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Today I stand before you to speak for the motion on the topic “MAN IS A BUNDLE
OF EMOTIONS”. Emotion is one of the most controversial topics in psychology.



Essay About Love Essay man is a bundle of emotions Why Is Our Constitution
Called "A Bundle Of Compromises?" The Love Of Love And Love

For instance, Fear keeps Toddler Riley from tripping on an electrical cord. Fear
would also cause her to cry for her caregivers if she is left alone its
evolutionary function is to protect us from predators. Important events like
bonding with her father, being soothed by her mother, and reaching developmental
milestones create memories. The Islands look like distant, fantastically fun,
mini amusement parks —and they are idiographic.


In other words, they are special to Riley. Each of us would have our very own
set of Islands, and they would all look different. The corresponding luminous
globes glow gold! There is some truth to this. But are we really better off
psychologically when we avoid processing negative experiences? Her parents
inform her that the family is relocating to San Francisco, California, and
suddenly a lot of changes are in play.

Riley realizes she must live in a small, older house in the city, go to a new
school, make all new friends, and try out for a new hockey team. The stressor of
moving is not traumatic, but it is undoubtedly disruptive to her functioning,
particularly because she is 11 going on 12 years old. This is the time where
major emotional, behavioral, and social transitions occur and last through
teenage years. Further in the film, we begin to learn that interactions between
emotions are telling. Again, we ask ourselves, are we better off—safer, happier,
better human beings—when we avoid sadness?

When we have depressogenic schema, we are constantly thinking negatively about
ourselves, the world around us, and our future. Sadness exhibits some of those
exaggerations in thinking; rather than trying to make things better or look on
the bright side like Joy, she focuses on the worst aspects. Many of us have
fallen into these blue moments, some may dip into depressive episodes or even
chronic depression.

Just like with Sadness, those dire predictions are sometimes seen by others as
burdensome, displeasing, and even annoying. This negative attribution style is
why youths who are depressed tend to have difficulty making or maintaining
friendships. Something called prospection how we think about the future is a
significant determinant in the development of early-onset depression. For
instance, the prospective styles that are more likely to lead to clinical
depression include poor generation of possible futures i. Not surprisingly,
thinking in this rigid, closed-off way can lead to more feelings of
hopelessness, which generates even more negative distortions.

Amidst the onset of multiple negative emotions—the sadness of leaving her best
friend back in Minnesota, the anger she feels with her father being caught up in
his work, the disgust at how run-down her new house feels, and the anxiety of
starting her first day of school—Riley encounters a singular distressing event.
Geometrical space abstracts from all the variety and heterogeneity imposed upon
us by the disparate nature of onr senses. Here we have a homogeneous, a
universal space. And it was only by the medium of this new and characteristic
form of space that man could arrive at the concept of a unique, systematic
cosmic order.

The idea of such an order, of the unity and the lawful- ness of the universe,
never could have been reached without the idea of a uniform space. But it was a
very long time before.. Primitive thought is not only incap- able of thinking of
a system of space; it cannot even conceive a scheme of space. Its concrete space
cannot be brought into a schematic shape. Ethnology shows us that primitive
tribes usually are gifted with an extraordinarily sharp perception of space.

He is extremely sensitive to every change in the position of the common objects
of his surround- ings.


Man is not a bundle of emotions essay. In fact, happiness may be said to be a
relative concept; the source of happiness for one person might not be the source
of. Today I stand before you to speak for the motion on the topic “MAN IS A
BUNDLE OF EMOTIONS”. Emotion is one of the most controversial topics in

Even under very difficult circumstances be will be able to find his way. When
rowing or sailing he follows with the greatest accuracy all the turns of the
river that he goes up and down. But upon closer examination we discover to our
sur- prise that in spite of this facility there seems to be a strange 'belt in
his apprehension of space. If you ask him to give you a general description, a
delineation of tire course of the river he is not able to do so. If you wish him
to draw a map of the river and its various turns he seems not even to understand
your question. The native is perfectly acquainted with the course of the river,
but this acquairrtance is very far from what we may call knowledge in an
abstract, a theoretical sense.

