www.manazon.club Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://manazon.club/
Effective URL: https://www.manazon.club/
Submission: On September 07 via api from SG — Scanned from SG

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${function() { const force_image_size = "natural"; const product_hover_on =
true; const product_show_sale_label = false; const product_save_type = "amount";
const badge1 = "Hot"; const badge2 = ""; const badge3 = ""; const
product_title_mobile_hide = false; const product_title_style = "full"; const
enable_collection_thumb_image = true; const variantNames = ["color"]; const
thumbMaxNum = 4; const suffix_id = Math.random().toFixed(6).slice(-6); const url
= data.url; const productId = data.id; const price = data.price; const
productAvailable = data.available; const productVariants = data.variants || [];
const images = data.images || []; const image = data.image || {}; const
imageWidth = image.width; let imageHeight = image.height; let image2 = null; let
imageHoverOn = false; if (force_image_size !== 'natural') { imageHeight =
imageWidth * force_image_size; } if (product_hover_on) { for (let i = 1; i <
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let discountMaxUrl = url; const showFrom = data.price_min != data.price_max ?
true : false; for (let i = 0; i < productVariants.length; i++) { const variant =
productVariants[i]; if (variant.price == price && compareAtPrice <
variant.compare_at_price) { compareAtPrice = variant.compare_at_price; offRatio
= variant.off_ratio; variant.available && (discountMaxUrl = variant.url); } }
const soldOutText = "Sold out"; let soldOn = false; let saleOn = false; if
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saleOn = true; } } else { soldOn = true; } const diffPrice = compareAtPrice -
price; const saveLabelContent = product_save_type == 'percent' ? (offRatio +
'%') : ``; let saveText = "Save {off_ratio}"; saveText =
saveText.replace('{off_ratio}', saveLabelContent); const productTitle =
data.title; const variantValues = []; const showVariants = []; if
(data.need_variant_image && enable_collection_thumb_image && variantNames.length
> 0) { for (let i = 0; i < (data.options || []).length; i++) { const option =
data.options[i]; const optionName = option.name.toLowerCase(); if
(variantNames.includes(optionName)) { for (let j = 0; j <
productVariants.length; j++) { const variant = productVariants[j]; const value =
variant.options[i].value; if (!variantValues.includes(value)) {
variantValues.push(value); showVariants.push(variant); } } break; } } } return `
${showVariants.map(item => { return ` `; }).join('')}
${saleOn ? saveText : soldOutText} ${badge1} ${badge2} ${badge3}


From ${saveText} ${showVariants.map((item, idx) => { let showMoreHtml = ''; if
(idx == thumbMaxNum) { showMoreHtml += ` +${showVariants.length - thumbMaxNum}
`; } return ` ${showMoreHtml} `; }).join('') }
`; }()}
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v.available) || data.variants[0]; const defaultIndex = !!defaultSelectedVariant
? data.images.findIndex(img => img.src == (defaultSelectedVariant.image &&
defaultSelectedVariant.image.src)) : -1; const initialSlide = defaultIndex == -1
? 0 : defaultIndex; const attrs = data.images.length > 1 ? 'slide controls' :
''; return ` ${data.images.map(img => ` `).join('')} `; }()}
${data.images.map((img, index) => ` `).join('')}


${function() { const defaultSelectedVariant = data.variants.find(v =>
v.available) || data.variants[0]; return `
${("Save {off_ratio}").replace('{off_ratio}', ("amount") == 'percent' ?
defaultSelectedVariant.off_ratio + '%' : `` )}
`; }()}
${function() { const defaultSelectedVariant = data.variants.find(v =>
v.available) || data.variants[0]; let status_lan = "Add to cart"; if
((defaultSelectedVariant && !defaultSelectedVariant.available) ||
(!defaultSelectedVariant && !data.available)) { status_lan = "Sold out"; }
return ` ${status_lan}

