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> Welcome to the Islam Awareness Homepage, the home of the fastest growing
> religion worldwide. This is an endeavour at a comprehensive but not complex
> information resource for Dawah and Islah. The objectives of the Homepage are
> simply to counteract the many lies and defamations that Islamophobes have
> polluted the Net with and arm Da`ees with knowledge and understanding. May
> Allah forgive our mistakes and make us successful in our good intentions.
> Adam and Eve (peace be upon them)
> Africa (African Muslims)
>          Algeria
>          Central African Republic (CAR)
>          Congo, Democratic Republic of the (DRC / Zaire)
>          Congo, Republic of the
>          Egypt
>          Eritrea
>          Ethiopia
>          Liberia
>          Libya
>          Mali
>          Morocco
>          Mozambique
>          Niger
>          Nigeria
>          Rwanda
>          Senegal
>          Somalia
>          South Africa
>          Sudan
>          Zimbabwe
> Alcohol (Booze)
> Allah
> Angels
> Anger
> Animals
> Anti-Muslim Writers
> Arabic
> Asia
>          Afghanistan
>          Azerbaijan
>          Bangladesh
>          Burma (Myanmar)
>          Cambodia
>          China
>          India (Hindustan)
>          Indonesia
>          Japan
>          Korea, South
>          Laos
>          Malaysia
>          Pakistan
>          Philippines
>          Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
>          Thailand
>          Tibet
>          Vietnam
> Backbiting, Bitching and Gossip
> Bid'ah/Bidah/Innovation
> Black Magic
> Blog
> Buddhism
>          Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Buddhist Scriptures
>          Was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) a Buddha?
> Calendar
> Caliphs, Imams and Companions
> Caribbean, Central and South America
>          Chile
>          Cuba
>          Guyana
>          Haiti
> Central Asia
>          Kazakhstan
>          Kyrgyzstan
>          Tajikistan
>          Turkmenistan
>          Uzbekistan
> Childrens Corner
> Christianity
>          Christmas
> Circumcision
>          Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
> Cleanliness (Hygine)
> Converts (Reverts)
> Date Conversion
> Dawah
> Dead Sea Scrolls
> Death
> Deviant Sects
>          Bahai's
>          Hizb-ut-Tahreer (Hizb-ut-Tahrir)
>          Ibadi/Ibadiyya/Ibadiyyah/Ibadhiyyia
>          Ismaili's (Aga Khani's)
>          Kharijites/Khaarijites/Khawarijites
>          Progressive Muslims
>          Qadiyani's (Ahmedi's)
>          Shia's
>          Submitters
> Dreams / Visions
> Dressing / Clothing
> Dua (Supplications)
>          Fortress of the Muslims
> Education
> Eid (Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adhaa)
> Europe (European Muslims and Islam)
>          Austria
>          Belgium
>          Bosnia and Herzegovina
>          Bulgaria
>          Czech Republic
>          Denmark
>          France
>          Germany
>          Greece
>          Iceland
>          Italy
>          Kosovo
>          Montenegro
>          Netherland (Holand)
>          North Macedonia
>          Norway
>          Poland
>          Russia
>          Serbia
>          Slovakia
>          Slovenia
>          Spain
>          Sweden
>          Switzerland
>          Turkey
>          Ukraine
>          United Kingdom (Great Britain)
> Faith
> Frequently Asked Questions(By Non-Muslims)
> Family Planning
>          Abortion and Islam
>          Female Infanticide (Foeticide)
> Fastest Growing Religion
> Fate, Destiny and Free Will
> Finance/Money/Banks/Mortgage
> Food (Halal, Haram, Kosher and Vegetarian)
> Gambling and Lottery
> Ghusl (Bathing)
> Glossary of Islamic Terms
