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Aliangé is an Australian skincare brand driven by the expertise of Dr. Alison
Jamieson. In every formulation, you'll find a unique blend of
scientifically-backed ingredients and home-grown botanicals, all Australian
made; our testament to our home. 

Aliangé was born out of a family - a mother and her daughters - and we're on a
mission to expand this family by sharing our expertly crafted skincare with the

We're a brand founded on authenticity and an intimate connection to our roots,
where playfulness meets exploration, and friends feel like family. We're about
embracing the outdoors, the ocean, and the Australian way of life; about
celebrating health, well-being, and the simple, raw beauty of nature and self.

In every sense of the word, Aliangé is as vibrant and full of life as the land
it draws inspiration from. Aliangé skincare isn't just a routine; it's a way of


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$100.00 – $1,000.00

Ever since starting Aliangé, my skin has improved so much! Can't thank Ali and
the team enough. Obsessed with these products. Thank you!
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Casey Venn

My skin post-baby was a mess. After using this simple skincare regime, my skin
is looking and feeling smooth and youthful again.
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Carly Mayfield

I have allergic reactions to many skin products but with the Aliangé range I
haven't experienced any! My favourite product is the Biocinamide but I have used
most of the products with very successful results. Haven't used other products
for years!
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Sally Kohler

I've been using various Aliangé products for about one year now and have loved
the results and feel. I use Biocinamide during the day and Ultimate A Cream and
Brightening serum at night. I have now started using the masque and exfoliator
too. I often get comments about how good my skin is looking and people asking
what I'm using. Would highly recommend!
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Sonja Vogel

My skin has never been better. Everyone comments on it - by far the best
products I’ve ever used and I’ve tried them all.
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Unbelievable results. Would never use another skincare brand again.
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Dee Ashleigh

Amazing skincare range ❤️ highly recommended
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Liz Kramar

I have been using the Purity range of this amazing skin product for about a
month now and I can see amazing changes to my skin. Pimples have decreased, skin
tone has evened out, colour has come back into my face and overall my complexion
is glowing. I’ve had sensitive, acne prone skin for almost a decade now and just
can’t thank this stuff enough. Thank you Aliange 🙂
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Kirstie Scholefield Sullivan

Beautiful products. My skin always improves rapidly when I use them. Love love
love love xxx
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Elle Burguez

I love this product. My skin is healthy . The product is easy to use and is
economical. Congratulations Alison and thank you.
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Dianna Hoft

Amazing results driven product! My skin has improved out of sight since using
these products! Even my friends and family now comment on my skin ❤
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Sarah Mcarthy

I very rarely use skincare product because I don't believe all the hype.
However, aliange exceeded my expectation, finally a product that works. The new
improved formula comes with a subtle scent, beautiful.
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Daniella Hes

I'm an active 70year old still lifesaving , rollerblading and road cycling. For
over two years I've used Aliangé which delivers enough of the right ingredients
to make a difference and revitalise my ageing skin. The light weight pump action
packaging for travel which delivers to the last drop is great. I especially love
exfoliating then the next day applying the Jellyfish & DNA repair or Vit C & B3
serum. Thank you Dr Alison Jamieson for understanding what we ladies need and
your personal attention and commitment. Your research which is ongoing has
produced a quality Australian product which I am grateful for and proud of.
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Roberta Gordon

Amazing Highly Recommend
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Wendy Dufty

Great products that one can be confident are balanced and scientifically
formulated. Love Aliange!
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Wendy Raven

Amazing products. Love the Probiotic Blue Mask. Utilising the full range for
years now and incredible results, highly recommend.
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Alison is amazing. I had pretty horrible Rosacea on my face for three years. I’d
been to doctors and tried everything and then someone told me about Alison. When
I met her she was so positive that something could be done and started me on a
process which works. Today my friends are always saying how wonderful my face
looks. Thanks Alison and her team.
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The Aliangé team is always a pleasure to deal with, going out of their way to
help. The prebiotic mask is my absolute favourite - I noice an instant
improvement on breakout skin
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Love aliange products, especially the Jellyfish Peptide! Notice a difference
within a couple of days of firmness of skin. Also highly rate the moisturiser
with sunscreen, great to have all in one.
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Dianne Cosgrave