Buy now

`; }()}
${function() { var thumbSwitchName = ''; return
data.product.options.map((option, index) => { const optionName = option.name ||
''; const optionPosition = 'option' + (index + 1); const values = option.values
|| []; const soldOutValues = (data.soldOutValues &&
data.soldOutValues[optionPosition]) || {}; const variantThumbs = ["color"] ||
[]; var isThumbImage = false; if (data.product.need_variant_image &&
thumbSwitchName == '') { for (let i = 0; i < variantThumbs.length; i++) { const
name = variantThumbs[i].toLowerCase(); if (name == optionName.toLowerCase()) {
isThumbImage = true; thumbSwitchName = name; } } } const thumbStyle =
"image_with_text"; const thumbType = isThumbImage ? thumbStyle.replace(/_/g,
'-') : 'text'; return `
${optionName.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + optionName.slice(1).toLowerCase()} : 
${values.map(value => { let selected = ''; let soldout = soldOutValues[value] ?
'soldout' : ''; if (data.selectedValues[optionName] == value) { selected =
'selected'; } let thumbImage = null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants =
data.product.variants; for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { const variant
= variants[i]; if (variant[optionPosition] == value && thumbImage == null) {
thumbImage = variant.image; break; } } } return `

`; }).join('')}
`; }).join(''); }()}
${data.targetOption || data.defaultValue || ''}
${("Save {off_ratio}").replace('{off_ratio}', ("amount") == 'percent' ?
data.variant.off_ratio + '%' : `` )}


${data.map(data => ` `).join('')}
${data.map(data => ` `).join('')}
${ data == 1 ? ("1 product was added to your cart!") : ("{count} products were
added to your cart!").replace('{count}', data) }
${function() { const freeShippingAmount = 499; const totalPrice =
data.data.total_price; const diffAmount = freeShippingAmount - totalPrice; const
freeShippingText = diffAmount > 0 ? "Spend {amount} more and get free shipping!"
: "Your order is free delivery"; return `
${diffAmount > 0 ? freeShippingText.replace('{amount}', ``) : freeShippingText}
`; }()}
${data.variant.options.map(option => option.value).join(' / ')}
${(data.product.parsedProperties || []).map((propertie)=>{ if
(propertie.isImage){ return `
${propertie.name}: View image
` }else{ return `
${propertie.name}: ${propertie.value}
` } }).join('')}
${data.data.item_count == 1 ? ("Cart subtotal (1 product)") : ("Cart subtotal (
{count} products)").replace('{count}', data.data.item_count)}
${("Save {off_ratio}").replace('{off_ratio}', ``)}
Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout
View cart Continue shopping

Item has been added
${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant =
function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return
product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if
(avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj
=> Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v =>
`${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') :
`${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams =
function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const
params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm ||
'', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams =
Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return
trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length - data.page * data.limit)
=== 0; return `
${(function(){ return `