Acquaintance means only presentation; knowledge includes and presupposes
representation. The representation of an ob- ject is quite a different act from
the mere handling of the ob- ject. The latter demands nothing but a definite
series of 68 actions, of bodily movements coordinated with each other or
following each other. It is a matter of habit acquired by a constantly repeated
unvarying performance of certain acts. But tire representation of space and
spatial relations means much more. To represent a thing it is not enough to be
able to manipulate it in the right way and for practical uses.

We must have a general conception of the object, and regard it from different
angles in order to find its relations to other objects, We must locate it and
determine its position in a general system. In the history of human culture this
great generalization, which led to the conception of a cosmic order, seems first
to have been made in Babylonian astronomy. Here we find the first definite
evidence of a thought which transcends the. It is for this reason that
Babylonian culture has been looked upon as the cradle of all cultural life. Many
scholars have maintained that all the mythological, religious, and scientific
conceptions of mankind derived from this source.

I shall not discuss here: these Pan-Babylonian theories , 4 for I wish to raise
another question.


Hume proposes a scale of vivacity, in which impressions are vivid, ideas are
faint, and beliefs e. IP specifies the format of packets, also called datagrams,
and the addressing scheme. Basic education means that it should be based on work
experience. The same principle holds good in the general evolution of
philosophical thought. Even in the history of logic, metaphysics, and natural
philosophy we find the sharpest op- positions. Can a two-month cram course in
popular positioning prepare anyone for the Presidency? There is nothing more
irrepressibly badass than the old women of southern Greece. I have paint under
my nails and charcoal dust in my hair. A man of good manners is an ornament, but
a rude man is a plague to society. According to its ana- tomical structure it
possesses a certain Merknetz and a certain 'Wirknetz-a recepto r system and an
effecto r system, Without the cooperation and equilibrium of these two systems
the organism could essay on a man is a bundle of emotions survive.

Is it possible to allege a reason for the fact that the Babylonians were not
only the first to observe the celestial phenomena but the first to lay the
foundations for a scientific astronomy and cosmology? The importance of the phe-
nomena of the sky had never been completely overlooked.

Man must very soon have become aware of the fact that his" whole life was
dependent on certain general cosmic conditions. The rising and setting of the
sun, the moon, the stars, the cycle of the seasons-all these natural phenomena
are well- known facts that play an important role in primitive mythol- ogy.

These favorable circumstances d. The traditional view was that be- fore the time
of the Greeks no evidences of a scientific mathe- matics are to be found. The
Babylonians and Egyptians — it was generally assumed-had made great practical
and techni- cal progress; but they had not yet discovered the first elements of
a theoretical mathematics. According to Neugebauer a criti- cal analysis of all
the available sources leads to a different in- terpretation. It has become clear
that the progress made in Babylonian astronomy was not an isolated phenomenon.

It depended upon a more fundamental fact-upon the discovery and tire use of a
new intellectual instrument, The Babylo- nians had discovered a symbolic

In comparison with later developments of mathematical thought this algebra was
still of course very simple and elementary. Nevertheless it con- tained a new
and extremely fertile conception.


Neugebauer traces this conception down to the very beginnings of Babylo- nian
culture. In Order to understand the characteristic form of Babylonian algebra,
he tells us, we have to take into account the historical background of
Babylonian civilization.

This civ- ilization evolved under special conditions. It was the product of a
meeting and collision between two different races-the Sumerians and tile
Akkadians. The two races are of different origin and speak languages which bear
no relation to one an- 'tfthcr.

The language of the Akkadians belongs to the Semitic type; that of the Sumerians
to another group which is neither Semitic nor Indo-European. When these two
peoplis met, when they came to share in a common political, social, and cultural
life, they had new problems to solve, problems for which they found it necessary
to develop new intellectual powers.



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