Love the products, makes my skin feel Soft and glowing with the Baby Blue Mask,
and brightening serum.
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Sherryl Godwin

The Aliangé team is always a pleasure to deal with, going out of their way to
help. The prebiotic mask is my absolute favourite - I noice an instant
improvement on breakout skin
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Very professional staff. Treatments and products with Alliange actually do work!
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Lorelle Neill

From the time you enter you are greeted with friendly staff and Ally is such an
experienced operator as are the rest of the girls highly recommend
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I love that Ali knew exactly what I needed to help this tired face, her advice &
knowledge was exactly what I needed & a plan to go forward: 🩵
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The Daily Devotion Cleanser and Brightening Serum are fantastic products.
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Tamara Bennett

Ali and her team at Aliange provide the most wonderful expertise - in a totally
caring and warm environment. It is always such a pleasure to visit.
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Gillian Copeland

I love that Ali knew exactly what I needed to help this tired face, her advice &
knowledge was exactly what I needed & a plan to go forward: 🩵
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From the time you enter you are greeted with friendly staff and Ally is such an
experienced operator as are the rest of the girls highly recommend
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The staff at aliange are very professional, all care and support. I really enjoy
using the products and l am very happy with my results
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Love the SPF15 Day Cream
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I have been a client of Dr Alison Jamieson since she started Cozmedics and have
the utmost trust and admiration for her. I love the Aliange products and
continue to use them. People ask me about my skin because it looks so good - and
I am now 73 years old! Brilliant work, Alison!
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Denise Adams

I have been using Aliange 8yrs now and absolutely love it. My skin has improved
even as I age, it’s cleared, smoother, less red and my fine lines and wrinkles
have decreased a lot. Very happy with my products!
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Heather O’Donnell

From my experience Aliange skin care products are excellent. My wife and
daughter concur. Men need to consider taking skin care more seriously. Also Dr
Alison Jamieson is both professional and terrific to deal with . A generous warm
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Ross Inglis

Aliange really are quality products, I mostly use the vitamin b serum due to
having sensitive skin, the serum does not clog up my skin, keeps redness at bay
and really does hydrate and keep my skin in good condition.
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KIM Valarie Alice KING

5 stars all the way..🤩 From the friendly face on reception Michelle or Janie
through to Ali , Liv & Richelle for your treatment.. I always look forward to my
visits with “Aliange’…😊
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Always amazing !! Been a client for many years , continually excellent service
and knowledge. Thank you so much
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Carolyn Tonkin

I’ve been using Aliange cosmetics for many years now, beautiful products that
shows results; I highly recommend all range of Aliange products ✨
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Danka Warren

5 star
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Mirella Ceccato

Love all of your products! My skin has never felt so good and looks so fresh.
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Love all of your products! My skin has never felt so good and looks so fresh.
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I've been using the anti-ageing kit and summer kit for three years now. Amazing
results and many compliments regarding how beautiful my 61-year young skin looks
. I am very happy and thank you to Ali and her delightful staff. It's always a
great pleasure to come to my follow-up appointments.
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Annette Sullivan

I've been using the anti-ageing kit and summer kit for three years now. Amazing
results and many compliments regarding how beautiful my 61-year young skin looks
. I am very happy and thank you to Ali and her delightful staff. It's always a
great pleasure to come to my follow-up appointments.
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Annette Sullivan

I've been using the anti-ageing kit and summer kit for three years now. Amazing
results and many compliments regarding how beautiful my 61-year young skin looks
. I am very happy and thank you to Ali and her delightful staff. It's always a
great pleasure to come to my follow-up appointments.
Show more
Annette Sullivan

I've been using the anti-ageing kit and summer kit for three years now. Amazing
results and many compliments regarding how beautiful my 61-year young skin looks
. I am very happy and thank you to Ali and her delightful staff. It's always a
great pleasure to come to my follow-up appointments.
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Annette Sullivan

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Aliangé Skincare
Suite 1, 6 Wharf Street,
Maroochydore QLD 4558

+61 1300 247 043





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