${data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; })()}

`; })()}

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super(element); this.templates_ = null; this.container_ = null;
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static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return
layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER; } buildCallback() { this.templates_ =
SPZServices.templatesForDoc(this.element); this.setAction_(); } mountCallback()
{ console.log('pop mounted'); this.i18n_ = window.smartRecommendI18n &&
window.smartRecommendI18n[document.documentElement.lang || 'en-US'] || {}; const
cartPopRenderEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); const
modalEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_modal"); const spmBase =
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const e = event.detail; if (e.source === 'buy_now' || window.__upsell_block ||
this.rendered_) return; that.fetchActivityData({product_id: e.product_id,
variant_id: e.variant_id}).then(data => { if (!data || !data.products ||
!data.products.length) return; that.config_ = data.config; const recommendStyle
= document.createElement('style'); recommendStyle.innerHTML = `
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document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_head_render"); if (headEl) {
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that.impressListen('#smart_cart_pop_activity', function(){
that.trackPluginImpression_(data); }); api.open(); const intersectionObserver =
new IntersectionObserver( function (entries) { if (entries[0].intersectionRatio
> 0){ !that.loading_ && that.products_.length === that.page_ * that.limit_ &&
that.viewMore(); } }, { threshold: [0.1] } ); intersectionObserver.observe(
document.querySelector('#smart_cart_pop_view_more_text') ); }); } }) }); }) }
catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } unmountCallback() { } viewMore () { const
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this; const data = {}; SPZ.whenApiDefined(cartPopRenderEl).then(function(api){
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data.spmBase = `smart_recommend_2`; api.render(data); }) }) }
fetchActivityData(data) { const that = this; if (data.product_id) {
that._atcLineItem = data; } that.loading_ = true; return
that.getCart().then(cart => { that.cart_ = cart.cart; return
fetch(window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root + "/api/possum/recommend_activities", {
method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "store-id":
window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ "show_type": 2,
"line_item": { "product_id": that._atcLineItem.product_id, "variant_id":
that._atcLineItem.variant_id, }, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, "page":
data.page || 1, "limit": data.limit || 10, }) }).then(function(res){ if(res.ok){
return res.json(); } }).then(function(data){ data.cart = cart.cart;
that.products_ = that.products_.concat(data.products || []); that.page_ =
data.page || 1; that.limit_ = data.limit || 10; return data;
}).catch(function(e){ console.log(e); }).finally(function(){ that.loading_ =
false; }) }); }; setAction_() { this.registerAction('changeBannerColor', (data)
=> { if (!data.args.data || !data.args.data.data || !data.args.data.data.data)
return false; const config = data.args.data.data.data.config; const bannerBgEl =
document.querySelector('.smart_cart_pop_banner_bg'); if (bannerBgEl && config) {
bannerBgEl.style.background = config.banner_bg_color; bannerBgEl.style.color =
config.banner_text_color; } }); this.registerAction('handleProductChange',
(data) => { const that = this; const imageEl =
SPZ.whenApiDefined(imageEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ data:
data.args.data, config: that.config_ }); }); const atcTextEl =
SPZ.whenApiDefined(atcTextEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ data:
data.args.data, defaultText: data.args.defaultText, soldOutText:
that.i18n_.sold_out }); }); if (data.args.data.variant.available) {
} else {
} }); this.registerAction('handleProduct', (detail) => { const that = this;
this.renderProductsForm_(detail.args.data.data); });
this.registerAction('addATCHook', (data) => { const params = data.args;
this.myInterceptor_ = window.djInterceptors && window.djInterceptors.track.use({
event: 'dj.addToCart', params: { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + params.activity_id,
ssp: params.ssp, scm: params.scm, cfb: params.cfb, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${params.spm}`, }, once: true });
}); this.registerAction('handleAtcSuccess', (detail) => {
detail.args.data.product = detail.args.data.product || {};
detail.args.data.variant = detail.args.data.variant || {}; const defParams =
detail.args.product.split('__'); const product_id = detail.args.data.product.id;
const product_title = detail.args.data.product.title; const variant_id =
detail.args.data.variant.id; const price = detail.args.data.variant.price; const
aid = defParams[0]; const ifb = detail.args.data.product.ifb; const cfb =
detail.args.data.product.cfb; const scm = defParams[1]; const spm =
defParams[2]; const ssp = defParams[3]; const params = { id: product_id,
product_id: product_id, number: 1, name: product_title, variant_id: variant_id,
childrenId: variant_id, item_price: price, source: 'add_to_cart', _extra: { aid:
aid, ifb: ifb, cfb: cfb, scm: scm, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${spm}`, ssp: ssp, } }; const
activity_id = `${detail.args.activity_id}`; const target_drive_way =
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000); this.tranckAddToCart(params); if (target_drive_way === 'rebate') {
const bannerEl = document.getElementById(`smart_cart_pop_banner`);
