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£000 £6200

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CanBe 500mg Full Spectrum CBD Oil 30ml
£2500 £25.00

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CanBe 1000mg Full Spectrum CBD Oil 30ml
£5000 £50.00

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CanBe 1500mg Full Spectrum CBD Oil 30ml
£6000 £60.00

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CanBe 500mg Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Apple 30ml
£2600 £26.00

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CanBe 1000mg Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Cherry 30ml
£5200 £52.00

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CanBe 1500mg Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Mint 30ml
£6200 £62.00

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CanBe CBD Gummie Bears 800mg (Small Tubs)
£2500 £25.00

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CanBe CBD Muscle & Joint Balm 800mg (50ml)
£3500 £35.00

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Born out of skepticism and uncertainty in 2018, CanBe has risen like a
metaphorical Phoenix from the ashes that once was the founder's doubts. Take
back control of your life. CanBe's CBD oils will allow you to finally go back to
living life how YOU want to, no strings attached. 

Revolutionising lifestyle & health choices through the power of CBD.

CanBe concentrates on making you, in the quest for a better you, feel uplifted,
motivated, and content throughout your CBD journey whether you are brand new and
just starting out or coming back for more and just want to try something
new. CanBe's full spectrum & broad spectrum CBD oils are extremely simple to use
& even easier to correctly dose.

Simply pinch the rubber dropper and drip the desired amount of oil under
your tongue.

Hold the oil there for 30-60 seconds before swallowing any remaining oil. Taking
CBD oil ‘sublingually’ or ‘under the tongue’ is one of the quickest and most
effective ways of getting CBD into your body. The CBD content in our oils passes
directly into the body's bloodstream via the tongue, avoiding digestive organs
such as the liver, meaning that every milligram of CBD in our oils works faster
and with a greater impact than any edible CBD you will find on the market

Our CBD oils are specifically designed to be low calorie. Containing just
carrier oil, terpenes and the CBD itself. this is the most straightforward way
to experience our CBD. This minimalist ingredient list means our CBD oils
are almost completely free from allergens and is utterly focused on delivering
you a flawless CBD experience.
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Hemprove UK, CanBe Ltd. Stanley Grange - Knowsley Park – Liverpool - L34 4AR
Tel: 0333 323 8899

HEMPROVE It's not about how you feel, it's about how you don't feel

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qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a
pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and
before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program.
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