> Hadiths and Sunnahs
> Hajj (Pilgrimage)
> Heaven and Hell
> Hijab/Veil/Scarf
>          Niqab
> Hinduism
>          Similarities between Islam and Hinduism
> History
> Homosexuality (Gay/Lesbian)
> Honesty
> Honour/Honor Killing
> Hospitals and Medicines
>          Organ Donation
>          Prophet's (pbuh) Medicine
> Human Rights
> Islam
> Islamic Articles (in Newspapers)
> Islamophobia
>          Islamophobia in America (USA)
>          Islamophobia in Australia
>          Islamophobia in Britain (UK)
>          Islamophobia in Canada
>          Islamophobia in Europe
>          Islamophobia in France
>          Islamophobia in Germany
> Israa' and Mi'raj
> Jihad, Fundamentalism and Sword of Islam
> Jinn/Ghosts/Genie
> Judaism
> Knowledge
> Madhab/Madhhab/Madhaahib/Mathhab/Firqa/Jurisprudence
>          Hanafi
>          Shafi'ee/Shafi'i
>          Hanbali/Hanabali
>          Maliki
>          Jafari
> Maths (Mathematics)
> Marriage
>          Child Marriage (Vani)
>          Dowry/Jahez/Mehr
>          Marriage with the Quran (Haq-Baksh-Wai)
>          Mesyar/Misyar Marriage
>          Mutah/Mut'ah/Temporary Marriage in Islam
>          Urfi (Secret) Marriages
>          Nikah Halala (Tahleel Marriage)
> Matrimonial Services (for Muslims)
> Middle East
>          Iran
>          Iraq
>          Israel
>          Palestine
>          Saudi Arabia
>          Syria
>          Yemen
> Muhammed/Muhammad (pbuh)
> Muhammed(pbuh) in Bible
> Miracles
> Miracles in Quran
> Mosque / Masjid
> Muslims
> Muslims-Christians Relations
> Music
> Names
> Nature and Vegetarianism
> Neighbours / Neighbors
> News (Latest News on Islam and Muslims)
> North America
>          Canada
>          United States of America (USA)
> Oceania (Australasia)
>          Australia
>          New Zealand
> Parenting
> Persecution of Muslims
>          Afghanistan War
>          Chechnya Genocide
>          Guantanamo Prisoner Abuse by Americans
>          Gujarat Pogrom
>          Iraq (Abu Ghraib) Prisoner Abuse
>          Israel: Occupation and Opression
>          Kashmir Dispute
>          Kosovo Ethnic Cleansing
>          Srebrenica Massacre
> Poems
> Politics
> Polygamy/Polygyny
> Prophecies
> Prophets
> Quiz
> Quotes on Islam
> Quran (Koran/Qur'an)
> Qurbani/Udhiyyah/Animal Sacrafice
> Racism
> Ramadhan (Ramadan/Ramzan/Fasting)
>          Hadith's and Fiqh of Ramadan Fasting
>          Taraweeh
>          Fatwa/Fatawa on Ramadan
>          I`tikaf / I'tikaf / Itikaf / Ihtikaf / Eteqaaf
>          Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power)
>          Ramadan Fasting: Medical benefits and Health issues
>          Video Lectures on Ramadan
>          Zakat-ul-Fitr / Zakat Al-Fitr
>          Ramadan News and Photos
>          Fasting in Other Religions
> Repentance (Tawbah) and Forgiveness
> Salah (Prayer, Namaz)
>          Nafl/Nafil/Voluntary/Supererogatory Prayers
>          Qasr/Kasr/Kasar/Travellers Prayers
> Salvation
> Science
> Secularism
> Sex
> Sharia/Shariah/Shari’ah (Islamic Law)
> Sikhism
> Smoking
> Sufism
> Talaq (Divorce)
> Terrorism
>          Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh
> Terrorist Acts in the name of Islam
>          London Bombings, July 2005
>          World Trade Center (WTC) Bombing, September 2001
> War Crimes
>          American War Crimes
>                   Quran Desecration
>                   Mass Murder in Fallujah using White Phosphorous
>          Britain War Crimes
>          Israel War Crimes
> Way of Life (Islamic)
> Wife
> Women
> Wudu (Ablution)
> Yajuj wa Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)
> Zakah/Zakat (Charity)
> Zoroastrianism (Parsis)

Contact islamawareness@gmail.com for further information