this.getRecommendInfo(activity_id).then(res => { if (res && res.rebate_tips) {
bannerEl.innerHTML = res.rebate_tips; } }) } });
this.registerAction('handleCartSummary', (event) => { this.onBuyNowClick();
const tipEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_tip_info"); if (!tipEl)
return; const that = this; let cart = this.cart_; let total_price =
cart.total_price; if (!total_price) {
SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ total_price:
total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); } else {
this.getBindDiscount_(cart.line_items).then(res => { if (res &&
res.discount_code){ const total = cart.line_price - cart.total_discount -
res.bundle_discount_value; if (total > 0) { total_price = total; } else {
total_price = 0; } } SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({
total_price: total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); }) } });
this.registerAction('open', () => {
Number(window.sessionStorage.getItem('smart_pop_times')) + 1); });
this.registerAction('close', () => { this.rendered_ = false; this.products_ =
[]; window.djInterceptors &&
window.djInterceptors.track.eject(this.myInterceptor_); }); } getCart() { return
fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/cart`, { method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, }).then(res =>
res.json()) } getRecommendInfo (activity_id) { return this.getCart().then(cart
=> { this.cart_ = cart.cart; return fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root ||
''}/api/possum/recommend_info`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':
'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, body: JSON.stringify({ show_type: 2,
rule_id: `${activity_id}`, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, line_item:
this._atcLineItem, }) }).then(res => res.json()) }) } renderProductsForm_(data)
{ const products = data.products; const listPopRenderEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); if (!listPopRenderEl) return;
el.style.background = data.config.add_to_cart_button_color; });
products.forEach(function(product){ const productId = product.id; const
productFormEls =
let variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_mobile ljs-variants`); if
(window.innerWidth > 768) { variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_pc ljs-variants`); }
productFormEls.forEach(function(el){ SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){
api.setProduct(product); }); }); variantsEl.forEach(function(el){
SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){ api.handleRender(product); }); }) });
} tranckAddToCart(detail) { if (window.$) {
window.$(document.body).trigger('dj.addToCart', detail); } }
trackPluginImpression_(rule){ if (window.sa && window.sa.track) {
window.sa.track("plugin_common", { plugin_name: "upsell", event_type:
"impressions", rule_id: rule.id, ssp: rule.ssp, scm: rule.scm, show_type: 2 });
window.sa.track("module_impressions", { aid: `smart_recommend.2.${rule.id}` });
} } onBuyNowClick() { const checkoutEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_checkout"); if (!checkoutEl) return;
checkoutEl.addEventListener('click', function(e) { const trackData = {
plugin_name: "upsell", event_type: "checkout_submit", rule_id:
`${this.activityId_}`, show_type: 2 }; window.sa &&
window.sa.track("plugin_common", trackData); }); } getBindDiscount_(carts) { let
bundle_sale_ids = []; try { bundle_sale_ids = sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']
&& JSON.parse(sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']).filter((item, index, arr) =>
arr.indexOf(item, 0) === index).slice(-5); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
if (!carts.length) { Promise.resolve(); } return
fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/bundle-sales/cart`, { method:
'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'store-id': window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ cart:
carts, action_type: 'cart', bundle_sale_ids }) }).then(res => res.json()) }
impressListen(selector, cb) { const el = document.querySelector(selector); const
onImpress = (e) => { if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } cb(); }; if (el &&
!el.getAttribute('imprsd')) { el.addEventListener('impress', onImpress) } else
if (el) { onImpress(); } } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-smart',
SpzCustomComponent); ${function(){ return `
${data.data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; }()} ${function(){ const getImageHeight = function(image){ const width =
image.width || 500; const height = image.height || 500; const image_size =
data.config.image_size || 0; let ratio = 0; if(image_size == 0){ ratio = (height
/ width).toFixed(2); }else if(image_size == 1){ ratio = 1.5; } return 132 *
ratio; }; const image = data.data.variant.image || data.data.product.image;
return ` `; }()}
${(function(){ const product = data.product; const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); const
selected_variant = product.min_price_variant.available ?
product.min_price_variant : avail_variants.length && avail_variants[0]; return `
${ option.values.map(function(value, index){ const checked =
selected_variant["option"+option.position] == value ? "checked": ""; return `
` }).join("") }
` })()}
${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `

`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `
${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") ||
'Not exist' }
`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const
defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant ||
variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return `
`; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; }
return `
${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'}
`; })()}


15% Coupon Code: PV15



